254430 25�4�0 Counoil File No....._......_...___ PROPOSAL F4R IMPROVEMENT andl PRELIMINARY ORDER. .�TTheundereignedherebq propoeeathemakingof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by the City of Baint Psul,vii.: � . ._ - � Improve LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Edgerton St. to Parkway Drive (C3ty Project ' P-0551) as._ follows: widen, grad.e and pave; construct curb and gutter• � � P , e�nstruct s�r�a�, a�.�.ey and dxivewa._y returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; .amd construct concrete walk where necessary, and do a11 other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. �azea tau�.... .................aaq ox.........................................._....._.. ....... � ••��.•r ...... ...............•- •� �� .. . ..... ........ . _ .. . ...,.. . ,e,•; '� Couaoilm . PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: _: _. _ -3 � Improve LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Edgerton St. to Parkway Drive (City Pro�ect � P-0551) as fo]1ows: widen, grade and pave; construct curb and gutter; �� construct s�ree�, a11ey �d driv�way returns; construct storm water draina.ge ;� facilities; and construct concrete walk where necessaxy, and do a11 other work which is necessary and incidental to camplete said improvement. � na'tnng peen preeencea co tne �:ounen oi tine �iLy or �amti raw..........-•-•---••--•--•--•------•-----------------------------------•--------....._. therefor8, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Work� be and is hereby ordered and directsd: Y. Tq inveetigate the neoeeeity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigats the nature, extent and eatimated ooet o#said improvement� snd the total eoat theteoE. 3. To furnieh s plsn, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. . 4. To state w�iether or no8 eaid improvement ie aekecY 1�or o�a +F,�e petitioa of three�r more ownere. 6. To report u�on all of the foregoiag mattere to the �mmieaioner of Fiaanoe. Adopted by the Counail.................................`�UN......9.1971......_...... Ya�ss Councilman Butler JUN 1 O �97� " Ca r 1 son Appror►ec9---•........................ .......-•---........_..---....._.._._..._ Levine Meredith S praf ka Tedes co ......_...._........�............ ...... .. h1r. President McCarty �000 �-� . G'�.' -� �uN � a 7� • � PUBLISHED