254512 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � �54�1� r CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RES U ON EN L FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco June 16 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF � WHEREAS, the attached, plans and specifications for the General, Mechanical and Electrical Work, Office Furnishings, Ind.ustrial Furnishings, and. Industrial Equipment for a Traffic Maintenance Building located. at North Dale Street at Burges s and/or an Office Building located. at North Dale Street at Topping, both for the Department of Public Works, have been prepared by Gauger and Associates, Inc. , Associate Architects, under the d.irection of the City Architect and. the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Build,ings; RESOLVED, that said plans and specifications, being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works, are hereby approved. and. the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to ad.vertise for bids thereon in the manner provid.ed in and by the Charter, said advertisement to specify a deposit fee of Fift�r pollars ($50) payable �.t the Bureau of Public Buildings, 445 City Hall, and. further that said drawings and specifications are to be picked up at the office of the Associate Architect located at 400 Commerce Building; Contract bidders onindustrial equipment only are excluded from the $50. 00 deposit fee. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the full d.eposit fee will be refunded to Prime Contract bidders who submit a bona fide bid provid.ed said drawings and specifications are returned in good cond.ition within ten days after bid date. Job Nos. 71-29 and. 71-30. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��N 16 1979 Yeas Nays Butler J�� 1 ? 1�7� ���,�a� Ap ve�1 19— �- �In Favor ei Sprafka O or A gainst �.�----TEr,�sco JU N 19 197� Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBL��D �� D{JrLICATi TO TRlN7'tR ������ * C� OF ST. PAUL couNC�� • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENHtAL FORM C.�OMM�ISES�ION@� Yictor J. Tedtsca o�� June 16, 19T1 WHEREAS, the attsched plsar and �pscifications tor th� General. Mtcha�niasl aad Llectzical Work. Office �`nrai�hiags, Industsial Furni�hiags, and Indn�trfsi �quipma�t for s Tratfic Msintenanc� Building locsted at North Dale 3tr��t at Bur��a• � sad/or an Oitiae Building located at North Dsl� Street at Topping, both �r the Departmeat of Public Works. have b�en prepsred by Gauger aad As�oCiat�a, Inc. , As�ociate Architect+�� under the directioa ot the City Architect and th� Cotami�aiostr ot Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings; RESOLYEI�� that �aid plan� aad •p�cifications, b�ing satiatactory to the , Camnai�sfonar ci Public Woskr, are h�reby approved snd th� Purclu�ing Agsnt ir her�by authoris�d to advertire tor bids tl�ureon ia the mann�r provided in and by the Charter� said advertis�ement to �pecitq a d�po�it te• of Fift� Dollarr (�50) payable � th� B�r�au of Public Build�ng�. 445 City Hall, and furthar thst �sid . drawings and sp�citications �►r• to bs picked up st th� oEtic� ot the A��ociate Axchit�ct locsted st 400 Cc�tnmerce Buildin�; Contract bidd�r� on industrial equip�;�o�aly ase euclnded from th� �50.00 deposit fee. FURTFiLR RffiOLV�D, that th� fvll deposit fee �►ill be r�undad to Prirn� Coatr�►et bidders who submit a bons iide bid provided raid drawiags aad �p�citicstiont sr• returned in good eanditlon �i�d�ttdn day� wfter bid dst'e. Job Nos. 71•29 and � ------ 71•30. f'^" w. . ^ , ..°C . �..�.� �4" ._.� � . c_S: '�i t,{� . � � °."�� -i�4� . ,_.� � W .�. .—t»� `. �.._. . 1� , . . - `_4 +l: ,. -�.l.ri M— _ -r_ar i « ,, v .._ : �_� r� ` �. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�'� '�N 1 6 197119— Yeas Nays But�er �U N 1 ? 197� Approv�l 19— ��'� Tr Favor � ere i D Sprafka � edesc,n As�t 1�. Vice President Mered► h ��