255975 ` �5�9�5 OR16lNAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� WHEREAS, the proper city officials were authorized by Council File No. 2553�� adopted August 17, 1971, to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Pa,u1 a grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor pertaining to the Grant for CAMPS Manpoiwer Planni.ng Staff; and Wi�REAS, the City of Saint Pa.ul has requested a modification of �� such agreement to include year-round planning for summer programs; and a o � � WI�REAS, the U.S. Department of Labor has approved such request .� � for modification of contract; -v �` O Now, therefore, be it C7 RESOLVED, that the Mayor, City Clerk, a.nd C��troller are hereby 0 c N" authorized and directed to execute said modification of contract between m the City of Saint Pau1 and the U.S. Department of La.bor, a copy of said application bein� attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 0CT , 8 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butier OGT �, 8197� �a�se�—Ct'����-�_ P� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED n r.r 6 L9,7� 0 /�'�^ir',t�i�ti4J ,'i 30, lULY 196—o-'� � 1� ,rnG � � GM�- .1 � ! F:�,•, / ' � c / " GFN[ Al +cRV1=ES AJMi�lI�TRATION 'IVSODIFI�AT10f� OF sC(�hTRAC�'' ? ��`� % ` tFr�. t r).. R`G. (L: C�I:� 1-:6.101 � �� ��j �:���� � t. l. 1. AMEtJ_??AEl�UN�ODI"ICAiION NO. 2 E�FECTIVE L'ATF 3. ,t �j�°Ur2�HASF kLQUE� . 4.'PP.Uiu. !�ihJ�(icoblr•� � � . �.�,�_ �...+�+ .' .. .. !---�•+r,��ti ✓ S. ISSUED P.Y �_�— C(lUli � d l,D7flfµ TF .•',D BY (!f olbrr lbnn Gl�ck SJ COf�E ,�. Jr°"�� jJ,, �. �6�,'`3'�''t:?l:?21t O f T_�iCY • Fi�a-�rc�Fr �'.c�r�i�.i_stration ��:,- 300 iJOL'.'LJ� ?�.�.cicer Drive � Chica�o, I1Li.r�ois 6a6c6 _u(� 7. CONiRACTOR COU!' � FACfI.lI�Y COUE __ e. hAME AtJD P.DDRESS AM�NDMEN7 OF - � � �SOIICITATION NO. � Cil�iy �f ►S'fi. Paul DATED (See l�/nck 9) (Slreet, til��, C;i,��� i1�Z - Pwom 918 rauutv, stnte, �,t �al� �t7.I11Ze50,�,c^�. MODIFICATION OF �+ a.Jd%11' • � �CONTRACT/ 27�7��� �_72 Cnde) �, � . DATED_YL�I.L+ .___:(Set hlxk !!f 9. it�... 'P!!ES ONL1'TQ AMENDMENT$OF SOl1��TATION$ � � The obove rombered soiiciro a os sel foAh in block 12. The hour and dole specified for receipt of Of.`en� is er.lende�' .. � e . Of�erors mas!ocknowledge receipt of}his amendmeN prior fo t e �� � e s ci!i?d in tbe solicitation , y one of Ihe Following nethods: . e � ... �* - • � - (u)By signing and returoing copies of Ibis omendment;{6J By ockn w�e� N e, tniz�.1f�44elNn�y��� .n�py of the offer submitted;or(c) by separote lelter or lelegram �� which endodes a refereoce!o the solicitotion and cm�� .. _rs. FAIIURc OF YOUR ACKOWLEDvh1cN7 i i�_AT THE ISSUING OFFICE PRIOR Tb THE HOItR ANU DATE SPfCIFIED 14AY P,ESUtT� � " r YOUR OFFER. if,by viAue o(tF.is omendrnenf yov desire lo change an offer olreody w�9Bf ` o ��moy be made by telegram or i�nPr - . ey:om or IeMer makes reference to fhe sollcitation ond Ihis amendment,ond is received prior b the opening hour ond date speci�� 10. ACCUUNTIN3 A�IU APPROPRIATION DATA (If'reqrriredJ T 11. THIS BIOGK APPIfES ONIY TO MODIfICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ (o) � This Chonge Order is iss�ed pvrsuant to _ The Chunges szt(ort!�in block 12 ore rode to the above n�mbe;ed coni�oct! (b) � The abo�e nvmbered controct/orde.is modified to refled the odministrative ch^onges{such os cho�igeLs in paying offce,appropriatien dala,etr..)set forth in b�ock 12. (c) � Th;s Svpple+neMal Agreemenl is entered into pursuont fo authorify oF r�j ti AG� �f �yC'��2 V�S��i• 2��� � � It modifizs fhe obove n�mbered contracl os set forih in block 12. 12. DFSCR!PTION OF 'MODIFICATION V 7.`he pl�yrsii.n� contemplated by thi.s Granu is expanded t,o anclude yeax�-raurid planr�.ing for �he sur�u!�x programs. Ti�e termination date of this component is Septernber 3�, 1972- Tl�e tzrrnination date for the "Regul.ar" CAr1.PS Pro�am rem�.in� the ,ar�e �.t July 313 1 w f2. r.�he spec9.fication for the year-rotuid �l�nn��g for tha s� ��r progr�ns is a±,tached � added " ?:erek�,., -- 7`he ori�inal Grant Budget is deleted & the a�;ta.ched coMb:ined Gx�ar�t� Budge� is sub��t.itu+re�. there.£or n � B,y reason of tk:�e farEgoing,, the to�,al estir.-�.ted cout is i.ncreased by $1�,�Ot� in FY '71 funds from �a,750 -�o �63,75�• � Pa�ym�ent wi11 be made on the basis of the exista.ng pa3�M�nt �chedule pending its revision. Excepf oa provided herein,oll ferms and tondifiont oF fhe doc�menf reFeren:ed in blcck$,os herefofore thongeJ,remain onchungecl end�in fvll force and e(fect. 13. -- — QCONTRACIOR/ IS NOi REQUIRED � COMRACTOR/ IS REQUtREO TO SIGN THIS DOC,UMENT AND RETURN�COPIES TO ISSUING OFFICE TO SIGN THiS DOCUMENT 14. NA/AF OF CONiRACTOR.' i7. UNITED STATES OF p�ERICA . /,� `� / BY gy���"�-�C:.•"`..' _ _ (SignoNre of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Confroct�ng Ofi'icer) t5. NAME AND iITIE Oi SIGNFR (Ty/�e or/�rint) 16. DAT[ SiGNED 13. �!�� N e�CT-TnJ�.'TM�Y��CER (T}/�e or�rrn�) 19. DA7E S�GNED ' Ctiarles P. McCarty, Mayor (', ��_r.J� Re�i�;�a]. :�:ur;F�,�....� 1;cL,�inistratar 9� J %71 3n-�O� - U.S.�GOVF.RNMEIfT^kIHi1NGOffi�F.:19660�—ISyl-�45�—(6-G) ",, .� Page 2 of �'i` Pages � • , ' Category B Budget , ' � • i�c)it�iA'!' I'i)It - � I'f�OL'U:;I:11 ilitil(:I:'C , _ _ -'� � CAI�iI'S :;1:(:IZI�:'1'AI�TAi' c:R�1�7':; 'I'0 COVI?Ity�ftS AP![) i�iAY01i; ' ' �'� . �K�CX..�s�/�:l'k'x 01' _ St Pat�l ' , '(Attnc:lt ci��t,�iled scliedules as ncecicd L-o subst�lilL'l��C the estimated costs. ) , , . � �';I. 1'c�rsc�nal Sc��vi.ccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totril: $ '11Z�K0 . __._ . . . . . . S<�l.nrics �nci wares directly attri.butabl.e to tl�c �,rant. List positions seParntcly � ' . hy �ob title, �;r�dc, ��►nd .>�lary. Idcn- . • Li.fy part-tiinc or tcn�porary, stafF.. � . $ 10;000 � �rin�c benefits at khe provisional rate � . of. • 13•5 % . (Tnc).ucic� c�ver.���;r. for � � � � $ . 1 � 0 ' . ;4rz. �l•�_:,���i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ��ot�i: � �2,�00 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I,ocal'�and out-o£-state travcl directly • • , ��ttribut<�ble to the �rant (not to exceed $ 2 140 . � � , . , st�nd�lyd Government limitations). These . ' tunds arc not to be usnd for the purch�se . � . of automobiles. . . • _ �'�III. Project Facili.tics . . . . . . . Tr�tnl: . $ 1 2 0 ' • • • • 1 • 6 • • • • • • • � O�Licc expercdab�e supplies � $ • �K� � , O;�Cice equipment and furniture. (Yf noi: avai.Iablc L-hrou�h General Services _ Admi.nistration, then to be lcased or. . .rurchased, sui�jcct to Prior writ�ten � � • " • npproval of thc Grant Of£icer. (DOL). ) $ . TOLL � � RenC, i.ncludi.n� all facilitics . � uL-il.ized in the performance of the. , grnn�. (Inciudc cletnii conccrnin� pro rat� :;h:irc., whctt r�ppropri��tc. ) $ -0- ' �, ULilitics, mainten�ncc, And custodial �ex'vices. $ � • w Cc�IU([IUI1ICAl:�.U11� :LIICLU(��Ilf; poaLn�,e, Celc�iiane and tcic�raph cilarbes. $ nn . �IV. Othcr nirect Cos�s . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totnl: $ �� 300 • (c.�.� rcproduction cost;:, ei;c.) . ' $ 3�� � ' TOTAi. AAtOUNT Ol� Ti[1; GIileP�T $ 1�,000 ' I:ticl.cjsiirc';: ir.t�r.<litln.: (��r Z� T.I� III� �ncl I.V ' ��(��•r�►ut��c� inny uc�t. vni�y i.�► 1►I:� exi�<�n�iLCt�rct+ tnc�rr. tl�ni� l0% of I.hc� ' cnl-rf:c►ry :;ui�-���t.�l wit.l�c�u� prior nl��>c�vnl ot t!►e C�rr�nt O1�IcQr. .. . � . .. . . . • -- :' '� Page 3 0�' b� �'abPs ' • - � � Corr,bined �3izd�et � ' � • i�(�it�v1'(' Pi)ft - , � 1'it(►1'O:;I•:i) Ilil!)i:l•:'i' - - �, CA1�11'; Sl:�.l�i'.'l'Ai�TAT (:f�AV'CS 'i0 C;nVl:l��lni�s nra�> MAYOi:i ' . . �fA'�".�f��:i'['Y ot� St� Pa•,zl. ' '(At[ncli cle t<�i l.r.ct sclieclu l.cs as nc��cled �o subs tan L-.i.a te ttie es ti.ma Led CO3 t3. � , • � �I. i'ct's<�nal. Scrvi.ces . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . Tottil° $ ����y . S�1l.c�ries nnd caa;es directly attri.buLabLc � � to tlic £rant. I.ist positions separatcly � l�Y .�ob ti�Ic, F,z�dc, ��nd salary. Iden- . � � Li.fy part-tin�c or tcmpo'rary sta��. � . � 50,050 . Frin�c benefi.ts at the provisional rate � : of. •9•2 % , (Tnclu�lcs cover.4�,^,c f.or � � � � $ .� ' � �rz. •�:t_:���•i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��ot��.: � $ �5��5a - . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • I.ocal and our.-of--st�zte travel directly . • � � lttrzbi�table to thc �ranr (not to exceed $ _ 5,150 . . , stc�ndnrd Government limitations). These ' ' funds are not to be us�d for the purc:�ase . � - . of automobiles� .. • • _ �'�IIi. Project F<1ci.li�ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •Tot��.: $ 3��.Q� ' " . Offxcc expendable supplie.� $ 1,0�0 Office equipment atid furniture. (Ii- not available throu�h General Services _ � Auministration, �.hen to be lc�sed or . .purctiased, sul�jcct� to Prio� writtcn • �' • upprovnl o�' thc Grant Of£icer (DOL). ) . $ 300 . � � � Rent, includin,r, a11 facilities . • utilized in thc performznce of the. F,r�ni:, (7nc.ludc cletnil COl1CCltllil� • �r0 1:1t1 .i11:11Cy W�ll.11 Ai)�10(>I1.;t�C. � $ -Q- . Utilitics, m�lintennncc, nnd custod:tal SC�V�.CC9� ,. $ `�.. . Cunanuillcnli.oii, � i�1r,ltECIS.n�; �o;�Cnr,c, Lelcnhona � aiid tcic�raph char�es. $ 2zd�0 � �IV. Othcr Direct Costs .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To��I: $ � 5�6 (e.�.� rcprodtictian cost:, etc.) ' . • � $ _ 596 TQTAJ. �ti;io�r��r oi� �ritr CRA�iT $ 6��50 ' 1:nCl.u:;u�'ct:: Sc:lir.clttl.�s ft>�' x� ZZ� 7.T.I� :lil<� ].V ��(:�•i�utrr in:�y iic,t. v��ry i.�� hf,� �ex���•i��fitur���; �iir,r�• tt:nu 1(1'/, oC lh�r cr►Let:oi'y :;ul�-Lut.:�l wf.t.l�c�ul, ��rior ry1,�►�•ovnl e�C tlje C�:eti�it Olticer. .. . � • . • _. , . ti ' ' . Cit�* of St. Paul Job Tit7.e �2,�.�� Fro j ect Director $�7,ppQ Assist2nt D;xector 1l�,600 ?�npower Tectu?ician 9,OOU Secret�ry g���p Part Time Clerieal 1,000 Tat�. �,o,050 ' ' � . � SPECTF'1:CATI�?�T� �`OR Th� YEAR-ROITI�'D PT�.IINIl�IG ��OR StTNlMER pROGI�S Specifica�;ions for ths "P�egul-�r" CAAk'S Secre�;�.ri�.�t Gr�,n� �roposal. apply to the Yeax-Eounc? I'l��xm.ax��; For Sunnner Pro�ams ti•lith t.he fo1.l.ow:ing additiona,.1. item: The prov'�.sicn of_ a.cl�it�onni. st.a�'f fnr the YGar-Round P1.�s,nang For Surrmer Progr��a� is to as�u�e tha�; adac�u�:.te plax�n:in� is perforr.!ec' on a Yesr-�'oi:nd basis for sur�r!er m��npower pro�raras. The pxoh�_b�tion �,gainst trhe creavion of a separate stai'f r.ni�; or. �he formaJ_ �den-cifl.cat��.on of :�nd�_4ridu�:ls �.s �'�utl. �7_a�ners or Co�rd3nators continues to 3.pply. It is not in.fi.ended that n separate st�f unit bF: created for. sum��r m��po�;er pxa�;raxn ��1zs.ninge Ra.thex, the Youth Coordinator cansoz id�.tion �ZU. the �.czd�_�-iaz��1 Gz an-i, 1_ticrease shau'?d be vie�.ed as enhanc�ng the ��..b11.i'�Sr of ' tY:e general nGnpo�:er p1.�.nn�ng staff' tc plan for su���r�er ��ro�ans. � • i