256933 • ORIF?INf�TO CITY CLBRK 256933 :� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. LICENSE COPM�IITT�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a���Y 41 1'97�' COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREASs Anthony Liquors, Inc. ma,de App7,ication L-13848 for th� tr�,nsfe� of Off Sstilo Liquor I,icense No. 2489� �xpiring Janua�y 31� 1972� from Anthony J. D�P�shi� at 1016 Arcade Street to Anthony Liquors, Ine. at 345 Robert Street� a�`d Wl�REASs Said license ia soon to expire and said eatablishment is n.ot in operation at this time� therefore, be it RESOLVID: That Application L�13848 for the transfer of said license as stated above be and the same is hereby �ranted to account for the current license and permit the applicant to apply for renewal of said license. TRANSFER (Licensees and Location� Informally approved by Council Deaember 30� 1971 Idew Location JAN 4 �972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �AN 4 ���!� Butler J��� �ONWAY •ove 19� Levine ��n Favor �'"�'' Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco ASainat $ 1�7 Mr. President, McCarty �UB�ISHED JAN O `� J � � � � - � "` CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� � Capital of Minnesota �eaNtrnevtt o ub�`'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION p��� DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RAI.PH G.MEH1tILI.,Dayaty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieen�e Inspector t,'CC�I;17JeY' �:�� ���1 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul� Aiinnesota Gentlemen and r�adam: I hereby acknowled$e receipt of Application �, l�>c��:� for the tran�sfer of (��:� Sale Liquor License from � P��:=�on;� �I. ;�elVecc.�:io at �a,l'c :°.rca �c �tree� _ to ..rxl;,.�ony Lza;uor��, Inc. to be operated at �:��.:5 =�o+�•�r� :��rcet . Inspection of the premises on � �' � 19? r� f _ , — indicates �f'��-� �7Q� C��.��v+-G' �C"�- �=��.%1.-F� ,, • _ �'-:����-�2��..� �Y : �'C�ti z_ !,�� ����-���� , , . , , / -«� /' ' `� �i;�,�/� /' �.. �r��-c. <-�'�:,.-�7.�'`-i.. ���'G�L/J�)'�--�'�-.,L.i'iI �V�c"� ,���il'_'Z G e-`� L°z `1��--' � In light of the above� the application is hereby (Approved) (Rejected) at this time� subject to final in- spection prior to issuance of license. Very truly yours, / % 1 �s�z y' .' L���C�� Signature ���y �'�'�,~` °�L'' '�:����-rl� , � �i'�tle � 0 D�c��ber 2.2, 1'�71 The tio�. ctyar7.�+ '•9ceart;y, 'ta;�or oP �t. F'�,�a1 '•iembers of t�e Cit� Cnuncil In t��; t�f�—�aZ� Li�uor Licens�: 101� Arcaa� S'tr��t �ear °�iayor and l�.e�abers of the City �ouncil: this .ri11 a�vise that th� 0��—��.2e Liquor License i�sued b� t;�e City of �t. 2'au1 ta �ntlie�:1� J. ;�1 VeccYiio, 1�1� Arcad� �tr�et, �ia� been so14 tc� A�thcany Lit�uors, Inc. , � "�ixati�ec�ta cor�r�rat3.on. Ju1ia `Lsine is th� sole officer, directs�r, �d stiareholc�er of ti�� s�.ici cort�oratian, ak�eratinF• u�d�r ��rti.ons 3�1.3� e�i� 3�1.2�, reun�etiv�l.�. It i� re��.�ec�full;,r re�,uested t��t the br�ine�s sit� a�t lOiF Arcacie :�treet t�e tr�nsferre:i to �he F�r�t �i�,tiu��al 3�a�s i3uild:tn�;, t�at portion �itu— at�si �.t 3�+j �iob�rt utreet in �tiis eity. The T'urchase A�re���n�, �+ co}?,� of wf�ich is att�,cEi��a 'i�reta, �s eontin�:ent u��ozi 'th� i:rara�fer nf' ts;e license to 3ulia Lai�e aia� upon the tr�xn;5f�r caf tiae i�usita�ss sit� to t�� �'ir�t �"3�tio��.1. 3s.:�s� i�ui�din�=:. T'��e sell�r, l�zathoz�,y ,T. L�el V�cchic�, w�.li h�.Ye nr� farther interest in tkic �fP—:��Ie i�iRuor Lic�n�� o�n�r ti3an to secure full p�yr:�nt bv t-aolaini; �11 c�f t>7e �ui:i�oriz�n ia�u�d �nc� outstanriiri�; sh�.re:; o� stoc�c uc�til fu12, ia�y��n� is r�ceived �s�r' uim. �Jther th�n tlae fr�re�oi�;, ttie seller :�ill ix�ve �o i;�ter�st wi7�.�soever ir�z th� o���r�tion of th� li.c�uor star� �rt��cti ho��efu11„v will i�� ��er�ted 3rz the �irst .istianal t�at�� �ui.l�in�;. �iie �uy�r an�i th� s�1l�r res�ectfull.y rer�u�st ttr� City Council ta tr<uiafer ti�e ].i��n�� Frnr,. An�hony .7. ��l L'ecchio tc+ Ant?zon� 7ai�.uars, Ir,c. , auit to tran3fer t�e loc�.tian fro�a 1�►],Ei A�ca�� Street tc� 3�+5 Ro�cr°t �tr��� �f �the b"ir4i� ���.ti�ti�.�. B�k s3uilr�in�,. 1;�a��ectfully subr�i'Ct�d, � r � ,1 I � r' .._-`,._(k,, ��.� i ` .;v Vv�,1�-a�,�-�, ; , '�� �:.�.�. - �----�- Ant�tona �', Lel .�cliia, seller :i Antho�y �i��uora, Ine. _ r �� ��-'t,(' t' �`'/�.,i.s�',�. Its �ole ofgicer, �'��rehol��r �.�� c�ire ct or ,�� �S°�" -�► , �! S�G 9 3 3 � � 2�- �� c�rY oF SAINT PAUL � �2 APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. ITAI� torm mu�t b� Allod out In addlWon W the apv��utton form and �worn�ut�meni requfrad by fbs L[Quor Cootro► Commiabner ot t]►� 3tate OS H{pplqLa.� Name of Applicant- �ulia Za ine, 'DBA Anthon� L3qa�g, In�� a Minn_C Agp � 56 Kesidence AddresA 441 Clinton Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. Telephone No 225-3187 Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or businesa of similar nature? No When and Where? n/a If corporation, give date when incorporated July 27, 1971 Name and address of all officers of coiporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold- �fat Julia Zaine is the sole _officer, shareholder, and director of A nthony Liquors, Inc. Names and addresses of Stockholders � Julia Zaine, 441 Clinton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Name oP surety company which will write bond.if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward � , �s , � . . � 345 , Robert , Nest , 4th and 5th Streets , How many feet from an academy, colle�e or university (measured along atreets)? How many feet from church (measured along streets)? How many feet from closest public or parcehial high or grade achool (measured along atreets)? Name oP cloaest achool FIow are premises clasaifled under Zoning Ordinance? On what floor IocatedY First irst Nati nal B nk of p If leased, give name of owner � � . Ia application for drugstore, general food store or excluaive liquor store? off-sa le lictuor store How long have you operated present business at present aite? nil Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor licenae? no (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application torm and information must be veri8ed.) Isauance of license is not recommended. Datp� �9 ;�� � � License Inspector. ts Pr si en APPLICANT. r �. , . ' ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ��j � 3 Capital of Minnesota � eL.Je artrne�tt o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PftOTECTION rOtac$ DEAN MEREDITH,Commiaeioner HEALTH HALPH G.MERRILL,Dsyaty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Licenss Inapector ::cce�;�L,e� �{;, '�7� A::onor�.l�ie I:,,;;ror �.i1c' Ci�,y �ou�acil ��ain� �:..ifl3� I�iz�nc.=�ot�. G�nt�er,�er_ ::nd i:��c��::=: �:;na;i:o,y L�.r �o�•�., I��c. �: i;ii,reso�r: cort�or�:.#;ion� i.� j�igaec,:' �Tyt :.Il'�i1017y c:. i:C�`tjE.'CC':1I0 3i. i. T�31��; c ��l?�3.C:'{L�011 i01^ �s:C tl'c.il��'°CT' Oi �s:l:�' ti�:;.f> iIi L10P' '.�1.CC—IING ie0. �:��:t7�� C'1:;71�'].Il;t" e1�c I�ta��'.1';" �:�� �..C'_v7�� :�TOi:', t:-�c �ic�.l�cc .:i.i;irorzyr �. �)e1V�ce.lio �..t l�:lu �`�rcc�.c=eV utree� �o :':a�at��or.�,- i�ic c�or�� �:�c. � �. 'i:ir�r�euot,. cor;.>or�.��o�z� �:�t "���� I:obcr� utreet. i:a. �elV'eccx.io ;1<..�:; t�elc; #;I�is lice�ls� �,�i��c� J��7ye :B_�J-'ir;". �J:1C' "�T'L'?�::1,�"�C�� �".�.' iO�E'Z't; i.i"t;Y'CCi;� 7L,� 1.00i3'l-.'�..'Li O'LI �"v�1G' °:7v�'.;'.i'L S7.CEE 01 "t,a:C ��t�"C�i: iy'�,'1:'.iG��^2� ;. a OLtfl"�,1?. ;:i2(i �. i li�".i. „t.PC@i:�^. ri�. �re�c:lt, �c's:� �ui��in`; i.> u��c:ea cons�;�uction. ^ile ;_,o3e o:�°�ieer, :�I�,:;.�eho�.c�_�r �.nc-_ c:ir�eci,or o�° tr�.i� car— ;�orc_tZOn i� �.��i<: :��.ine. i•':isti ��<:i,��, :I'or ��ae ,�,�.ti,�; eleti*en ye�:r�e �:�.� o,.nec' -�:���': ol�cr:�-ie�'.i �,�lie'� I�'���,�I�ior Corrcr, l�� Concor�! �treet� ��;. : ��,ul. Ver �rc:I f ;�oear,��, cz��lx ` J<::r.iel �. i:c��.u�i��in ��1CCE1ti C: IF1�i3E.'C"�Or' �",j'�"�, ' � �" s ; �' � 0 � :. • .,� CITY �i� S�:It1� Pt"�L''�, ' ' �3�Ft►It'I'A;Et1T �ri �'UBLIC St1FLTY LTC��:�� DIVISIOPw �ate DeCember 27.19 71 1. Application for Of f-Sa le Li or License 2. Name o� appli�ant Anthony L quors, nc. , a Minnesota corAOration 3. I3usiness addres� 345 Robert Street Resic�ence 441 C1iAton AVe. 4e Trade name� if �.ny Julie 'e Liquors 5. Retail Beer Fec�eral Tax Sta.mp x Retail Lir�uor Federal ��x Stamp X ti,�ill be used. 6. On �vhat floor locatec� lst P�.u¢�l�er o�' rooms used OtZe 7. Bet��reen wh�.t cross streets 4th and 5th St�'eets ti�ich side of street we8t 8. Are premises no4�* occupied No ��hat business New construction gow long -- Yes New con�tr rev%us Use �� eonst. 9. Are premises no��r unoccupied Iiow long vacant � l0o Are you a new oti+mer Ye9 Iiave you been in a sYmilar business before � Where -- tt�hen -- lla Are you goin� to operate this business personally Yes If not� who ��ill operate it n/a 12. Are you in any other business at the pre�ent tir�e Yes 13. Have there been any complaints against yonr operation of this type of place No When ; Where . . 14. Have you ever had any license revoked � E�That reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Yes Native �es Naturalized 16. Where were you born �t. Paul, Mi�n. Date of birth November 6., I915 17, I am not marriedo h1y (wife's) (husband's) name and address is n/a 18, (If married female) my maiden name is Julia Zaine 19. How lon� have you lived in ut. Paul since birth 20. ��ave you ever been arrested N� Va.olation of what criminal 1a.�1r or ordinance none 21. Are you a registered vater in the Cfty of Sto Paul X Yes No (Answer full.y and comgletely. These a lications are thorou hl checked and an falsification will be cause for denial, (OV�R) . � r ' � • 22. Number of 3.2 places �•>�itl�in tt��o blocl�s 1�oAe 23. Closest intoxicatin� liquor pl�c�. Qn Sale I don't kno�ff Sale r aonrt klio�w 24. Nearest Ch�rch AssumptioTl P:Tearest ichool 25. Pdumber of �ooths ? Ta�I�� ? Ch�.irs ? �tools ? 2�. W3zat occupation have you fo�.�of�rec� ior tize paNt five years, (�ive n�.mes of employers and date� so emp�oyed.) I own anc3 operate a businesa known as Julie 'a Faahion Corner, situated at 183 Concord Street, St. Pau1, Minneaot�, f�r the past __11 vears . I was the sole owner. 27. Give name� anc? �����'.re��e� oi' tiWo persons� resident� o� �t. �aul, 2=Sinn.9 iti*ho can give information coyacernin� you. Name Svdney �+v'. Goff �.ddress 838 Osborn Building ���� John J. �homion �ddress 803 E. Nevada c �. • � L �igna re of tlpplic t State of T�innesota) )ss County of Ramsey ) Ju lia Ze ine. being first duly se�uorn! cleposes and says upon o�th tlaat he has reac� the foregoin� �t�.�t�merat bearing his signature and l�no}vs the contents thereo�9 and tiia� tIl�e sar�e is true of I3is o�:n ��no��*ledge except as to those mat�ers therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be truee Signatur of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to befo�°e me i this 27th day of December, 19 71 � Q - � Loie A . Johnson, otary ic' Ramsey County� A4innesota My Commi�sfon e�:pires Aug. 15, 1978 (Noteo These st�tement forms are fn duplicatee �iotla copies must be fully filled out' notarized� and returned �o �k�ae License �}�visaon. ) 8-23-?1 . . ' - :>f� �I�.x JIT �Y �1�I'LIC��T`d� Y�a1 :�"�.��L ;��� Ql� LI�UC� LIC�I`?u� �:�: Off S�.le Liciuox' License r�a�e o�' c���kac�.nt Anthony Liquor8, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, Julia Zaine, Lusiness �.c�c��e�u 345 Robert Street sole shareholder and director. �qES, ?R��S. ..��r.�.� Are y�ou the sol� oi,•ner v� tf}is ?,usine��:'y,��. �� r���' i� i� � �artnershi�? co��orat�.on?_�sole shareh�lder and directp��?�.er" Otlaers ar�t�reu��c� i:�. Ta�u�ir:e�sq aakc�u�e t��o�e ;a;� �.o�:�n of r,ione:l! property or othere,�ise: T'1�►�e Anthonv J. Del Vecchi�i��uress 434 Hall Avenue �:o��r 2 have pledqecl all of the etock of Anthony Licruors, Inc. to secure payment on a Note. If a cor�oration� �ive its narae Anthony Liquors, Inc. Are you interested in ar.y ����ay i:� ��z;r o�"i;�xer re��a3. �aeer or liruor business? No As sole oa,mer? No P�wr�n�r: No uvocl::�older? No Q�;�Zert:ise? (ihrou�l� �o�n o� t:��n�;9 e�c. �l�in) No Acldress of such uuss.::e;�:� an� n�.�u�e o:�" i��terest ir. U��me j - �% �_ .-, �i,�n�.�, e of a.�plic t State of h:inne�ota) )u� County of Rar��eyT ) sL li a 2�ng„ �eing first du�.y �b�orn' c�eposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�oing z1'ficl��ri�t bearing his signature and kno4vs t4�e contents thereof; -�I��.�t tlze sa�ne is �rue o� his o�rn �Lnoc��ledge� except �� to those Matters therein stated u�on information und be�.ieA �.nd as to t�aose m�.tters Iae believes the�a to �e true. ( - .� �f Signature of apl,lic� Subscribed anc� st�orn Vo �e�o�e �se this 27thday of_ December. 19 71 �s-� '�-�����I.ois �. John�on, N tary Pu �' I'u.�.msey County� P�:innesota l�iy commission eacpire� A_u9. 15, I.9 78 . . . , • STATE DF �IINNESOTA SS CQUNTY �QF RAMSEY Ju lia Za ine��' � �� be�.ng f�.ret du1y� aworn, doth depose and aay that s he mskes this affidavit in csonnea�3,on wi�h e►pp];�e�ation Por " Off— Sale" liquor lioense (" O�ff� �ale� mslt bbverage lioense� in the City o� S�int Pau7,, �ti�anesata; that your af�ian� 3.� � resident of the Stata oP M�.nnesota and has resided therein. for �� yeara, 1 months, and i.s now and ha a been f or �he �ime ab a�a� �emt im�ad a b on� Pide rea ident of said State Qnd that s he naar resides at 441 Clinton Avenue � dz�88 St. P�u� , I�iu�a.eeo�a. Cit y or own � � � � � $ubscribed and sworn to before a� this 27th day of December, 19 71 �o-� �- ' s A. Johnaon o�ar�r b13a, Ram�sey Couuty, 3.�nesota My camcnission expirea Aug. 15, 1978 . , � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota eUe aNt�ner�t o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTHATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIAE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEHRILI.,DsDaty Commi�doner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Lieenss Inspeetor December 30� 1971 Iionorable Mayor and City Coune il Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: This letter is in reference to the application of Anthony Liquors, Inc. and Anthony J. DelVecchio for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 2489, expiring January 31s 1972 from Anthony J. D�1Vecchio at 1016 Arcade Street to Anthony Liquors, Inc, at 345 Robert Street. I have accepted the written reports from the Bureaus of Fire, Health, a nd Police, and have interviewed the applicant. Z recommend that this transfer be granted. Very truly yours, �G��i�/`/�"c License Inspector 0 31. If this application ia for a tranafer of an Off-sale License, give name of former licensee and state whether any consideration, money or property has been paid,or will be paid,given or exchanged by any one, and by whom and to whom for the urchase or transf er of t1�e license•also t te th amount of considerati n Th� former licensee, �nt�iony J. Del Vecchio, so�d th�u l�quor etore to tQho annlicant fc�r tha �um of 560.,000.00, �33.000.00 fo= liconse and S25. 00O.dO for inventory. The eum of $20, 000.00 in cash will be psid ta the sell.era �,aiat.l�--aftOt #hi,.��z 7ins�i-inn in '�r�rrxraA hv �-hw [_itr C�unn_il arrd prrnniseory note$ for the ba lance thereof, .� � I hereby verify the above statemen ,"�' (Signature of former licensee) 32. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota governing the tasation and the sale of intogicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commisaioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have rea.d the foregoing question� and that the anawers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. `._ ' � . (Signature of applicani) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of �cember 1971. � ,r•.c� Q. Lois A. Johns °r°ry p"bt`°) Ramsey County My commission expires Aug. 15, 197 8 , REPORT ON APPLICANT 08 APPLICANTS BY POLICE DEPAR,TMENT This is to certify that the applicant, or his associates, named hecein have noi been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of 1[�innesota, oc lflunicipal Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as hereinafter stated 1�OLICE DEPART1ldENT (Name of city,village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no police department, either the 1(�larshal oc the Constable shall execute this report on the applicant.) 1ZEPORT ON PREMISES BY FIRE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the premises herein described have been inspected and that alC Laws of the State of 1(linnesota and l�iunicipal Ordinances relating to Fire Protection have been complied wirh... FIRE DEPARTI�IENT (Name of city,village or borough) APPROVED BY: TITLE (If you have no Fire Department, an authorized member of the Volunteer Fire Squad shall execute this report of the applicant's premises.) Form 8—Revised 4/1/70 Q � STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTftOL COMMISSIONER APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions "APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corpora- tion one o�cer shall execute this application for all oflicers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership on,e of the "APPLICANTS" shall egecute this application for all members oP the partnership. EVEftY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. p=eeid�nt and a�ol. sharrhoic9er 1, I; su lia 2a in� , as o� A nth onv Liaucr s, inc. � (I»dividual owner,o/1'icer,or parmer) for and in behalf o ��e l� , hereby apply for an Off Sale 3 5` . Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at "a'' �� _: a� '� �� �--� (Street/iddress a»d/or Lot and Block Num6er) � Municipality of �t. Pau 1 , County of ��sty � State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesata Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing D�C�m]cwr 14 19��, and ending �rp�tus 1 � 19_, 2. Give applicants' date of birth 6t� �ovemb.r 1915 (DayJ (blonth) (Year) i Birthdates of Partners (DaS/) (Month) (Year) or (Lay) (Month) (Year) Officers of Corporation � �DmJ� (Month) (Year) � 3. The residence for each of the applicants named herein for the past five years is as follows: I JLilia Zaine, 441 Clint4n Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota ; , � 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? Yea j� I If naturalized atate date and place of naturalization— n�� If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. I I a� the �ol� owiur of all the stock cf the corpor�tion �nd a natural citis�n of ths vnited statee. Th�r� ar• no other o€fic�rs at this tim�. 5. The person who executes this application shall give wife's or husband's full name and address �PFiicant is sinql�. 6. What occupations have applicant and associatea in this applica,tion followed for the past five years? ]�ppiicant xae a� still is thw a��n�r of a buoin�as establi�hment Iwc�ra as �1'ulis•s Fashion corn�r, situated at 183 Conaord Str��t, 8t. Paul, Mi�cuzesota, az�d has ap�rated eaid busines• for a neriod of il v�ar�. 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership n/a