256015 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6(tK ' ���■,�_)
� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL N0, r��"; '�•�
Page 2
10. West side of Wabasha Street between West Fifth Street and West Sixth
St�eet, 5• 1 feet north of the building line of West Fifth Street and
2 feet from the face of the curb.
11 . West side of Cedar Street between East Fifth Street and East Sixth
Street, 12 feet north of the building line of East Fifth Street and
2 feet from the face of the curb.
12. South side of East Fifth Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota
Street, 12 feet west of the building line of Minnesota Street and
12 feet from the face of the curb.
, 13. West side of Robert Street between East Fourth Street and East Fifth
Street, 53.6 feet south of the building line of East Fifth Street
and 2 feet from the face of the curb.
14. East side of Robert Street between East Fifth Street and East Fourth
Street, 12 feet south of the building line of East Fifth Street and
2 feet from the face of the curb.
15• West side of Cedar Street between East Fourth Street and East Fifth
Street, 12 feet north of the building line of East Fourth Street and
2 feet from the face of the curb.
16. West side of Cedar Street between East Fourth Street and Kellogg Blvd.
Street, 4.5 feet south of the building line of East Fourth Street a�d
2 feet from the face of the curb.
17. North side of East Fourth Street between Minnesota Street and Robert
Street, 4.4 feet east of the building line of Minnesota Street and 2
feet from the face of the curb.
18. North side of West Fourth Street between St. Peter Street and Wabasha
Street, 156 feet west of the building line of Wabasha Street and 2
feet from the face of the curb.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approve� 19�
Levine �n Favor
Meredith Maqor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
� 2����
Page 3
19. East side of Wabasha Street between Fourth Street and Kellogg Blvd. ,
12 feet south of the building line of Fourth Street and 2 feet from
the face of the curb.
in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633 and rules and regulations as prescribed by
the Cortmissioner of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; and be it
FURTHER RESOIVED, That this permit is granted with the distinct understanding
that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on the news-stand
and that the news-stand not be tied to any signs or signal poles nor be anchored
to any sidewaik.
OCT 141971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays 0�T 1 4 �9�
������� � ve 19� -
r o�..e._.��
_ln Favor
NferetYit�r �
Sprafka yor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. Vice President Meredit� 16 197i
our�icnTS ro raixme -
. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� ���
CO�MM�OMER Roaer M. Conwar
RE80LVED� That the appliution of ths MiRnapolis Stsr and T�fbun� Canpany
for tha construction and �asinte�anca of a naws-stand at the fotlowing locationss
1. Vest side of Cedar Strset bsEween East Ssventh Street and East Sixtb
St�sat, 3 feet south of the building lins af Esst BewAth Str�st and
3 feet from the fau of tha cu�b.
2. South side of East Seventh Straet between Ceda� Street and Minn�sota
Strast, 12 feet west of the butidTng line of Minnesots Stre�t and 9
feet fran the face of the curb.
3. East sfde of Minnesota Str�et bet�vasn East Sawnth Stra�t and East
Si�cth Straet� 12 faet south of the building tine of Fast Sev�nth
Strest and 2 feet frdn the face of the curb.
4. South side of East Seventh Str�at betv+ss� Minnssota Str�et-and
Rob��t Street, 12 feet wsst of th� building 11M of Robs�L St��et
snd 2 faat froai the faca of the curb.
S. Notth side of West Sixth St�est bstw�an Mrbashs Str�t a�d St.
Pstsr Straet, 73 fset west of ths bui iding 1 ine of blabasha Stre�t
and 2 feat fram the face of ths curb.
6. W�sst stde of Cedar St�eet bstwe�n East Sixth Strat �nd East
j Savsnth Straet, on the bufiding iin� of East Sixth Strs�t and Z
fest f�oo tha face of tha curb.
�. North side of East Slxth Street bstNan Ced�r Strat and Minnesota
Strsat, 33 fa�st �ast of the we:t bus stop sign �nd Z fat fro� the
face of ths curb.
8. Esst sids of Minn�sota St��et beEw�saa East Sixth Strs�t and Ssventh
Strat, 2 feat north of th� buildiOg lina of East Sixth Strwt and
2 feet fra� th� face of th� curb.
g. West sid� of Rol�rt Street bstween East Sixth Str�st and East
Seventh Strset, 1Z fe�t no�th of the buildinq line of East Sixth
Straet and 2 faet froai tha fac� of th� cu�b.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn�� 18—.
Yeaa Nays
Carlson Appro� 19—
Tn Favor
sp� ��
Mr. President, McCarty
. �rvV���
DUlLIC/1Tt TO NtiN7�R �
� _ cinr oF sT. Pau� ��N��� No
Page 2
10. Msst side of Vabasha Street betNeen Yest Fifth Streat and liest Sixth
St�eet. 5.1 feet �orth of th� building lina of Wst Fifth Str�et and
2 feet fraa th� }ac� of the curb.
11. I�ast side of Cedsr St�est betv�sn East Fifth Streat and East SixEh
Straat, 12 fe�t �orth of the butlding iTne of East Rlfth St�a�t a�d
� 2 f�st fraa the face of the curb.
12. South side of Esst Fifth Str�st betwe�n Cedar strsst and Minnesota
Strest, 12 feet wast of the buildi� line of Mtnnssots StrN t and
12 fast from the fac� of ths curb.
13. West slda o1` Robsrt Str�st betwssn East Fou�th Strset and East Fifth
Str�a�t. 53.6 feet south of th� buildtng lins of East fifth Str�et
and 2 feat from the face of th� curb.
i�. East side of Rob�rt St�eet b�trreen East Fif th 8tr�at a�d East foarth
Str«t, 1Z fs�t south of tha building lin� of East Ftfth Strset a�d
2 fe�t from tMs facs o� tha cnrb.
15• i�lest sida of C�ar Street bst+n�an East Fowrth Str�st aad East Ftfth
Str�et, 1� fset north of th� building iine of East Fo�rth �trat aod
2 fat f ro� th� face of the curb.
16. Nast slde of C�da� Strset batwran East Fou�th Strset and IGailoy9 Sivd.
3trest. h.s feet south of the buTidinQ line of East Fourth Str��t and
2 f�et fras. the face of the curb.
17. Morth sld� of East Fourth St�at b�tv+esn Mlnn�sota Strat and Robert
Strset. k.4 fat �ast of tha but idin� l in� of MinMSOta Strat sad 2
f�st f roai th� fac� of tM w�b.
18. North side of Mtst Fourth Street bet�n St. Pats� Str�st a�d Mabasha
Stre�t, 156 feet vrsst of the bui ldiny 11na of Wsbasha Str�t and 2
faet trow the facs of the curb.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_
Yeas Nays
Carlson Apprnv� 18�
Levine T� Favor
Meredith .
Sprafka ���
, Mr. President, McCarty
�� I
, � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO '"-'��
Pa�s B
19. East side of 4labasMa Straet beMeen Fourth StN«t a�d Ketio�q B1vd.,
12 feet scuth of the building 11�a of Fourth Str�st and Z f�st fro�
the fae.� of the curb.
i� accordanca with Ordinance No. 7633 end rules and requlations as pres�rib�d by
ths Cawilsslone� of Public Works, be and is i�aby grantsd; snd bs �t
FURTHER RESOLVED, Thst thls permit is granted wtth th� distlnct rnderstandin�
that there shslt be no advertising mstter of any ktnd displa�ned on th� nsMrs-stand
and thst ths nws-stand not be tied to any s1gr+� or siynal polss nor bs anchored
to any sTdtwaik.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc���T 141971 ls�
�� Buta� Na� 0 CT 14197�
� �� Approv� 19_
L°�' �^rn Favor
Sprafka ���
Tedesco A8'ainat �
Mr. dice President Mereditb.
.. �s��5
�� RESOLVED, That the application of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company
` for the construction and maintenance of a news-stand at the foilowing locations:
1 . West side of Cedar Street between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street,
3 feet south of the building line of East Seventh Street and 3 feet from the
face of the curb.
2. South side of East Seventh Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street,
12 feet west of the building tine of Minnesota Street and g feet from the
face of the curb.
3. East side of Minnesota Street between East Seventh Street and East Sixth
Street, 12 feet south of the building line of East Seventh Street and 2 feet
from the face of the curb. ,
4. South side of East Seventh Street between Minnesota Street and Robert Street,
12 feet west of the building line of Robert Street and 2 feet from the face
of the curb.
5. North side of West Sixth Street between Wabasha Street and St. Peter Street,
73 feet west of the building line of Wabasha Street and 2 feet from the face
of the curb.
6. West side of Cedar Street between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street,
on the building line of East Sixth Street and 2 feet from the face of the curb.
7. North side of East Sixth Street between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street, 33
feet east of the west bus stop sign and 2 feet from the face of the curb.
8. East side of Minnesota Street between East Sixth Street and Seventh Street,
2 feet north of the building line of East Sixth Street and 2 feet from the
face of the curb,
9. West side of Robert Street between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street,
12 feet north of the building line of East Sixth Street and 2 feet from the
face of the curb.
10. West side of Wabasha Street between West Fifth Street and West Sixth Street,
5.1 feet north of the building line of West Fifth Street and 2 feet from the
face of the curb.
11 . West side of Cedar Street between East Fifth Street and East Sixth Street,
12 feet north of the building line of East Fifth Street and 2 feet from �he
face of the curb.
12. South side of East Fifth Street b�etween Cedar Street and Minnesota Street,
12 feet west of the building line of Minnesota Street and 12 feet from the
face of the curb.
13. West side of Robert Street between East Fourth Street and East Fifth Street,
53.6 feet south of the building line of East Fifth Street and 2 feet from
the face of the curb.
14. East side of Robert Street between East Fifth Street and East Fourth Street,
12 feet south of the building line of East Fifth Street and 2 feet from the
face of the curb.
, . 256�15
i 15. West side of Cedar Street between East Fourth Street and East Fifth Street,
12 feet north of the building line of East Fourth Street and 2 feet from
the face of the curb.
16. West side of Cedar Street between �ast Fourth Street and Kellogg Boulevard
Street, 4,5 feet south of the building line of East Fourth Street and 2
feet from the face of the curb,
17. North side of East Fourth Street between Minnesota Street and Robert Street,
4.4 feet east of the building line of Minnesota Street and 2 feet from the
face of the curb.
18. North side of West �ourth Street between St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street,
156 feet west of the building line of Wabasha Street and 2 feet fran the face ,
of the curb.
19. East side of Wabasha Street between Fourth Street and Kellogg Boulevard, 12
feet south of the building line of Fourth Street and 2 feet from the face of
the curb.
in accordance with Ordinance No. 7633 and rules and regulations as prescribed by the
Carrnissioner of Public Works, be and is hereby granted; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That this permit is granted with the distinct understanding
that there shall be no advertising matter of any kind displayed on the news-stand
and that the news-stands not be tied to any signs or signal poles nor be anchored
to any sidewalk.
0CT 141971
OCT 14 19�7�