D001142CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AD!l7IIVISTRATIVE ORDER No: �O � I — fZ � BUDGET REVISION Date: �� 1 �� ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Nlayor In Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Superintendent of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1996 budget of the Capital Improvement Budget fund, the D'uector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Bu et Bu et FINANCING AND SPENDING PLAN Meazs Park Street Lighting & Streetscape Imp. 1996 CIB Bonds C96-3R006 Construction FINANCING AND SPENDING PLAN 1996 CIB pecified Contingency 96-0T101 � Prepazed by: Acfivity Manager 417.000.00 417,000.00 168.935.00 168,935.00 Amended Chanee +9,700.00 +9,700.00 - 9.700.00 - 9,700.00 426,700.00 426,700.00 159.235.00 159,235.00 � � Reyuested by: Department Duector Date DEPANTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET � ����- NO. 37156 Parks and Recreation 2/6/97 COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAUDATE INRiAVDATE ohn Wi�ka 266-6411 � 1 DEPARTMENTDIflECTOR _CRYCOUNCIL ASSIGN -- NUM9ERFOF ATTORNEY 3 CRY CLERK ROIfT�NG MUST BE ON W UNC0. AGENDA BY (DATEI ORDER BUDCET DIRECTOR _FlN. & MGT. SEMICES DIR. NA MAYORtORA$SISTANT 4 Fin. Accourrtina 5 Parks & RecreaYion TpTAL t OF SIGNAWRE PAGES � (CLIP pLL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNANREI ACTION REWESTED: Approva{ of Administrative Order: Budget Amendment Mears Park Street Lighting and Streetscape Improvements PECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Rejec[ IR) PEfl50NAl SEINiCE COMRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING RUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION Z. � this persoolfirm ever worked untler a wntract for tMs tlepartmenC? CIB COMMITfEE _ VES NO A STAFF _ Z. Has this person/fi�m ever been a ciry employee7 YES NO pI5iRICT COUNQL — — 3. Does this persoNfirm passess a skill not normally possessed by anv current ciry employee? SUPPOqTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answars on separate sheet and attac� to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WFO, What, When, Where, VJhy�: Additional funding is needed to complete construction work and make final corttract payments. A�VAI7TAGES IF APPROVED: Final payments can be made and the project closed out. RE�'E'VED FEB 11199i ClTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: None OISADVAMAGES IF (JaT APPROVED: Payment will have to be financed from another source. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 9.700.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) . YES ND NDINGSOURCE 1996 CIB AGTN(fVNUMBER from C96-05101 to C96-3R007 FINANCIAL MFOftMAT10N: (EXPLAIW Unspecified Contingency • � � 1�C�f1�+2 � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL February 3, 1997 fA ' TO: Bruce Engetbrekt Budget O�ce � 240 City Hall FR: John Wirka Parks & Recreatio 300 City Hall Annex RE: Mears Park Street Lighting & Sidewalk Replacement C96-3R006 This project was intended to replace ail perimeter sidewalks and install new street • lighting at Mears Park. The work is complete except for restoration of the brick gutter on Fifth Street, correction of a frost heave/cracked walk condition at Fifth and Wacouta, and minor punch list work to be done in the spring of 1997. The project was included in the 1996 Capitaf Improvement Budget at $417,000.00, although our estimated cost and budget request was $447,OOQ.00. My recollection is that the project was added after an appeal from the Lowertown community at the Mayor's budget hearing, that it was the last project to be included, and that there wasn't quite enough money to fund the fult amount at that time. Early in 1996 Parks and Recreation received bids for the concrete work and afso contracted with Pubiic Works for the street lighting engineering and installation. All bids and estimates were within budget, but during the course of construction, problems with poor soils and slopes along Fifth and Wacouta and conflicts with existing underground utilities created additional costs which coutd not have been accurately predicted before construction began. Because of the additional work needed, we now have a shortfall of $9,700.00, and I am wriiing to request an amendment to the project budget in this amount. Since we have encumbered and/or paid out neariy all ofi the project funds, this amendment is needed to pay the final Public Work's billing, even though Public Work's cost overrun was not the onfy additionai project cost. Public Works has requested that we make payment on or before February 21 to , coordinate with their year end closeout. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please cail. C: Don Ganje AI Shetka n:\user�cladAwpl6e2397.mem