254496 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ^ ' ■ �~` �K�L.��V CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� v� � LICENSE CONIlKITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 10� 1971 COMMISSIONE DATF WI3EREAS: John and Evelyn Esquivel surrendered License No. C�10208 as of May 19� 1971, issued to them for Restaurant and Cigarette Licenses� �xpiring March 11� 1972, at 1561 Sherburne Avenue� and request refund of the license fee for the unused portion of said licenses� therefore, be it �t. ��,���``�OLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John and Ebelyn Esquivel the pro.-rated fee of $ 47.50� deductin� $ 9.50 from the original fee of $ 57.00� for the period they operated, which will cancel said license. LICENSE ATTACHED TO CITY CL�.�, iK'S COPY OF RESOLUTION. ffiAILING ADDRESS:1180 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Miru�esota, 55104 Item Fee 5pg�;7�p�o�-19��1' . _ 9�1�°-��h�or�f�a72 Restaurant $ 45.00 � 7.50 � 37•50 Ci�arette 12.00 2.00 10.00 _ Totals � 57.00 ffi 9.5� � 47.5� CANCELLA2ION (License) (Partial Refund) JUN l 51� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays • Butler r.�,.--e. �.�.^�� p e� JUN 17 197� 19— Levine � � �-f' Tn Favor M�e�- Mayor Sprafka � A gainst �— �� �`����� �. � . _. 'di�� r�.._ ,�r��; �., ,,�,r', : �=�., �... JUN 19 197� PUBLISHED O