256980 ����►y�U ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK �98� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENC�� NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. Comaa COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVBD, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authoriaed to pay to Axel Newman Heating & Ylumbing Company on Partial Estimate No. 1, Contract No. L-7392, for the MODIFICATION OF BROADWAY PUMPING STATION, said estimate being paid for the period of December 1, 1971 to December 31, 1971, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be pre�ented subsequently by said Contractor and approved by the City Engineer, it being the understaading of this Council that such partial payment or payments on partial estimate or estimates on said Contraet in no way are to be construed as an act by the City or a�ry of its agents, servants or employees extending the time specified for the completion or in any way changing the terms of said contract, plans or specifi- cations thereof, nor in any way nor by any means shall this resolution or payment, or payments made under authority of this resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract, and provided that prior to payment � of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or estimates, said contractor by its duly � suthorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Camptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of payment as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed w ith the City Comptroller, no payment or payments as aforesaid shall be made. 't��eJ�� ., ��RM `` ^,,;. - � �SS . o °'� � �72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit �AH 19— Yeas Nays ? 19�2 „__�,__ �AN -a�u�icr— /� �a,�lse�-( ,C`'�Z�l'' A 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor Tedesco ---�—Against �9�j 2 pUBLISHED JAN 1 Mr. President, McCarty � DUrLICA'R TO lRIN'RR � ^��/t,/�� . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM � - - � - . ���� COM6/15510NHt ��s! M• CiOM� nATE �80LVtD, �at tl�s prepsr offic.nr� ot t�s Cit� oi� faist !wl ara h�rsby autbo�ris�i Eo p�� to Aul �s�as H�r�i�i i plv�bi� Ca■p��q ot larti,al tst!#M1ts Mo. 1, Costsaat tio. L-739Z, for th� ll0DIlriCA?IO� 0! �Rt'�ADi1►? lQII�IUG StATICM, said utimat� b�ias paid for th� psried a! Drc�s 1, 1971 to Dicr►s�r 31, 1971, a�d �uab Rt��c pastial s�tiaata oa said costs�ct that r� bs Prusut�d avt�a�qu�ati� bp siid qotsaetot a�d approir�d by tb� Cit� �iws. it b�i� ti� �a�satasai� •f tbis �il t�at �uad partial pn�snt o�r pa�qta e� partial aslast� os �sti�at�s oo esid Cattsact is ss �►a� ase to bt croastswd aa a� act lh !Y� Cit� os ��q of it� a�ata, s�r�►a►sta o: �piopaa �cts�diu� th� ti� •p�aiii�d tos tlt� co■pi�tiou or i� �aq� w� cYas�in� t�� t�rr o! saia c�stract, pl� os ap�citi- aatioss thssaof, aor in agy way no�c 1� aq wos shall thia raelvtian os poy�aet, or p�y�sdt� wad� uader authoritp of this tuolvtia► tis c�stru�d u a wiv�c �! a�► o! t6� ri=hta o� ui�d Cit� u�dar said ce�traat, sad prwid�d tlu�t prios to ps�st o� aa� o! t6a aioruaid partial astia�ate or atirta.. �aid cestnctes h it�r dul� auE6oris�d as�ta es corporate offiem, s6a11 fil� �it� ti� City Ce�ptr�ilnr i�t a toss �pprear�d bp t�s Cosporatios Ca�eas�l as aawptasos o! tis carditi�as �f pa�t u ties�i�lors a�t lorth, and sE IT P�T� RsSOI.VED, r►+st is ths a�sa� ot ssid ace�pta� b�i� lii�d v ith th� City Captsoll�s, �o pa�a�at or p��ata a� afos�said aball b� ssd�. JAN ? 1�� COUNCII,IVIEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Naye $� JAN 71972 �Gf� Approv� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sp� v �� Tedeaco A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty a��