03-137Council File # �3 � � 3� Green Sheet # e�0� C 3� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, in Council File No. O1-648, the Council of the City of Saint Paul established 3 an interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462355 to preserve the status quo with respect to 4 land use and official controls in the Arcade Street Study Area; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Council File No. O1-648 provided that the interim ordinance would be 7 effective for a period of time not to exceed twelve months and further provided that the interim 8 ordinance may be extended for a period of time not to exceed thirty months as provided by Minn. 9 Stat. § 462.355; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, Council File No. O1-648 was amended in Council File No. 02-514 to extend the interim ordinance period from twelve months to eighteen months; and WHEREAS, the Council is advised that the planning process is not yet complete for the Arcade Street Study Area and that is necessary to extend the interim ordinance established in Council File No. O1-648 in order to complete the planning process and for the Council to act upon any recommendations derived from the planning process; and WHEREAS, the Council is further advised that the interim ordinance established under Council File No. O1-648 will expire during the City's process for enacting an ordinance amendment to extend the said interim ordinance. It is the Council's intent to continue the regulations established under Council File No. 01-648 until such time as an amending ordinance is enacted; i o� -� 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, until the enactment of a sepazate ordinance 3 amending the interim ordinance established under Council File No. O1-648, the provisions of the 4 said interim are hereby continued in full force and effect. Requested by Department of: Byc Form Approved by City Attorney gy: � � W 4'ri/i..6-� 2 ./.J/�� r by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Apps BY: Adopted by Council: Date �a�,._ � QQ3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 03 -t� �„���„W Councilmember Dan Bostrom 266-8660 �tss�cx xuweee wrs RWi1NG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET crnue,�r ortccraR No 200639 ❑ arrwnax�r ❑ anucaK _ ❑nwxw.amuccson ❑wuwuaFmn�ccro ❑MYOit(oRAaLSTAltI) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution continuing the interim ordinance for the Arcade Street moratorium. a PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has this persoNfrtn everworketl untler a caniract for this department? . YES NO Has Mis Pereonlfirm e+er been a city empbyee7 YES NO Does fhie Garsonlfirtn possess a sitill not normallYC� bY anY curteM city empbyee7 VES NO la this per�tm a �arpHed vendoR YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDfiETm (GRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN)