256926 �. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK � ��U92� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '``� OFFICE OF TNE CITY CLERK FILE NO. CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES�ITED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, a tions have been eommeneed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama by governmental agencies against certain manufacturers oY cast iron pipe and fittings and against the association of such manufaeturers, namely: American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Amsted Industries, Incorporated, Clow Corporation, Glamorgan Pipe & Found�y Company, Lone Star Steel �ompany, McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company, Mead Corporation, United States Pipe and Foundry Company, and Cast Iron Pipe Research Association; and WHEREAS, said complaint, seeking treble damage�, alleges that the above named defendants violated the federal antitrust laws by conspiring to fix prices and allocate markets in the sale of cast iron pipe and fittings, and that, as a result of such action, public agencies have paid higher prices than they otherwise would have paid; and WHEREAS, the City oY Saint Paul and the Water Department of the City oY Saint Paul have purchased substantial quantities of cast iron pipe and �ittings during the alleged conspiratorial period, between the years 1945 and 1970, said purehases being made both dire�tly Yrom suppliers and indirectly through con— tractors in the construction of public buildings, I�ow, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it hereby authorizes and directs the oYiice of the Carporation Counsel to join in such law suits pending or in process of being transferred to the Northern District of Alabama, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. �ORM �►PPROVE�� � oEC 30 �s�a COUNCILMEN � �StA Corporation �oun Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � R Butler OEC 3 t� ��'1 �• E�.�2,...�.� r e 19— Levine �._In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco --�--Agamst �97z PUBLISHED $ Mr. President, McCarty O `` ����`������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� �����s - �,� NO OFFICE OF THE CITIf CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .��r�c er COM1r11SSiONER oA+� 1�SaAE�B, aotioa� ��� D��a sa■�sne�d ia tat� IIait�d Stal�s Di�triet Court tor the xorth�ra Di�trie� o! �laLa�a by �o��r���tal a��nei�s a�aiaat eertaie �tiiaot�r� oi oa�t isos ptp� and littisss sstd a�alast th� aasoaiatioa o= rrah �unisettir�rs� na��lys /1�triea� Cs�t Iroa Pip� CoApa��, A�st� Isd��tries, Inesrp�rat�A� �lox Csr�oratioa, 61a�ar�aa Pi�• � �'e�ndrp Ci�pasy� Los� Star St��l Co�gaa�, MitWaa� Ca�t Iro� lip� Co�pas�►, M�ad Corperatiot* IIait�� 3f�t�� Pip� sad Fotisar�► Ca�paa�� an� Cart iros Pi�� R��MroL A��ooiatioa; a�t� �S, �aid oa�►laiat, s��lcia� tr�til� da�a��*, all�st• tia! th� abo�� �ued d�i��daa�• �islatM t4e f�d�ral �stitra�t la�rs Dy oea�piriu to iiz prles� ai� allooat� �rt�t� ia th� �al• oi ea�t iroa pip� ud iittia��, aja� t1�st, as a r���it oi �neel� aetios,, p�tilie ��sei�� r�►T� p�it �i��r pri�e�� t�iss th�� etl��rrir• �osli ha�� p�ia= ud MSEnEAS, tti� Cit� ot Saist Patl atid t�s t�at�r D�part��t •i tl�� Cit� o! Sain� Paal ht�e porel4ar� �tDat�tial aaantiti�� ot oa�t ir�a pip� awd litti�s aoria� th� all�sN oe�tspirstssial p�rio�, b�tM�a� tb� �sar� 19�5 �i i�1�0, �ai+i ptirel�n��• D�i� �sa� both dirs�'Ql�► lso� sapplitr� aaA i•air�oti� tf�wt� �e�- traoterr ia tL� ao��trrotioa oi p�tilie lr�il�i��� N�, �her�Ier�� b� i t ItEdOLY=D, D�r Ll�� Co�oil oi tL� City •i saist la�l, t�at it h�r�ti°�r astheris�• �a�i dirNt• tD� oiiio� o! tiu� C�rp�satioa C��uts�l to �oia ia ��o� lar t�it� t�adi� or ii prs���� o! b�ia� tra�si�rrN to t6• 1Tartl�era Di�t►riet oi ♦iatiw, os ��Lali oi t►1�• Cit� of �Saiat Patil aa� th� Do�rd •! li�t�r C�ai�ri�aers 0! tLe City ot Ssiat P�tl. utC 3 018�i COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counc3l 19_ Yeas Nays OEC 3 0 18� Butler � � ��,,� ApproveKL 18— �°�e Favor Meredith �� sp� � ro��,at Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��