254476 � '
, � ; � _y ��4,�6
File No. 59�53
In the Matter of
-----_. ---- - - - - ---- -- — __-- _._.__—.-
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� reconstructing tha sid�walk on the North side �,_Eighth Street fr,�J�ckson Street �
tn Tomnaranr�� et,�,r�at� -------- -
togetber �ith all areaaay�, cosl•l�oles, trapdoors, tunnels and cther undergronnd
facilities of everp description aad pravided that all pernits her.to£or� granted
by said City af St. Panl for the iustallatioa and/or mainteaance of snch area�ra�s,
coal-holes, trapdoors, tu�mela and other undergroaad facilities of every descrip-
tian will be aad the saae are her�by re�oked unlesa said areavays, coal-holns,
trapdoors, tnm�els and other nadergrounal f+�cilities of ever�r description mre
recoastrueted by said peraittee an or before a date Mhich is 90 days aftar the
date of final approval of this order; and that, fnrthar, the Depart�ent of Pnblic
Works, Chrougb its Ckief $ngineer, is bereby authorized and directed to fill in
and resave euch areaaays, coal-boles, trapdoors, tuumaels and other undargro�nnd
facilitie� of every description, the persi.tteea of which areavaya, coal-holea,
trapdoors, t�naela aad otber naderground facilities of ewery description fail to
reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the Cit� 8ngiaeer an or before tha
above nentianed date e�ocept vLere good aad safficient poored sideaalks no+r exi�t�
-�------—_ --— __ .
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t0 reeaastruat the s�i�$lk �n_t}ic� llTrtrth ci r�c nf Fi ghth Ctrnnt frn... Jnnlrann
StrPPt tn TPmnPr�n��St-�rr i
togetber �rith a11 �treatNays, eoal-holes, trapde�ars, tuuaels aad other undergronnd '
facilitiea of e�er� deseri.ptien and provided t�at all permits heretofore granted
' by said Citq of St. Panl for the iastallatian and/or aaintenance of anch area�raye,
coal-holes, �rapdoors, tnnnels and other uadergronnd f+►cilities of ever� descrip- '
tion will bn aad tl�e sa�e are hereby revoked unless said areaxays, coal•holes,
tra�pdoors, tunnels and other underground facilitiea of every description are
recoaatructed by said p�nsittee � or before a date ahich is 90 days aftar the
date of ftnal appreval of this ord�r; and that, fnrther, the Bepartment of Pnblic
Works, through its Chief Bngineer, is hereby anthorized and directed to fill ia
� aad reaove sueh areavays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tnnnels and otha�r undergrmnad
facilities of everq description, the permittees of rhich area�rsys, coal•bales,
trapdoors, tunnels and other anderground facilities of e�ery deseriptivn fail to '
reconstruct the sune to the aatisfactian of the City Er�ginaer on or before tha
abovs 'ention�d date eucept Where goc�d and snfficient poured sideW�lks ncr�► axist�
,=.,�i�_1,971 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Charii�r�-��-C-onr� —'
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, �he nature of t�"improvement and the total cost thereof a,� esZtmated. �-
Adopted by the Council
�'e� BUTLER Nays
C�fil' Approve 1 ? �97�
��� �In Favor
S�RAFKq nyor
T =
� Ag�inat JUN 19 1971 '
Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISHED