254448 Oelslnal to Cib Clsrk . � ` ' ORDINANCE 2544�8 5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESE Y ORDINANCE NO ' 3 � AN' DINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO ST. LUKES HOSPITAL TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL BELOW SMITH AVENUE BETWEEN SHERMAN STREET AND WALNUT STREET. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That permission and authority are hereby granted to St. Lukes Hospital to construct, operate, and maintain a pedestrian tunnel below Smith Avenue between Sherman Street and Walnut Street. Section 2. That the Cormnissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to St. Lukes Hospital for the construction, operation and main- tenance of said pedestrian tunnel upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said pedestrian tunnel entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans and specifications of St. Lukes Hospital on file in the Department of Public Works; shall be made in strict compliance with the City of St. Paul Building Code and be authorized under a building permit issued by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $500.00 to be accounted for under Departme�t of Public Works Project Number E-1097; d. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settling and shall restore said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to their original condition; e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or o�casioned by the construction, operation, and maintenance of said pedestrian tunnel and by the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expenses that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Spra.fka Againat Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk yor �� Form approved Corpora�ion Counsel By o��,a m cK,c� , • . �� ORDINANCE ,�= 254448 COUNCIL FILE NO. ,:� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �3 -2- g. That said pen+�ittee sMal1 f�r�ish tFie �epart�e�a.t ef F'�blic Works all docWrper�ts of r�eord that��are a part ef th� contract or,- i nci denta l to i ts exECUtion including but not lir�ited to, addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, ''as built" plans and tracings; h. TM�t said permittee shall notify the Construction EnginEer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and° r�otify the same said Construction EnginEer when the project has been completed`to allow for a final inspection; i. That said permittee shall notify tMe Traffic Bureau of the �epartment of Public Works if the construction, operation or n+aintenarice of said pedestrian tunnel shall make necessary the closing of Smith Avenue or part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic �ureau in furnishing, installing and removing af barricades, signs and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; j. That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, and maintenance or presence of the pedestrian tunnel provided for herein; k. That said permittee shall remove or modify said pedestrian tunnel or part thereof at its sole cost and expense in such manner as is satisfactory to the Commissioner of Pubiic Warks whenever the City Council shall so order; 1 . That said permFttee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shall have fuliy canplied with the pro�:�i,sions regard���ng insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Pau�T`, Department of �ublic Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April 1 , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purpose of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44 as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor", whenever the same appears in the aforesaid section 1 .44 as amended; Said Section 1.b4 as amended, of the specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fuity and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim; Proof of compliance with provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shall , after submission to the Corporation Counsel , be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; m. That said permittee shall submit bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works; n. That said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Cierk. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. JUN 3 0 19�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Butler �� � Tn Favor � Levine Meredith � d A gainat Sprafka � J U N 3 0 1971 r. Preaident (l�c� ) Approved: A � Ci lerk �� Form ap�roved Corpor�,�ion Counsel By YUBLISHED ���• � �g7 - � a�ea a p`�.a` , ' . � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL HLE NO �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— AM OR@IMAMCE 6RANTiNG PERMISSIOM TO ST. LUKES �iflSPiTAL Tt> CONSTRUCT, t�PERATE AND MAIMTAItt A PEDESTRlAtI TUqMEI BELOV SM ITH AYEqtlE dETMEEN SHERNAl1 STitf ET AND VAtNt�T STREET. THE Ct1E�NC 1 l OF THE C I TY OF SA 1 tIT PIWL DOES ORDA i N: S�ctton 1. Th�t penaisslo� and autho�ity are he�eby gr�trd to St. I.�ic�s Ffospitat to crw►struet, ops�ate, �ad ewiptain a psdestrtan tnnn�i betcw+ S�ith � Ave� betaa� Sh��sa Streat and lralnut Street. Sectton 2. That the Cawission�r of P�blic Morks is h�reby s�uthoriz�d to, issum a pe�it to St. L�kas lbspital for the constr�tior+, ops�atioe+ and n�sin- tenaaca of said ped�est�ian t�nnei apon aad s�bJect to the folivwie�g tenss��nd conditio�s: ' s. ihat said �penoittee ahsll construct said oedestrian tunaei enttrely at i ts c�rn expense* nnder t he sapenr i s i�e► and to the sst i sfs�t i oa of t he Ca�lssia�er of Pnbl ic 1�Ibrks snd in accorda�a Kith the appt�wad plana and spectficattons of St. Lukas Hospital on file in the Dspart�ent of Public Mb�ks; shslt ba �ade in stirl�t taipiisace wtth the Cltp cf St. Paui suilding Code snd be s�tlwrized nnde� a beildi� per�it iss�red bY the Depsrt�t of Parks, - Recreation and P+ib11c suitdings; b. Thst said p�r+�ittae shall pay the cost of pubitcsti� of th�s ordinance s�d all resolutions passad in ��tstioA tc satd ordinar�ce; c. That said perwittaa shall pay tha costs of a�niaistration, engineetiag and iasp�ctton 1�cu��ed by the Dep�rt�ent of Public lrb�ks bsEanse of this uAde'takiAg; ssid �eosts aro esti�t�d as a su� of �v500.tf4 to be aeeounted fo� ander t��psrtwe�nt of Pabl ic librks ProJect Nunbar ��� d. Thst ssid per+Nittee shat l properlr protaet sl i exca�rstioers a�sels in the streets, si'de�tks snd boulev��s be�th day and night so ss to sra►id at l dasag� or faJueyr to persons o� p�operty; shal l pre�perly f i l i snd tasp said strests, sidewslks, and bo�rlerirards to avoid settling and shstl restora � said stcsets, sid�ralks a�d bodlewrds to their oriqinsl c�orniition; �- e. Tf�at said per�tttsa sxp�essly agrees snd dn�srtakas to fuliy indewnifr, hold hsnNtesa a�d defe� the City of S�int Pae�i, its sga+ts, office�s and emplo�nas frd� any and sil daa�ages, �isi�s, losses, Jad9wents, suits or exp�e�sas srisiag out mf !r,�cwstoned by ttie ta�str�ction, oparstfa+, s�d a�i�tenance of said ped�strfan t�nel and bY the psrwlssicn sad autl�critY gnale� herein; f. Thst satd p�s�aittee shail faMish a bond to the City of St. P�u1 in the su� of t� thioitsand de�tlar� (S1A,000.00) eonditianed to eaqly with ali the t�nis of th t s o�d i nsnce and to i nd�n i fyr ae�d ssve hsr�l ess sa i d C i ty frc� all tiabtltty, lass, Jud�ents, snits, ce�sts, charges and exp�ases thst a�ar seen�e to p�rsoe�s or propsrty occasio� by the �skirig of tMa i�nro�vew�nt e� arising oet of the sa�e; # Yeae Coundlmen� Nays ' Paeaed by the Councit Butler Carlson Tn Favor Le�vWin,eS p� � roGNL�1'Ili� Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) ApProved: Atteat: City Clerk �tyor �� ;; Form a�pxove�d Corpor�rt3oa Counsel By ��� 4 • � � . . ... � � ORDINANCE �i�� COUNCIL HLE NO . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- r � -3- 9. Tbat �id �sittM si�11 t�t*isi� tl� I�artar�t �fi l�ltc Y�rks aii docu�Ats ot racoN that ar� a 'art of tl�s aao#.ract or i+n�l�ta1 to 1 ts �artto� 1�etriil� Yat Mt 1�ltMl !r. air��:, a�r+� al'' �rlr�t, sr �f cwtnat. `ys Li�i it" p1a�s a�i traieiiys; M. Tbst s�►f� �it� slMt1 �wEtl�► the GMSte�rcti�rir ��� at tM �� � �ltc Yorks � tMs contr+ntttsr� stast� a� ��t� th� s�w sa1� GMSt+�tts� �gi�st � tba �t�s,�iret Iws i�a� �I�ted t� a1 t�+ far s fi�al faq�ctla�; 1. flrt sai� �s�tt�b� sM1i rt1fY tM Traftl� �sr+�w of tM N�! aF' h�1ie tlwrlcs if ths e+o�tr�etiM, �erattea K wat�� of sai�i �stria� tw�al siMti � �sa� tMe �1�si�y �►t :ii� /4� «r Rsrt tM�►�sf; a11 � #�d h► ths T�afftc trr«w f� fwrwisl�iy. i�stalliM a�i r+�wi� of imica�s, s�t� s�i otiMr �tn►1 rarica, sAait M 'ai� i� tM �sitL�; ). Tlat sar#� �altt�s sM11. �rt�g ths ta� � dtis Re�tt. �ators a�i r�ir af1 '�+oM!rt�. MNtNe� p�iNe aar r�t�rste, i�y�i a► wAi�h sa�► N it�yrd �s �o �tiis �so�str�i�, �ea�io�, a�i ri�t�r�w or � art tAt �est� t�ansi prwid� for hsr�i�; k. TI� s�ti: �rlttss sMsl l � �r �riitp sai� 'Mi�stiia� twr�� �r r►�rt �f at its soi� ast a�i � is �M n��sr as is sattsf+�a�ry b tlN ta�tssf�t of !'n�tte Y�i�s +�wr t�s Citir C�wci1 shsil s� �Nr�; {. Tf�at s�ii �rwtt�s sbtlit� �ot '��� �rit� aaNStsratiow w�1� aMl �tii sa1� o.�si=as sf�.t 1 I�s �t ty .ar�1 ia «►ta� dr. 'rw►tst«� r.�1� i�srera�c+s a�i i��ifieat�e� aa�tat�l ip tlrs CItX �f iatRt ►ari, N�rts�t af t�►1lt Wrks �ctficatiars l�or f*rast a�i iw»� �sttwttlat. �/ liart1 1, ��, f�ttM �ni 1.�4 �!` �ssi� s�stticsti�s, as a�i�d, a�lte�t� ta a�ti'actots. � tbs �w�+Ns� �r# tMis ori#arro�, tMr afsnsai� srctiM rt sat� s�ctfieatla�, w�r i.�1 as ar�i�i. �11 is rwr as t�o�h #M iwN '�j�r�t�a�' +ws sNst�tr#�1:#�iir tM r�aN "c�traeiewr"'s rAiar�r t�Ms sa■r ap�rs 1r tM a�sati �ctt�M 1.� as aw�i�l; 3at� S+rctl� 1.4�► p a�d�. ef tia sMelficaRh�s tar ltrrst a�i t�e� CMStrrctlM �� t� C!!� o! Satst �art is �r i�r�+t�N l�i� �ryr nt� ss fvi1� aN � �ist�ty a�s if �st fvrt�M I�rasi� �tti; ��f �f +�e�lia�a ritt� orortslMS ot tla� ahn�ai� s�ctta� s�Msli b� i� s�it fin� � tlMt .i�rMtatlo� Cew�soi +ef «M CI �# Sat�t �1 �► �ie�ct a�t tIN i�ts n�rini� � !#� a�or+a�id f�tion�,� sMi t, a!'tsr s�1s�s1a� � tM �it�o� E+�i�+�i, rs �i1«I i� dis �ffia �# tb� C�ptr+ollir �rt tA� Cit�r ef Sai�t ta�t; �. Tb�t sai� 'siraitt�s siitl�l s�tt M�i ai i�a�s �Rs ts tlw Oftic� E�i�ra� ef tl�s �part�t efi �r�ic MKksi �. '!'Mit �aii �srwttt�s shs11, wtt�iw ti�trt�► �30� �s �eftst ti� pssss�s �f this oerii�aMes, ftls a �riEt� araNta�os tl�stro� with tM Ctt�► C1�rk. f[iC�ION 3. 7'�+is oNiwr�+s sAalt tak�s effiet a� is �� hra tki�t�r �3�) ' inl: fra� a� sfl�r its Mssa�sr ap�rwal a�i �1ir.�sti�. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Coun�� �N 3 0 19Ti But�� ��0�' �In Favor Levine : Spr�� d e8's1ae1; Tedaua_ Mr. Presiaent c�cCart�) JUN 3 0 �n��_ Ai�t: Approved: City Clerk Mayor �� :, . Form a��rov�ed C;or$or�ion Couneel By _ _ —� I st � ' � � 2nd � � " Laid over to 3rd and app. � ��_Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson ���^ �Car�hen Levine �� Levine , � Meredi+h (,,J Meredifh Sprafka Sprafka L% Tedesco Zedesso. Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O