254486 ORISINAL TO CITY CLQRK 254486 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y � �,i�u�.� � June 8 1 1 COMMISSIONE ATF f 97 ItESOLVED: That 1>p�:lication for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses (and Tavern and Dance Hall�� licenses applied for by Emily J. H�,nson at 755 Payne Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted on condition tha,t within�_days of th�s date said applicant shall comply wit� all the requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Hea,lth, and Police and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and al1 other applicable ordinances and laws, *�(To be c��sse& off if not applicable� JUN 151971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya Butler J.UH Y 7 ti9�� C'�- f � Ap ro d 19— Levine __jn Favor e�h Sprafka J yor A gainst '3�lesse— i��� ��, ���.,,�����t, ,���,�����-� � 1971 Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISHED �V� 1 9 O CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota c� / �����s aLJe a�t�nevct o ub�'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIxE PROTECTION roiacs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPS G.MER.1tILL,Dspaty Commissioaier DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Litense Inspector June 15, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Ma.dam: Emily J. Ha,nson makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�arette Licenses and also for Tavern and D�.nce Hall licenses for 755 Payne Avenue which is on the West side of the street at the corner of Bu.sh Avenue. This location has been licensed as a 3.2 establishment since 1934 but has been closed since February 1970. It was licensed as a tavern (only) several years ago but never as a dance ha11. The last licensee operating the business� Victor Snyder, held the 3.2 licenses from February 1969 to February 1970. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is across the street and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is about half a mile away. The nearest church is nine blocks and the nea.rest school is about nine blocks away. For about two years Mrs. Hanson has been employed at the Du�out Bar at 285 West Seventh Street, Since July 1970, she has owned and operated a bar (Bottle Club� at 1961 Rice Street. Very truly yours, �� ��� �"� `��� License Inspector � - CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEP.�RTB:4ENT �7F PITBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DNISICJN � De ts�°��z..�.�......�g �' / 1. �,pplioatiun for,��'� � � • � � �a�-� ���� Licenee 2. Nams of appli.aant ` � � � �-�l 3. Busineas addres� ������c��� �$idsnoe^��� �� � -----Zj .� ,:�� 4. Trsde name, if any 5. Reta�l Beer Federal Tax Stam���RQtail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��vi11 be u�ed. 6. f�. what floor loeated /,�y7� Number o£ roa�a used�iJ.� - �,,,,�,,,� , ,........,.,....,..., 7. Betv�een v�hs,t aross atreats yPhioh aide of stree� l j -��. 8. Are premises novr occupied,,��"V�hab business Hov�r �.ong 9. Are premisea now unoacupisd j/� Iio�w long vaeant��L�+�`����„ previ.ous Uee��� 1��-.� .�...��rr. ..,�w.� 10. Are you a new oc�ner��� Have you been in a aimilar bueineas befare�� > � q7here /�lo / ���"`'� �Vhen Ttj ��-�"-!'����o�-�c 11. Are you going to operate thia business peraonally `��1 _r_,�, If not, ��a v�3,li operate it 12. Are you in an.y other busineas at the preaent t3.ahe P� � �� � _,_.,_.. _�.�..._.., D � 13. Have there been any complaints againat your operation of this �ype o� plaoe�'�� When 1Rh�re 14. Iiave you ever had any license revokad� 1Nhat reaaon and da�te 15. Are you a citizen of the United States 1/�, Native��Idatura�,ized _7,.�.�� 16. Where wrere you born G� Dste of birth^���oL y-- `�� v 17. I� am married. My (wife 's) (husband's j name and address i$ ��/f � � �' � �= �r�?� � 18. (I#' married female, my msiden name ia � 19. $ow long have you lived in St. Faul ,��/✓—����-�Q�P � f� ����� �� 20. Have you ev�sr been arrested�LLl Xiol.ation of what ariinizlal law or ordin�xtQe , �......._,.., 21. Are yon a registqred voter in the City of S�. Paul �. Yee Nw• (Anawer full &nd aom 1e�el . These a lic��ions are thorou h�. cheaked a�id aa laification will be cause for deni.a , (('VER) 22, Number of 3.2 places within two blocks � - � � � /.��� /1�• vk�b� . 23. Closest intoxicating liquor plaae. 4n Sale� �j °"`�'`'''�D.f'f Sa1e 24. Nea re s� Chureh y��� Nea res t Scsho ol �,-��l�%� G��� 25. Number of booths, ,�y,� Tables Ch�air� Stoola 9 __.._ 26. Ylihhat ocscupation. have vou followed for the pss� five y�ears, (Give names of employers and date s s o emp7.oyed•� � � ,- �,,.-� � �� / ,j L�; 7'�`� � --����,Y�'' ���-""..�,.�� G=% 7/ — ��c-a��y—�-9 �'�-'� �-'�'`"� .-�.�e:Q 27, Give names and addresses of t�o persons, residents of St. Paul, I�3.nn�, vpho �an gi�s ` infox�tion concerning you.�� ��Q� �va�e �c� �---�`�Ir � 1� Address / 3 �/�- ��-'���-,t,�.., �•�..�`� , Name/��'"`- +����'��5,��a� Add re s s �!" �8�' ��--•.� �_:_�. �, �l f ���-�� ��._..L'. /`�`��'" Si�natu Applican Sta te of �inne s ota� ss County of Ramsey � �7��v! qf/r.✓ being first duly sworn, deposes and says ' upan oe�th that he has rea the foregoing statement bearing his signature and knaws ths eontents thereof, and t?Zat the saxrr� is true of his own l�.owledge exaept as to those ��ters therein stated upon infor�tion and belief and aa to those mattere he bela_eves them to b� trza�. � �-��'C' ��_"_.-�-�'`-�=�-� . Sig�ture o pplicsant Subscx°ibed and aworn to before me 3� d y of 19�� ' 2dotary Publie, Ramse�r County, MinneS ota DflNALD A. STECFiEF? rlptary Public.Ramsey Co..Mina. MSr C ODIIiIl 9 3141? H Xp].T'Ay�'��on Exp'uea June�k�,1G?� `i (Notes These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies mus� be fully filled out, notarized, and returned to the License Divisian.j'r " AFFIDAVIT BY APPLIC/1,NT P'OR � RETAIL BEER OR LT�UOR LTCENSE Rss �Sale License Name of applicant Bus ine s s addres s � �����.�,,c�� �� �r.�,,,�. Are you the sola owr�er of this business? �j�,. If not, is it a partnership? 7_� corporation? , other? (>thers interestsd in business, include �hose by loan of money, property or otherwises, D�-�'-�'-1 , Na� �'���� Addre s a a� r �H� �.,�-�.� �-���. � r�,., � q._._.._..i �C� -�, If a corporation, give its name. Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business?�,.�y��; As sole ov�mer? Partner? Stockholder? C?therwise? (Through loan of mon,ey, etc. Explain� Address �f such business and nature of zntereat in same � � Signature app ican S�tate of' Minne s ota� �ss Gount�r of Ramsey � �"'r��� I- �Q��/,ld� being first dul�� sworn, deposes and says upon aath that he has read the foregoin�; affid�vit bearing his signatura and knows the contenta thereof; that the sams is true of his avTn l�.avJledge, except as to those ma��ers therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. �' �-�_� � c.„ ��yy= � , ..�� � Signature o_ applieant Subscribe�, and swo to before me is ���'day of 19 7� N ota x'�r ].C� sr C Ot�'�hD insi• NototY p�lic.Ramsey Co., es�iure a��t��� ]I�y c o�is s i on expire�llv��T��S1On£'��� 19 . ,, STATE fJF MINNESOTA,) �SS C�UNTY OF RAMSEY (.. �„ � , � �;- - G�- �z-�; �—. ,� b1�i�c-- being Pirst duly arovorn., do�h deppae , and say that he makes this affidavit in conneation �rith app}.ication for " Sale" liquor lioense (" d� le" malt beverage lioense) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a rasiden� oP the State of Minne�ot� and has resided therein for c�..�-�-�r�� years, montha, � � and ia now an,d has been #'or the time abave mentioasd a bona �ide resident of said State and that hq naa� resides at �� .��� �Z.' � ' Addrsss `:��y`� �'�.1�'` , Mixu�.e 8 ota. �it y or owrs �� I �j'f'�.4..�y /� `.��'�.il-2 Subscribed and s�orn to before � �his �d y of 19 7/ otary b ic, Ramsey Count Minnesota �P�ALD F.. �'[`;:.: ��O'tGiY PubLc.F.�n:se- �� c osnni s s i on e xpi re e��mmr�e�on E�uei+June �2. ?�J;?�