256027 . 256�� OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICE�SE COI�lITT� OUNCIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ����b@� 1�! 17TZ COMMISSIONE ATF BFSOI,9EDs That Applicat3on I,-12512 fer th� �ransfer mf (ha Sale Liquc+r License �A. 797�� �xPi��' ����Y 31� �972, issued to MarieC�,pe�e ar�d Ca�ill� Paul at 225 West S�erenth S�xeet, be and the same i� h�reby txat��ferred to The Br�ss �Rail of St. Paul� Ir�c. at �he same addrosa. (�Sal� I,iquor �etablish�ent '.!'ltANSFEE� (Lic�ae�QS� Inf�x�,lly appro7ed. l�y �ouncil septeaber 28, 1971 OCT 141911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler OGT � 4 ���� x�X CONWAY pro 19— '�'�' �n Favor �- Mayor Sprafka J A gainat Tedesco 0 CT 16 197.� pUBLISHED Mr. �✓ice President Meredith � . , � � � , ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � � Capital of Minnesota ���� �� a1Je art�nevtt o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION TCn�I aII(�M1riIleS0� StTeetB FIRE PROTECTION ror.�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEBBILL,Dspnty Commiseloaer DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense InepeeLor �epter:ber 28� �.971 ::onora�le AZs�;�or �nc� City Counci� Suint P�„ul, P•.inneso�� Gentlei�en �nc� PF.�:��.:7: The I�ra�i:, �tui� L4�r of ut. Pau.a., Inc. is joined by T•yarie Ca�ece unc� C�.mi�.1e I';�ul in m�I-,in� G.��plication for tl�e tr�:n,fer o:f (7n Saa.e Li�uor �,icense No. 797�� ex:�irin� 4anuury 31, 1972 fror� Iiarie C��ece �.n� C�.mille Y%aul �.t 225 i�. Seventh Street to i'he r:r��ss Rail ��ar of St. a aui, Inc. ut tlie uame location. Tlae �r��s �.�il ���r of St. P�ul, Inc. �lso m�u.P.cs �;�plication for the tr�.nsier oi Sund�.g an S«le Lic,uor �.icensc I�o. 9?22, Lx�iring Janu�ry 31, 1972, and applic��tion for Ca.�.,�s Cl-ReNt�urant, Ci'f a�le R�al�; �ever���e ��nd Cigare�tie license.: for �i.lze ti.�nc ioc���ion. �_. . . . 1 ais oc�.tion hr�: beer� operatec� au an on s�.le lie�;;,uor est«blishr,�ent �ince 1937. ahe officer� of �:,�.is cor��oration 4re I�arolc; J. uchr�iat, Jr., �'resident ancl Treasurer; �nc� Jeunet��e n. Schriiclt is the Secretary. `�3�e so�e stoc��ioldcr� of this cor�oration are �°arold J. �chmidt, Jr. and Jcanet�e :'. Sch�::ic;t. The close�:t 4n s�tile �ic�uor �l�,ce is one biock as,ay and tilc closeNt (3�f a�.le �..ic�uor y�lace is one block a�:ay. The nearest church is about one blocP� a.�ay and tlic ne�re��t sc3�ooi is �bout four bloc'�s �«�ay. Since �e�i;er�ber, 196G, i�:r. Nc?�r�ic�t has been em.ployeu a, a:sistant oifice iaanu�er and accountant for ��rin �ai:�n �ox Corporation� 890 Vanualia :-avenu:., Nt. ?=au1. Je��netj:� �-. ScI�►Rii�:t is a liouse::i�e. Very ��rul3T your�, . ���� - ;icen�� Inspector i , ;' \.� .,'� j f,.. !/ � � CI'TY Ga� S�►INi PAL'�, ' . ' DE.P�►R.TI+I�1`�1� C�F I'UBLIC St1F�TY LIC��:SE DIVISIOPd Date Sept. 22, 19 ?1 1. Application for On-Sale Liquor License c 2. Name of applicant Ha�'�Old J. Schmidt, Jr. rass Rail of St. Paul Ine_� 3. Business address 225 West 7th Street Residence 1508 Fairmount Ave. 4e Trade name� if any Brass Rail 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Li�uor Federal Tax Stamp x will be used. 6. On what floor located First T'�:umber of rooms used One 7. Betti�reen �vhat cross streets Chestnut and Walnut ti'�'hich side of street North 8. Are premises now occupiecA Yes Z�h�t business On-Sale Liauor Ho« long 30yrs. plus 9. Are premises novr unoccupied no How long vacant Previous Use l0o Are you a netiv owner�es _iYave you been in a similar business before no Where «hen lle Are you goin$ to operate this business personally ves If not� who will operate it 12. Ar� you in any other business at the present time no 13. Have there been any complaints a�ainst your operation of this type of place no When ' Where 14e Have you ever had any license revoked no What reason and date 15. Are you a citizen of the United States yes Native x Naturalized 16. Where were you born Brainerd. Minn. Date of birth Nov. 14, 1932 17e I am X married. My (wife's) (��$��e�x+�� name and address is Jeanette Schmidt 1508 Fai�rmount Ave. . St. Paul., Minn. 55105 �, 18e (If rnarried female) my maiden name is 19. How long have you lived i� at. Paul 14 years 20. Have you ever been arrested no Violation of what criminal laia or ordinance 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of Sto I'a�al x Yes No (Answer fully and completely. These a lications are thorou hl checked and an falsification wili be cause for denialo (OV�R) 22. Number of 3.2 places c•�ithin t�,ro blocks None 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale One Block Off Sale One Block 24. Nearest Church Temt�le Baptist ��Teareut �cl�ool Cathedral 25. Number of booths 7 Ta���e� 2" Chair� � Stools 25 260 {�hat` occupation have you folloc•,rev. ior tl�e �a,t five yearse (�ive names of employers and date� so emp3oyed.) Assistant-Office Manager- Accountant, 'I�ain Town Box Corp., 890 Vandalia, St. Paul Sept. 13, 1966 to present. 27. Give n�.m�s and ��c�e�resses of tivo persons� re.idents of St. Paul� i��inn.' who can give information coa�cernin� you. TVame Robert Kirk �iddress 1351 Colonial Dr. , St. Paul Name Richard Ruecker r1dd�,e„� z370 N. �riel, No. St. Paul � d --��e�+�',��..--�--"�' � 1 ;i�;nature tlpplicant State of A�innesota) )s� County of Ramsey ) l�ein� first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath that h s read the regoin�; statement bearin� his signature and Icnows the contents thereof 9 and i;hat the same is true of his ot^Wn ��not�lect�e except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he b�lievas them to be trueo ^ Signature o Applicant Sub�scribed and sworn to before me this a-�� day of� -�, 19 �( u...c,� L . u..�.�.��tt- Notary Publ � Ramsey County� Minnesota My Commission expires__��,�,�-, a � G -� � —�--�--ti—--'--- (Noteo These st�.teraent forms are in duplicatea iiottn copies must be fully filled out� notarized� �.nd returned to the License Division. ) 8-23-?1 . , .. � �3�.:-�1�•�x ������,�ct.r�� � Y�O�i P,�,a:�xL �,�^: CR LI�UC�: LIC^TTU�; I�v: On ua3e Liquor License �(��� tlame o#' �r��.ic�nv Harold J. Schmidt, Jr. CBrass Rail of St. Pau1. Inc.) �iQ�s �p,rp� Lc�s�.ness �ac�c�res� 225 West 7th Street. St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Are you the so�� olrraer v� ��,I�i� ?:�u�ane�s: No . i� �o;;, i� i-� �, partnerur�.ip? corpor�t�on? X p oti�cr? Otplers bn�creu��,:c� i:� ��a�;�ire��� ab�c.�_u�e t��o�e �;� �.o�_.n of fi�oneJ', property or o�P�crti�riueo V.�a�— T�1ar��e Jeanette Schmidt :'.��'resu 1508 Fairmount Ave. ��ot�; Stockholder.S��, Camille Paul 154$ Fairmount Av e. Loan Ba r If a cor�oration� ;ive i�� n�n�� The Brass �i�./o£ �St. Paul. Inc. Are you intere�$ed i.r� any �aa�r i:e �.a;�r oi;��er r�tu�.i '�eer or 3ic�uor bu�iness? No t�s sole o���mer? T�:wr�ner:� S�oc?.::ol�?er? Q�;��ert��i�e? (i�xou�Il�. �0�.�1 oi c;:�ne;�e e-^�,c. �n�.�a�1) AG�IC�Y'CSS Of StiC� �JUS�.:3C��^u ui2C.'a Y?u^.'`�.LI°..^G� O.'�t 1Y7�'.C'T'L�N�,. 3.Y� u2�^2L-'' ! , ,�ign��ur� o �.}� licant St�te of r:in�esot�.) )�� Cournty of Rariseyr ) ���-� � �ein� first duly stborn� c�eposes and says upon oath that he has r d tP�e forc�oii a�'fsca�vit bearin� his signature ancl I�not�s the cnntents thereof; that the same is true ob .zis oti��n ..no���lecl�e' except �.N to those matters th:erein stated u�aorn in�or�ation und be�i�� anr� �.s to �P3ose �n�tteru �e belaeves ther� to be true. 1 i �n�ta�r� o �p�,�.icant Subscribed an� ����orn to be�ore rse this�_day of �4 �c� �1 T ��.�' �: �0..c,�..�"�— i�otary Fu ic� i��sey C�aan�y� P�:inneso�a hiy conmission e�sires �-_ �_l�� . . STdTE OF D��II�INESOT,A SS C�UNTY OF RAMSEY Harold J. Schmidt, Jr._ _ � � be►i,ng P3.rst duly ewoi��,' doth depuse -�T----*---- and aay that he me►kee thia aPfidavi� in ao�,nea��on with appl�esation Pox " �n Sale" liquor liaensa (a pn �le" mal� bov�r�ge l�.cqx�s�� in the City -,.�,-- of Saint Paul, Minneaota; that yo�,r af�ian� 3.� a reaident of thm State of Minnesota an,d has re�a�ded thar�in for 14 ears yeare, 0 mon�hs, and is naw and hsa been fur �he tim�e abave �tent�ot�ed a bona Pide reaiclent of said State and that he naw reaidea a� 1 0 v � dxsas St. Paul , I�innea4t�. C it y or ov� � Subscribed and sworn to before m� this �?��� day of�'1-�,-n..�,-,�,�, I9 l. I ..._..__ � C . oi�ary lic, Ramaey ounty, 3�a.eso�ta My cozrunission expirea �E.�-,-�-_� I�i "1� CI'1'Y Gt� SiiINi Pt1GZ �F.F'�'�'A1�,��J� OF PUBLIC St1F'ETY LIC;.��:SE DIVISI01�1 Dat� Sept. 22, 19 71 1. Application for -�u__ ^ �.. � �`� C�n�Sale Liquor . : License 2. Name of applicant Jeanette Schmidt (The Brass Rail of St. Paul, Inc.) 3. I3usiness address 225 West 7th Street �2esidence 1508 Fairmount Ave. 4s Trade name� if uny Brass Rail 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Lic�uor Federal Tax Stamp X wiZl be used. 6. On what floor located First I�:un�4�er of rooms used One 7. Bet��reen what cross streets Chestnut and Walnut 19hich side of street North 8. Are premises now occupied yesd�lilt business One-5ale Liquor How lon� 30 years plus 9, Are premises now unoccupied no IIo�v Zong vacant Previous Use 10, Are you a new oi+mer es Have you been in a similar business before no Where �Vhen lla Are you going to operate this business personally no If not, who ivill operate it Harold J. Schmidt, Jr. (Husba.nd) 12. Are you in any other business at the present time No 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place No When Where . . . 14. Have you ever had any license revoked No ��'hat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen o£ the United States Yes Natfve X Naturalized 16. Where were you born St. Paul, Minn. Date of birth Nov. 23, 1928 I?e I am x marriede H1y (Xa�5��'1� (husband's) name and address is Harold J. Schmidt, Jr., 1508 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 551.05 - —• f, 18a (If rnarried female) my maiden narne is Jeanette Paul 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul 42 20. Have you ev�r been arrested No Violation of wl�at criminal laiv or ordinance 21. Are you a registered voter° in the City of Stv Paul X Yes No (Answer full�* and completel . Thesc a lications are thorou hl checked and a falsification will be c�.use for denialo (OVrR) 22. Number of 3.2 places aaithin t��ro blocks • None � 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale One Block Q�Ef Sal� One Block 24. Nearest Church Temple Baptist P4�eareut achool Cathedral 25. Number of booth� 7 Tables 2 CFz�ir� 4 Stools �5 26o What occupation have you f'ollor°,�ec� �or ti�e �aa�t five y��.rNe (�ive names of employer� and dates so employed.) Housewife 27. Give names anc� �c�sare��es of t�vo persons� residents of �t. €�aul, I��inn.' Ltirho can give inform�tion coaac�rnin� youe i��me James J. Salmen ��4dare�,s 1682 Miss. River Blvd. �dam� Au�ust Post r�ieldres� 1682 Juno Ave. ���� ����� y �nature of tlpplicant� State of r�Sinnesota) � )ss County of Ramsey ) a,,w,°' ' being first duly sworn� deposes and says upon th tlzat he has read the foregoing statement bearing his si�;nature and kno►vs the contents t�aereof9 and that the same is true of his otWn kno�vl�dge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he b�lievas them to be trueo �y-- � y:��''-��C� -� L�^"��z,c-.�� � gnatur� of Applicant ,� Subscribed and sworn to b�fore me this o2`T':�- day of"�"'„prs,,J 19� I L� Notary Pub 'c� Ramsey County� Minnesota My Commission expires p��.�a �qT�� (Noteo These statement forms are in duplieatea }3oth copies must be fully filled out� notarized� and returned to tIae License Divisaon. ) 8-23-?1 • � . . :�'a�''''I.'ni:Y J�d, i� i'S`t�'�'�+�{�.iir':i Y�i1 6�4J���1�.1 �:.�i�T ���1. J�..l�b���+�1l1 L��l�T1.�L �e: On Sale Liquor License rlar3e o�' �ap��.�cwnv Jeanette Schmidt, (The Brass Rail of St. Paul, Inc.) � �j �� ,, fE` L;��iness �.�?c4;.es� 225 West 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Are you the sole oi��ra.er vi Liiis t�u�in���? No . Ia r.o�, i� i-;; « ��r��erslzi,�? corporataon? X g o�',er2 Otlaers bn��r�u:;e� ira ��:�i�.e.yN� 3�-:c.E_u��e t�:c��e ?,��,r lo<^.n oz ��oney, property�= or o�4icr�ri�e: I1ar�e Harold J. Schmidt, Jr. :^,��ure�s 1508 Fairmount Ave. �,p1,; Stockholder�� �a� Camille Paul 1508 Fairmount Ave. Loan Ti' �, cor�ora�;3on' �iv� i�� rz�yr:a� The Brass Rail Bar of St. Paul, Inc. Are you interested in �.�y e���,�,T i.Y 4 a�;yr o;;�xer r���il beer or lic?uor business^ No �s sole oc;�ner? �'�:�r�ncb': u�ac?�I:older? . (?�;�ertwi�e? ��rou�I� �o�.n o� ::�s1���9 �ai,c. �s��l;:�g�z) ' �-�- r • . e'��idress of uu;c�� u�,���.�e�� �.�;� nr��,u_e of ir.tereut ar. N�.€�e ,��-,�� E?� ��,�-�� l�gn�.�ure of a���alicant State of I�iinnesot;a} )�s County of Rurlsey ? '�eing f�.rst du�.y s��orn' c�eposes and sayu upon oatI� that e as r�aa tla+� for��oin� affsuavit bearing his si�;natur� an� Iknotirs tl�e cpntents tlze of; tlza� the same i� traze o� :�is o�.�n :�a�a�;r.Zec��e' except �.,� to �hose matters ther�in stated u�on information �.nc� �e134f ��rau �;;� to those n�tters ��e believe� �hem to ;�a� Lrue. �G%r��� G�zt_��� "ig�a�ture of �a�r licant SuR�scribec� �a�� ����orn to be�ore �-:e this�day of -s� �-9 71 L Plotary Pu 'c q I'u.�nsey C�aant�r� r:inneso�a My corunissioza e��pire�__� U �c�� . . ` � � STATE OF 14iINNESOTA, SS COUNfiY (7F RAMSEY Jeanette Schmidt beiug fira�t duly sworn, do�h depose and $ay that s he me►kee thia aPfidavit i.n oo�o�ion�r3th applioation Por " On Sals" liquor lioense ("�� �1e" msl� baverage l�oanse� i�, the City af Saint Paul, Miz�esota; that your affiant 3.e a resident of tha State �f Minne sota an.d has resided therein for 42 yeare, 10 months, and is naav anct haa bsen for the �im�e above mant�paed a bona �ids reaident of said State and that s he �aw �effiide� a� 1508 Fairmount Ave. � d�esa St. Paul , Mixfllesota• it y 4r ov� � .�� .��,[!Cl^�� .. C /�x� f'' j ✓ Subscribed e�nd aworn to t�efore me this���day of �.19�1_ � � o�ary 'a, Rams�y ounty, 3.nrieaota My comunission expirea �� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' " Capital of Minnesota �eartrnevtt o u��CC'c �a et p � ADMINIBTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PROTECTION POLICS DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALP$G.MEERILL,DeDaty Commissloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lieenes Inspector aepter.iber 2�, 1971 Ilonor�_ble I�iayor �.ncl City Councia S�<ini. Pau.i, P�".innesota Gentlenen �yna P�;ac����rn: ^t�ais letter is in rcference to t�e �n�xic�tion of ii�:rie C��i�ece anu Cur�ille P�u� an� tl�e �3r�.Ns ?�.::i� ��:zr o� St. i�aul, Inc. for tt��c tr.�nsfcr oi� On Nale Lic!uor Licen�e P+1o. ?97�,', e.yg�irin� J��nuury 31, �972, fror: A��zrie Ca��ece anc� Car�ilie :'aul -�o :�'�e ;rass Rai� �4 r of St. i�aul� Inc,�-t ?25 :1. Seven�h �treLt. I Tiavc �ccepte�' the irriti.en reparts frora ��i� �ureaus of �:e�lth� �ire anc� 1-olic� �.nc� Pzi:ve intervieT.�e� tdze �,.x�plic��nt�. I reco�.�.�nenci th.>�t this trL nsfcr i�e �r�n�tec�. Ver�� truZy yours� Q,yec��//L G���, p�icensc Ins��ector 0 ��pt. 28, �9T1 Iion. ��an I�eredith Comsr. of I�.�l�.e 3�fety pt�.b�.ir :��s���ty Tslc��o I3��.r ��,�. : t1����n s IKr. l�asZie� A�c�,a�x,gh].in "�'h� �,�.�a,�;� ;"+�i�xt�3.� °k.od�,y infor�al.�.;;r �.gapra°�•��. min� �.���.�,c�.�iom �"or �;�� �ran��er �f t� Sa,l� L3�,u�r T,ic. �o�, `7`�`d��' ���'�� J�n. ;�., �.972 �'„flr� �r�.� C€zp��� and Ca�i�.],e Faul at ��5 �'�• Seven�Y? :�t., te� `Z"li� �r�.ss �tt�,�.l Bt�,r of St. I'a.�l.� Ir�c, a,t '�he same loc�°�ion; AL�O tk�e a�plication of The �r��s �.a11 Baa: of St. �'r�,al, Inc. far transfer 4f Su.�day (�n Sa�.e S�iq�?r�� �:ac. Tdo. 9'722s ��P�'� ��• 31, �9'T�, A�I� �.pplicatic�n for t,''.l.�,s� C-1 Reataur�aty (!�'f Sale M�.].t Beverag� a,�d Ci��.r.ette 1.�.cens�a �'or the sa� le►�a°tion. Will yau ple�s� prepar� the cu�'tomary r�$olaat�.ons c��rering this ma��tter? ver�t ts�.]�.Y You:rs' Ci°�y Clerk n� �,,,� .2 S6 o z 7 (�'� Ti�,.�....��.�:�.� ��7. �'o C9�-7�J . � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL 9� 3� �� APPLICATIC�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE �� ,G• � .� ,� Application No ........._....___ Name of Applicant_..'.!✓..G...�..�ylss_...Y1.��.�SLL v.--....��.��.l.�.,�-Tn��<..°... Ag�e....._ �..�_ f�esidence Addresa.._..���L�..1�.L.�'..`_..�...✓..l��t.rk-.._._.----���'`.:�................................. Telephone No......��..c��s..�.7f .. ._._ Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_.____...._I_�S.. ......_. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? ....................................................................._....1�C..�_-----_._......._.__._....___:.__....----�-�-�-•-�--•�----......_..........�...�......---_..._.....__._--------------•---...__..._....._..__...._...._....._ Whenand where�..............................................._...._...._--------••---.._._._..._.__..............................................._---._......./...�...._.._.... ...___ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation_....__��!�1../�_....��!���...�_._.l.��. , ._. .��(l.. ',�.�..�x...�.......... . :.s�,l,r1i.�,,...f'.,,5................._..._...........................................---.._._..._.._._.._._._ _......._................._..._...__.._......._._. _ . . _._._.__.__._._ henincorporated?...........................lC_.��....._...._._._...___...._...__..........--�--......_.---.._._............_...._..........---......._......._._.._.......r...._... ._ If club, how long has corporation owned or lea.sed quarters for club members?..._._.........._.........._.........._...___._...._.........._._..._.._. Ho«� many membera?....._.,.----.-----.._..__..._..._-------_.__..__._...._..._..._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . .. . .. ................... ..............�--� �---- ----- - _.. .........,....... . .. _-- - --- ._.... .._..._.._.._ �.....Y.�,�a/.. .�=......��...�.���.�:�.._......�-..��.�.:.....��� .�...�-�-:---------.._._w___..Y_------_.... ._.�-.__ ........ . . .. .. ...... .__. ...---.. ...... .. -.... .... __._..... .__ �.��.e.�...........�...''.�.........�ac:/�.<��..------._.-___ --.5:�.�.�............_.._._._.----��----..._..................�-�---...._. .. Nr�ines and�ddresses of Stockl�olders: _ - ���o.....c�...._�_...s���:..,e�l` .�`v.. ..��d�Yw..r ,`���,�7`��:�:.._.s7(.!°� /,�-..���.s— .... ... _..__._ __......_. ...... ...........-------..........__..._..-�-- -._..._..._...--- � .... �� ��5� is �s-�' /-"...Yh��r�. � s7'� .........e�..n��.�l.........�..r.-............................_._._.:_...__._.-------.�.._ ,1.�.-�---�--........._.......��::...�---.....----�--....._..._. ...�/°��_..�,�...:s.S.�..�.�- ................................._...._....__._.........._._._._-�-----.__._.._.. ......................--��--�-�-----.._...._......_........._.-�---... .......---..._..-------�-�---.,... � �.....----..__--- 'Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known........................... ......_.... .... ...._......_.__..._..._:..._.....__._...._ _......��� Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward a� ,� � G,fes7` 7'`�� Na��� � Gl�c��7�vk7� • G�,`Y�iY�f" * How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets) ?...........l..Vu���:...................._....................... How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?...............�..�..1.......��:...._..._._.._._....__..__._._..._.___...._.......__.__...___.._ How many feet from closest public or p�rochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.........,.f..��.f1._.._...._ Nameof closest school...._----.CCx���-Gt��.�------.....-•-•---...._....-�--�----�..........................•�---........._._...---...._...._...._...._--•-----._........_...._........__---..__.._.__ How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.--.--......�l�r..!x,�e-:�.G/..r.a....�..............__...__._...._.-•-----..._.......___--•--------_..._.._ On what ftoor located?...........................�?L1../.�l./....._._---_..----�----....--------........_..----�--•-----...... . .......------..._......................................._----��---..........................__.�-•--------- Are premises owned by you or leased?......�.c.-°.�.��-0..�.._If leased give name of owner...��..�..�.��....�.L�...1`.'�,(�.� If a restaurant give aeating capacity?................�r.�................... If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?.....---.._...._.._..........................._....----.-.---..------_........._._..._..._...._....................._.--------....-----._..._.._.__..__ Give trade narne.-----..��_ !,�_y�'5.�..��1s�1----------------------_ -•-----------------------•--------------------•------•--•--------------•-----•- ----••-•-------.. Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ......... ../..Y�,l.y.�..........--�----....__...----._.__...._ .._ _............._.._.._...--�-•--_.-_--------._........_.........................--•--.__.._....----..._......__._...._ ..........................._......................_....._..-----�-•-•---�•--------......._..----------........_..----......._...._................................._.-----�------.._...._-------.._............------•--------......................----.......................-•--�--._.... ............. ............... ............................._..........----..__........----�---�--..._.......----..._...._............_.--...----.........._..............................._._....-----...__..----.....__.----•---_...._.....--��---........_.._._._........._ (The intormstioa above mnst be given for hotela and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?................._..._..............._,...._...._...._................----------___._........__.__.........._..._.__..-•--------................_._...._....__..... . Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)....._.__..__..._..._..........._...._.._...______....___._..____..__.___ ._..... Give names ar�d addresses of three business r erences:_..�.__.__..._.._....._..__..__.._................_...._..._._.__..._..__..._..._____.__..�......___ 1..___-1_`_�.-------..�...'-y,C_N....�.._...�7.'..e__- ._��.�.l�l.!�................__...._-_.-�-----_._.._...-----...._.__....___--••-----.._..._.....---........_.---......._........__ 2...... ..�1'....�..�.�7�..e�a...:��._...�...�._....�u�..� �s.._-----._._._....___...._...._.........._..._..---...------......-�-�--------------__..._......____.__......._._..............................._.. 3.__..�...,d..��..,,1,�lt.l_s._...._._.._..._...__._...___._ ___._._.._.._....._ -----_.____.__...___...._..._..................•-._._...._...._..._.__...._._.._._....---._....._.__...__ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF C08P08ATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � sTA� oF�n�rxESar�, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• ._._..._._.�.... . being IIret dn1Y eworn� depoaes and says that he has resd the foregoing applicstion ancl lrnowa the contents thereof,and that the eame is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belieg. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia.._...._...._ day of_._.._.w...._..._...__._....._..19 ........._..._....._..._..._.._.... ..._ . ._ Notary Public, Ramsey Countq, Dl�nn. My commiasion expirea...._...._.....__.___...__...__.-•---.._... STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ss' _....._..._.._......_..._. ��.—..-:----•-----..._.._....__. .1..?!�.� .._.being Srst duly aworn, _.....---_..._----_....._.__.-----_.... r � � �---•- depoa�and say that.....�.:�..�:_....the.. .. - .... /�,ci � of....._...._..._...._... �... .�f.. ..�-.�----._._..__ . ..__.�F.:,_.. ...s�c.�....____ .._.._.., a corporation; that................._................ ...................._.........._.....has ead the forego'��application and knowe the contenta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of..........-----.�.'_'��-�.._.......knowledge, information and belief; that the aeal afSxed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application w�s aigned, sealed and ez� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. . � .. .._.... .._.-�---...---.. ...._... _.:...._..._.... -�-- Subscribed and aworn to before me ���� � 1 ..� thia.._��._....day of...__ . .._. .r..___..19 � •-.�....P...l...a._.\MC� � �••__•• -1. _ _....... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �`��. My commiasion expirea_...__.------._-.�� �`!� �9��'• r. ca�2�, pRcf�,,Seyy��ti� 6 ��` ��a Q�����`Jr�,T� �°�C,o�`�\'S My