254467 ORIGINAI TO CITY CL[RK 25446`� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMIS50NEQ Victor J. Tedesco June 15, 1971 DATE � �_ � ,,-� ����..�,�- WfIFRE , e Council of the City <�f Saint Paul is inforrtiecl by , the City Architect that the vacant and open buildin�;s locatecl aL-: 502 E. Lynnhurst , -in the City of Saint Paul are a proximate harard to the public health, welfare and s afety; and WHERE.AS, the last known record owners of said pro�erty are: Raymond Truelson -a.r.d said owners have failed to secure the same ag�.inst entry by i.�n.authorired pei•sons in violation of Section 192, 18 of the Saint I'aul I.,egislative Code, attcl said vacant and open buildings have been found ancl detc:rrriined by the Cc>uiicil of the City of 5aint Pa�l to constitute a inenacc to the public health, welfare and safety and a public nuisance �vhich must be immediately abated to preve�nt loss of Iife or property; now, therefore be it RE:SOLVED, that the City Architect is authoricecl and dirc;c�ted to imrnediaLely secure said builclings by thc; use ot contract labor �znder Contc�acL No. ?358 pending proceedings under the Hazardous Buildings Ac1:; ancl be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing suclt r�uildin�s l�e paid from Fund No. 0979-26�, 5urrimary Abatement, and that; tk�e Corpo�•at;ic�n Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse s�.id funcl by action against the owner of said property. (Estimated cost: $35. 25) ��� 5 �97a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun 19_ Yeas Nays Butier JUN 1 ? 1971 ���.. � � Ap 19___ Levine Tn Favor Afei'e�ki�l�-- Sprafka V yo T�_ A gainst � Mr. �%ice President �red�th �UN 19 1971 PUBLi�HED - �����