256056 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK �^���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N0, u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �ICExsE Ct�tI� COUNCIL RESOLUTICS —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �C'{'r��9@1" .1.9! 1.7T3 COMMISSIONE ATF WH�s The Salvstion Ar� ha�s made Applicatior� for p�ra�i.ssion to aoliait ftand� for Christffiaa� daily� betweQn 3�ovembe� 26i 1971� and Deeember 24� 1971� bet�*een the ho�rs •f 10a00 a.m. and �s40 p.n. and m� I�ondays and 3'huredays �a 9t00 p.n�., on the streete of the City of St, Paul� therefore, be it RESOLYIDs 'Phat permission b e and the same is her�by �aated to the Sa1.v�,tion Army �o �olio3.t �uah f�inds duri� the period requ�sted and on the daye a�d hours applied far, �1� . Tnform�,lly�pprov�d by Cour�cil �atober 14� 1977� OCT 19197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler oC 1 � g 19� ��X7C COPJW6Y Approved 19— �nT�in�� n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor AgAlII6t „ I T_: � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty °""� puB��sH� ocT z�9�t�. �� CITY OF �AINTyPAUL �--�— ' Capital af Minnesota / ��� � �v �e aht�nevtt o ub�CC'c �a et /' p � ADMINIBTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH AAI,PH G.MEB.RILL,Deaaty Commissloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lteen�s Inspcctor �ctober 14, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Co�Qil Sa3.nt Paul, Minneavta Gentlemen aad Madama Th� Salvatian .Ar�y makes application for permission to conduct the3r annual solieitation of funds for Christma�, daily from Novenber 26, 1971 �o Dece�nber 24, 1971, f`rom 10s00 a.m. to 5s00 p.a., except on Mondays and Thursda�ys to 9s00 p.m. They have eomplied with Ordinance I�o. 13338, amendin� Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Pa�l Le�;ialative Code axzd �rdinances which deals with eolicitation of funds. `1'he application is ffiade by Bri�. Robert Flowera. Tery truly yours, e Q��Q � i� License Inspeetor � �. �, � , � + 1 CITY t�' ST. �AUI, �fice of License Ts�.spector � 2�2 Pubiic Safet� Builc�ing Sto P�ul, �innesota 55101 A,pplication for perm:isaion to solicit f�.tnds, or to conduc� tag days, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, Minn.esota, Date of Applicati�n QC�0�11T �S 1971 1, Name of organiza�ion. �s ���Z���„�,,, Addresa of organization �O1 �st Se11�e'1th Sti'�let 2. Chief officer of organization arigadiu� Ra�ert Fl�aa�re 3. ����Xof organization Wiili� e• KOAR�t'1 4. I�me of person or persons rasponsible for the distribution of eolleeted funds. �rl4sdi�r Robort Fl�ss Mss. �oila Pa�nrr, 5cciel Work�s 5. Purpoae or obj�ct for which solicsi�tation is to be made funt�� PQ1� pl�id�n� Chri�tm�� cheer for shut-in�, unaor privil�qed, �/o � � �t+d femilies_of prison�rs. 6. Use to be macte of funds collected Chriet�aras Chetr and CE� 7o Solicitation w�.11 be made on MOVil�b�tr 26 �+ D�iCe�b�x 24� 19'7� ��e�, betv�esn the hours of 10ttM! A.M, and ��� P�M` ��pt lbn�y e11c! rsdax till 9.ao P.M. 8, ,Looation where solicitation wi13 take placep��� ���d� ��' g�� p�, 9e List �he amounta of any wagess Pees, commissions, costa or expe�nses paid �r v�ich are expected to be paid in connection with solicitationd Also lis� n�ames of persona to ro�hcmi paymen�s have bean made or will be made and the amounta of such ymentso (A financial state�nt �.z�oluding this inform�tion may be attached,� I�e R�� � ���� oct. 14, 197�.. �. Dean I�er4dith, Com�r. crt 1'ublic 3a!'4tyA 103 E. lOth. St., $t. Pau]., Minn. Atta: Nr. Deniasl P. MelraugbSiA I9ear Sir: The City Council today informa.11y acpprc�ad thRS application of the Salvation Ax9ny for permissicm to conduct their ennual solicitation of flxnds i'or Christmas, daily fro� Nrnrember 26� 1971 to December 24, 1977., Yr6m 14:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., except on 1�Sondays and Thursdays to 9:00 P. M. Will you plea�,s�e pre�pare the �uato�axy resolutian? Ve='y trWy yrntrs, City Clerk �