256009 Orisinal to CitY Clerk z , ORDINANCE 25���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO � � ._ AP1 ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF CHARLES M. DIERICH AGAINST ?FiE CITY OF SAIM' PAUL. THE COl1NCIL OF THE CITY OF �AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectton 1. That the proper C�ty offlcers are hereby authortzed and d�rected to pa�y out of t�kte Tort Ltability Fund 0035-421, to Mr. Charles M. Diertch, the sc�n of $150.00, �n full settlenent of his cta�tm #or dammges and �n�uries susta�tned by reason of a fall on a defect�ve cuxbing at or pear Snelltng and Selby Aaenues, Saint Paul, Mtnnesota, on July 6, 1971. Section 2. That said sun shall be patd to tbe satd clatmant , upon hts execution and delivery of a release {n fu11 to the City, in a �orm to be approved by the �orporatton Caunsel, for a11 damages and in�urtes sustained tn the manner aforesatd. Sect4on 3. That tFtis ordinance sha11 tnke effect and be in force thfrty days after its passage, approvai and publtcat�[on. AP V c Asst. Corp ration Co e oc-r �a »�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler �� COn�y �In Favor Levine Meredith L� Sprafka A gainst T�a�� 1197� Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• N�V � ty C1 r Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED NOV �, � ,,�� DqlMesa a!rlaac - � •, ORDINANCE 2�6� COUNCIL HLE NO PAESfNTED BY ORDINANCE NO �r.:� 14M �tUiNANCE SETTLIIt6 THE CUIiM t�F CW1Rt.E5 M, DIERICH A6AIi�ST THf CITY OF SAI1R PAtA. THE CO�ICIL OF THE CITY �F SAINT PAtri. �ES ORDAIM: Section 1. TlNt the proper City officers ar� hereby a�tlariz�d �ad directsd to pay ew't ot the Tort L1ab11fty Fuad 4a35-4Z1, to Mr. Chartes M. Dierich, the sun of s150.00, in full settleme�rt of hts claf� for dan�ges and in,�uries susf�ined by reason of a fa11 on a defa�t#w curbing at or rtear Snelling and Selby Avcnaes, S�int Pap1, M1r�esota, on Jnly 6. 197t. S�ction 2. That satd san shall be paid to tMe said clai�ant ; apoa hts execnttog and deti�ery of a release in f�r11 to the Cit�r, in a for� tfl be approved by the Corpo�atton Coansel, i�r �tl da��ers and � i�aries sustained in the msaner afaresald. Secti� 3. That this ordtnance sha11 take efi�ct a� bt 1n f+�rree t�ir�jr da,�rs aftt�rr 1ts pasuge, approvat aad pt�bl icstfo�. . �` O�CT 2$ 19T1 Yesa Councilmen Naqa Paesed by the Coun�;t Butler � � ��� _ n Favor ll�eredith �j ep;� sp� � Mr. TPresident (McCarty) , A rov : NOV Z �9� _� Attest: pp � � City Clerk Mayor �� ; Form apprnved Corporation l�ounsel By _ • �,:�;' _ /c� . . � � I st 2nd Laid over to G'�' 3rd and app / .�Adopted �� 7 Yeas Nays � Yeas Nays Bufiler `�Butler ` Carlson ar� on CC�.s"�z.� �=-�i.� Levine ; �evine � s�+� Meredith � Meredith Sprafka � �prafka Tedesco �edesco ',� Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty O