03-16Council File # �3'� 1� Green Sheet # 102422 RESOLUTION F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Properiy Code Enforcement Division has entered into an agreement to provide services to clean up private property within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed sites in 2002; and W HEREAS, the Property Code Enforcement Division is receiving additional funds of $4,000 from the East Consolidated Weed and Seed Program grant from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 for such services; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 of the City Charter, does certify that there are additional funds of $4,000 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget; Current CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Bud¢et Chanees FINANCING PLAN 040-Property Code Enforcement 30252-Code Enforcement Grants 4399 Services All Other Fund Financing Total Financing SPENDING PLAN 040-Property Code Enforcement 30252-Code Enforcement Grants 0141 Overtime 0439 Fringe Benefits All Other Fund Spending Total Spending 10,500 913,489 923,989 8,650 1,850 913,489 923,489 4,000 4 000 3,448 552 �i Amended Budeet 14,500 913,489 927,989 12,098 2,402 913,489 927,989 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget and authorizes the proper city officials to enter into an amendment to its contract with District 6 Planning Council to increase the funds by an additional $4,000.00. Adopted by Council: Date� �o 0 3 O'� -lb Requested by Department of: Citizen Service Office ,(�f � Approved by Director of Financial Services By: �\�) - C L_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney 7 � Division oi �fr, ." conrrncr v�qsoni s �� And Daw x-, . , � � MUST BE ON COUNC �, , 'r Ra07elG TOTAL 0 OF SIGNATURE PAGES _� GREEN 3HEET o� -t�,� No 102422 x�u.uor. � oe.a�+r our�[a' i� � u�rcanra _ � arcwnaa�r ❑ ancunrz _ �wuxry�aaueFaow. �w�wio,�tacanKCra �MmRl�asa6TMn1 . ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve attached resolution to amend the contract with the East Consolidated, District 6 Plam�iug Council, Weed and Seed Prograzn, to pmvide additional services and to make the conesponding amendment to the budget to authorize use of the additional funds for the additional service. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION HasthisPersoMrme:erwariaedunderacanhadforthisdeparlmenll � . VES NO Fias this pemarKtm e.xr heen a dlY empbyee9 Y � � Doee Mis Ve`sonlfi�m poseess a sldll not �wrmellYO� b4 anY curreM city empbyee? YES NO Ie tlAs D�awJfirm a tarpe[eA.verMoYt . . � VE9� ' NO - " oiain all ves answnse on seoa�ate sheet arM aVSth to areen shec4 . Code Enforcement now needs authority to amend the contract to provide the services, and to budget the money. This is an oppornurity to use grant funding for concentrated property code enforcement activities in the designated Weed and Seed area. None Additional concenirated property code enforcement actibities will not be done. .AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONt � nnn COETAtEVENUEBUDGEfED(CIRCLEON� YES �NO > SOURCE � GI'u$�S � INFORMAiION (IXPWNj ACTNITYNUFBER �,e �'1�'1 �"� �3r� ; � � � � ���� a�v.� a�-tc. AMENDMENT to the PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT This is an Amendment to the PROFFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT by and between Saint Paul Code Enforcement Division and District 6 Planning Council a non- profit 501 (C) 3located at 1061 Rice Street, Saint Paul, NIlV 5511'7. Section 4. Billings and Payment A. That for the faithfiil performance of ENFORCEMENT to this AGREEMENT, DISTRICT 6 hereby agrees to reimburse ENFORCEMENT up to $14,500.00 for personnel costs for services provided, in accordance with the line item budget stated 'm E�ibit A, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of the contract. Director of Citizens District 6 Planning Council Date Division of Code Enforcement