03-166Council File # �(
Green Sheet # 204193
Presented by �
Referred To Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2003-2004 Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul Classified Confidential
Employees Association.
Requested by Department of.
Office of Labor Relarions
By: �� � �.� �
LABOR RELATIONS Febmary 7, 2003 GREEN SHEET No.: 204193
CONTACT PERSOPi & PHONE: � iNlilnunw7E IIV17�punp7E
7LTLIE KRAUS 266-6513
ncriox xeQUesren: Approval of 2003-2004 Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Classified
Confidenrial Employees Association.
_PI.ANNING COMMISS30N _CNI[, SERVICE COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmer�t?
STAFF 2. Hu this person/firm ever been a ciry employee?
SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person/fitm possess a skill not nomially possused by any cutrrnt ciTy employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greeo sheet
IFVI'17ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7'Y (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Rr�?��v��
Current agreement expired December 31 2ooz. FEB 10 2003�
An agreement in place through December 31, 2004. This agreement has been ratified by the union members.
None. �� �ra�rh (��^�Y
No agreement in piace - labor unrest.
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Below is a suminary of the changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City
and the Classified Confidential Employees Association.
Duration: January l, 2003 through December 31, 2004.
2003: 3.07%
2004: .40%
Health Insurance:
2003: 3.10%
2004: .47%
The insurance conh increase follows the same pattern as previously negotiated
agreements with other bargaining units for 2003 and are the same as negotiated in the joint union
negotiation session for 2004.
Single: $259.72 per month plus any increase in the 2003 single premium up to $45 per
month. If the single premium increase is over $45, the Employer will contribute
50% of the amount over $45. (Total: $308.15)
$465.60 per month, plus 65% of the family premium increase in 2003 up to
$71.50 per month. If the 2003 family premium increase exceeds $110, the City
will pay 40% of the excess increase per month. (Total: $546.21)
An amount equal to the average of the 2004 single insurance premiums.
Familyi $546.21 per month, plus 65% of the family premium increase in 2004 up to
$71.50 per month. If the 2004 family premium increase exceeds $110, the City
will pay 40% of the excess increase per month.
$259.72 per month plus any increase in the 2003 single premium up to $45 per
month. If the single premium increase is over $45, the Employer will contribute
50% of the amount over $45. (Total: $30815)
$414.68 per month, plus 65% of the family premium increase in 2003 up to
$71.50 per month. If the 2003 family premium increase exceeds $110, the City
will pay 40% of the excess increase per month. (Total: $499.29)
O � -l(.(,
Single: An amount equal to the average of the 2004 single insurance premiums.
Family: $499.29 per month, plus 65% of the family premium increase in 2004 up to
$71.50 per month. ffthe 2004 familypremium increase exceeds $ll0, the City
will pay 40% of the excess increase per month.
Life insurance was reduced from salary life to $50,000 of life insurance for all members of the
bargaining unit beginning 1-1-04. This provided for an additional .07% for wages in 2004.
Movement of floating holidays in to vacation accrual schedule.
Deferred Com�ensation
Deletion of this article and credit of .07% to wages for Clerical and Technical in 2003.
New severance plan was implemented effective in 2004 with remaining plans dropped in 2004.
This provides for a single plan in 2004 allowing for a more equitable severance plan and
administrative ease.
Post Employment Health Plan
Agreed to a post employment health plan. Severance dollars will placed in to this plan thereby
saving dollars on employer taYes.
Other language changes:
Other language changes are of a housekeeping nature for clarification and clean up.
Wages $25,119.52 $3,922.70
Insurance $70,633.20 $(actual unlaiown at this time)
$3,922.70 + insurance costs
O� -��-6
$(actual unlrnown at this timel
$1,689.26 + insurance costs
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Preamble................................................................. ii
1 Recognirion .............................................................. 1
2 Check ofF ................................................................ 2
3 HoursofWork ............................................................ 2
4 Work Breaks .............................................................. 4
5 Holidays ................................................................. 4
6 Employee Rights- Grievance Procedure ........................................ 5
7 City Mileage .............................................................. 8
8 Residency ......................�--•--.................................... 8
9 Vacation ................................................................ 9
10 Insurance ............................................................... 10
11 Working Out of Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
12 Employee Records ........................................................ 17
13 Bulletin Boards .......................................................... 17
14 Wages .................................................................. 17
Maintenance of Standards .................................................. 18
6 LeavesofAbsence ........................................................ 18
17 Management Rights ....................................................... 20
18 Seniority ..........................................
...................... 20
19 Discipline ............................................................... 22
20 LegalServices ........................................................... 23
21 No Strike- No Lockout .................................................... 23
22 Severance Pay ........................................................... 23
23 Nondiscrimination ........................................................ 27
24 Sick Leave Usage ......................................................... 27
25 TermsofAgreement ...................................................... 28
Appendix ............................................................... A1
0 3 ���
This Agreement, entered into by the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the EMPLOI'ER, and the
City of Saint Paul Classified Confidential Empioyees Association, hereinafter referred to as the Associarion, has as
its purpose the promotion of harmonious relafions between the EMPLOYER and the Association, the
establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolurion of differences, and the establishment of
rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment.
� 3 ���e
� The EMPLOYER recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of
establishing salaries, wages, hours and other conditions of employment for ail of its employees as outlined
in the certification by the State of Minnesota, Bureau of Mediation Services, dated November 12, 19'I5, in
Case No. 76-PR-658-A and October 14, 1977, in Case No. 77-PR-685-A, and set forth in Section 1.2
1.2 The bargaining unit covered by this Agreement shall consist of the following: All classified confidential
employees employed in: City Attomey's Office, Budget Office, Offices of the Mayor and Human
Resources and the Division of Risk and Employee Benefit Management, in the classifications of:
Cl�rical and Technical Group
Accounting Technician II
Benefits Specialist
Clerical Trainee
Clerk I
Clerk II
Clerk III
Clerk N
Clerical Supervisor
Clerk-Typist I
� Clerk-Typist II
Clerk-Typist III
Professional Group
EDP Programmer
EDP Programmer Trainee
Human Resources Records Cierk
Human Resources Technician III
Service Worker II
Budget Analyst
Budget Assistant
Chief Budget Analyst
Claims Manager
Employee Benefits Coordinator
Human Resources Specialist I
Human Resources Specialist II
Human Resources Specialist III
Research Analyst I
Risk Analyst
Selection & Validation Specialist
Senior Budget Analyst
Training & Org. Development Specialist
Workers Compensation Claims Adm.
13 Any present or future empioyee who is not an Association member shall be required to con�ibute a fair �
share fee for services rendered by the Association, and upon notification by the Association, the
EMPLOYER shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the same to the
Association. In no instance shall the required contriburion exceed a pro rata shaze of the specific eacpenses
incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of
grievance procedures. This provision sha11 remain operative only so tong as specifically provided by
Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal.
1.4 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and aIl claims, suits,
orders or judgments brought or issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken
by the EMPLOYER under the provisions of this Article 1, Section 13.
--'----- --- - - — : -
2.1 The EMPLOYER agrees to deduct the Association membership iniriation fee assessments and once each
month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be
made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the EMPLOYER by a representative of the
ASSOCIATION and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized
statement to the representative by the first of the succeeding month after such deducfions aze made or as
soon thereafter as is possible.
2.2 The Associarion agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and al] claims, suits�
orders or judgments brought or issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken
by the EMPLOYER under the provisions of this Article.
3.1 The normal work day shall be seven and three/fowths (7 consecutive hours per day, excluding a
forty-five (45) minute lunch period, fifteen (15) minutes of which shall be paid.
3.2 The normal work week shall be five (5) consecutive normal work days in any seven (7) day period.
3.3 For employees on a shift basis, this shall be construed to mean an average of thirty-eight and three/fourths
(38'/4} hours per week.
3.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours ofwork per normal work day or
per normal work week.
� ,
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�5 Time on the payroll in excess of the normal hours set forth above in this ARTICLE shall be "overtime
work" and shall be done only by order of the Head of the Department.
3.6 Employees in this bargaining unit worldng in a fifle listed in Article 2 under the heading "Clerical and
Technica] Group" shail be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours established above in
this Article by being granted compensatory rime on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time
and one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtime rate of one and one-half shall be computed on the
basis of 1/80th of the biweekly rate. The method of compensation shall be determined solely by the
3.7 An employee workin� in a ritle listed in Articie 1.2 under the heading, "Professional Group," and which is
in Salary Grade i l or below shail receive overtime compensation in accordance with the Fair Labor
Standazds Act (FLSA). The method of this compensation shall be determined solely by the EMPLOYER.
It is understood that the FLSA provides overtime compensation only after 40 hours worked (not paid)
per week.
An employee working in a title listed in Article 1.2 under the heading "Professional Group; ' and which is
in Salary Grade 12 or above and who, in other than normal circumstances, works more than his/her
assigned normal work day or assigned norma] work week may receive compensatory time or pay on a
straight time basis for the extra hours worked. The method of compensation shali be determined solely by
� It is understood by the parties that Section 28.H - Overtime of Resolution No. 3250 shall not apply to
employees in this bargaining unit working under a title listed in Article 1.2 under the heading,
"Professional Group."
3.9 Normal work schedules showing the employee's shift, work days and hours shall be posted on all
department bulletin boards at al] times. It is also understood that deviation from posted work schedules
shall be permissible due to emergencies or acts of God, and overtime may be required.
3.10 Call-In Pay - When an emp]oyee is called to work, he/she shall receive rivo hours pay if not put to work.
If he/she is calied to work and commences work, he/she shall be guaranteed four hours pay. These
provisions, however, shal] not be effective when work is unable to proceed because of adverse weather
conditions; nor shall these provisions apply to temporary or emergency employees nor to employees
employed under any of the riUes listed in Section 3.B of the Civil Service Rules under the heading "Special
Employments' ; nor to any person whose regulaz scheduled workday is less than four hours.
3.11 Notwithstanding Articles 3.1 through 3.6, employees may, through mutuai agreement with the
EMPLOYER, work schedules other than schedules limited by the normal work day and work week as set
forth in Articles 3.1, 3.2 and 33. Overtime compensation for employees working under such agreements
shall be subject to the provisions, for same, as set forth by the Fair Labor Standards Act. The method of
compensation shail be determined solely by the EMPLOYER. It is understood that the FLSA provides
overtime compensation only afier 40 hours worked (not paid) per week.
3.12 For employees who wish to shaze a posirion, the EMPLOYER wili attempt to provide oprions for �
implementing a sharing arrangement. Such an arrangement must be mutually agreed upon by the
EMPLOYER and the employees involved. Vacation, holiday and sick leave benefits for employees who
share a position shail be pro-rated based upon the gercent of hours worked. Health insurance benefits shall
be administered in accordance with the provisions of Article i0 of this Agreement. In the event that one of
the empioyees participaring in the shazed position is terminated or terminates employment, the
EMPLOYER shall post the job sharing vacancy for a period of ten (10} days. If at the end of ten (10) days
such vacancy cannot be filled, the EMPLOYER shall have the option of increasing the remairung
employee's work hours.
3.13 Articies 3.11 and 3.12 shali not be subj ect to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement.
. • . . .
4.1 Rest Periods All employees work schedules shall provide for a fifteen minute rest period during each
one-half shift. T'he rest period shall be scheduled by management at approximately the middle of each
one-half shift whenever it is feasible.
4.2 If an employee is scheduled to work a full half shift beyond his/her regulaz quitting time, he/she shall be
entitled to the rest period that occurs during said half shift.
5.1 Holidays recognized and observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents' Day
Memoriai Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible employees shali receive pay for each of the holidays listed above, on which they perform no work.
Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as
the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be
observed as the holiday. For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday,
the holiday shall be observed on the calendar date of the holiday.
ARTICLE 5 - HOLIDAYS (Continued)
�3 ���
� EligibiIity Requirements In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employe must be employed as
of the date of the holiday and have paid hours on the payroll for that pay period. The amount of holiday
time earned shai] be based upon the number of non-holiday hours paid to the employee during that pay
period (see proration charts in Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation). For the purposes of this secrion,
paid hours include hours actually worked, vacation time, compensatory rime, paid leave and sick leave. It
is further understood that neither temporary, emergency, nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall
receive holiday pay.
53 Not withstanding Article 5.2, a temporary employee shal] be eligible for holiday pay only aRer such
employee has been employed as a temporary employee for sixty-seven (67) consecutive work days.
6.1 The EMPLOYER shall recognize stewards selected in accordance with Association rules and regulations as
the grievance representative of the bazgaining unit. The Associarion shall notify the EMPLOYER in
writing of the names of the stewards and of their successors when so named.
It is recognized and accepted by the EMPLOYER and the Association that the processing of grievances as
hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be
accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibiliries.
The steward involved and a grieving employee shail suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed
during working hours, provided the steward and the employee have notified and received the approval of
their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would not be detrimental to the
work programs of the EMPLOYER.
For the purposes of this Article 6, a grievance is defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.
Grievances shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure:
Step 1 Upon the occurrence of an alleged violarion of this Agreement, the employee involved with or
without the steward shall attempt to resolve the matter on an informal basis with the empioyee's supervisor.
If the matter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the informai discussion, it may be reduced to
writing and referred to Step 2 by the Associarion. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the
grievance, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the Agreement violated, and the relief
requested. Any alleged violation of the Agreement not reduced to wriring by the Association within
fourteen (14) work days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shail be considered
Step 2 Within seven (7) work days after receiving the written grievance a designated EMPLOYER
supervisor shal] meet with the Association steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If, as a result of
this meeting, the grievance remains unresolved, the EMPLOYER shall reply in writing to the Association
within seven (7) work days following this meeting. The Association may refer the grievance in writing to
Step 3 within seven (7) work days following receipt of the EMPLOYER's written answer. Any grievance
not referred in writing by the Associarion within seven (7) work days following receipt of the
EMPLOYER's answer shal] be considered waived.
o�-i� �
Step 3 Within seven ('7) work days following receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2, a designated �
EMPLOYER supervisor shall meet with the Association Business Manager or his/her designated
representarive, the employee and the steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) work
days following this meering, the EMPLOYER shall reply in writing to the Association stating the
EMPLOYER's answer conceming the grievance. If, as a result of the written response, the grievance
remains unresolved, the Association may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not refesed in
writing by the Associatioa to Step 4 within seven (7) work days following receipt of the EMPLOYER's
answer shall be considered waived.
Optional Mediation Step
1. If the grievance has not been sarisfactorily resolved at Step 3, either the Union or the EMPLOYER
may, within ten (10) calendar days, request mediarion. If the parties agree that the grievance is
�'nune�iatinn, ihe _patiies�halLsubmita�oinSses�uest to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation
Services for the assignment of a mediator. Grievance mediation shall be completed within thirry
(30) days of the assignment unless the parties mutualiy agree to lengthen the time limit.
2. Grievance mediation is an optional and voluntary part of the grievance resolution process. It is a
supplement to, not a substitute for, grievance arbivarion. When grievance mediarion is invoked, the
contractual time limit for moving the grievance to arbitrarion shall be delayed for the period of
3. The grievance mediation process shall be informal. Rules of evidence shall not apply and no recc�
shall be made of the proceeding. Both sides shal] be provided ample opportunity to present the_
evidence and argument to support their case. The mediator may meet with the parties in joint
session or in sepazate caucuses.
4. At the request of both parties, the mediator may issue an oral recommendation for settlement.
Either party may request that the mediator assess how an arbiUrator might rule in this case.
5. The grievant shal] be present at the grievance mediation proceeding. If the grievance is resolved,
the grievant shall sign a statement agreeing to accept the outcome. Unless the parties agree
othenvise, the outcome shall not be precedential.
6. If the grievance is not resolved and is subsequently moved to arbitrarion, such proceeding shal] be
de novo. Nothing said or done by the parties or the mediator during grievance mediation, with
respect to their positions conceming resolurion or offers of settlement, may be used or referred to
during azbitration.
� 03���
. Step 4 If the grievance remains unresolved, the Associarion may within seven (7) work days after the
response of the EMPLOYER in Step 3, by written norice to the EMPLOYER, request arbitrarion of the
grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected by mutual
agreement of the EMPLOYER and the Association within seven (7} work days after notice has been given.
If the parties fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator cvithin the said seven (7) day period, either party may
request the Bureau of Mediarion Services to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators.
Both the EMPLOY�R and the Association shali have the right to suike two (2) names from the panei. The
Association shall shike the first (lst) name; the EMPLOYER shall then strike one (1) name. The process
will be repeated and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator.
6.5 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions
of this Agreement. The arbitrator shal] consider and decide only the specific issue submitted in writing by
the EMPLOYER and the Associarion and shal] have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not
so submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or
modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of
The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing
or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The
decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this
Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
� binding on the EMPLOYER, the Association and the employees.
6.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings sha]] be bome equally by the
EMPLOYER and the Association, provided that each parry shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and wimesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause
such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record.
6.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER
and the Association.
6.8 The procedure estabiished by this Article shall be the sole and exclusive procedure for the processing of
grievances, which are defined as an alleged viola6on of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
However, this Article does not abridge grievance rights possessed by eligible Veteran's under applicable
Veterans' statutes. It is understood that issues not related to terms and conditions of employment (for
examp]e: topics listed in Civil Service Rule 26III A, B, C- performance reviews, examinations and
classification) shall continue to be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure outlined in the
Civil Service Rules.
6.9 The provisions of this Article 6 shal] not apply Yo Articles 3.11 and 3.12 of this Agreement.
� �-�� �
7.1 Automobile Reimbursement Anthorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative !
Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own
. automobiles in the performance of their duries, the following provisions aze adopted.
7.2 Method of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and employees must receive
written authorization from the Department Head.
Type 1 If an employee is required to use his/her own automobile OCCASIONALLY during employment,
the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $4.00 per day for each day the empioyee's vehicle is
actually used in performing the duries of the employee's position. In addition, the employee shall be
reimbursed $20 per mile for each mile actually driven.
If such employee is required to drive an automobile during empioyment and the Department Head or
tse� regreseut�ati 'z^o�D ...�:..is avai�ab}e fsF-th� €�glo, e,�'s use but
the employee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of
$_20 per mi2e driven and shall not be etigible for any per diem.
Type 2 If an employee is required to use his/her own automobile REGULARLY during employment, the
employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of $4.00 per day for each day of work. In addirion, the employee
shall be reimbursed $.20 per mile for each mile actually driven.
If such employee is required to drive an automobile during employment and the department head or
designated representative determines that an EMPLOYER vehicte is avaiIable for the employee's use but�
the employee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee shall be reimbursed at the rate of
$.20 per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem.
7.3 The City will provide parking at the Civic Center Parking Ramp for Ciry employees on either of the above
menrioned types of reimbursement plans who are required to have their personal car available for City
business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have his or her own
personal car available.
7.4 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regularions governing the procedures for
automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall
file daily reports indicating miles driven and shall file montlily affidavits stating the number of days
worked and the number of miles dtiven, and further require that they maintain automobile liability
insurance in amounts of not less than $100,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for property
damage, or liability insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 single limit coverage, with the City of
Saint Paul named as an additional insured. These rules and regularions, together with the amendment
thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Cierk.
8.1 The Residency Resolurion effecrive August 4, 1979, in Council File No. 273378 shall apply to all �
employees covered by this Agreement.
�3 ���
Each employee working in a ritle listed in Article 1.2 under the heading "Clericai and Technical Group"
shall accumulate vacation eredits at the rates shown below for each ful] hour on the payroll, excluding
Years of Service
1 st year thru 4th year
Sth yearthru 9th year
lOth yearthru 15th year
16th year thru 23rd year
24th year and thereafter
Hours of Vacafion
.0462 (12 days)
.0692 (18 days)
.0808 (21 days)
.0962 (25 days)
.1077 (28 days)
Each employee working in a ritle listed in Article 1.2 under the heading "Professional Group" shall
accumulate vacarion at the rates shown below for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime.
Years of Service
Istyearthru 4 year
5`� year thru 7'" yeaz
8th yearthru ISth year
16th yeazthru 19th year
Twenty years and beyond
Hours of Vacation
.0654 (17 days)
.0769 (20 days)
.0923 (24 days)
.1038 (27 days)
.1077 (28 days)
The Head of the Department may permit an employee to carry over up to one hundred twenty (120) hours
of vacation into the next IRS payroil reporting year.
The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates o£Compensation,
Section I, Sub. H.
9.5 Employees under the heading "Professional Group" may request compensation in cash for up to one week
of unused vacation within each IRS payroll reporting year. Payment will be at the discrerion of the
Department Head and additionaliy, limited by the availability of funds in the DepartmenYs Budget. Such
e3ection must be made in writing on or before December 1 of each IRS payroll reporting yeaz. If the
employee elects to sell vacation, the payment for such sold vacarion shall be made in a lump sum in the
neazest full payroll period following the election date. The payment shall be in an amount equal to the
number of hours sold times the employees regular rate of pay in effect as of the date of such election.
Article 9.5 shail not be subject to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement.
9.6 If an empioyee under the heading "Professionai Group" has an accumulation of sick leave credits in
excess of one hundred eighty (180) days, s/he may convert any part of such excess to vacation at the rate
of one-half day's vacation for each day of sick leave credit. The maximum nuxnber of days vacation
ailowed by the conversion of such leave credits shall be no more than five (5) days in any one IRS
payroll reporting yeaz. Invoking the use of this Article at any time within the Il2S payroll reporting yeaz,
with the exception of those who retire during the reporting yeaz, will prohibit the use of Article 9.5
��3-/6 �
Active Employees
10.1 The insunnce plans, premiums for coverages and benefits contained in the insurance plans offered by the
EMPLOYER shall be solely controlled by the contracts negotiated by the EMPLOYER and the benefit
providers. The EMPLOYER will attempt to prevent any changes in the benefits offered by the benefit
providers. However, the employees selecring the offered plans agree to accept any changes in benefits
which a specific provider implements.
10.2 Effective for the January, 2003 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee working under a title
listed in ARTICLE 1.2 under the heading "Clerical and Technical Crroup;' who is employed full time
and who selects single employee health coverage pmvided by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER agrees
to contribute $259.72 [amount of 2002 single premium] per month plus any increase in the 2003 single
health insurance premium up to $45.00 per month. If the 2003 single health insurance premium
-_�ncrease_is_oseLfDriy-five_($45 QO�dollars,_ihe_Emplo�er will contab�te�0°lo o�the amount over forty-
five ($45.00) dollazs.
For each eligible full-rime employee who setects family health insurance covezage, the Employer will
conhibute $465.60 [amount of the 2002 family contriburionj per month plus 65% of the family premium
increase in 2003 up to $71.50 per month. If the 2003 family premium increase exceeds $110.00, the
City will pay 40% of the excess increase per month. jNote: This is equal to $546.21J
The increase in the contributions will be based on the average premiums (single and family). �
Retroactive payment adjustments shall apply only to Employees who were employed by the City as of the
date of signing of this contract.
103 Effective for the 7anuary, 2004 insurance premiums, for each eligible empioyee covered by this
agreement who is employed fuli-tune and who selects single employee health insurance coverage
provided by the Employer, the Employer agees to contribute an amount equal to the average of the 2004
single insurance
The increase in the contributions will be based on the average premiums (single and family).
For each eligible full-time employee who selects fanuly health insurance coverage, the Employer will
contribute $546.21 [amount of the 2003 fanuly contribution] per month plus 65% of the family premium
increase in 2003 up to $71.50 per month. If the 2004 family premium increase exceeds $110.00, the
City will pay 40% of the excess increase per month.
The increase in the conhibutions will be based on the average premiums (single and family).
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
10.4 Effective for the January, 2003 insurance premiums, for each eligible full-rime employee working under a
� ritle listed in ARTICLE 1.2 under the heading "Professional," the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute, the
2002 premium amount ($259.72) plus any increase in the 2003 single health insurance premium up to
forty-five dollars ($45.00) per month. If the single health insurance premium increase for 2003 exceeds
foriy-five dollars ($45.00) per month, the Employer will contribute 50% of the amount over foriy-five
dollars ($45.00) per month for health insurance to eligible employees who select singie coverage. [Note:
This is equal to �308.]5, an increase of �48.43.)
For each eligible full-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will
contribute �418.68 [amount of the 2002 fanuly contriburion minus $21.00 life insurance] per month plus
65°/a of the family premium increase in 2003 up to $71.50 per month. If the 2003 family premium
increase exceeds S 1 I0.00, the City will pay 40% of the excess increase per month. jl�TOte: This is equal
to $499.29]
The increase in the contributions will be based on the avezage premiums (single and family).
Retroactive payment adjustments shall apply oniy to Employees who were employed by the City as o£the
date of signing of this contract.
10.5 Effective for the January, 2004 insurance premiums, for each eligible empioyee covered by this
agreement who is employed full-time and who selects single employee health insurance coverage
provided by the Employer, the Employer agrees to contribute an amount equai to the average of the 2004
single insurance premiums.
� For each eligible full-time empioyee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will
contribute �499.29 [amount of the 2003 family contribution] per month plus 65% of the family premium
increase in 2003 up to $71.50 per month. If the 2004 family premium increase exceeds $1 lO.OQ the City
wili pay 40% of the excess increase per month.
The increase in the contributions will be based on the average premiums (singie and family).
10.6 For the purpose of this ARTICLE 10, ful]-time benefits will apply to those part-time employees who appear
on the payroll an average of at least 64 hours per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period
preceding the annual open enrollment or special enroliments, or the six month period preceding initial
Three-quarter rime benefits will apply to those part-time employees who appeaz on the payroil an average
of at least 52 hours, but less than 64 hours, per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period
preceding the annua] open enrollment or speciai enrollments, or the six month period preceding iniria]
Half-rime benefits wiii apply to those part-rime employees who appeaz on the payrol] an average of at least
40 hours, but less than 52 hours, per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period preceding the
anrival open enrollment or speciai enrollments, or the six month period preceding inirial enrollment.
0 �3-/�,6
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
10.7 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMEN'I' who is eligible for half-rime benefits and wha�
selects single or family health insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute fifty percent
(50%) of the amouni contributed for employees eligible for fult-time benefiYs with the same single or
family selection in the same insurance plan.
For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who is eligible for three-quarter rime benefits
and who selects single or family health insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute seventy-
five percent (75%) of the amount contributed for employees eligible for full-rime benefits with the same
single or family selection in the same insurance plan.
Part-rime employees who are permanently appointed to a full-time (80 hours per biweekly pay period)
position after the commencement of the plan year, shall be made eligi�ble for full-rime benefits after they
have completed at least forry hours in a monthiy qualifying pay period as a full-time employee.
Full iime-e�nplo3�ees-uuho-axeper�nanently-apgninted to a--part-time�lesslhax�$O�tours per biweekly pay _
period) position afrer the commencement of the plan yeaz, shall be reduced to the benefit level applicable
for the hours scheduled by the department. Such reducrion shall take effect on the first month the employee
does not complete a monthly qualifying pay period as a full-time employee.
10.8 For each eligibie employee working in a tifle listed in ARTICLE 1.2 under the heading "Clerical and
Technical Group," and who has selected health insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute
the cost of $20,000 life insurance. Employees who waive participation in the health insurance plan shall
not be eligible for this life insurance, nor shall they be eligible to participate in any optional coverages or�
flexible spending accounts.
10.9 The Employer will contribute, for 2003, to all benefits eligible employees (i.e. 40 hours/pay period or
more), working in a ritle listed in ARTICLE 1.2 under the heading "Professional" may select eaeployee li£e
insurance in an amount equal to the employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand if they elect to
10.9(1) Employees who waive participation shall be eligible to participate in oprional coverages
at the employee's expense if the employee is benefit eligible for each of the preceding
twelve months. For the purpose of this section, the employee's annual salary shall be based
on the employee's salary as of the month prior to the annual open enrollment. The
Employer will contribute, for 2004, life insurance in an amount equal to $50,000 for each
benefit eligible employee.
10.10 Employees covered by this Agreement will be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts as
offered by the EMPLOYER. The service fee charged to participating employees shal] be paid by the
10.11 Retroactive EMPLOYER'S insurance contributions shall apply to all who remain employed by the
EMPLOYER as of the date of signing this agreement.
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
�eriree Insurance for Clerieal, Technical and Professional Employees
10.12 Employees who retire must meet the foilowing conditions at the time of retirement in order to be eligible
for the EMPLOYER conhiburions, listed in Sections 10.13 through 10.23 below, toward a health insurance
plan offered by the EMPLOYER:
I 0.12(1) Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act at the time of retirement, and
10.12(2) Have severed hislher relationship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons other than
misconduct, and
10.12(3) Service requirements for retiree health insurance eligibility will not include years of service
with Schooi District No. 625 for employees hired by the City, or transferred to the City,
after February 27, 1998.
10.12(4) If an employee does not meet the years of service requirement in sections 10.13 through
10.16, s/he may purchase, at their own expense, the coverage currently in effect at the time
of retirement t}uough the EMPLOYER's insurance program if they meet the requirements
of Chapter 471.61 (formerly Chapter 488) of Minnesota Statute.
Early Retirees
�.13 This Section applies to employees who:
10.13(1) Retire on or after January l, 1996, and
10.13(2) Have completed twenry (20) years fuli-time service with the City of Saint Paui, unless
receiving a disability pension from the City of Saint Paul, and
10.13(3) Were appointed prior to January 1,1996, and
10:13(4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 10.12 above, and
10.13(5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the EMPLOYER.
Until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the EMPLOYER agrees to con� a maximum
of $350.00 per month toward the cost of single or family health insurance coverage. Any unused portion
shal] not be paid to the retiree. In addition, the EMPLOYER will contribute the cost for $S,OOO life
insurance coverage for employees under the heading of "Professional" and the cost for $20,000 life
insnrance coverage for employees under the heading of "Clerical and Technical Group," until the retiree
attains the age of sixty-five (65)
Only dependents of record at the time of retirement shall be eligible for City contribution.
When such eariy retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.15 shal] appiy.
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
10.14 This Secrion shaii apply to employees who: �
10.14(1) Retire on or after Tanuary 1, 1996, and have completed twenty (20) years full-time with the
City of Saint Paul, unless receiving a disability pension from the City of Saint Paul, and
10.14(2) Were appointed on or after January 1,1996, and
10.14(3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and
10.14(4) Meet the conditions of Section 10.12 above, and
10.14(5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the EMPLOYER.
Until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the EMPLOYER agrees to conUribute a maximum
of $300.00 per month towazd the cost of single health insurance coverage; no EMPLOYER con�iburion
will be applied to the cost of dependent health insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to
the retiree. In addirion, the EMPLOYER will contribute the cost for $S,OOO life insurance until thc retiree
atxainslhe age of_siatiy�'ive �65�,
When such early retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.16 shall apply.
Regular Retirees (Age 65 and over)
10.15 This Section shall apply to full-rime employees who:
Rerire on or after January I, I996, and �
Were appointed prior to January 1, 1996, and
Have completed twenTy (20) years full-time with the City of Saint Paul, unless receiving a
disability pension from the City of Saint Paul, and
Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and
Meet the condirions of Section 10.12 above, and
Select a health insunnce plan offered by the EMPLOYER.
The EMPLOYER agrees to contribute up to a maximum of $550.00 per month toward the cost of single or
family hea2th insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the reriree. No tife insurance
coverage will be provided.
Only dependents of record at the time of retiretnent shall be eligible for City contribution.
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
�.16 This Section shall apply to full-time employees who:
10.16(1) Rerire on or after January 1, 1996, and
1016(2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and
10.16(3) Have completed twenty (ZO) years full-time service with the City of Saint Paul, unless
receiving a disability pension from the City of Saint Paul, and
10.16(4) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and
10.16(5) Meet the conditions of Section 10.13 above, and
10.16(6) Select a heaith insurance plan offered by the EMPLOYER.
The EMPLOYER agrees to contribute up to a maximum of $300.00 per month toward the cost of single
health insurance coverage; no EMPLOYER contriburion wiil be applied to the cost of dependent health
insurance coverage. Any unused portion shall not be paid to the retiree. No life insurance coverage wiil be
10.17 In the event of reduction of hours of employment for budgetary reasons during the last twelve (12) months
of employment, the eligibility will be determined by the previous forty-eight (48) months before the
10.18 Employees who have comp]eted twenty (20) years of ful]-time service with the City of Saint Paul and
reduce to part-time priot to retirement and who are eligible and enrolled in the C`ity's medical plan
� continuously unti] rerirement shall be eligible for full-time benefits at rerirement.
10.19 Early or Regular Retirees who aze eligible for EMPLOYER contribution towards the cost of single
coverage only may continue dependent health insurance coverage at their own expense.
Survivor Insurance
10.20 The surviving spouse of an employee cazrying family coverage at the time of his/her death due to a job
connected injury or illness which was determined to have arisen out of and in the course of his/her
employment under worker's compensation ]aw shall conrinue to be eligible for City contribution in the
same proportions as is provided for rerired employees.
In the event of the death of an eariy retiree who retired under Section 10.I3 or a regulaz reriree who rerired
under Section 10.15, the dependents of the retiree shall have the oprion, within thirty (30) days, to continue
the current health insurance coverage which said dependents previously had, at the premium and
EMPLOYER contribution accorded to the eligible deceased re6ree. Dependents not of record at the time of
retirement may continue coverage at their own expense.
In the event of the death of an early or regular reriree who was eligibie for EMPLOYER contriburion
towards single health insurance coverage only, dependents on the EMPLOYER's plan at the time of the
retiree's death may continue coverage at their own expense.
�� ���
ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued)
It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event of:
10.20(i) Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased employee or retiree.
10.20(2) The employment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained
through a group program provided by said EMPLOYER. In this event, however, the
surviving spouse or dependent shall have the righi to maintain City health insurance for the
first ninety (90) days of said employment.
10.21 A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is also a City
reriree or City employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the City health insurance
�Q22 The_contributions-indicated ;n Artic1e10 shalLbe�aid to�he EMPLOYER's third party
10.23 A retiree's participation in the City's health insurance plan must be conrinuous. The retiree must be
participaring in a City health insurance plan at the rime of rerirement. If a retiree chooses not to
participate at the time of his/her retirement or if a retiree discontinues his/her participafion at a later
date, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation or for any EMPLOYER
10.24 Additional dependants beyond those of record at the time of re6rement may not be added to the �
retiree's health insurance plan at City eJCpense after retirement.
11.1 Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for more than ten (10) consecutive days shall receive a
higher rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in the higher classificarion starting from the first day the
employee was required to work the out-of-class assignment. For the purposes of this Article, an
out-of-class assignment is defined as an assigrunent of an employee to perform, on a fuli-time basis, the
significant duties and responsibilities of a posirion different from the employee's regular posirion, and
which is in a classificarion higher than the classification held by the employee. The rate of pay for an
approved out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the empioyee would receive if such employee
received a regular appointment to the next higher classification in the employee's ciurent class series.
11.2 For the following classificarions, the provisions of 11.1 shall not apply to performance of the duties of the
next higher classification in the job series:
Clerk I
Clerk-Stenographer I
Clerk-Typist I
d 3 �l�(�
�.1 Any member of the bargaining unit may, during usual working hours, with the approval of the supervisor,
review any materiai placed in the employee's personnel file, after first giving proper norice to the supervisor
in custody of such file.
13.1 The EMPLOYER shall provide reasonable bulletin space for use by the Union in posting norices of Union
business and activiries, said bu]]etin board space shall not be used by the Union for political purposes other
than Union elections. Use of this bulletin board is subject to approval of the Department Head.
14.1 The wage schedule, for the purposes of this contract, shall be Appendix A, attached hereto. Both parties
agree that the inclusion of the classifications and salary ranges in Appendix "A" does not preclude the
EMPLOYER from the following:
l. Reorganizing
2. Abolishing classifications
3. Establishing new classifications
� 4. Regrading classifications
5. Reclassifying positions
Both parties also agree that ritles and grades in Appendix A refer to employees in the posirions at the date
of signing of the Agreement. No employee in this bargaining unit shall suffer any reduction in salary
because of a regrading or reclassification during the contract period in which such regrading or
reclassification takes place.
14.2 The rates in the wage schedule in Appendix A shail reflect the following adjustments:
Clerical & Technical titles
Effective December 28, 2002: 3.07% increase
Effective December 27, 2003: .40% increase
Professional titles
Effecrive December 28, 2002: 3.10% increase
Effective December 27, 2003: .47% increase
Retroacrive pay adjustments shall appiy oniy to employees who were employed by the City as of the date
of signing this contract.
Members of the Association transfemng to another bargaining unit that has already received a retroactive
� adjustment for similar effective dates and percentages shali receive retroacrive pay from these effective
dates through the date of their leaving this Association.
��3-/b �
15.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relaring to wages, hours of work, overtime differenti�
vacations and all other general working conditions shall be maintained at noi tess than the highest
minimum standard set forth in the Civil Service Ru1es of the City of Saint PauI and fhe Saint PauI Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of
employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made elsewhere in this
16.1 Leave of Absence - ABer three month's employment, an emp]oyee may make application foz a leave of
absence not to exceed one year. A leave of absence shall be granted on the basis established in the Civil
Service Rules (Resolution No. 3250).
�5� 1VIitiTa�y�e�ve�Tith�ay =.�ny
Militia or any other component of the militia of the State, now or hereafter organized or consrituted under
state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps,
the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other reserve component of the military or naval force
of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under Federal iaw, shall be enritled to leave
of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or
other benefits for all the time when such employee is engaged with such organization or component in
training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or
federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendar yea�
and further provided that such leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is"�
satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established.
Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee (1) retums to his/her position immediately upon being
relieved from such military or naval service and not later than the expiration of rime herein limited for such
leave, or (2) is prevented from so reriuning by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to such
employee's own fault, or (3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service
beyond the rime herein limited for such leave.
16.3 Military Leave Without Pay - Any employee who engages in active service in time of war or other
emergency declared by the proper authority of any of the military or naval forces of the state or of the
United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law shall be entitled to leave of absence from
employment without pay during such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as
are imposed by law. Such Ieaves of absence shall conform to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended
from rime to time, and shail confer no addirional benefits other than those granted by said statute.
O3 ���
16.4 Jury Duty - Any employee who is required during his/her regular working hours to appear in court as a
. juror or witness, except as a witness in his/her own behalf against the CTI'I', shall be paid hislher regular
pay while he/she is so engaged. Provided, however, that any fees that the employee may receive from the
court for such service shall be paid to the CITY and be deposited with the EMPLOYER.
Any empioyee who is scheduled to work a shift, other than the normal daytime shift, shall be rescheduled
to work the normal daytime shift during such time as he/she is required to appear in court as a juror or
16.5 Funeral Leave - Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service
Rules, shail be granted three days of such leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent or
grandchild. Employees who have accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rules,
shall be granted leave with pay for such period of rime as the Head of the Deparhnent deems necessary, on
account of death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-
law, or other person who is a member of the household.
16.6 Union Leave - Any employee elected or appointed to a full time paid position by the exclusive
representative may be granted a leave of absence without pay for not more than one year for the purpose of
conducting the duties of the exclusive representative.
16.7 Maternity and Parental Leave - Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Pau] shall be eligible for the use
of paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence in the same manner as any other disabled or ill City
� employee. Such paid sick leave eligibility shall begin upon certification by the employee's attending
physician that the employee is disabled in terms of her ability to perform the duties of her position.
A twelve (12) month Parental leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a natura] parent or an
adoptive parent who requests such leave in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a chiid. Such leave
may be extended an additional twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the
EMPLOYER. Refusa] on the part of the EMPLOYER to grant an extension of such leave shall not be
subject to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement.
Employees who retum following such leaves of absence shal] be placed in a position of equivalent salary
and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginning of their leave.
16.8 Education Leave - Leave with pay may be granted for educational purposes at the oprion of the
16.9 Voluntary Leave - No Pay - A full-rime empioyee may be granted up to 480 hours of voluntary leave of
absence without pay during the fiscal yeaz. During such leave of absence, the employee shall continue to
eam and accrue vacation and sick leave, seniority credits and maintain insurance eligibility as though he or
she were on the payroll. Any leave of absence granted under this Article is subject to the approval of the
Department Head.
o� i��
17.1 The Association recognizes the right of the City to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in
accordance with apgiicabie laws and regularions or appropriate authorities. All rights and authority which
the City has not officially abridged, delegated or modified by this Agreement are retained by the CITY.
17.2 A public EMPLOYER is not required to meet and negoriate on matters of inherent managerial policy,
which inciude, but are not Iimited to, such azeas of discretion or poticy as the functions and programs of the
EMPLOYER, its overali budget, u61iza6on of technology, and organizarional shucture and selection and
direction and number of personnel.
18.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows: The length of continuous, regulu
— arrd prvbation ' t�—
to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that seniority is confined to the
current class assignment held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed to the
same class title on the same date, the seniority shall be determined by empioyee's rank on the eligible list
from which certificarion was made.
18.2 Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns, or is discharged.
183 In the event it is determined by the EMPLOYER that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees�
will be laid off by ciass tide within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above.
However, when layoff occurs in any of the titles listed below under Column A, layoff shall be based on
inverse length of total seniority in all titles listed on the corresponding line under Column B.
The Department will identify such least senior employee in the department reducing posirions, and shall
norify said employee of his/her reduction from the department. If there aze any vacancies in any of the
titles under Column B on which seniority was based, in any other City Department, the Human Resources
Department shali place the affected employee in such vacancy.
If two or more vacant posirions aze availabie, the Human Resources Office shall decide which vacant
positions the affected employee shall fill. If no vacancy exists in such tifles, then the least senior City
employee in such titles shall be identified, and if the employee affected by the original deparhmental
reducrion is more senior, he/she shall have the right to claim that position and the least senior City
employee in such titles shall be the employee laid off. For the purposes of this article, the Boazd of
Educarion is not included as a City deparhnent nor is a Boazd of Education employee included as a City
ARTICLE 18 - SENIORITY (Continued)
Column A
�erk I
Clerk II
Clerk-Typist I
Clerk-Typist II
Cashier I
Cashier II
Accounting Machine Operator I
Accounting Machine Operator II
Data Entry Operator I
Data Enhy Operator II
Duplicating Equip. Operator Trainee
Duplicating Equip. Operator
Column B
Clerk I, Clerk II
Clerk I, Clerk II
Clerk-Typist I, Cierk-Typist II
Clerk-Typist II, Clerk-Typist I
Clerk-Steno I, Clerk-Steno II
Cashier T, Cashier II
Cashier II, Cashier I
Accounring Machine Operator I
Accounting Machine Operator II
Accounring Machine Operator II
Accounting Machine Operator I
Data Entry Operator I, Data Entry Operator II
Data Entry Operator II, Data Entry Operator I
Duplicaring Equip. Operator Trainee,
Duplicating Equip. Operator
Duplicating Equip. Operator,
Duplicating Equip. Operator Trainee
18.4 In cases where there are promotional series such as Clerk I, II, III, etc., when the numbez of employees in
� these higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have heid iower ritles which are in this bargaining unit
will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which class seniority wouid keep them from being
laid off, before layoffs are made by any class ritle within any department.
18.5 In cases where an emp]oyee to be laid off has held no regular appoinhnent in a lower title in the same
promotional series as his/her cunent ritle, that employee wili be offered a reduction to the tide within the
bargaining unit to which he/she was regularly appointed immediately prior to his/her current title, so long
as there is either a vacancy or if no vacancy exists a less senior employee in such title may be displaced. In
cases where an employee to be laid off has held no regular appointment to any tifles immediately prior to
his/her current ritle, said employee shall be laid off: The empioyee reducing into a titie formerly held must
satisfactorily complete a six-month probarionary period in such titie.
If the probationary period is not satisfactory, the empioyee shall, at any time during the probarionary
period, be reinstated to his/her former ritle and shali be laid off, but such employee's name wil] be placed on
the reinstatement register in his/her former ritle and "bumping" rights herein shall not again apply to such
This procedure will be followed by the City for City employees, and by the Board of Educarion for Board
of Education employees; however, City employees being reduced or laid off may not displace Board of
Education employees; Board of Education employees being reduced or laid offmay not displace CiTy
��3-/� ,�
ARTICLE 18 - SENiORITY (Continued)
18.6 It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class of positions tha�
they previously held.
18.7 Recail from layoff shal] be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shaii expire after two years of
19.1 The EMPLOYER will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in the form of:
19.1(1) Oral reprimand;
19.1(2) Written reprimand;
19.1(3) Suspension;
19.1(4) Reduction;
The listing above of 19.1(1) through 19.1(5) does not indicate that such forms of discipiine must be
progressive and in such order for any one employee.
19.2 Suspensions, reductions and dischazges will be in written form.
193 Employees and the Association will receive copies of written reprimands and notices of suspension and
discharge. �
193( I) Any written reprimand made concerning any member of this Bargaining Unit which is frled
with the Human Resources Office or within any City department, shall be shown to the
member before it is placed on file. Before the reprimand is placed on file, the City shall
request from the employee an acknowledgment, in writing, that the reprimand has been read
by said employee.
19.4 Employees may examine all information in their EMPLOYER personnel files that concems work
eva]uations, commendations and/or disciplinary actions. Files may be examined at reasonable rimes under
direct supervision of the EMPLOYER.
19.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) calendar day preliminary suspension without pay. During said
period, the empioyee and/or Association may request, and shall be enritled to a meering with the
EMPLOI'ER representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5)
calendar day period, the EMPLOYER may affirm the suspension and discharge in accordance with Civil
Service Rules, or may modify or withdraw same.
19.6 An employee who is being questioned in a disciplinary investigation which could lead to discipline of the
employee shall be offered the right to have an Associarion representative present during questioning.
1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty, the EMPLOYER shall defend
save harmless and indemnify an employee, and/or his/her estate, against any claim or demand, whether
groundless or othenvise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance and scope
ofthe employee's duries.
202 Notwithstanding Article 20.1, the EMPLOYER shall not be responsible for paying any legal service fee or
for providing any legal service arising from any legal action where the employee is the Plaintiff:
21.1 Neither the Association, its officers or agents, nor any of the employees covered by this Agreement will
engage in, encourage, sanction or support any strike, or the withholding in whole or in part of the full
performance of their duties during the life of this Agreement, except as specifically allowed by the Public
Employment Labor Relations Act. In the event of a violarion of this article, the EMPLOYER will wam
employees of the consequences of their action and shall instruct them to immediately retum to their normal
duties. Any employee who fails to tetum to his/her full duries within twenty-four (24) hours of such
warning may be subject to the penaities provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
21.2 No lockout, or refusal to aliow employees to perform available work, shail be instituted by the
EMPLOYER and/or its appointing authorities during the life of this Agreement.
22.1 The EMPLOYER shail provide three distinct severance pay plans as set forth in this Article.
Eligibility Requirements
22.2 To be eligible for any of the severance pay plans, an employee must meet the following requirements:
22.2(1) The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject to
separation by ]ayoff or compulsory retirement. Those employees who ue discharged for cause,
misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the
City severance pay plan.
22.2(2) The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of Human Resources, which
will clearly indicate that by requesring severance pay, the empioyee waives all claims to
reinstatement or re-employment (of any type), with the City.
22.2(3) Employees must be receiving funds from a public EMPLOYER funded pension plan.
t��-i� �
22.3 - Severance Pay Plan 1{All CCEA members)
Severance Pay -This severance pay plan shall be subject to and govemed by the provisions of City
Ordinance No.11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this Article conflict with said
ordinance, and in such cases, the provisions of this Article shall control. Employees shall be eligible for
severance pay in accordance with the Severance Pay Ordinance No. 16303. The amount of Severance Pay
allowed shall be that amount germitted by State Statutes subject to ihe provisions thaY the maximum
amount allowed shall be $4,000. The manner of payment of such severance pay shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance No. 11490.
Severance Pay Plan 2(All CCEA members)
22.4 In addiiion to the requirements listed in 22.2, an employee must meet the fotlowing requirements:
The employee must be regularly appointed to a ritle covered by this Agreement prior to January
1, 1990.
The employee must have at least ten (10) yeazs of consecutive service under the classified or
unclassified Civil Service at the time of separation.
The employee must have accumuIated a minimum of sixty (60) days of sick leave crediu at the
time of his/her separation from service.
The employee must be 58 years of age or must be eligible for a non-reduced pension under the�
provisions of the Pubiic Employees Retirernent Association (PERA). For City employees
covered by a pension plan other than PERA, such employees must be eligible for a non-reduced
pension under the provisions of that particular pension plan.
The maximum amount of money that any employee may obtain through this severance pay plan
is $6,500 to be calculated as set forth in Section 22.6 below.
Severance Pay Plan 3(All CCEA members)
22.5 For each eligible employee working in a title listed in ARTICLE 1.2 the EMPLOYER shall provide a
severance pay plan as set forth in this secrion 22.5. In addition to the requirements listed in 22.2, an
employee must meet the following requirements:
22.5(1) The employee must be 58 years of age or older or be eligible for pension under the provisions of
the Public Employees Retirement Associarion (PERA). For City employees covered by a
pension plan other than PERA, such employees must be eligible for a non-reduced pension
under the provisions of that particulaz pension plan.
22.5(2) The employee must have an accumulated balance of at least eighty (80) days of sick leave
crediu at the time of his/her separation &om service.
22.5(3) The empioyee must have at least twenty (20) years of service under the classified or unclassifi�
Civil Service at the time of separarion, the last five of which must be consecutive.
� 03 ���
� 22.5(4) The maximum amount of money that any empioyee may obtain through this severance pay plan
is $10,000 to be calculated as set forth in Secrion 22.6 below.
22.6 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility requirements set forth
above, he/she will be granted severance pay in an amommt equal to one-half of the daily rate of pay for the
position held by the employee on the date of separation for each day of accrued sick leave subject to a
maximum of 200 accrued sick leave days.
22.6 For the purpose of this Article, for those empioyees hired by the City before February 27, 1998,
empioyment in either the City or in the Independent School Dishict No. 625 may be used in meeting the
years of service requirements in Secfion 223, Section 22.4 or Secrion 22.5. Empioyees hired by the City,
or transferring to the City, on or after February 27, 1998 may not use employment in the Independent
School District No. 625 in meeting the years of service rec�uirements in Secrion 22.3, Section 22.4 or
Section 22.5.
22.8 For the purpose of these severance pay plans, the death of an employee shall be considered as separation of
empioyment and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth above, (at the time of
his/her death), payment of the severance pay shall be made to the employee's spouse or estate.
22.9 Employees may qualify for either Severance Pay Plan I(Section 223) or Severance Pay Plan 2(Section
22.4) or Severance Pay Plan 3(Section 22.5). An election by an employee to draw severance pay under
one Section shall constitute a bar to drawing severance pay under any other provision set forth in this
� agreement.
22.10 Any employee hired prior to December 31, 1983 may, in any event, and upon meeting the qualifications of
this Article or City Ordinance No. 11490, as amended by City Ordinance No. 16303, section I, section 6,
draw severance pay. However, an election by the empioyee to draw severance pay under either this
ARTICLE or City Ordinance 11490, as amended by City Ordinance No. 16303, shall constitute a bar to
receiving severance pay from the other. Any employee hired afrer December 31, 1983 shall only be
entitled to the benefits of this Article upon meering the qualifications herein.
22.11 Severance Pay - Employees shal] be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the Severance Pay
Ordinance No. 16303. The amount of Severance Pay allowed shali be that amount permitted by State
Statutes subject to the provisions that the maximum amount allowed shall be $4,000.
22.12 Effective January 1, 2004, employees of this bargaining unit sha]] be eligible to participate only in Plan 4.
All other severance pay plans shall be discontinued for members of this bargaining unit. For the purpose of
this Article, service requirements for severance eligibility will not include years of service with Schooi
District #625 for empioyees hired by the City, or transferred to the City after February 27, 1998.
Plan 4. Effective 7anuary 1, 2004, an employee must meet the following requirements to receive a benefit �
under plan 4.
(I) The employee must be votuntariIy separated from the City employment or flave been subject to separarion
by layoff or compulsory retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct,
inefficiency, incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the city severance pay
(2) The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Human Resources D'uector, which wiil clearly
indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re-
employment (of any type), with the City.
(3) The employee must have a minimum of 15 years of service and 700 hours of sick leave credits at the
�epex�tion ef se�viee-kerri-the E=t;�.
(4) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility requirements set forth
above, he or she will be granted severance pay to a maximum as shown below.
Minimum 15 years of service and Severance
accrued sick leave credits of:
700 $4,000
800 $5,000 �
900 $6,000
1000 $7,000
1100 $8,000
1200 $9,000
1300 $10,000
1400 $11,000
1500 $12,000
1600 $13,000
1700 $14,000
1800 $15,000
22.13 For the purpose of this severance program, the death of an employee shall be considered as separation of
employment and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth above, (at the time of
his/her death), payment of the severance pay shall be made to the employee's spouse or estate.
22.14 For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from ttie City of Saint Paut emptoyment
to Independent School District No. 625 employment is considered a separation of employment, and such
transferee shali be eligible for the City severance program.
22.15 For any employee who is eligible to receive severance from the City under tlus Article, the City will
contribute 105% of the full amount of theu severance payment to a post-eatployment health plan.
Placement of this severance qualification amount shall take place in accordance with City Ordinance �
11490, as amended by City Ordinance No. 16303. (Payment made in February of the yeaz following ye
of retirement.)
�. i The terms and conditions of this Agreement will be applied to employees equally without regard to, or
discrimination for or against, any individual because of race, color, creed, sex, age, disability, or because of
membership or non-membership in the Associarion.
23.2 Employees will perform their duries and responsibiliries in a nondiscriminatory manner as such duries and
responsibilities involve other employees and the general public.
233 Employees covered by this contract wiil be covered by the City Policy regazding nondiscrimination and
sexual hazassment, as well as applicable local, state and federal laws.
23.4 Any member of the bargaining unit may file a grievance or a discrimination complaint and there shall not
be retaliation by the City of Saint Paul for such action.
24.1 Sick Leave - Sick Leave shal] accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour for each full hour on the
payroll, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is unlimited. To be eligible for sick leave the
employee must report to his/her supervisor no later than one-half hour past his/her regular scheduled
starting time. The granting of sick leave shall be subject to the terms and provisions of Resolurion No.
3250, of the City of Saint Paul.
�.2 Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be granted leave with pay
for such period of time as the Head of the Department deems necessary, on account of sickness or injury of
the employee, quarantine established by a pubiic health enforcement agency, and may be granted leave
with pay for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, denrist, optometrist, etc.
243 In the case of a serious illness or disabi3ity of an emp]oyee's child, parent or household member, the head of
the department shall grant leave with pay in order for the employee to care for or make arrangements for
the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated
sick ]eave credits. Use of such sick leave shall be limited to 40 hours per incident.
24.4 The Head of the Department or the Human Resources Director may require a physician's certificate or
additionai certificates at any time during an employee's use of sick leave for the purQoses stated above. All
such certificates shall be forwazded by the appointing officer to the Human Resources Office.
If an employee is absent because of the provisions of this Article for three or fewer calendar days he/she
shall submit to the head of the Department a certificate signed by the empioyee stating the nature of the
child, parent, or household member's sickness. If the sickness continues for more than three calendar days,
no further sick leave shall be granted unless or until a physician is consulted. The sick leave may be
continued from and inc]ude the day of consultarion, but only if a certificate signed by the physician
certifying to the nature and period of the person's siclmess is submitted and approved by the head of the
department and forwarded to the Human Resources Office.
�5 No sick leave shall be granted for the above reasons unless the employee reports to his/her depariment head
the necessity far the absence not later than one-half hour after tus(her regularly scheduled time to report for
wark, unless he/she can show to the sarisfaction of the Department Head that the failure to report was
24.6 An employee shall be paid under the provisions of this paragraph only for the number of days or hours for
which he/she would normally have been paid if he/she had not been on sick leave.
:I�.711i C�J�►��1 Y �I:i►il.Y�]➢7�1'J�7 �1►� I �1�Y 1
25.1 Complete Agreement and Waiver of Bargaining - This Agreement shall represent the complete
Agreement beriveen the Association and the City of Saint Paul. The parties acknowledge that during the
negoriations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opporlunity to make
requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective
bargaining, and that the complete understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise
of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the City and the Association, for
the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the
other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter referred to or
covered in this Agreement.
25.2 Savings Clause - This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and
the City of Saint Paul. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall hold to be contrary to law by a
� court of competent jurisdicrion from whose final judgment or decree no appeai has been taken within the
time provided, such provision shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
25.3 Terms of AGREEMENT - This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from January l, 2003 thru
December 31, 2004 and shall be automatically renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party shall
notify the other in wriring by June 1, that it desires to modify or termina_tg this Agreement. In witness
whereof, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this �day of February 2003.
25.4 This constitutes a tentative Agreement between the parties which will be recommended by the Director of
Labor Relarions, but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the City, the City Council and is
also subject to ratificarion by the City of Saint Paul Classified Confidenrial Employees Association.
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James Vollmer Beverly Miller
Labor Relations Specialist Associarion President
Terry rtiner �'/7��3
Labor Relations Manager
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 804.37 832.41 859.26 889.58 919.85 954.61 972.571008.801020.991033.19
12/27/03 807.59 835.74 862.74 893.14 923.53 958.43 976.46 1012.841025.07 103732
� �:
12/28/02 822.32 851.50 876.16 906.40 941.14 972.57 993.891030.39 1042.58 1054.79
12/27/03 825.61 854.91 879.66 910.03 944.90 976.46 997.87 1034.51 1046.75 1059.01
�_� � 1' �
/28/02 837.99 866.01 897.43 926.59 96133 993.89 1015.191054.91 1067.11 107932
2/27/03 84134 869.47 901.02 93030 965.18 997.87 1019.25 1059.13 107138 1083.64
12/28/02 857.06 885.10 911.99 944.51 974.82 1010.65 1038.101079.53 1091.71 1103.92
12/27/03 860.49 888.64 915.64 948.29 978.72 1014.691042.25 1083.85 1096.08 110834
: :Ce��
12/28/02 869.41 899.65 932.18 963.56 998.32 1038.101063.561102.83 1115.03 1127.25
12/27/03 872.89 903.25 935.91 967.41 1002.31 1042.25 1067.81 1107.241119.491131.76
• ----------------
12/28/02 889.58 919.85 954.61 988.261023.55 1063.561086.541130.481142.661154.86
12/27/03 893.14 923.53 958.43 992.2i 1027.641067.81 1090.89 1135.00 1147.23 1159.48
D 3 /��
��-i � �
Appendix A - CLERICAL (Continued)
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 906.40 941.14 972.57 1007.28 1046.57 109137 1115.08 1164.97 1177.17 1189.38
12/27/03 910.03 944.90 976.46 1011.31 1050.76 1095.74 1119.54 1169.63 1181.88 1194.14
12/28/02 926.59 96133 993.891032.041069.55 1113.741146.48 1190.22 1202.441214.62
1_2/27/03 930.30 965.18 997.87 1036.171073.83 1118.19 1151.07 1194.98 1207.25 1219.48
;:�_ .
12/28/02 965.831001.711039.311079.281125.581172.641202.691255.261267.441279.66
12/27/03 969.691005.721043.471083.601130.081177331207.501260.281272.511284.78 •
12/28/02 1007.28 1041.85 1091.37 1136.03 1183.08 1236.72 1268.11 1321.641333.84 1346.02
12l27/03 1011.31 1046.02 1095.74 1140.57 1187.81 1241.67 1273.18 1326.93 1339.18 1351.40
12/28/02 1032.04 1069.55 1113.74 1163.47 1214.50 1268.11 1302.10 1354.83 1367.01 1379.21
12/27/03 1036.17 1073.83 1118.19 1168.12 1219.36 1273.18 130731 1360.25 1372.48 1384.73
12/28/02 1079.281125.581172.641223.641279.861334.801371391429.171441.351453.58 �
12/27/03 1083.60 1130.08 117733 1228.53 1284.98 1340.14 1376.88 1434.89 1447.12 145939
Appendix A - CLERICAL (Continued)
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 1104.70 1153.02 1204.08 1262.87 1317.79 137538 141330 1472.94 1485.15 149734
12/27/03 1109.12 1157.63 1208.90 1267.92 1323.06 1380.88 1418.95 1478.83 1491.09 150333
12/28/02 1136.03 1183.08 1236.72 129031 1349.18 1405.43 1444.64 1503.46 1515.66 1527.90
1 Z/27/03 1140.57 1187.81 1241.67 1295.47 1354.58 1411.05 1450.42 1509.47 1521.72 1534.01
12f28/02 1166.08 12] 838 126936 1326.43 1388.41 1447.27 1487.78 1549.941562.13 157434
�/27/03 1170.74 1223.25 1274.44 1332.24 1393.96 1453.06 1493.73 1556.14 1568.38 1580.64
12/28/02 1194.83 1245.85 1302.10 135831 1415.91 1478.63 1520.49 1584.47 1596.66 1608.86
12/27/03 1199.61 1?50.83 1307.31 1363.74 1421.57 1484.54 1526.57 1590.81 1603.05 1615.30
, •�� .•
12/28/02 1227.57 1282.45 1338.71 1398.90 1461.63 1525.71 1566.26 1633.60 1645.81 1657.97
12/27/03 1232.48 1287.58 1344.06 1404.50 1467.48 1531.81 1572.53 1640.13 165239 1664.60
12/28/02 1227.57 128639 1343.97 1405.43 1472.10 1538.78 1583.22 1650.82 1663.01 1675.21
12/27/03 1232.48 1291.54134935 1411.05 1477.99 1544.94 1589.55 1657.42 1669.66 1681.91
Appendix A - CLERICAL (Continued)
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 1262.8'7 1317.79 1375.38 1440.69 1503.46 1572.801615.98 1690.64 1702.841715.03
12/27/03 1267.92 1323.06 1380.88 1446.45 1509.47 1579.09 1622.441697.40 1709.65 1721.89
12/28/02 1292.941355.70 1415.91 1483.88 1550.59 1623.791669.57 I739.75 1751.98 1764.19
12/27/03 1298.11 1361.12 1421.57 1489.82 1556.79 I630.29 I676.23 I746.7I I758.99 1771.25
12/28/02 1330.88 1389.73 1452.44 1524.42 1593.75 1666.98 1712.73 1787.55 1799.75 1811.94 .
12/27/03 1336.20 1395.29 1458.25 1530.52 1600.13 1673.65 1719.58 1794.70 1806.95 1819.19
12/28/02 1366.15 1426.34 1493.04 1561.07 1635.57 1711.45 1759.81 1832.72 1844.91 1857.13
12/27/03 1371.61 1432.05 1499.01 1567.31 1642.11 1718301766.85 1840.05 1852.29 1864.56
12/28/02 1404.12 1470.'76 1536.19 1608.12 1682.69 1761.13 1812.17 1891.09 1903.29 1915.48
12/27/03 1409.74 1476.64154233 1614.55 1689.42 1768.17 1819.42 1898.65 1910.90 1923.14
Appendix A - CLERICAL (Continued)
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 1442.00 151134 1580.67 1652.58 1729.74 1812.17 1863.13 1942.84 1955.04 1967.25
12/27/03 1447.77 151739 15 86.99 1659.19 1736.66 1819.421870.5 8 1950.61 1962.86 1975.12
Cel: : � � -,
12/28/02 1483.88 1550.59 1623.79 1697.07 1776.80 1863.13 1914.13 1997.26 2009.51 2021.69
12/27/03 1489.82 1556.79 1630.29 1703.86 1783.91 1870.58 1921.79 2005.25 2017.55 2029.78
12/28/02 1483.88 1550.59 1623.79 1697.07 1776.80 1863.13 1914.13 1997.26 2009.51 2021.69
�/27/03 1489.82 1556.79 1630.29 1703.86 1783.91 1870.58 1921.79 2005.25 2017.55 2029.?8
12/28/02 1566.26 1640.83 1714.05 1796.46 1882.77 1969.09 2026.63 2115.41 2127.60 2139.85
12/27/03 1572.53 1647.39 1720.91 1803.65 189030 1976.97 2034.74 2123.87 2136.11 2148.41
12/28/02 1609.07 1685.46 1760.54 1844.98 1933.51 2061.34 2105.49 2194.24 2206.41 2218.63
12/27/03 1615.51 1692.20 1767.58 1852.36 1941.24 2069.59 2113.912203.02 2215.24 2227.50
t�3-�� �
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr.
�1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) �7) �8) �9) �1�)
12/28/02 122636 1280.98 1330.78 1384.20 1442.46 1497.10 1535.96 1599.66 161636 1633.04
12/27/03 1231.27 1286.10 1336.10 1384.74 1448.23 1503.09 1542.101606.06 1622.83 1639.57
12/28/02 1321.05 1376.91 1432.73 1495.88 1560.19 1628.17 1669.47 1740.11 1756.83 1773.52
12l27/03 132633 1382.42 1438.46 1501.86 1566.43 1634.68 1676.15 1747.07 1763.86 1780.61
12/28/02 1386.581448.501510.471569.921640.291714.401754.471832.481849.211865.89 �
12/27/03 1392.13 1454.29 1516.51 1576.20 1646.85 1721.26 1761.49 1839.81 1856.61 187335
12/28/02 145 7.08 1522.61 15 88.15 1657.34 1730.17 1805.42 1854.041929.86 1946.57 1963.25
12/27/03 1462.91 1528.70 1594.50 1663.97 1737.09 1812.64 1861.46 1937.58 1954.36 1971.10
12/28/02 1535.96 1602.69 1671.91 1744.75 1822.43 1905.00 1956.00 203834 2055.01 2071.70
12/27/03 1542.10 1609.10 1678.601751.73 1829.72 1912.62 1963.82 2046.49 2063.23 2079.99
12/28/02 1618.51 1685.26 1761.74 1837.02 1920.80 2002.17 206036 2145.55 2162.21 2178.92 •
12/27/03 1624.98 1692.00 1768.79 184437 1928.48 2010.18 2068.60 2154.13 2170.86 2187.64
Appendix A - TECHIVICAL (Continued)
..� �1
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15-yr. 20-yr. 25-yr.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
12/28/02 1706.72 1776.81 1857.14 1936.16 2026.83 2126.512170.67 2260.19 2276.90 2293.60
12l27/03 1713.55 1783.92 1864.57 1943.90 2034.94 2135.02 217935 2269.23 2286.01 2302.77
12/28/02 1794.54 1875.84 1958.43 2043.40 2134.48 2231.57 2293.49 2389.49 2406.21 2422.89
12/27/03 1801.72 188334 1966.26 2051.57 2143.02 2240.50 2302.66 2399.05 2415.83 2432.58
A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.
�1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8) �9)
12/28/02 1237.25 128639 1336.79 1404.06 1472.60 1547.62 1623.93 1673.07 1725.64
12/27/03 1243.07 1292.44 1343.07 1410.66 1479.52 1554.89 1631.56 1680.93 1733.75
12/28/02 1313.51 1365.28 1417.01 1490.66 1563.08 1640.70 1720.91 1772.61 1829.42
12/27/03 1319.68 1371.70 1423.67 1497.67 1570.43 1648.41 1729.00 1780.94 1838.02
� /28/02 1389.80 1445.43 1504.95 1578.61 1658.83 1741.62 1826.93 1881.26 194232
/27/03 139633 1452.22 1512.02 1586.03 1666.63 1749.81 1835.52 1890.10 1951.45
Appendix A - PROFESSIONAL (Continued)
� �:•
A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.
�i) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8l �9)
12/28/02 1432.50 1490.66 1550.18 1626.51 170536 1792.03 1881.16 1938.16 2000.72
12/27/03 1439.23 1497.67 1557.47 1634.15 171338 1800.45 1890.00 1947.27 2010.12
Cel.7:\ 7�i1�
12/28/02 1564.42 1627.78 1692.43 1776.49 1864.42 1958.90 2054.54 2111.41 218636
12/27/03 1571.77 1635.43 170038 1784.84 1873.18 1968.11 2064.20 2121.33 2196.64
12/28/02 1660.11 1724.79 1794.59 1885.15 1975.64 2075.26 2181.28 2244.67 2316.06 �
12/27/03 1667.91 1732.90 1803.02 1894.01 1984.93 2085.01 2191.53 2255.22 2326.95
12/28/02 1709.28 1776.49 1847.62 1939.48 2037.75 213734 2244.67 2310.61 2387.48
12/27/03 171731 1784.84 185630 1948.60 204733 214739 2255.22 2321.47 2398.70
12/28/02 t 761.01 1832.10 1903.23 1996.37 2097.20 220Q.70 2310.bi 2381.76 2460.26
12/27/03 1769.29 1840.71 1912.18 2005.75 2107.06 2211.04 2321.47 2392.95 2471.72
Appendix A - PROFESSIONAL (Continued)
� 3-���
A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr.
�1) �Z) �3) �4) �5) �6) �7) �8) �9)
12/28/02 1808.101880.54 1954.23 2052.53 2154.69 2262.02 2375.81 2445.66 2525.59
12/27l03 1816.60 1889.38 1963.41 2062.18 2164.82 2272.65 2386.98 2457.15 2537.46
12/28/02 1982.14 2059.71 2139.88 2247.25 2359.75 2477.42 2602.88 2676.58 2766.40
12/27/03 1991.46 2069.39 2149.94 2257.81 2370.84 2489.06 2615.11 2689.16 2779.40
. � �.
�2/28/02 2040.34 2121.79 2205.87 2315.81 2430.87 2552.40 2679.22 2758.07 2849.48
12/27/03 2049.93 2131.76 2216.24 2326.69 244230 2564.40 2691.81 2771.03 2862.87
12/28/02 2434.79 2530.42 2633.85 2760.62 2901.67 3046.44 3197.73 3293.44 3399.72
12/27/03 2446.23 2542.31 2646.23 2773.59 2915.31 3060.76 3212.76 3308.92 3415.70
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