256910 � • ORIfSiNAL TO CITY CLERK ������� • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 1 . _ i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUN IL LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � ATF WHEREAS, The City Council by Resolution, C. F. No. 253130, approved March 18, 1971 , has requested the Metropotitan Sewer Board to adopt other means and methods of allocating costs to the City of St. Paul for 1971 ; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Sewer Board has not acted on this request; and WHEREAS, the City is still desirous of other means and methods of cost allocations, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby requests a hearing by the Metropolitan Council regarding the following objections to the 1g71 Sewer Board Operating Budget allocation to the City of St. Paul : l . It has been caiculated by using water meter readings that 20 to 25 percent of the sewage flow o�iginating from St. Paul is clear water, i .e. air-conditioning and other clean-process water. The �— "Metropolitan Sewer Act" does not specifically provide for this r �� type of waste. it is, ther.�fore, requested that the Sewer Board, = under Subdivision 8 of the 'Act' authorize and adopt otl�er means -._ and methods of allocating costs as regarding this clear water. E- 2. The City of St. Paul has historically had its volume of flow ti �_ reduced by the amount of infiltration measured into the jointly ,� used Minneapolis - St. Paul Interceptor. The City Council hereby �' requests that a reduction to the City's flow due to infiltration � from all Metropolitan Interc+�ptors be made and at the same rate =!I as established by the former Minneapolis - St. Paul Sanitary District. 3. The City Council of St. Paul hereby questions the method of determining the reserve capacity cost allocated to St. Paul . �'his cost was apparently proportioned on the bases of percentage - of present flow rather than on the bases of future needs. DEC 2 9 197, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approved 19— Levine _jn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ORIO�NAL TO CITY CLBRK • �()� F ' . . • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� v .,, � -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y COMMISSIONER �ATE 2. Be i t, FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Sewer Board. o�c a9 »�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DEC 8 9 1971 Ap 19— Levine � Tn Favor �r Meredith yor Sprafka Q A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty D E C 31 197� �BI,ISHED � . ��`��`Y�°�",�` � c�n oF s�r. PAUL couNC�� No 25fi91�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE-�IERAL FORM ' ���� COMMISSIONER �A*� WHEitEAS, Tha City Council by Resolution, C. f. No. Z53130� approved Mareh 18, 1971, hss r�qwsted tta Mstropollt� Saw�� Boird to adopt othsr wans and nisthods of allocating costs to the Cityr of St. Paut for 1971; � and MNEREAS, the Metropotitan Sewe� Boa�d ha: not acted on thls r�quest; and I�IEREAS, the C i ty t s s t i l 1 des i rous of othe r aieans and aNthods of . cost sllocations, thanfore be it RESOLYED, that ths Council of th� Citr of 5t. Paul her�by r�quests a h�ariey� by the Metropolitan Counctl rs�ardi�g ths folia,ring obJtcttons to ths 1971 S�r Bosrd Opsrsting Budgat allowttoa to th� City ot St. Pa�l: 1. It has ba�n caiculeted bi► using wat�r wt�� nadin9s that 20 to ZS psrcent of the sa�n� flar ort�inating frow St. Paul is cles� +�tsr, i.e. ai�-condttloning and othar clean-protess Nate�. 1ha "Ml�tropolitan Se�rer Act" does not specifically provid� for this type of wast�. It ts, thsrofors, r�qwst�d that ths S�+er doard, under Subdivlsion 8 of the 'Act' authortza and s�pt othsr iaeans and �sthods of ailocating costs as r�garding this clear Natsr. 2. The Ctty of St. Paui has hi:torically had its volu�e of flow � reduced by the aawunt of tnfiltratton measund te�to th� jointly us�d Minnaapolts - St. P�1 Int�r�ptor. The City Council F+�reby nqwsts that a rsductioo to tha C1ty's f�ow dw to iAfiltratlon fro� all Metropoiitan int�rc�ptors �s isad� and at tha s�e rata as estabitshsd by tha fonMr Minns�olts - St. �aui Ssnit�ry Oist�ict. 3. The City Council of St. Paul hsroby quastions the n�thod of dete�uining tha nsenro capactty eost silocat�d to St. Paul. This cost was appa�ently proportioned on the bases af pRrce�tage of pnssnt flow rathe� than on th� basts of futura nasds. COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci� DEC �9 �gT�9_ Y� xa� �EC 891�1� But�� Carlson Apprnved 19— Levine � T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� AgAirigt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty � �� . o�.�,�,u,�.R,� � � 25fi9�.�� CITY OF ST. PAUL c�ounca ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ��.� . � COMMISSIONEQ �ATE � Z• � 1 L, FURTNER RESOLYED. that oopt�s of this resolution ba trsnsa�ltt�d to the Matropolitan Conncit and ths Mstropolit� Sawsr doard. - DEC 2 9 1lli COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Co�ma�� 19_. Yeas� Nays oEC �9 1,�Y� A�mved 18— Levine _�n Favor Meredith � Spraflta �r Tedesco A gainat Mr: President, McCarty �� l�tc;. 2�, 1�"li +��.�t,:°u �;i.i.'��,n :"c>.crc�r �3oarc� 11i..�t��:� ..�i�l°+.�.�I.'+,` ,1.CIt��,e ::i�i'� {�±�i:'<;.1:" 'i>t• :.;f'�'i• i7L7.111� 1�t.�.Yl.T;c^�SC��,$ .�n�tlQr�en: i�ncl.:�sec� tve y�ur ir�i"ormuti�n is :a. r�:>�'.._.i,i:,; af tr,e S�. I'aul Cit� Coux�.ci:�, C�u:ra,.�1 �'.�.1c:, 1V'fl. �'.56�3.0, rec;�zestin� a hear.•i,ra�; �v i;t��, ���c-:tx.a- nolii:ara Cauncil, in cflnnection with �rle Ca,ty's ob�ections to the ].971 Sewer Boar�l �p�ratin� budget allocation. Very trtx7ly your s� City Clerk AQ`n� 0 �ec. 2�� 1�71 i����4,�.',?�:}�i"�t;�tt! ';c,ttttcil �S ..r � �. . , l/`.��1;���� +.)AI� ..i lt• `.�iL�.�1� .:�A.1.l�:i�.�'�i�t Ct. �eca�1.en�en: .1:i:C�O�c:i� it.2' ;'g'OU.�" 1111t��t)T"TlIF�.��.c3T1 :L`3 1 . ;.'5�,�.U{ _'?':"• ,, ar2P .�T�.• i'u,il�. ' ,L�." L�iJllt'LC:�.�. �tJtli.1C::�,l .�'1,�t- �� '- -Q.. v � � � :,i.�� _f���l? �i.. qa�s L:�.n� a he��iaa� �,� ti�e iY.i�us°;�po�:;_�ar. ��>>tic.:;.?, a.?2 ca��n�criv� �cvi�h �tn� vity's abjec��ioxiti ;o a.;?a<� �.'�;)7l Seti.��s �:;;:��,rc� ;apera�ti� buc�g��t allocata.o��. V��ry t��u3_y �„�ux•�� Citf C1erk .�0f��