254525 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK CI I I OF ST. PAUL � \ ������ couNCa NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF , WI�R S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul , by its Resolution, C. F. 250g47, approved October 27, 1970, approved the City ' s Comprehensive City Demonstration Program and sub- mitted the program to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ; and WI�REAS, the Gityts Comprehensive Demonstration Program was approved by the U. S. Department oY Housing an d Urban Develop� ment and grant agreement therefor was duly approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul by its Resolution, C. F. 25396g, approved May 11, 1971; and Wf�REAS, the Saint Paul Model Cities Model Neigh borhood Planning Council recommends that t�ie City�s Comprehensive City Demonstration Program b�e changed to include an additional program, Project Summer; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED� that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the addition of the above program, to be added to the approved City of �aint Paul ' s Comprehensive City Demonstration Program, which additional program will n.ot require any additional Federal grant funds, the project to be financed f rom the Eme rgency Ac t i on Fund; and be f-��:-�N; FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development a request for approval of the additional project, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the said Secretary. FORM A P 0 D Ass r tion o sel JU N 17 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler A � �UN � 1 �97� 19_ Lev�— � Favor Meredith Sprafka or Tedesco � A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JU N 2 6 1971 � � � ������ NAME OF PROJECT: Pro�ect Summer ' ADMII�TISTRATIN(i AGENCY: Capitol Community Services, a IInited �luld Agencq SUBCONTRACT�TG ACi�TCY: None PURP(�.SE AND BF�IEFICIARIFS: The purpose of Pro�ect Summer ia to help a�eet the neede of the Summit- IIniveraity Commuaity by providing the children with recreatioaal and ed- ucational experience and opportunitiee for cnitural enrichment during the aunimer monthe. It iB desigaed to aiake meuciarum use of that time which w�ould otherwfae be a gap in the growth and experience of the children living in the areao Recreatioaal opportunitiea iat the Wodel Neighbc�rhood are limited eapecially during the aw�mer �rhen school i8 aot in a�saion. The Summit- IIniveraity area has a high percentage of one-parent familiea, familiee with a low-income, parents with low e8naational levela, high delinquency and adult cri�e ratea, high rate of achool-dropouta, unemplo�ed and vaderemployed groups, a high incidence of weliare caeea end a high degree o! tranaiency. Pro�ect Summter doee aot propoee to be a cure-all for the many social i118 of the communit� but the underlying inteations of the pro�ect are to attempt to eli�inate or improve the many negative conaequen- ces these eocial illa may have for the children of the Summit-University area. Through the ob�ectivea of the Pro�ect Snedner program the hopeft�l outcome is that the childr�n in the area �rill begin to develop a positive Belf-concept and a better underatanding of their role in the community as productive, responsible, and needed citizens. CANTENT AND OPERATION: Pro3ect Summer is planning at the present time to create two summer youth centers in the Mode1 CitieB area. It is proposed that with Model Cities funding that they create two additional centers, these two centers will serve approximately 200 to 300 children during the summer of 19�1. The programmed activitiee will be based on general plane set forth by the � Board of Directors and the Program Director, and on the apecific needs of the participants in each center. Pro3ect S.II.M.M.E.R. places emphasis on children of lst grade through �th grade, Jr. High age. Due to the nature of the family and social life which deprives the children of the area to normal exposure to cultural activities of the city, special emphasis was placed on field trips to such places as the Arta and Science Center, the Minneapolie and St. Paul Public I3.brary, Como Park Zoo and Consernertory, the Ciuthrie Theatre, the Peppermint Tent at the IIniversity of Minnesota, the Gibbs F'arm and many others. To alloW for a maximum physfcal outlet, such recreational actinities as swimming, ba8eball, volleyball, football, roller skating, arts and crafta, mu�fc and drama, are emphasized. These . activitiea reflect the apecific goals and ob3ectives of PROtTECT S�R. Theae goals are: (1) to develop an awareness and apprecia- tion ior the mauy aources of cultural enrichment in the �rin Citiee area; �2) to allow for a maximum and en�oyable phyeical outlet by providing a super- . vised and organized recreational pro- S�; �3) to develop understanding and trust between adult leaders and other parti- cipanta in the program, (4) to fulfill the need to be loved and ac- cepted by others to make the previous ob�ectives tneaningful and worthwhile. TIMETABLE: The pro�ect will start on June 21, 1971 and will continue until achool starts in the fall, approximately September 1, 1971. FVNDING: Supplemental funds from the �inergency Action F�.inds will be used to provide funds for per�onnel and supplies to operate ta�vo youth centers during the su�er month at a cost of $11,021. The attached budget shows the cost for the pereonnel required to man the centers and the operating expenses ex- pected to be incurred during the ten Weeka of operation. The facilities to house the youth centere are donated by agencies within the Model Cities area. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION: The pro�ect will be adroini$tered by Pro3ect Summer, Inc. Pro�ect Summer, Inc. is controlled by a volunteer-nonpaid Board of Directore composed of residents and others intereated in the M�del Neighborhood area. The Board of Directors� regponsibilit�r ia planning the Pro�ect Summer program, and formulating and executing ba8ic policies. �ttde for Pro�ect Summer are administered by Capitol Communitq Servicea, a IInited �nd agencq through its Executive Director, Mr. Gerald Fowls. COORDINATI�T: Pro3ect Sumn�er will coordinate its recreational activities with the urork programs auch as REAP which is aleo being funded by Model Cities, and the Inaer City Youth League�B summer employment program for youth. It is ex- pected that all youth employed in theae programs rill take adnantage�of Pro3ect Summer�s activities. As the youth will be working approximately four hour8 a day thiB should leave them four hours in each day to be in- volved in the cultural and recreational activities provided by Pro�ect Summer. BYALIIATION AND MO1�tITOR�Va: The St. Paul Model Cities program rrill monitor each supplementally funded pro�ect throughout the First Action Year. The pro3ects will be monitored on the basia of plan vereus actual achievement in terms of ob�ectinea, content and budget. Att Information System rrill be designed and implemented and will act as the mechaniem Yor the monitoring proceaa. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: The Pro3ect Summer Board of Director8 i$ made up primarily of Model Neighborhood reBidents. Thie makeup inauree that the program is responsine to the needa of the citizens oi thie ar�. Input from the Model Neighborhood F'lanning Council, from the CDA etaf�, and from citizens of the community is welcomed and encouraged by Pro�ect Su�ner. It is planned to use this input to make Pro�ect Summer extremely reaponeive to the expressed needs of the youth of this neighborhood. RF�IDENT E�IPLOiYI�IT: Model Citiee ft�nding will create the following poeitions: 1 Aasietant Pro�ect Director, 2 Center Directore, 4 Recreation Leadere, and 4 Recrea- tion Leader Traiaees. In conformity with GDA #11 all positions will be filled by Model Cities residents. MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT: Supplemental Funds used in this pro�ect are for additional services ttot able to be provided by using local funds. r NOTE: These forms are intended to illustrate the format for the standard Model Cities Operating Agency Budget. Additional items appropriate to your project should be added to the Cost Category sheet. Inappropriate items should be deleted. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 1�_._ NAN� OF AGENCY ^ry . . . ._ . . .CAPITO�. O�I�II�lQI�JI'1'Y SERVICffi ___._..- --- —�...�.. -- - - -•-- --- -.-- 2. BUDGET � _ �- - ----------- -_.. �_ _ . .. ___ Ae COST CATEGORY ; � Bo FSTIMATED COST FOR YEAR ___ OF PROGRAM (1) Personnel Salaries . - - . _ . . __._ . . . .-_ . �-�-. .�-_.__r.__---._. -.�- .._�.---._._._.. . _._._.__---_ 7050 '. _Elnployee Benefits -,— - m.�...___._ _ _ _�__�..�_ ..___. ._ . . _.. _ . �-.?� . �.�__..___ .____ ��__�.416 ��__..w .__._.� , _______ (2) Consultants and Contract Services __ ..�____._____._.___.__._____._ __ . ___ . _.__ . e____.. _ .�__.. _. �. _____ ��103�.��_._���.._��_ (3) Travel , . . ..�,.�----- ' 1 _.�.. _._.... ___.__.._ .- �-•.. _.� . .. __ �. _ _ . _ ..__ ___ __ ._._._..� . ._.---_�____._..�___--_--_. (4) Space ...__�_._.__--..__ ......_ � _��.____ .. . . _ w_ a_.____.�.---_.r__ .._ �____ �_��.. �5) Consum�-ble Supplies and Services - '�_T!l �_�A� _T�r�- w _.__._�__e (6) Rental, Lease, or Purchase of Equipment ► ..__.._,..�.__�_..__..__ . .. ... . _.__.. _.. . . . . . � ..�_ ._. . _. ,__ ..�._ �____���.�.__.___._._.__��.� �7) Other C � . _._ ��.._.__ ___ _..... . _._ __._ . .,. . __ . _.,. . _ .�.,. .... �______.�. �_ .- --� �._.. . __��__ ___ . __._ _�. --�- ----- .�.._�._.r..y�__ _. ... _.... . _ . . . . - - - . . , . . . . . . . . __ .- - . '. .. ,._ _ _- - -.. _ _ ._. ... _ __ .__ _ . _�._��...___. TOTAL � . . ..�.....____.__.__ . _ _-_ ._--.--- -.� . . _ ._ . . _ . . __ _.--.._.. .._.___ . . . _.-_- - -..___ .._ _ __ . . _ _._ . �_ _._______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ ,021 Co riodel Cities Supplemental Flxnds u�02� D. � Other.. ... . __� . . . ..._� . .. _.. - - -.. ..._ _.. _. _ ._. ;-- - - ---- -__ __..._._ ___ _ . _. ..._. _ . ,.�.__.. __ .._._ . . --_ _ . . ._ . ..._. _ E . ___...._ _.___ .-- - - : :_.: _ . : - . . . . _ . . :.�. .._�.�"�r'____.._.:-�=.-- . :' - __' : �.� : : _ . . BUDGET LINE (1) Personn�l Title o.f Position Salar�► 1 Asai�taat Pro�eot D3rector . 1,200 1 Dsokkeeper 400 2 Ceater Directora l,ypp 4 Rscreation 7�eadera 2,9Tp 4 Recreatios Leader Traiaeee l,pl�p Salaries ?,p5p �nployees Benefits j� BUDGET LINE (2) Consultant and Contract Services Inaurance ?00 Auditin6 3� Stalf Qrientatioa 10 BUD(�ET LINE (3) Travel Staff Travel 50.00 Conference and Meeting Expense Employee Mileage Reimbursement (�e075 per mile) nus Traas�rtation 1,550.00 BUDGET LINE (4) S,�ace Rental of Office Space Utilities Telephone . Building Repair Janitorial Service Maintenance Supplies and Equipment jpp aVD4ET � (5) . . Co��►1�1�,�ug�l�f�and $arvieeaa - . , . � Oitice SuppSiea an�l Mincellaneoua ` . . 7� P6�Stage Zp . . . � � 1�a3.r:teaa.uce and Repair ot Offiee Equip�st - - Printing, �uplicatir�g, and .Bind.ing �- -r BDOke atid Pub►]3.cationa , _ � BUDGET LINE (6) Rcntal, Lease or Purchase. of.Ec�ui�ment. Typewriters F�le Cabinets Desks and Office Chairs