254404 �.' � OriYinsl to City Clerk ORDINANCE 2�,���4 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "A.n ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Clinic A.ide _ . :._ . � � _, � : o` n � <�� � .� J � � -j- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,,, ' OtiYInal to City Clerk . ORDINANCE �5�4�r4 , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� �C �� Section 2. This ordinazzce shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- �llH 2 31�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler C��san �evine In Favor Me�e��#- � f� Sprafka Against Tedesco JU N 2 5 1971 � tt s • r. Vice d dith Approved• ty Clerk - Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED T` _ r n�.a a r�.s� . . , ORDINANCE �4�� COUN�CIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An orii�pr�ac� sm�sdisg Ord�tce Ne. ?b07, aatit�i�d: '�.As ordiasses� t� d��s sad respooasitiiliti�■ sa� the minimum Qu�lifieatioaa.�to: the variot�a clsesee of poaitions ia#�e Cla,sdSid Serv�ce o� t�e C#t�r,r� a�rproved F�brosr� I3, 1935. �s sno�ded. THE COU�+ICIL OF THE CTTT OF SA1NT PAtfL DOTS 0�7?AI�i: S�ctioa 1. Tvst Ordisaa�ce Mo. 7b0�, ap�►ro�nd FeLt�ssT 13. 1935, ss ama�d. b� aad ttie ssme i�e h+er+d�r i�ts#her aau�d�d bT iss�rti� ia its gsvp�r alphslMetical order !h� i�ollo�wiag tftle� a�ad s��eitiesHm�s for Cliai� Aide , � _1� Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paeee�i by the Counc>> Butler � Caslson . ��e Tn Favor 5Pra,fka ro�;net Tedssco Mr. President (McCarty) Approv�i: Attegt: City Clerk Ma�or �� Form a roved Co pP rporation �ounsel By _. ._ _ ,:_ � � .. DqNe�b b PrLs�e . , : : � 25444�4 ORDINANC � COUNClL FILE NO PRESHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO � S�ctisa Z. T�s or�liaa�te�► s�all tske e#f�et smd be ia#est� ti�lr#� is�s sfter its psssage, apprcval, snd pablicstioa. , � '3' .a�M a� ��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Coun�;t Butler � � � Tn Favor ��" D A�;nst sp� ��"' JU N 2 5 t87� Mr. Vice President Meredith �pp���' Attsst: . City Aerk B�syor f� Form a��roved Corporation �ouneel By _ 2544�4 Titl� o�' cla�s; GL�:N� C ��DE D�itie� and r�s�s�n�i}ail.i�i�s� Und�r �upervisaora, �Go assi.s� ?�hy�i�ians or nurses in clini�cs related to ����ial r�ra;;ec':a of th� I3ur�a�z of Health; and to perform r�lated worl: as assi�;n�el, E�,�amplc� of .r�ork �er��rmed� Tc pi•;;gart clini� raozn� by Iayar�g ost instrumcnts and s�Pplias� To keep �litii� ress�ra�� in ard�r: To c3ir�ct pa�i�n*_^ ic� pro�,�,r �iii.i� rooms and to oth�r ar�as of �la� bt��lr�Yn�� TU w�igh pai�i��n�� �;�ir] do uix�r�plE la�oratory ti��ts. Tc ��k� and x�s�nrcl ?'�r���se�•at�a�e�, To �iwe aim�I�� c��x�-s1�xn�xciorn� �a pa`tzenrs re�arding Yhe clini� procec,t��z e c: To assis� in �cmpletin� gax��n�s�charts: TC `tak� s��ci:�ens Lo Iabor�:Y�n�y. To k�:�p re�oi•d� of n�t�di.c�l s�pplies on han�' and �a maEnfiain �.'ne sup�lii� a� azi adt.q�.�rt� ?��r�I, To malce pfl�cne �alle> a���l L•o ans�r✓e�• phencs. Niinim�am �ualxfic-��kions: �Ii�.i sel-�ool g:�ca�ivatic�rt. .�zm 2544�4 Title of classa CL�NIG A�D � Du�ic;� and responsibilitz�:� L�nder �up�lvision, to assist physi�ciana oE nurses in clini�s relafed to sp�cial prn��c4:a o.f tt�c �ur�a;� of Health; an�� to perform related worlc as �.ssi�n�d� E�ample s of worl� pe:.fnrmed: Ta preparc clinic rooms by layi�'� o�:.�t in�trurncnts and suppli�s< To keep clinie rooans in ordc;r; To direc� p��:i�;n.*.� to pro��r �lini.� roaxns and to other areas of �'rie b�ilr3in;, To �veigh pa�ien�s and do simpl� 2aboratory t�sts. To ��ke �.nd r��cord T:cmv�^ratur�s, To ;f�e ^irnple c�a�pl.anulLions ia ga�i�ni:s r��arding �he clinic pra�e;duz e�, � To assi.s� ir. c�omr�letiYi� pa`ta�nts char��o Te �a;:� :�eci�nens to l�bo��.��c��yo To k��p 1'F'COI'L�u of m�dic�l s�,ppli�s on hand and �a mainiain �tze sa�p�I�h�s a� zn ad�q�ia�c ?evel, To make phorr.e call.� and i�o an,�,uer �hones. Itiiinim�am qu�lifi���ion�� High school g.�aduation, �2� ' "S I st �' � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app v �—Adopted � � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays \ Butler �BButler Carlson 2544(14 �} Levine ,`�Levine Meredith �""�"A4�er�$i�i -•' `j0. Sprafka Sprafka , j \J Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCatty n '.:x O Mr. Vice President Mereciith