03-14COUNCIL FILE it� �`3 ��� GREEN SHEET#: 204853 RESOLUTION o� S.� pA�„ �SOTA Presented By: Referred to: ai Committee Date: ] 2 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, Pazks and Recseation has ceceived donations from the Capital Ri��er Council and the 3 Summ�t Avenue Residentiai Preservarion Association; and 4 5 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation wishes to accept these generous donahons, and 6 7 WHEREAS, these donarions have been given with the expectation that they are used to fund hothcultural intems whom will S work specifically in Meazs Pazk (Capital River Council) and along Smuuiit Avenue (Summit Avenue Residential Preservation 9 Association); and 10 11 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation was willing and able to staff these posirions; and L 13 WHEREAS, flie Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 1 of the Chacter of the Ciry of Saint Paul, does cernfy tl�at 14 tl�ere are available for appropiiarion, fimds of $5,100 in excess of those estimated m fhe 2002 budgeL niid 15 16 WHEREAS, flie Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2002 budget: 17 18 Ci.1RRENT AMENDED 19 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CFIANGES BUDGET 20 001 - General Fund 21 03132- Parks Maintenance 22 6905 - Contributions and Outside Donations 0 00 5,100.00 5,100.00 2; 0.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 24 SPENDINGPLAN: 25 001 - General Fund 26 03li2- Paiks Maintenance 27 0132 - Not Certified Temp/Seasonal 0.00 4,610.00 4,610.00 28 0439 - Fnnge Benefits 330,621.00 490.00 331,111.00 29 330,621.00 5,100.00 335,721.00 30 31 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts and smcerely thanks the Capital River Council for 32 their donarion of $1,700 and the Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Associahon their donation of $3,400. GIFMIQ71JW31Re5oluGOns, AOs, Green SheeislReSOlutronslHOrticultural Intern Resoluhon xls Page 1 ot 2 COUNCIL FILE #: d� '`� CREE\SHEET= 204A�3 RESOLtiTI011' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Refened to: Aate: Adopted by Council: Date: � p 3 Adoption Cerhfied by Council Secretary Requested by: Df�°ision of Parl<s a�d Recreenon BY: ��f � A�` `-�`'§�J�'�-c�' �� Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: By : �1u��� Fozm Approveci by City Attorney G IFM14T1JW31ResoluGons, AOs, Green SheetslResoWtionslHorticultural Intem Resolution xls Page. 2 of 2 �- _ ___ __ _ . _ � -� � r��� DEPARTMEN7/OFRCE/COUNCIL OA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 204853 O� +� Parks and Recreation 1vt�/zooz CONTACTPERSONANOPHONE , IN�IT INITIAU�A7E CyKosel 248-7759 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �ss/i1pH� S CITYCOUNCIL NUMBER y"`d .I850OWI1'IC0YB6-G�L�7 FORROUTINGj 3 CINATfORNEY CITYCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE): ORDER ,' 2 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. 6 O.F.S.-ACGOUNTING � 4 MHYOft (ORASSISTANT) 7 OTHER: PaMS arM Reaeation ASAP — — TOTALNUMBEftOFSIGNATUREPAGES: CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTE� Authorization of attached resolution authorizing ihe proper city officials to accept and set up a financing and spending plan for donations from the Capital River Council in the amount of $1,700, and fromthe Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Association in the amount of $3,400 to be used toward the hiring of hoRicultural intemsr � These donations were committed with the expectation that they were used to fund horticuitural interns whom would work speci£calty in Mears Park (Capital River Council) and along Summit Avenue (Summit Avenue Residential Preservation Association). RECOMMENDAilONS. (Approve(A)orRe�ec[(R) . PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS I PLANNINGCOMMISSION GVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. HasthepersoNfirmeve�woMetluntlercontracEforthisdepartr�ent7 - CIB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2 Has the person�rtn eve� been a city empioyee� DISTRICTCOUNQL OTHER: : ❑Yes ❑No ! ! 3. Does the DersoNfirm possess a skili not normal POSSESSED by a curtent aty employee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. INITIATWGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNIN(Who,WhaqWhen,Where,4Vhy) � - These donations allowed Parks and Recreation to hire more horticulturel interns for the summer months whom assisted in improving� maintenance and beautiflcation of park spaces that may otherwise be unfulfilled. ��� �' �/� D V DEC 17 2QQ2 r ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' � � ' � �� �TI�� Ay� These donations allowed an opportunity to focus more maintenance attention to the above parks, ci g h i� ole I c ti� n and beauty. This not only improved the park, but the neighborhood and city overall. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPRWEP � � None i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' � Parks and Recreation's budget lacks the capacity to hire intems to work at specific parK locations. These donations have allowed Parks and Recreation to focus efforts at fhe above listed speci£c lowtiorts. � TOTAL AMOUNT pF TRANSACTIQN. $5,10Q � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check O�e� ❑ Yes ❑� No " FUNDING SOURCE: OUYSICl2 DOf12YlO0S AC7IVITY NUMBER; ^'- "-- ...OQ1-03132 � , FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) , � ��h Cas?9�Y ��� � � ? GJFlv➢QPJW31ResoluGOns, AOs, Green S¢eetslGreen SheetsUiorticultural Intern Reso�ution Greenshee[ xls Page� 1 of 1 � 1