256918 � � �5918 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. LICENSE COP�IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY D@C(.'Dib@T 3O� 1971 COMMISSIONE DATF WHERE9S; Orvts Ba,r� Inc. made Application L•�•13138 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor L�cense No. 7991, e�rpiring January 31� 1972, f`rom Orvis Bar, Tnc. at 488 Rice Street to Orvts Bar, Inc. at 651 South Sm�.th Avenue� a new location to be remodeled� a.nd Wf�RFAS: Said license is soon to �xpir�, and said application has not been completed as of this date� therefore, be it RESOLVED: That Application L�•13138 for the transfer of said license as stated above� be and the sa,me is hereby granted to account for the current license and permit the applicant to apply for renewal of said license. TRANSFER (Location) On Sale Liquor Establishment Informally approved by Counc3l De�ember 21� 1971 New Location ' OEC 3 0 18Ti COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sut�e�� OEC 3 019T1 '���C CONWAY' 19� �__ �evine �n Favor �eredith �prafka Z_ Tedesc�` A Sainst �972 \ pUBLISHED JAN 114r. President, McCarty � , , , ,� � CITY Og SAINT PAUL . Capital of Minnesota aUe art�nev�t o ub�CC'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEBRILI.,DeDaty Commissionec DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lteenss Iaspector Nove�ber 11� 1971 Honorable Ma.yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentl�men and Ma,dam: Currently Orv's Bar, Inc, axe holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7991 and Restaurant, Off Sa1e Malt Beverage aad Cigaxette lieenses all expiring January 31, 1972, at 488 Bice Street. They have held the licenses at this location sinee �ovember 1960. 'I'his location 3s in the bloek bounded by R3ee Street on the West� Park Street on the East, Sherburn� Avenue on the North� and IIniversity Avenu� on the South� which a,rea has been acquired by the State o� Minnesota for the Capitol Approach, thus displacing th� business firma locat�c3. in that tal ock. Appliaation is made for the transfer of the licenses from �88 Ric� 5treet to 651 South Smith Avenue which is on the West side of' the stre�t at the aouthwest corner of Bake� Street. Curr�ntly ther� i� no licensed business at this location. From Mareh 1949 to Idovember 1957, it wac� licensed aa a grocery- butcher business. There are no 3.2 places with.in two blocka. The nearest On Sa1e Liquor e�tabl3.ah�ent i� one mile and th� n�axest Off Sale Liqtaor establi�hment 3s one and one•�half miles. The elosest church is four blocka and the closest school 3s four bloaks away. Attaehed i� their informal application submi.tted by their attorney. Very truly yours, � ���'�a,c��,'Gc� L3cense Inspector � ///�`' � � ' ' �aZ4-4345 . .� o - . ' . . y ' , JOHN E. DAUBNEY ATTORNE`f AT LAW • 73B MINNES�TA BUILOlNO ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 November 9, 1971 Mr. Daniel MeLaughlin License Inspector City of St. Paul Public Safety Buildin.� lOth & Minnesota Streets � � St. Paul� Minnesota 55101 �Dear Mr. McLaughlin: Re: License Transfer � Orvts Bar, Inc. ' Please be advised that the undersigned, as attorney for Orv's Bar, Inc., wishes to request the approval of the transfer of the location of Orv�s Bar� Inc. from 488 Rice Street to 651 S. Smith Avenue � in the Ci�y of St. Paul� �ounty af Ramsey and State o� Minnesota. Respectflzlly submitted, � � G;%'�;��w:/; ___:�`__ JO�IlV E. DAUBNEY Attorney for Orv's Bar Inc. JID:pr � , ' ' - CITY Cr SAIN� PAUZ ' � � DFF�R�h1EPd� 0�' �'UBLIC St1F'ETY , � LIC�:SE DIVISIOh' _ Date Oct. 28 19� 1. Application for transfer of location of On-8ale Litluor License 2. Name of a�plicant Orv'� Bar Inc. �� V �✓�o � SY. p posed address 3. I3usiness address �F88 Rice 3t. �C 651 8. Smith Av�e. 4e Trade name� if �.ny _ _ � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamap Retail Lic�uor Federal �ax Stamp X will be used. 6. On �ahat floor located �ound I�:umber of rooms used main room 7. Between what cross streets SW corner Bsker de Smith j�Vhich side of street w�est temporarily used by a . 8. Are premises now occupied x T�hat business storaae compan_v How lon� 9. Are premises now unoccupied Iio�+� long vacant Previous Use 10, Are you a new oivner no Have you been in a similar business before yeB Cloaed by reaaon of State candemnation of Where 1+88 Rice St. S�hen building in which applicant was operating Oct. 19� $ us ness a ce .- erm e 11, Are you goin� to operate this business persana y 8pplicant Frill serve as manager on � behalf .of. corporation If not� who will operate it 12. Are you in an�y other business �.t the present time no 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this t�pe of place no When ' Where 14e Have you ever had any license revoked no What reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States yes Native yes Naturalized Wilmont, S. D. 16. Where were you born Date of birth Rov. 6, 1922 17, I am marriedo r1y (wife's) ��) name and address is Rose Ann Tro�e� 3310 N. Dunlap 3t., St. Paul, Minn. 18a (If married female) my maiden name is 19. How long have you Iived in St. Paul over �+5 yeaxs 20. �iave you ever been arrested �e6 Vialation of what criminal law or ordinance violation of Sunday sale ordinance 1960 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of Sto Paul Yes X No (Anstiver fully and completel�. These a lications are thorou hl checked and a falsification �vill be cause for denia2o (OVER) 22. Number of 3.2 places svithin tE�ro blocl�s noae • e 23a Closest intoxicating liquor p3ace. On Sale 1 mile p�f �,�,1� 1�2 mile (West St. Paul 24. Nearest Church �pp .� _pt 1"WT�arest �chool. 1500 feet 25. Number of boo�h,� T�,bl�� ClZairs Stools 26. What occupation have you fblloc,�ec� ior tI�e �a�t five years, (Giv� nam�s of employers and da�tes so employed.) 488 Rice St., St. Paul, Minn.; applicant served gs pr,�si dpnt nd stn �rar Of the COI'pOr'at10I1 27. Give name� arac� ac£r3resses of t�vo persons� residents of ,St. Pau3' Iw�inn., ct=ho can give information coiacernfn� you. Name �.�,,,k mro ie r'iddress 650 Oakdale, St. Paul, Minn. Name J,�*,,,,�Q �y Address South 3t. Paul, Minn. �' � J�1 iJ' - �i�natur of 1lpplicant enry R. Tro�e, Sr. State of P�innesota) )ss County of Ramsey ) - u n,-v R Troie. Sr. bein� first du].y sworn� deposes �nd says upon oath that he has read the forego3n� statement bearin�; his signature and knoiys the contents thereof' and that tdz� same is true of hi� ot�Wn kno«Iedge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and a.s to those matters he believ�s them to be trueo � ✓ � Signatur of A pl'cant Henry R. Tro j�, �r. Sub�scribed and sworn ta before me this agth day f October lg 71 a � Ra. ey County� Minnesota 1�1y Commissi ires (Note< '2.'hese statement forms are in duplicatee Both copies must be fully filled out� notarizeS� and returned to the License �ivision. ) 8-23-71 .. • ' � , . . �>a`�'i:�.�JI� ;Y �'.:�`:�����:�Pd,j,, " Y,�1,� �'W`:i:.�L ;�;t'^n� G�? LI�UC� LI��?�� ��: pn Sa3e Liauor License T1ar.3e of �ti���.�c�.n�, Henry R. Tro�e, Sr. i's�siness adc��es� �+88 Rice St., St. Paul, Mirn. Ar� you the soFe o�,•ner vi �f�is ?�u�ir�e�s:'r�o . �.� r�o�;, i� i� a �artnersl�i�? corporat�on? yes � o�._�er? Others int�r���ec� a.:a ����zi:e:�Na a��c�u�:e ��>o�� ��a;r �.o�.�.a of rione�, property or o�4�er�rise: T�war:e garold W. Truesdell ::cl�'res� 219 Coffeen I'=oti�r atockholder Sheridan, Wyoming If a corgaoration' �;ive its nar�e Urv's Bar, Inc. Are you lrit-C'Y'C�"�C't� 3dl �.2'S,J Z��r:.3.J' 7.�1 �^:1y* Oi:�1CP Z'��u2�. �JC'Ll" OY' �1C?UOY' dJL1u1E2C4uS� ri0 �s so�e o���ner? ��:ru ncr:' ��oc?.�older'? Qthert�.i�e? (�;rirou�Dz �o�:n fl� :;;�ne;-s e�e. �;an��.ugi�) Ac�dress Of �uC� �LZSa�.�'�^.+.�^� z1..T2.: I1c,:��.Ld:G' 0�.� 71.f1�C.'T`L'u� 3flx �c�'i'.I� J � . �i;nature f a�plieant Henry R. �e, Sr. State o� I+iinnesota) )�� Coun�Ey of �sey ) Henry R. Tro�e, 8r. �eing farst duly s�vorn' deposes and says upon oath that Fie has read �1,� fore�oin� ai'fiu.�vi�t be�ring Iais signature anc� I:no�rs t��e cnntent� tizereof; �;F�a�t tdne sa�� i� trcxe o� �is o�rn �.noe:rledge' except au �o �lios� matters therein stated u�on in�'ormation �.nd �aelief �.nc� w� �o �raose r��.tter� k�e believes them to xae true. � �---� - . f Si�n�tur of z��licant Henry R. Traje, Sr. Subscribed �n� �saorn to 1�e.�ore re thiu 28 day of Oc ber 1�J 71 J a �►sey o n�y� r:inneso�a P9y comrnisuion e , Au8• 9, 197519 '�'°i..� . r� 1 • r f • STATE OF MINNES�TA 88 C�UNTY AF RAMSCY _ Henry R. Tro.ie�.Sr. � w�� b�in� lir�t dulq a�rorn, doth depoae and eay that he mt►kea this affidavi� in aontmotiqm with app��oation Por " On 3ale" �.iquor �i,oen�e ("�� �le• �1l� bevsrags lioenes� in the City of S�int Paul, Minnseote►= that yovr a�'finnt �� A reaident of the 8tats oP over 45 Minne sota and has xeaidsd �hsrsia Por ;p�@�� yea�ra, mon�ha, e►nd �s now and haa baen for �he tims t►bo�►e m�sa�io�ed e► bo�a t'id• rs�ident of eaid State and tha� he narv reaides a� 10 . t. Paul Minn. rsta , ld�ZU►�a ot�a� Cit y or ovon �- � � ✓ � Henry R. o�e, Sr. Subsaribed and aworn to befors ms thi$ 28 � da of Oct 9 71 ......,.. . Jo �� otary bl a, ey County� eeote► My ao�nisai n e pires AuS• 9, 1975 . - . � �ov, ll., 2971 Hc�n. Dee�n Msredi�h �er. of Pub].�c Safety Pub�ic S�at'�r'i�I 8u3.ldit�g DQar sir s At��� Mr. Da�ti�l Nala�qghlfa The City Co�ci:l tc�dey l,aid av+�r to �c�rv�r�h fc�ar pu�]].ic bearing the n�ttsr of tt�te pl'�iasttic� of Orv,� Beuc, Iac, for transPer of their Qa� Sale Liq+aox� I�CeA�I� fk't3� �i� R�.C� S't• '�.t� C!� �Ci• �'�1 Ai/+�� ��`Y �Y 3�'0��! Ci$� f�er�c n8 . • � , . . � � � c , �,�y ��u � e , / o� �s� �°�w.� Gr�.� �� � ���.�,P,s,y�� � ��s .�/�_� �s • c��c/ �EJ�r'C�O��C'�i.� G�c-v�c'�Ps i� f/Se� C�,�e��i 7��� / 4 t�' �O �"/ --So. S,�-� ,f f� c�c�� �7.E�E'.E .� c� -�.Y��F',E.s s cJ ec ,f' o���s .�� o� '7`"� 7`�� �c�o�s �'.E,� cs � t'�i,E �,��.c�.P -C .'���s .� �� �h � � ��� �� / ,��,e �`-a �- �f� � d� v �. c7c/�.P,c�.5 s,� ��� ?2 � !��'�, �/�"7)� � �C"���2X� ��/'������.L�`,� � . � � , ,'����- ✓1�l �_��� ��Z�.�� ;-�2�����=��� L �.r- � ���- �� • _ � � -- . � - . ,_- _ �,�� 1 ��,� 7/ -� ��� ��C`� L�. � .l � � - �L�c� 2�y �/`I-a. �c^-��^�� � C°.�i� / � Z L /�C= .��L�z �—�- `Z �U � �� � ���� 7� s� ��� � �' G� /� CfiG-c��c� _ .� � ._-��, ��� L/ —_ � . C , f l , � l / � '7"" c.4--[-cJ-'Z-�_��-cl-�, L ' (//-/''� � C-�� � '� �'����L�-r-- `7�C� ����� C� � � , � �� �� �'�'�,� , /� ' ,..-c t � ��i °� �/`,��'�c.t�'zt. a-�,�-E.. �� � � �� �� �v?21 C�'1� ��� ��'L�'Q' �G� �-/ � �-��?' y+�,-- /✓ , o-z-L. Q.�.-r,�` C t�C�� � �� C-',� ��.'�1,� �e.-�:,5� . lz� . � , . � . �i 1� "i1 f `��,.�,,. _l`,���L�- �.�`�% �• :�,�� � � �/ - / � - �- • %' . . , �' '��L2 _ r�'�-�'/lLF,Gt►i Zj ,/"� , �,L�:;_�./ �_ `� .�� ,..! . ,.'.��;,�.�.11 ' . ��. �1��y � C( , ��� � , �,�� �,�v � ��� - .�. -�t � � v�l?�l�c '�-�d�t/1/, ��.c� ��R�►-��,,,.,t,. � � "-=� � �, 1���� ' � %� ,� �%�''�� .• �� �' �� � ' .�: �, �. C���, � i'��� � --� �_��.�-� ���� ,� � �� � �r/%��L [ • �C/�'�-' .. ���.. �L�G � .��c�Tj7�._ °� " � ��- C'i`�y � ��l,c� G i,G G�-� -s 7�" /��'�,� - �,� 7�"�,� � ��CI�I�,J � �� �� �.C'i S i �/�C. /l T S Q�/7 CI��G��.0��L-J G'"(�I��K� /� � f h e �: � .:7 ��y' o F' 6.5-� •s p . S�,i '�N cs G',C /.E=.P� _ � �� '�•Y/��,FS_S 4 u� ���CJ nS', �fi D� 7�'0 �'/f�° �.Pd/Is/r.�,e �,C' f-h e ,C,�w v � .�> ��,E/�s.r a f�/� � ��?lu;�a! .��7,p 7`o t Ji� �-6� ���= ��/�,vL=�s .� ` �� ��., .�.� �-�Z, �,� � .,�. ��°�� �� �� ; � ��� � ,, f.7?J « ��C'.c�� ��'� ��L�:��..L,r u<.- ��_ . • '� , A f "" . . . I I JJ / I � /'� �!y'�,o, �,{„L� ,�.�- C� � ,, e,7C�,��-C�,t. � � ��� j��J�_, G.� �-= u- , � �CJ `j�- . e �. f � ���, r 9 �L�.� '�vt,'�., ��'; ���-`� � ��,.� , ; ,, �; ,., , . : - � 1 � , i' _ , .��: L-.` t ' �..° --� °�- �'l, �)� ;c�., (...,')) �..:'., �. ..-� "�-t j . ��.�i."V . ���t'? �u „.L:;�-c � ��,..-c G��'L.. �1� ��<<-c� �.=z 7�L�•c- i=�.1:-? _ ��� a�� � ,l,^, .,, � C�"�, � .� f , �' /� � �J, �-���� � J .'°� ` ; - /v'�.� �/'..f � r� ! �- ��-�� �`L-� ! �'� `✓ . �I"c� ���„��> f �..�c �L. '`C �_�', ��.� !,,� '�,�..i c. � ���� ��Lt rc.��-�-c,�-*.� } , f� ` i'1 ; : , � �` � ,:�.,` / 17 / � �, , � U) . �._' . ��a� t ��1%v J'�,; �..�� ^ ,/' �I�,�'/C..l 71 t r /l.-' , i�' �,.s". 'i� ,1�vVi %��� ,, '�.-�u .,fL.. . � �% �� ;';`%C�L���L�1 z � � • i , `yJ _ ... �— ._ `� ' ` ,. � �\w�\. � -.,`..,�vvL ..`,t: \ v'�..�.,. •' � �; v•.J:�Y`�^�--„�-� � • ��;� . .�i:.:i . � .\' - E`� G���.? ` .1 .� �.,' 'rtv..`„ �1 t�v ;.��i.w��;, ���-�-c rt..� 7 iG' �- ��,c ' � ' ���'�` � �� , ✓W,,� , �-' l.r. ,�L,�,/, i� r. � :��) l �, � �.')�1.� .J��l / �` , t t f ��`, `•� C: ���c: � � �.� \��'�.` �<<�� 1 J \��: ��.C: : :l� �\. C \_�_ \ �,,y , ��-4 ^ � , 'll�c��� � - �.._ �- ��,��. 7yo �� �i��,�. l� , , � ' � �., �3s,� �'�� C�'� � %��� i�!'� ��- �� �' ��� � �;�-��� � � �22.�� � ��2�, ���' � �� , �-�� �� - ���'��• . ��1� t � �%n�'�'a-'' o-��� �', �� >���..� � �� ��i��, • �'��� � �� � � ����.z-���- -�� . � � � TY °� S�° `� 1 �' Area Cotle ����cl lFa' THOMAS J. STEARNS �� � 223-5121 i �?-� �L ARTHUR M. NELSON !� - ° " 'F �� �' PAUL F. MC CLOSKEV, JR. � •s � =-`,_,-.:� . . ` . "- R. SCOTT DAVIES �J� ^^ PIERRE N. REGNIER DANIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC LAUGHLIN KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROBERT C. HOENE A. KEITH HANZEL First Assistant ROGER W. MEYER LEGAL DEPARTMENT TERRY F. SULLIVAN JEROME J. SEGAL Assistants speciai assistant 316 City Hail, S+. Paul, Minnesofa 55102 ROBERT W. MATTSON 1 nvesti9ator December 20, 1971 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel The Honorable Nfayor Charles McCarty and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul Re: Proposed transfer of on-sale Li4uor License of Capitol Bar (Orv's Bar, Inc.) from Rice Street to Smith and Baker I have received a plat of the intersection of Smith and Baker in the above matter from� John E. baubney, Attorney for applicant. It appears that the proposed location of the entrance to the bar w�ll be further than the necessary 300 feet from the Church aroperty. Nowever, this proposal differs greatly from the one which the Cauncil approved, subject to an opinton of the Corporation Counsel , with regard to its legality. As you will recall , I gave an opinion that the proposal -as originally submitted was not logical since the bar entrance would have been less than 300 feet fran the Church property. Sjnce the new proaosal includes extensive chanqes in the design of the bar, it is necessary to return the matter to the Council for action on the new propasal . The matter should be placed upon the Council Aqenda in order that persons may be heard with respect to the new proposal . Very truly yours, `�f���"�--cL.. 0 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporation Gounsel DAK/�pp CC: D. McLaughlin, License Inspector John E. Daubney, Attorney Rev. Harvey R. Senecal �� ��� �'"'� �� � � . �[av� 1�� l.�`�. 1�. D�s� �'�t.b� {�a�z'. c�' Publ�c Sa,�'�'� �bi.ie 3r�`et�y �ldit�g . I3ear 3i,r: A'�'�t'�i.c�n t 3dr. I�asi�2. �t�aS1�t! �e Cl.ty C'�xcil �$ay �nt'ar�►liy a�grov�d �he e�DI.��'L#,t� �cr f.h� tx'a.a�tf'er oP C� �.e Ligu�ar' �ic�etas�r 3s�d tc� Orv'� �rr� 2z�Q. F��.m �$� �.i.�s �t. tsa �5�. �. �i.t�s Ave., �� t� th� l.eg�"1.f,�y �f �he d�.a�� r�c�.rer�nt�e b��«r�e� � 3.c�a�iaz� an{! E�t�ctkes �ark '�t�'.fi�d ��r��. Yer'Y �t' ��s Ci�y C3.�,� At}��g �, � W.�i L4R f i'tL • 3/Ai.l��� W# ���Yi�#� ����.� e DeC. 21, 1971 Hon. Dean Meredith, � Cc�nsr. of Public Sa�`ety, 101 E. 20th. St., St. Paul, M:Lnn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin D�ar Sir: The City Council today received the attached �.etter of the Corporation Counsel reporting that in connection with the transfer of On 5ale Liquar Licen�e to Orv'a Bar, Inc., at Smith and Baker, that the location of the entrance is �rther than the n�cessary 300 ft. f'rom the church praperty. The 1�tter was placed on �`ile and it was pointed out that ing��nal. �.pprcva7. was graute3, sub�eet to meeting the 30Q ft. rule af the ordinar�ce. ; Very truly yours, City G3erk AA/hp . T,,,�.,.�-��- 'h c_..� � s� 9/S �, ,�, g �i� \_ - � �, ?6�� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE , Application No .. _� Name of Applicant_........._.Orv's Bar.,,=___Inc. � ._.___ ........_..._....... .................................. ..._........................ e....._ ._...� ..� Residence Addresa._....?±88 Rice_St._, St._..Pau1�..Minn.........................-.---....._...._. Teiephone No.----.•-----_..-.----.._...._.........__............_ Are you a citizen of the United Statea?....._.._..._...._...Minnesota cor�oration_ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? . ........................�---..........._....._.--•---���....._..__._.._.....-----.._...__..-•--•--._...........__..__._._...............--•---_...._.._....._..._...__..._._.._.---_.__._._..._..._..._.._._....._...�_..r......'........._._ When and where�.....................488..Rice ,St.�.,._.St. .Paul, Minnl..._.........._....... . � � ...._.._._................_..._..-----.._.__..._......... �� If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation..........general._business_�r�oses���_�.._�.: __.___._...__._ _. ..._........ . .................................,._._._...._..'...__.._.... - Whenincorporated?.....____...._..._.....� tember .�Q, _�60_....................._----_._...------....._..__•-----........___...._..-----_.._..�......._.. .._.:.:._ . '�- Ifclub, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club rnembers�................._.__...._...._........_�_.....:.�..,...,.�..........__ Ho�v many membera?........................•------..._..__...._...._..._.._..._...___._ . Names and addresses of all offi r of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . . . ................................._�en�y...�?._..Tro�e _,President�._.Secretary.._&�General_Manager� _3310. N. Dun.lap St.� ..____......._.._.---......._..........._......._ .:.................•--�--�--................. St. Paul, Minn. ... .... .-----•----._.............. ....___..--------..._..__...._.._..._................_....__ -��........................_................_...._...._...._.---•---... ..........__..._ � ...___.....--�---•--._. ...........................................................�---......-----•--..._...._...__........----•---•-----..._......._..._ ........--�---......._---..................._...._................_...._-----•-�•--..........__..._...._._..........__ .........................Edward R.--.Pr�frock� 1030_N�__Oxford:__St�Pa�.. Minn. -''Vice Pres. &.Treas. ....-----.....� N�.mes and addresses of Stockl�olf�ers: ......... ................_Henry..R. _Troje,/�'310 N. Dunlap St., St. Paul, Minn. _.._....._.__.__.._...__..._...._.._..__.._._............................--- • - -----��............._.._._....._..----�----..._....--••------•---._..._....------_...-•-----_._._.._ Harold W. Truesdell, .219 Coffeen, Sherida.n, Wyoming 'Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known......................._.._.---------._...._...._.---.._..__._...._..--•--..............._.........-..---•---.._ Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward � - 651. s. . Smith , west . SW corner ,B�.ker & Smith 6-�h How many feet from �n academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets) ?....._...several_miles _ _ _ _ How many feet from a church (measured along streeta) ?-_--.......�00_ feet................•--.--...._...--------.___..........---._.......:..�..._..........___...._ �-Iow many feet from cIosest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.....1�00 feet . __._ Name of closest schaol...._........_...]?m?..�las.._School___.. How are premisea ciassified under Zoning Ordinance?.........._�o�ercial.___.._._............. .. _ _ .. ............._........----.....---_..-------._.........._ On what Ho�r tocated?.............._ground ........._.---_._ . _. _._. .........-----•-...........................................__.....---._.................._._.......---..._.....-------.....................-�---...-----_-._ purchased Are premises owned by you or leased?.being.........._.....� leased give name of owner......................._._.._....._.....................--.--.-------._.... If a restaurant give seating capacity?..........vacant__.Premises.._at_.present_time _ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....__..._......._-��-�...............................��----...................._.---._...._._.._........._.....-----_..---------------.....__.._.__..-•--- Give trade name.__..___P�'esently.operatin_g._under__name of Capitol Ba,r,� but will probably change name as ap icant��irioves frorii--area of S�a�e"�api-�t52:�"�-�--"----��- -- - •- Give below the name, or number, or o�her deacription of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ..........................._......................_...---...-----��-•---�-------••---------.....................-•-�-•---_..------•--•--..............-�-----......_............._---._......._...............--�----_...._.......-�--�-----......_.................-----....---�--... ............. ............... ..............................................................�-------�--...._....._...........----••--•----�---�-��-�-----------..........._..._........_._._...._................---._._........-•----.........---............._................._ (The inlorm�tion above mnat be given Por hotels and restanrants w6ich use more than one room for liquor RAl@S�. How many guest rooms in hotel?............_...__.._.......----- _. _._. _. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._.._......_......._..................._.........._.._.__.__........_.___._._.._.._._..._......_. Give names and addresses of three business referencea:...._...._.....______.._...._..w...�_...._...._._...__._._.._..._.._...___.._...._.._...____...___ 1.-•----•----•----Clarence Williams,----$t.,_Pau1,..1�?inn...---.-----••--------.._---.._._. - _ .._.._......_................_..._.....----.._.....__...._..._._...__ 2......_..............James._Le�z.�South_St. Paulz..M?:rui.,,.............._---.._._.._..........__..........._..._.....---......w....---.._.........______---........._.---•-�--_....___ 3.F'Y:ank..Tro '.ae...,..._6�0_Oakdale.z. St.__Pau1�_Minn. _.._..._..___._.----_._....___....._.... .__.._...._._... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VER,IFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOftATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE COR,PORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE sTa� oF n�nvxESar�, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ...._......... Henry R. Tro j e, Sr. being titet du1Y s�►a�n� deposes and says that he has read the foregoin� application and irnows the contents thereof,and that the same ia .�� . true to the best of his luiowledge,information and belief. --� ` .. . . ... ..-- --�.._�.._...� Subscribed and sworn to before me t�ia.._.28thw.....�. of_._..October 19 71 0 JohnE':._.._...._..._.._._._..._.... ._...._..._ - - Daubney Notarq �u lic, Ramsey unty, Minn. My commissian ires....._--.--..A�.�....�.z__._��5_._ ..� STATE OF SOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss' __.... ..._._..._.._.._. ..._..Henrw�R......'1'z:o�j.e.a...,��....__._..,�-_._._...-------•----------....�_.. ..___ .._being 8ret dnly sworn, deposes and says tha�........k�.�_._..._..the �rPQ;�Pr�t.., ' r Orv's Bara...Inc.---..__.._._..._._ . . . , a corporation; of....._.. , .... ..�.... - .. ..- , . �---- .._.— __.—_ -__..__ that................._....he............................._....._...__...has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the sarne is true to the best of....._...._....his.___..____.._..._....____.�owledge, information and belief; thst the a�l af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and e�ce� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directora, and said application and the execution Lhereof is the voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation. L ....... -- -. -�..�.�-.. � Henry Tro�e, Sr. $ubscribed and sworn to before me this..._....?.-'�_..th.._...........day - --�Octo ...:..._. ._.. ---19 - 1 J�rii�ss--�:- � � ,Dfota�y blic, am ey CounLy, Minn. My commig�ia expi ....._._._..�u..g.:_9.a._-1.4Z�._.__ � � , • t = „ , . � . ` o,� _ _ _ _ �J� �:_ , _ _ _ _ -_ _. _ .. _ _ . � _ _ .I/C./� M'��:��Q_,�' �� _ . � � � , a ."t�,c---t c � �S� �e , _ �� _, ,. .. _ �,% -- . - _ � � . . _ .' - �� - _ ��� - . � :. �v�� _ �. , _ _ _ . ..��_ �.-�.�.,� ��� _ _ _ :� � _ �,.�7 l l� _ _- _ .. __ � _ �,,po �y� _ - - ._"�,1'11t. , �'� � ?/ �- - �-'Ue e - �' �� . �' �� ���'`��.� l-� _ .: _ _ - - : �y �J�-,� ��i� ��%-i--� _ _ . _ .:i�?� ���c,Q �;d,� ����:� lv 7a �'��� � � :�2� � %''n'� ���,��.,�,�,_. _ ��C� � �!�t_. __. _ . �� _ � , J � �rl ' ��� ��,_ /�����' Cz..et�� :._ - � '-� ------_ __ --- , � A �j � � - �' ._ ' "�-�". C��/_ �-,�( � ��J C> .n� ��.r� �- 'v �%sa�tr- - ------- � �.r�r C ��,,. �; , �� � _ __ .: i�%�� �-GlJ`-Ct � /--�� _ l'-��- /?�r _�'�.`s���.�'�------ --— � � . ?,'_ _ ., '�'rr� _�_ - _ � a. �- �.J _ _�.�� _ - - �' � , — ,� /�' �'�� � y � . .�.� ,d�:- _ - __ ___ - .. - - _ , . ��� _ ��� _ 3_ �9 - �72�� ��� _�. , � _�� ��� , .. � <.� _ ��s ��!-_���-��-_ __ _ --- � � - �_��1�a� �v,u��.s��x� ��� �� � __ . _ _ . - � �\ _ �- '', �-_,: , .•� �' i''�•t..� C��Xr� �� _/1 :���.�� _ - - -- `� , � : � � , ___ �.� : �f �� � - . � �; � _ :. �1�,� . - - _ __ _ �._ _ .,- , - --- - . �� � ` ����r ���� ��� ` . � . � _ .. - _ � g _ :: __ _ , �`Y'►�. �e�,�,t r�.�-o--e� C� �� -�- -�-��•�.� � _- � �� . � � ' .�, --- �,_.^�_ . - _-- -�_ol ' _ `�, E,_ � 3 � �► , 1�-�-r„�'� � �„--�, __ __ __ - _ �.��-��� �.�� ..r . ��� S�a.�_���-� .. � - . � �th�., - - __ � :. _ _ _ _ �s� � ' �, � , _ - - -- � � �� ���� �������� �� ,= , . _ _ __ _ :: ��� _ �-�� _ �� � �+�- � - _, ,�,.c�. °'�..- . , . � Adopted by the Council 197— Yeas Nays � BUTLE� /� \ ` �i.EVINE � `�EftEDITH � �PRAFKA � TIDESCO� R.PR,ESIDENT (McCARTY) °�n .,� ` ��p,�.��K,e��,�,��-U �_ �v!'� _�i4'Yy�_ - -- - -�- �Q� ; _ L1-�w� �==_ - - -- . � . �, _ �'l.�-r! _ �--...� ��- �,-_- - !'"�-� � �,��t��''� �_-- __ _ � — � � �� _���_7��_ _ ■ � -- _ ��•���,__� � k'�� - �- �+/ ad _ /2?��L � �1✓, -- -- --- - -- _ _ _-- -- - - - _ � � v-�`T__ � __✓�� -�, __. --_ � C_���_�-�_ - ---- _ _ _ -�- !� ���_,-e-�e 1�' _ a?� - --- u � �_�-_ �_I ����-!�C- I_� � . _ - - - - - - -- �i( _ � j7� �7" __ � �' f��i'�R d vQ� _ �u�s C� v�rr �t.�i /c _ ' _ - � _ 51�1��v�Lk_ - _ ��:�.vs�rgi�{- . ' ' �, � �3 t��7- --j,�_ f���iT _!, �, � ��c��r�—�x. — t ��� !�C��c.?6f L i/� ---------- --- ■ - -- ----�- --- -- ---- -- -- � - ------ - ------ ----- � -- ------ ----- ----� - ---- - -------� . ' • , . ' • . , , , ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • Capital of Minnesota N �eart�rtevtt o u��CC'c �a et p . � ADMINIBTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FI&E PHOTECTION ro[.�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MER.RILI..Dspaty Commisslw�er DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lleenss In�pecWr PTovember 11� 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen ar�d Ma,dam: This� letter is in reference to the a,pplication of ' Orv�s Bar, Inc. f�o the transfer of their On Sale Liquor License from 488 Rice Street to 651 Smnth Smith Avenue. I have accepted the written reportr� from the Bure�us of Fire� Health, and Police and have int�rviewed the applicant. I recommend that this transfer be granted. Pery truly yours, i�'/ _ `, � �'��y G�GGrt I,icense Inspectcs �f ���` G � � � t�� � ���.. � -� µ.�,_ �- � ����A�� � , , � , ������:: , � ,\ � � %/,-�. , . r-;:.F�, ,� . , , � ��