256051 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ����� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �ATF WHEREA�;, an e�ce�ina�ion for the position cf "Patro]ye�" is being s�hed�l.ed, end W�, inv�stigation �akes it evid,�at that a sv�ficient eligible list ca�t be obtaiaed f'ran m�ng the residem�a af the City, a�d Wt�'AS, it is demed in the best iatere�ts of the City to extend competi�icm to p�rso�as l�.ving out�side oP the City; r�o�► therefore, be it �OLVED, that �he residence req�i.re�ents for adffiission to the examinatio� as prc�vi.ded in Section 10 D of the Civil Service R�l.es are hereby wsived for the first eaa�inatien Yor "Pa.trolmati" to be held follvwing the pa8sage cf thi� resolgtion. 0 CT 19197:1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��T 1 � �9.� � �s�n�-��-`--�:—_.- '� oved 19r. �� Tn Favor Meredith �,,/ Sprafka �/� yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED � "'� Q�T Q�z ���1 �� DU}LICA'R TO MtIMRR ��,�!`f�� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nca ND �'�''''� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���r COMMISSIONER �ATF �� �L ���r'�� �T �f r��t�� � "Patroaiw" is b�ins rch�dni�d, and i�AB, in�sti�atiaa� a�u� i!, wilLq�t tLat a su�tiai�►t tli6ib�1� li�t o�ma� b� ob�tain�d i":+a� romy� t�u rNill�tt 0t tla City, a�d 11�� it is � in t1N b�st l.t��syats o! th� Cit�► to eutend aa�titivaz to per�oms livi.a� o�stai� ot t�e Cit�/; nar �er�lb�nt, b� 3t A��11�, tbat t,l�e r�sid�a�e� r�qnir�sta fiear �d�isaion to � e�p�inati� aa pro�vi�d in B�ctioa'a 1A D oZ t�u CiYil e�rvsc. fiil.s ar� l�ts.b�r Matrid ror tb. rirst .s�.taatian !or "PatroS�aa" to be l�ld ibSl�aMin� t� paas�p �!' tbi�e s+�aatntioa�►. OCT 191971 COUNCII�EN Adopted by the CounciL 19_ Yeas Butler Na� CT 19 19�� �., • Appr�ve� � 19� Lev�nt-- Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� AroAlI18t Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, �2cCaxty ��