256075 O�t161NAL TO CITY CLERK ��C��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �oENCa N �� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVFD, That the Purchasing Agent be authorizeel to process pay�ent for emer�eney repair work on Allis Chalmer Tractor I�ID16� Serial No. 8753 for the De�artment of Public Works� Mux�i.cipal Eg,uipanent Bureau, 891 North Dale� Saint Paul� Minnesota to the M3.nnesota Tractor Compa.ny� 1�00 West 96th Street� Blo�nington, Minnesota, 55�+31 at a total cost of $7,�+78.2b, on an emergency bas3.s in accorcia,nee with Section 291 of the City Charter. The factory authorized repair facility without ea�npetitive bids as an only source for � f this type of repair on Allis Chalmers equip�ent of this size. Req'n No. 0596 Code: 1220-225 �� APPRE7VEDs AS TO FORM APPREJ�VED: TIiE �'t7RCI�ASIPIG Ct'HrIl�LTT�J d--� GCl ! CORP 0 CO�JNBEZ �, CCd+�TROLZER CHAS G COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ar�r 19 �97�9_. Yeas Naya Butler QCT 19 tig71 � Cornasy ve� 19— ��°'�� Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco AS'��$t ; OCT � 3 1971 Mr. President, McCarty QUBLISHF� , 10�15�71�Pranke��o � �