256932 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 25fi932 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LzCErrsE Co�m�� COU CI RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J8IlU8.ry 4� 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF � Wf�REASs Aichard Dziubak ma,de Applieation L-13886 (Receipt 93�6) for 8estaurant, Cigarette, and Ci�arette Vending Ma,chine Operator (2 machines) Licenses at 36 West Fourth Street and posted a check in the amount of � 67.00 to cover the licens� fees, a,�.d WHEREI�Ss 5aid aheck in the a.mount of � 67.00 waa returned from the bank for insuffiaient funds and all subsequent attempts to collect said sum have been unsuceessful� therefore, be it RESOLVm: That Application L.�13886 �nd reee3.pt for license f�ess as stated abov� be and th�: �ame are hereby cancelled and the proper papers should be �ompleted to reimburse the Commissioner of Finance for ssa.d unaolleatible � eheck, CANCELLATION (Fee by Check N.S.F.� No refund. (Comm. of Finance 8eimbursed� JAN 41�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler JAN 41972 � CONWAY pprove 19� Levine �� Favor Meredith � Sprafka � Mayor Against pUBLaSHED J N Tedesco �y72 Mr. President, McCarty �