256068 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � � 25sQ�8 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DEAN N�REDITH �ctober 15, 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF WFIEREAS, Ordina�ce No.3250 authorizes ar�d provides for payment for overtirae work, and WHEREAS, the C�issioner of Public Safety has authorized overtime work in his department (Bureau of Health) during the period frmn October 2, 1971 to October 15, 1971 : therefore, be it RESOLYED, that the proper city officers are hereby ac�thorized to pay the employees who perfornied such overtime work in accorr�ance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 6445 and No. 3250. 0 CT 19 197! COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler OCT 19 �97� Appr 19� �— Favor Meredith Sprafka yor .�Against Tedesco � Mr. President, 1vlcCarty �UBL(S�HED 0 2 �9� �� �.OVERTIME ��s�s 8 Vernan Borgan 4 hrs. @ 6.965.7 27.86 2 hrs. @ 4.6438 9,29 TOTAL $ 37.15