256036 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLlRK 25V��C CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N0. V .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE \ DATF RESOLVED, That the plaas and specifications for the cona�truction of an ornamentsl street lighting system oa Minnehaha Avenue, from Pierce Bntler to Chats�orth Stxeet, Citq Project M-0541, ia the Thomas- Dale Reneiral Area, Minnesota A-1-3, as eubmitted herewith prepared by the Lighting Bureau uader the direction of the Co�issioner of Public Utilities, be and the same are herebq approved, the same being satis- factorq to the Com�issioner of Public Utilities, and the Purchasing Agent ie hereby suthorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner pravided in snd by the Charter. 0 CT 15197.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Q CT 1 5 �� Butler �(�_v-,z_zt. � ved— 19� �� J ln Favor � Meredith Sprafka v � , yor �� A gainat � - .� Mr. President, McCarty �' w e1JBUSH Ef1 0 CT 2�3 1°�1 ��� �- � � � � �� � 1! �� � � `--. o�.�,�,T�.�.�,� 2�6�3� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCi� NO �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRB6I�IT��lf CAMMISSIONER eAre �i0`.�ID, l6at tlwi pl,� aod �psaLfi�ast3�r !'+�r tlu airt�ati� O� all ���tEil �tlNt �ttt� !�/td O! N��1�t ���� �� M�1c'« �t3�Al�' EO CktRA�'!tb �t1"NE� C1t�► 11DII��tt I[�OS41� if q1t '111MY- �t �/�, �M� I�IN�ti ��1��� Y SI{��t� �/�t1t '��lM � tl� Li�4tta= ��w �r � dis�atia ot tt� C�issi� oi t�lls Ot�litiai, 1�a a�i 1� s�w as^a h�r�b7 a�l=o�d. tb� i� iNist s�li�- t�aE�s'� to tiir Oe��,lti�e ot ?rtblia Otilitti�r, aM ttu !'�sei�ni� ��t i� hs�t� aAttL�sis�d t� a+l�stis� t�r ►�ds l�t� te tiu� �! �r�tl+�M �s a�i D� tl� f�ust�rr. � COUNCII�IEN Adopted by the Counc;� OCT 15197�'�_ Yeas '� Nays _ But,�er OCT 151971 Gar�an�� - -�, ADPmved. 19�. � �" i� Favor Meredith � Spraflca �� � A�inst Mr. President, McCarty ��