254454 OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK �O 254�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF \ RESOLVED, That upon a d pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by John Jackson, owrier of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint paul and described as; � Lot 24, Block 21, Beaver Lake Heights; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the exten� necessary therefor and the area requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so as to accommodate a duplex, subject to the condition that said appellant, and his successors and asaigns, otherwise, shall make due com- liance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities � �, having cognizance. U � � � E-� � �w �' �` � :� .7 uY.. :f� JUN 1519T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler JUN 171971 r.,,.� Ap rove� 19_ Levine n Favor �_ Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �— PUBLiSHED.,..��,�,1.�9 7� Mr. Vice President Meredith � N��y E. MarshaU �l'''Y „F Albert B. Olsoa ' ' City Clerk and �°� t y�� Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration o �" �: � -___,` .._� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS s86 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5520� Mat'Ch 25� 1971. Zoning Boexd, Ca�erce Bldg. Gentle�mea: T2�e City Council ret'erred to y�cm for recc�mmaende,tioa , t2u atta,e�+ed zc�aning appeal oP Jobn Ja,c:k�soti� 2g05 E. Mitu►ehaba Stree�, �rtaining to praperty at 1971 Nort�i.a, deacribed ae Lot 24, Bl.ock 21, Besv�er I,alse Heighta. Vex'y 9�a� �`� � � , C''���� Ci� lerk �r � � f-, �� r�� c;-} 11 cy�; ±( j�`i 41..!, � � i�� .:-.i 1� t,r! ��.-a `i. s�l.j L �� i., . �_, _ j' ;���. .., . �`: � �i,,I.i � ;.'�...� � ,:�< a .�`;�s�._=isi�.i.c :9f�lCit i u:ai. '.wtf�nxc:+Oti£! \\ �� . ,� \ �.._..._.�.._..._....._.�.�_.._...�_ ` � �` ' � ` ����� �� ���.� '��.�� �`� - ;e��,'� �� �, �� � � � � ny� � �-�� � U�'v ) � .a�`" � � y��� ° BOA�D UF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION May 6, 1971 plat Map ��41 . � Acting under Legislative Code Chepter 60 thru 64 � passed August 22, 1922, ae amendied to Jacwary 27, 1971. 7146 �� A?'P�,1�AN'f aS NAi�9E � John Jackeon :� CLnSSTFICATIUN ; � Amendment � Appesl ❑ Permit LJ �ther X-1038 3, �t�g�p�r;E e Relax the area requirements for a duplex 4. LOCATI.OIJ y North aide of Nortonia Avenue between Reaney and Bush Avenues 5� I�i:GA� DESCRiPTION � Lot 24, Block 21, Beaver Lake Heights 6� PR�SEtJT ZONINGs "A" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zonin�? Code Chapt�rs 64 Sactiont .03 Parac?raph: i 8 , STAFF INVESTIGATION � REPORTB Dzte1 4/30/71 Bys ATB A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this property. B. PROPOSAL: The appellant propoaes to sell the property and have it qualify for a G. I. or F. H. A, mortgage. C. NEED FOR APPEAL: The area of thia property is less than that required for a duplex in an "A" Residence District. The date the single-family residence built in 1919 was converted into a duplex is unknown. A building permit for alteration and repair was iasued in 1941. A plumbing permit was issued in the same year. D, PRESENT STANDARDS: A duplex is permitted in an "A" Residence District on a lot with a 50-foot frontage and an area of 7,500 square feet. E, VARIANCE: The lot has an irregulsr shape with a 50-foot frontage and an area of approximately 5,150 square feet, �,350 square feet or 31 1/3% short of the required area. F. AREA ZONING: One block west. along Nokomis Avenue, is a large area zoned CoQmiercial. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. The Comprehensive Plan recotrmiends low- density residential in the area. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The property ia developed with a residential structure that appeara to have been structurally altered to accommodate a second housing unit on the second floor. An outaide steirway hpa b�en attached to the rear of the structure providing access to the second floor area. A small single-car garage is located on the north- easterly corner of the property. Access to the gerage is provided by a narrow drive- way along the north property line. The distance between the rear of the dwelling and the garage would appear to prohibit access to the rear yard to provide a parking area for two cars. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is platted with curvilinear streets and the residential streets platted with 45-foot right-of-way. The platted lots are small with average depths of 100-110 feet. The entire area ia developed with small single-family residences. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recotmwnd Q Approval X� Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by : McPartlin Yees Neys 5/25/71 x AmeA - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Benshoof x Cochrane Hearing: x McPartlin Secretary's remarka: x Maietta 5/27/71 Manaur Council Action: x Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel ` v .. O� ,� (�/ ' � i S. , S2 � O , . � � Q 1�4 p 7`� , � � O , . - . O OO /'O� � O � O � � o � �f � o , e�P� � � ° � �- �`� `� �. o 0 0 0 0 0 , ��� o a�`� O°� � �j rG. O � � � 32 ' o � A o c� 3: O oo ° ° o0 0 ° ° O . oo ° o 00 ,. ' o o b � �� , o p O o ° ' � i O\p�' , 0 O A p O �' - O � ,� O � � � O � � i 00004 �� p � O O � � p� �,� o0 0 0 0 ; BUSH " o� ° ° �`� o 0 0 0 � �a o o � o �° o oo � oo , � ° o ° °o - - : . �=o 0 0 -� o o � ; � , �� o o ° o ° ° 000000 db � ooa 'r ° .• � ° o � REANEY o . o --° . ° --� � _ '° o 0 0'o o; o ; -ro 0 0 �-,_ ' - - - - - ; �► -_ , 0 __ � _ i i r , �►- � -� '�-� O O O OO O 0000000 a I� 00000 vCl I OO 00O � _ _ 1NNEf-tA�Q- . - - - ---------- � �-o�v'FMIERC-lA�. - — -- --- - - - I _I i� 0 000 � 00 � 000 i � Di� O �o � � • � 0 � � � ' s ! i ? � � �, APPLIC��1T John Jackson ����� . , PURf��SE Relax the area requirements �A�D ! '�� for a duplex �"� V � ONE-FAP�iILY Pi�E�ENT ZOP�l1MG "A" Resiaence . -fl- T�°d0-FAP��I�Y PETIT'ON �IGNERS � 1'HREE-�l�f��iLY -�- FO U f�-FA t�,"I LY TQ ti�lJLTI-��,�.'�I�Y FILE No 7146 NoRTH ° ° n CO�L�Pe��F;G!�aL . n � If°�DUSTf�I/�L �/ \�f�C,4�;�' r • St. Paul P(anning Boord, Date� 4/29/71 Prooc:rtv U�cf�t' Co�siclt?t'�finr . , • MINUTES OF TftE PtJBL�� HEARIATG BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING on Thursday, May 6, 1971, at 2:00 P„M, PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, A�essrs. Ames, Benahoof, McPartlin, and Maietta of the Board; and Messrs. Broc�m and Rosetter, and Mrsa Frantzen of the staffa JOHN JACKSON: An appeal to relax the ares zequirements for s duplex, on property located on Che north side of 13ortonfa Avenue between Reaney and Bush Avenues. rir. Rosetter presented pictures of the site to the Board, and aummarized the st�ff report, a part of the file, by stating that the area of this property is less than that requir�d for a duplex in an "A" Residence District. The date the single-famfiy home �built in 1919) was converted into a duplex ia anknown. A Uuilding permi� for alteration and repair was issued fn 1941. A plumbing pex�it was issued �hat same yeare A dupLex is permitted in an "A" Res�dence District on a lot with a 50-foot £rontage and an area ofr 7,500 sqaare feet. The subject Yot has an irregular sttape with a 50-foot frontage ansi an area of approximately 5,150 square feet, wh3.ch is 2,350 sq�nre fee� or 31 1/37e short of the required area. The sub3ect property is developed with a residential structure that appears to have been structurally altered to accommodate a secand housing anit on the second floor. l�ccess to the single-car g�rage is p�ovided by a narrow drivewsy along the north property linee The distance between the resr c�f the dw�llir�g and the garage would appeer to prohibit access to the zear yard to provide a parking area for two cara. Mr, Rasetter noted that a d�piex would require parking space for 3 cars. He noted the sta£f received Zetters in opposition; one Ietter said they are against "rezoning", �nd four others eddressed themselves to the appeal. A representative for the appellant expl�ined ��tat the �wners want to sell. the property as a legal duplex. A couple o£ parties ere interested in buying the home. but the Veterans ° Adminis�tr�tion c�il.l not spprove the hom� for sale without proof that it is legal. �te noted it has been a duplex for 30 years and was converted in 194I. S:Lnce he feels this varfance is too �rer�t, aand the Cduncil passed the requirement for � duplex as 7,500 square feet, Mra McParelin moved far d�nial of the agpealo The motion was secc�nr�e.d by Air., Benshoof, �ho noted he loolced at the property axtd the are� CpI1SIa��S soleYy of single-family homes. He nated h� does not feel theY°e would b� r�dequ.ete paxking spaces for two famiLi.es. The motion carried eananrmously. Mro l�iaiett� coamiented that this %s not � hardship case and th� shortage is too great to provide �dequate park£ng. Submitted by: Paul Lo Rosetter Robert Lo Amea, Chairman -5- � .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 May 14, 1971 City Clerk - 386 City Hall File XI038, page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Councfl Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at St. paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. on May 27, 1971 on the appeal of John Jackson to relax the area requirements for a duplex on the property described as followe; Lot 24, Block 21, Beaver Lake Heights . The property is located on the North side of Nortonia Avenue between Bush and Reaney Avenues. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Co�nerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearfng. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. `. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance O I .. . .. � .. .. I ZOI�f(}APP�IIL ��£ I h� �� k �C��' tCOhe, a�, '. "��tl �2sx � -aa lo Ava, � ]Lt}K�'�.� 'h. �.�iS �. LnO �� 't{��,`�_ , _ 1 - INSURAN� � � ����� MORTGAGES . � � , �FL GR�GaRY R�ALTY C0. 629 SUMMIT AVENUE Phone: 226-3226 ST. PAUI, MINNESOTA 55105 Q March 23, 1971 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o Cits Clerk 386 City Hall R� Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs : I am the a�ent far John Jackson, 2505 E. Minnehaha Street, telephone number 739�-0466, who owns the property �t 1971 Nortonia, Lot 24, Block 21, Beaver Lake Heights . This property has been used as a duplex for 30 years or more. P�e would like to sell this property under a G. I. or F. u. A.. loan as a duplex and to do so it is required that we have a permit from the city to use this property as a duplex. Zn!e are appealing under the Le�is�.ative Code, Chapter 64, Section 03, Para�raph I. Yours truly, �--�f�°���-� Del Gre�ors Agent for John Jackson ����, ��� `€'� ;z�, / , � � f (r- !` ' ... �l �� j I E^� __J�� '.; t`:� � � 1.1 r}�j � ���� ���I�G ���� �:.:-'���� r�: ,J �I.�.' ; \/i�� $~a.,�i+eCti,3.��dY7 L`"��nml�\Y �aint �';�ut, i+1?i��aeaota � ,�' ��445 � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL `� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 • May 25, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of John Jackson to relax the area requirements for a duplex, on property located on the north side of Nortonia Avenue between Reaney and Bush Avenues. This property is further described as: Lot 24, Block 21, Beaver Lake Heights. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on May 6, 1971, at which time the staff reported that a duplex exists on the subject property which is 31 1/3% short in the area required for a duplex in an "A" Residence District. The staff said that it would appear there is not enough room to provide the amount of parking required for a duplex. The staff acknowledged receipt of letters in opposition to the appeal. A representative of the appellant said the structure was converted in 1941 and would like to legalize its existence in order to sell it under a Veterans Administration loan. The Board heard a motion to recommend denial on the grounds that the variance is too great. The seconding motion noted the single- family home character of the community and the apparent lack of parking space necessary for two families. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Very truly yours, f? r� � '�/,J ��/� ' PETE J. MAIETTA Seci''etary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR Z. F. �k7146 O , Adopted by the Council 197— Yeas Naya �UTLER �CARLSON LEVINB�..,,_ !�I �PRAFHA TIDESCO-----�_ MK.PR,ESIDENT (McCARTY) n