256968 ' 25s9s ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � f� � �—�, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I RESOL TION � L M � PR�ENTED 6Y :` COMMISSION �S �. J � WHEREAS , the Departm nt of Public Works has indicated a need for addi�tional space for offices that cannot be provided within the City Hall and Court House; and WHEREAS, space is available in the Lowry Hotel for such office use; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the following Fact Finding Committee is hereby appointed for determining the feasil�ility of rental of a portion of the Lowry Hotel by the City of Saint Paul Dep artment of Public Works; Commissioner Roger Conway Kenneth Lynch James P. Miley Amos Martin AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that said Fact Finding Comm�ttee shall make a determination and recommendation to this Council within ten days, tak�x�g into consideration, proximity to City Hall and rental costs of comparable space . JAN 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays . Butler ,.���� - � ,A� �j 19�2 19� ry � (/ �izaorr�l. Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J � Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty �Q� � �g� � • �� - , . AGEIv�i 0?' T;L�; COiJI�;CIL };ErTIId� Janu�r.y 6, ?972. Harry k'.. 2�Saz•sh.a.11� Citf Clerk. . T. PUBLTC HF.�.RTNGU Hearing on application of An�1er Corporat�_or_ to install. �. 3'+0-cax parKin� lot for a 22j-unit apartr�ent buildan� oiz pro�erty loca,tPd south o�' Wilson St. b�twe�n �edersen St. and P�icKnighr Road. Resolution Ratifying Assessmer�t - ur2de ancl Surface alley �n Blk, 2, Idichel's Subu.vn. of Blk. �+ of Stinsonts Div. frara Da1e to Kent Sts�(�-1895). � IT. ORDII�IAI�;CES III. P�'rITaOI�'S, APPLIGATIOT,T� AND COI��ILiNICATIOP�S TO THE COI7I�'tiIL IV. NEF•d BUSIA�k;SS - Resolutions �nd othar ria,t�ers off.ered for conaideration. A resolution wi11 again be submitted approv�.ng reapp�int��ents of hirs. Augus-L- S. Caron a�ad Mr. Axz-id� Auvall as m�nbers of.:' ttie Long Ran�e Capital Im�r�vement Bud�;et Committee. (Laid over one day from Jan.5,;L972j V. I�[SCELI,ANFOUS - Co.mm�ttes Reports, m.at�Lers requested b�� Councilmeii, cit;iz:ens, etc. nu*�tcwTC ro haxmt �V��Q • �ITY �'f ST. PAUL FI�UNCIL NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENTED!T COMMISSIONEQ DAT� WHBRBAS, the Department of Public Works haa tndicated a need for additional space for offices that cannot be provided within the City Hall and Court House; and WHBRBAS, space is available in the Lowry Hotel for such office � use; N0�1 THBRBFORB BB IT RBSOLVIID, the following Fact Finding Committee � is hereby appointed for determining the feasibility of rental of a portion of the Lowry Hotel by the City of Saint Psul Dap artment of Public Works; Coama:ssioner Roger Conway Kmnneth Lynch � - James P. Miley Amos �4artin AAID BB IT PINALLy RBSOLVBD that aaid Fact Finding Commi:ttee shall make a determination and reco�mendation to this Council within ten day s. t�ng into consideration, proximity to City Hall and rental costs of comparable sp ace. JAN 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays su�� C� JAN 6 1972 �„ Approv��1 19� Levine / Tn FAVOr Meredith l. Sprafka � Mayor A gaingt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty • ��