03-132� .r p��.e.�a, �� � �, S ao �'� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIIl�tNESOTA Presented By i � � � Referred To Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, A& S Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Speedy Food Stop (License 3 ID No. 0092068), located at 968 Dale Street North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine 4 of $500.00 for the violation of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Underage Persons, w:-f4. �l aoo•oo 5 5�4�� Se c- a p �,r: o A o l? -1-..n .�.� �L��.l trwv.}� � cov: � e� �ncra. a,.re. �10 -C�.-i-i.,� 6 Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection ' 7 within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the December 18, 2002, Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the October 30, 2002 St. Paul Police Report CN 02-239176, the letter from the licensee received on January 3, 2003, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Council File # � _ l3 Green Sheet # aoo �. 9 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INIITATF,D GREEN SHEET No.• 200299 LIEP January 8, 2003 ' 03 —��? � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: P11TInLDATE IIv1Tt4IJDATE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � nsr��rnzErrr nm crrr covivc�L MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �SI� — C1TY ATiORNEY _ CTTY CLERK ��LOO2�7,e3i'lIl r`��M�ER ��CIAL SERV DII2. _£INANCIAL SERV/ACCI'G l++ g� FOR �YOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION � ROiI'I'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ' ncnoN �QuESrEn: Adverse action against the licenses held by A& S Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Speedy Food Stop, , located at 968 Dale Street North . RECOMMENDA7TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparunent? CIB COMM111"EE Yes No CIVR. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? , Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skil] not normally possessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A& S Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Speedy Food Stop failed an October 29, 2002 alcohol compliance check, selling beer to two under age compliance checkers. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . Council action necessary to enforce the City's Legislative Code, and State laws prohibiring sale of alcohol to under -. age persons. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , No penalty will be nnposed for violating City ordinances and State laws. ', TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATTON: (EXPLADV) ri� �� _ r � I:\USERS�PANGBORN�gremshett-a1mMlcomplBwpd . " ��� R�'n.�&.,� .�d�� � �; ��,� � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � Manuel J. Cerv¢ntu, Ciry A7lorney o 3'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL crvrror,a.s;o„ Rorsdy C. Kel1y, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal[ Te[ephone: 657166-8770 ISWutKel/oggBlvd. Facsimi1e:651298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 i January 8, 2003 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Speedy Food Stop 968 Dale Street North Saint Paul, MN 55117 RE: Off-Sale Malt License held by A& S Holdings, Inc., d/b/a Speedy Food Stop for the premises located at 968 Dale Street North in Saint Paul License ID #: 0092068 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been scheduled for a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council beginning at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 2003. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hali and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the sale of alcohol to an underage person have been admitted. You will have an opporlunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$500.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ' .��.� Virginia . Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117-4920 AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Address: Council Date: A& S Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Speedy Food Stop 968 Dale Street North Wednesday, February 5, 2003 Violation: Sale of Alcohol to an Underage Person Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: $500.00 Fine p�y -17 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of c{ient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $500.00 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter from Prakash Bhakta to Christine Rozek and Virginia Palmer 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Liquor Compliance Check Sheet 6. Police Report CN 02-239176 October 29, 2002 Licensed Premises AA-ADA-EEO Employer Prakash Bhakta Speedy Food Stop 968 Dale Street North Saint Paul, MN 55117 V'uginia D. Palmer (Assistant City Attorney) Civil Division aoo c��y �u IS West Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear, Christine Rozek and Virginia Palmer REGEIVEQ JAN p 3 2003 �s'�TY AT�fORNEY I am and have been emotionally distressed since the violation was committed on Oct. 29�`. I do admit that I sold beer to the minor. I am completely responsible and solely responsible. I do know the law and I am very sorry for having done this. More than sorry. The following statements are not excuses, but legitimate reasons, in my estimation that contributed to the violation that night and I offer then to you for consideration to excuse me on my first and only offense. I am by nature a very nervous and high striving person and my diabetes only adds to my stress and anger, especially when my blood sugar is low. Then I must eat certain foods to bring it back up, and in this state my mind is affected and I can not think clearly at the time of the incident I was eating celery and peanut butter, as the officer who approached me will recall. I sincerely hope you can, appreciate my crewmembers and forgive my first and only offence. I can assure you it will never happen again. nk� - �� �o ±�. ei z���'�-� Thank You, � Prakash Bhakta 0�-1�2� J�-3 I - o�- �'°°�� Columbia Park Medical Group o� ���'� � May 14, 2001 - - --. -- - - -- -- — _ _ _.. _ . _ _. __ -_ . . . RE: PRAKASH BHAKTA — DOB: 3l30159 MR: 1123031 To Whom It May Concern: Prakash Bhakta's legs become fatigued and he develops back pain with long periods of standing. Please pemut him to sit down for 15 minutes after 1 hour standing. Also during hot weather his feet sweat excessively. It would be beneficial for his feet if he could wear sandals during the wann weather. Sincerely, � �.� � „ �_�_ � ril �� Paul E. Mertens, M.D. Department of Family Practice Columbia Park Medical Group P�NUImh 763- �7a .��oa AdministrativeOffice v AndoverParkClinic B�ooklvnPadcMediralCenter ColumbiaParkClinic FddleyPlazaClinic CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor December 18, 2002 OFFICE (�r THE CITY ATTORNEY �� �I�� MnnuelJ. Cervnntes, CiryAttorney Civi! Division 400 Ciry Hal1 /5 WeslKelloggBlvd. Saint Paul, �Lfinnua�rs 55/01 Telephone: 651166-8710 Fncsimile: 65! 266-8787 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Speedy Food Stop 968 Dale Street North Saint Paui, MN 55117 RE: Off-Sale Malt License held by A& S Holdings, Inc., d/b/a Speedy Food Stop for for the premises located at 968 Dale Street North in Saint Paul License ID #: 0092068 Dear Sir/Niadam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by A& S Holdings, Inc., d/b/a Speedy Food Stop for the premises located at 968 Dale Street North in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 29, 2002, an alcohol compliance check was conducted at the premises of the Speedy Food Stop at 968 Dale Street North in Saint Paul. Two 19-year olds entered the premises and purchased a 6-pack of Miller Genuine Draft beer. The clerk did not ask for identiFcation. Sale of alcohol to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §340A.503. Since this is considered a first violation, the licensing office will recammend a$500.00 fine, pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Page 2 Speedy Food Stop December 18, 2002 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a hearing by Monday, December 30, 2002. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. a�� If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law 3udge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than Monday, December 30, 2002, how you wish to proceed. If you have net contacted me by Monday, December 30, 2002, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � ,t � �._,�1 ti.-(.,'> J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55117-4920 AA-ADA-EEO Employer o �-»� STATE OF M�NNESOTA ) ) ss. COiJNTY OF RAMSEX ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 19, 2002, served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATTON placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Speedy Food Stop 968 No. Dale Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of December, 2002. Notazy Public � � S _. 'vu> ' K ... . . : _ -` ` ' :3 : . ; ....�:_���_ ',r ', , _ ,.�,:,-.-:��.. _� License Group Comments Text Licensee: q g S HOLDINGS INC �BA� SPEEDY FOOD STOP License #: 0092068 12/09/2002 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 10/292002 Failed DPS compliance check conducted by SPPD. First failure after waming. $500 fine. CAR 03/t t/2002 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 06l27/200� Passed tobacco compliance check. SS O6/02/200� Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 03/OS/200� Sent congratuiations letter for passing alcohol compliance check. SS 02/22J2001 Passed DPS alcohol compliance check conducted by SPPD. SS 12/�3/2000 Passed U of M alcohol compliance check conducted by LIEP/Schweinler. SS OS/07/2000 Sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compiiance check. SS 07/13/2000 Passed U of M alcohol compiiance check conducted by Ramstad/Reilly. SS 06/07/2000 Completed required alcohol awareness training-DL 02/23/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. CAR 12/OZ� 999 Passed second alcohol compliance check-DL 04/06/1999 Passed tobacco compliance check - letter sent 04/12/1999. SS 03/18/�999 Completed required alcohol awareness training-DL � 02/�9/1999 Failed check; "unoN'icial" waming -training due 03/28/1999-DL 06/OS/1995 Totem Foods Inc Name Changed To A& Sholding Inc. No Change In Ownership. No Change In Tax Id #. 06/15/1993 Rnw Appd - Mailed 07/09/'1993 �2/10/199� Ph On Appn For New Off Sale Malt 32 & A/2 Grocery-C License App'd C.F. 91-2236 12/09/2002 O, �7� 0� �3� Atldress I Licensee 1 CorRaC' License � Cardholder, Type, f Property C� licensee C Unafticiel G AIl S[reet #. 6B SYreet Name: Street Type' Direchon: IJnrt #: CM1y cAlb '"' '""�+ <p�la � � eAlb � : NeW�iemP,.�,„�P��� Fnd,Now : 9K ="� �,.,Ctmcel �:, :NejYSeercti.� ,�,� - f 38305 U TOTEMFOODSINSPEEDYFOODSTOP Ggaretteffabpcco Cenceletl 09(10f1991.U3fd1/19929fi8[ 47963 0 SPEEDY MARHETSPEEDY MARKET Cgarettertahacco Canceled 04A111991 V3fd171992968 [ 92068 5597 A 8 S HOLDINGS SPEEDV FOOD STOP Aiarm Perm4 (Rene�ACtive AA Requ'vemeirts Met 06117t1998 U6A720U3968 [ FelseAlarms Achve OS/d1J199911l31t1999968[ __ � o���zr,�nooass�ec Carocery CC) AcUve License Pri(rted 09f20f1991 IX313'12003968 [ Matl O/t Sele AcUVe Lirense PrrtRetl WR071997 03f31R003968 � � .: .}, . .. � L°,s�..:.".`P:'.-..:" � 10 Hems Faund �Siar[ �3 � � � �� �GroupWise,..,: '�ECLiR5Ap'.u� �ECLIF5,L'KC �. ��Li[erneQu _ .;_ � �CF.,'�-��'i � 1:40PM a�_�3a. TYPF �Pry.,A�r� FmtTYI `�"� ���� Stre SYre ���� , L'censee � Stre ; C•' p�operty f` Licensee Dire� StreEt C fiB Llnd =� SUeetNbme: ALE C � Y ' Street Type ST ' UnR Ind �—� CdY. 7 PAUL Stele: IN ~— Werd � Dist Cauntll: � �' Licensee� 8 S HOIDING OBA PEEDYFOOD'. '�'�-"� SelesTexiQ 7y1p34 E :Licei Eicease TYPe ',:.:. 3830: Felse Alerms 979� Alerm Permd CRenew) ...' " 9206E False Alerms liceme Licensee 8 5 NOLDINGS WC �' DBA PEEDY FOOD STOP :.Types , Nsurence l Bond i REq�nremerQS, Ilnotfieiel ; Project Faaida[or; qSlAVCION, CORINNE � Ativerse Achon Cammerrts 1' � �.� edion' `�—� � @ #. �'_'�.. ! i License Group Gammecils I�P: 55117 i�0��02 To CAO far etivuse dction. CAR ; 0f19R002 Failetl DPS comOfiarxe check conductetl 6y Broviwse;. : PD Firs! feAUre etter werning. 5500 fine. CAR � 3111R002Passetltohaccocamp6ancechetic.SS .____.__—_—____.. 627R001 Passetltobacca canpfiance check. SS Licensee CommerRS: R ft R OSfdif1999 1Zfd1Ji999 N 0671T7f990 O6ri7f20[)3 N 07101J200� 12J312000 N Matt Off Sele Active License Pririted ieFee' � � L_ SOAO 993969( SiOA� 992968[ 550.00 J �3958 � 999968 [ OOU968[ � C�ce! � :. � � 0039� [ , Wf1071991 03P,7fJ0039fi8( �� �Star[ � ',��ECLtPSAP;:.'�ECLIPStic,:; VLicenseQ:. ��Preperties. *e��' �� 1:42 03 -\3� TY � :��,:��:� �;mm J �� ` Q9' �--`j�� � L'nensee,4 8 S HOLDINGS WC �`�"; '` _'*�TM-- � DBA PEEDV FOOD STOP S[re Stre License Licensee � Lic.Types I Insurance , Bontl I Requiremerds I Stre Licensee Name: 8 5 HOLDINGS WC Dire DBA PEEDY FOOD STOP � Sales Tex Id: 732034 Non-Pro@: (— VYarker's Comp: Ort]OA000 AA Gorrtract Rec'tl: �IDOA000 AA Treiting Rec'tl' WDOA000 Cdy. AA Fee Callecte� OIDOID000 DiscourR Rec'tl: r 6�;5Y++E8 _ � 'Pm[ierties... � O[her A enc Licenses Finenaal Haltl Reesons — OIM"eiLicenss9A9en�YNeive�FLicenseTYPe'licertse$€EzPir'etion'. fteesm,;,��:� ,� :_ iicer 3830: 4796: 9206E OOAORI�OOOOAOAOO�A & 5 HOLDINGS P OOAOADOOOOAOAOOiDAR ALEX OOAOAOOOOOAOAOO�F0.15SAW ZAHID OSR9f199800R10A00�A & 5 FbLDING5IP BackgrauntlUeckRequiretl r �'CoofecFP_oper6es�,�� - License # 2068 Seve Changes to History r Matt Ofi Sele Acdrve License PrirRed � I '10 ttems Fountl �qsca�� ��:��,'� ��� :l � hoas ese t 09R071991 03fliRW3968 [ _ �Mad License To: Ns.Phaie.',.�;F1c��77o Ca`deC A) 40&3316 C' �eme Adtlress C ) - (61i C 7- Me1 tr�voice Ta: � ( 7 ' ,`. �f Meii Ta CarRect .. :I r �cense Atltlress I i a�-�� �- LIOUOR COMPLIANCE CHECK SAEET DATE � ��Z9 OZ T1ME I(� �� CnT# � 2^ 2 3 �^I 7 Co ESTABLISffiVIENT S�MO _O ��c-�cr.Q,�� TypE (ON-SALE) FF-SALE ADDRESS Q � � � VI�E It•o2 ' � �� c�c�x �_noa I-,1 �-g � CHECKER # nos y—�- � 3 WHAT DID THEY TRY TO PURCHASE?_ � L� � f Q ,�� PA SS O SERVER Da�a Privacy Restrictions ApplY Minnesota Statute 13.82 LAST NAME q _FIRST��� DATE OF BIl2TH� �,30 ',S 9 HEIGHT �' 7 WEIGHT I Co O RACE ..�'n�ia., t� 633 /y � p �e bvoo,� P1 �..��.�/ ADDRESS Bv c o ;C ��.� Pe i� CITY STATE�1 SSL( `1ZS PHOA�E: WORK ( 6S/) y86'� 316 HOME (yc3 )?9/• G�/3� OTHER ( ) PICTITRE TAKEN ES �O IDENTIFICATTON TYPE�ic� 1�1A1�TAGER � n o� P " �S �-n f' LAST NAME� s e N FIRST 7 e MIDDLE DATE OF BII2TH u n k ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE: WORK ��) �$$- 3'�!G> HOn4E ( ) OTHER ( ) "� Saint Paul Police Department Page 2 � ,<, ,,, . ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT ������ Complaint Number Reference C.N_ Primary offense Date and Time of Report 02-239176 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOLATION 10/30/2002 13:32 Physicaf Condition Employment Gonsciousness Occupaffon CLERK Drug/a/cohol use Employer SPEEDY FOOD STOP CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Type RETAIL oescription CONVENIENCE STORE Mefhod 8 PoinT ofEntry Forceused NOTFORCED Point of entry Methad PROPERTY (NONE) VEHICLE INFORMATION (NONE) SOLVABILITY FACTORS Can suspect be identified? Can be identified by Cnme scene processed? Photos taken? Evidence furned in? .cµ�,o/en properiy traceable? Property turned in? PUBL4C NARRATIVE Liquor compliance failure at a local convenience store. NARRATIVE Squad 792, along with Squad 794 Sgt. Simmons conducted a liquor compiiance detaii in the Western District of St. Paul on October 29, 2002. The detail was conducted between 1700 and 2100 hours. We utilized two underage undercover operatives. The information on the two is contained in records kept in the Vice Unit. They are: UC 11-02 who has a confirmed dob by the person's Minnesota photo DL as 1-24-83 making the person 19 years of age as of this date. UC 14-02 who has a confirmed dob by the person's Minnesota photo DL as 4-6-83 making the person 19 years of age as of this date. They were shown a video on how to properly conduct themselves on a liquor compliance detail. Their personai effects were held by the police. They were toid that an estabiishment would pass the compliance check if the employee were to ask for ID from them. They were each given buy fund money with which to possibly purchase alcohol. They were photographed prior to going on the detail. At 1810 hours, we sent them into the Speedy Food Stop located at 968 No. Dale St. to attempt to make a purchase. They were wired with a transmitter. We could hear their conversation from our unmarked car parked outside the establishment. After a few minutes, they came out of the store carrying a 6 pack of Miller Genuine Draft beer and the change left from the transaction. They told me that the clerk was an Indian about 40 years old. They seated themselves in our car and we went inside to speak to the cierk. i observed a person matching that description behind the counter. I dispiayed my police badge and ide�tified myself as a St. Paui Police Officer. I told him that the two people that had just bought the 6 pack that I carried back inside and placed on the counter were 19 years old. Another person stepped behind the counter and the man said something to the effect of "those two were minors" to him. I gave him back the change and asked and received the buy fund money back. I escorted the man back to the employee room, photographed him holding the beer and identified him as: (last name) BHAKTA, (first name) PR,4KASHBHAI (middle initial oniy) D. per his Minnesota DL. He initially stated that he didn't ask for ID from the UCs because they Iooked to be 21 years old. `�� Saint Paul Police Department P ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Num6er Reference C.N. Pnmary offense Date and Time ofReport 02-239176 LI LAWS, VI OLATION 10/30/2002 13:32 PrimaryReportingOtficer RICHARD L WACHAL Location otincident. 968 DALE ST N Pnmary oNense detaiL Primary sq�ad: 7g2 Secondary reporting of�icer. oistrict CENTRAL ( SIU/NARCOTICSNICE ) Secondary offense: Name of/ocation/business: SPEEDY FOOD STOP Date & time of occurence: 10/29/2002 18:10 Anesf made? Date 8 time of anest: POLICE PERSONNEL INVOLVED Arrest made on view: Pufsuit enoaaed� Anest made on war2nt oi previous CN: Weapons used by police: Weapons used 6y suspect at time of anest: CHARGES (NONE) NAMES OTHER HUSEN, ZEE UNKNOWN Physical Description phones sex MALE Height Nairco�o� Wo�k phone 651-488-3316 Race WDIAN Weight Hispanic Build D06 Skin Age Hair Type Hair Length Facia/ Hair Physical Condition Emplo Consciousness Occupation MANAGER - Drug/alcohol use Employe� SPEEDY FOOD STOP SUSPECT BHAKTA, PRAKASHBHAID. 8633 MAPLEBROOK WY N BROOKLYN PARK MN 55445 Physical Description Phones Sex MALE Height HarrColor Race INDIAN Weight Hispanic Buifd DOe 03/30/1959 skin ,4ge 43 HairType Hai�Length Facial Hair Home phone 763-391-6437 Work phone 651-488-3316 � ,.�;.; , Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT O��M� Complaint Number Refelence C.N. Primary offense Date and Time of Report 02-239176 LIQUOR LAWS, VIOLATION 10/30/2002 13:32 After a few minutes, he said he didn't remember asking for their IDs. He was too busy when they were in the store. We did not hear anyone ask for ID from them over the transmitter. Thfs investigator entered and approached the counter seconds after the UCs came out with the beer. There was no one near the counter. AII the while I stood there with him, no one approached it. After a few minutes, some customers started to line up, but did not come into play during this compiiance check. Mr. Bhakta seemed compiacent about his encounter with the police. He continued to eat his lunch as I interviewed him. I informed Mr. Bhakta that I would forward a report to the City Attorney for a possible charge of GM Furnishing Alcohoi to a Minor. A complaint wouid be mailed to his home if he were to be charged. The manager Husen, Zee was not present. Mr. Bhakta said he would teil him of the failure. As of this writing, I have a call into Mr. Husen. He has not returned it. Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Rob _Sex _D/C _Burg _CO _Rptr _vice _Juv _Oper _Theft _Prop _Narco _SIU _PSC _Lab _Rec _CAU _F&F _Auto _T&A _Other Team �••