255973 • OR16i�AL TO CITY CL6RK Z��9�3 ` , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL O T ON-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RO er M. Conwa qTF COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Sewer Act (Chapter 473C Minn.Stat. 1969) requires that certain substantial basic costs incurred by the Metropolitan Sewer Board be aliocated among the municipalities in the Metropolitan Area on the basis of volume; and WHEREAS, These sewer volumes have been and are being determined not only using meter readings but also using projections of increases in volume; and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul 's volume for 1g72 has been estimated using this growth projection, although meter records show that St. Paul 's volume has decreased by 6.74 MGD between 1970 and 1971 ; and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul 's volume for 1971 as determined by meter readings through August 1g71 subtracting suburban contributions is 69. 18 MGD; and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul was previously given an infiltration allowance of 1 .65 MGD for a Non-City joint use sewer, and the number of these Non-City owned sewers has sharply increased; a�d WNEREAS, The City of St. Paul is constructing clearwater sewers to further reduce its sewage vo�?ume, and will have removed an additional 4.00 MGD because of this construction before the end of 1971,' and will rnake further .reductions during 1972; and - '� � WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Sewer Boa�d must make its volume determinations as accurately as possible to minimize the chance of adjustment claims in the future; ` �D and � o -° WHEREAS, Ail of the above information will have to be considered by the °i O Metropolitan Sewer Board and an adjustment made at some time; therefore, be it � m hereby c� °c RESOLVED, That the above information be utilized to determine the volwme � chargeable to the City of St. Paul in the following manner: St. Paul 's metered flow for 1971 through August subtracting suburban contr i but i ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.18 MGD COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � ORIGf1�1L TO CITY CLBRK � � � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEI� �ATF - Page 2 - Subtract the infiltration allowance previously used to adjust the City's volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-1 .65 MGD Subtract the clearwater flow which will be removed from the sanitary system before 1972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4.00 MGD Use the total of the above as St. Paul 's 1972 volume . . . . . . .63.53 MGD and be it further RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Works supply any data required to substantiate the above figures upon the request of the Metropolitan Sewer Board or its staff; and be it finally RESOLVED, That this resolution be sent to the Metropolitan Sewer Board with copies fo� members assigned to represent St. Paul . �CT ? 1�71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �CT 7 �9� � ppr 19� Le�ine n Favor Meredith Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty Q�T 9197� PUBI.LStt�U � QUADRUI!kICA7R TO D6MRTM6NT j�C F���'I ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ,*�,,,-�� V • �" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT�!Y COMMISSIONE� R��r' K r ���x nATF 1�EREAS. 't"� Nstropelitaa !ia�wt �at (Chapter 47�C Mln� ftat. 1969) requires tAst +��ttalw sabst�tiat bista costs IRCUrrM1 t,y the �tstraplttan S+N�er iasrd rt ay tosaR�i awoag tM, �icipal i ites in tha� �etre�oi i t�a A�ai a� t!►s �asi s of wiw�e� aad VNER�, Th�►f� �sewer v�oiaw�s 1Nw bw►a �n�c! ar� bsing d�t�r�ia�d e�trt oalr vs t� w�ts► read i n�s iw t a 1 so �s i ng proJaat ioAS of i nc rr�u�us i n vo!e�e; and YNEREAS. TI� t i ty of St. Pau i'�► volur for 1972 lais b�+n sstt�wtsd us i nq this 4rovth �e�o)�ctiv�+. althon�h ,rrt�r ��reo�ds s�ow that St. Paul"s Trotw� hss d�arrasa�d dy 6.7�► � btitwsn »Ta aad ts>> ; an� YNEREAS� Ths C i ty o! St. !'w!'s votu�+ for 1971 at dst�rwl ea�Q by �sts� nadtags xtrrough Av9u�t 1971 sv�trs�ttr� s�b��b�sn cantributirint ts �9.1� MCO; and MIEiIEAt, Tta Cityr of fi. I�w1 �t p�r+wiaasly glvan a� lattltration �ilo�c� of l.�s �o ror � �-city jot�e �s� sewsr, and t�a r�a�,tr of tb��s Iba-Cit� awned ser+e�s h�s sha�piY tewr�rassd; and NIEN�J1=. Ths CItY of 3t. Prwi Is c�oastrncttng c1M�tar s�wsrs ta furth�r �Y4� �E1 NtiA� 1/�IiM� � M��� �'l/� 1''Mf�'r� if1 ��t�tiiA�� k.00 11�1 b�CNIN of E�ts cosst�roctloa befe�s tM s+Mf af i9�i, and rri 11 �ke f��t1u�� re�du�tl+aas �ur i�p 19'T2: and i1N�R�, Tha 1�t►opol i taa� 5aw� �o+rr�l �rrst w�ks i ts volr� dit�r�i�t ians as ae.a�e•esly a: posstb�t• to .I�Isti. t!w ct�a�w o� ad�wsaMsr�e etalws in th� iucu�s; sM! 1MEREAS, A 11 ot tl�t a�ow l af�t i o� w i 1 i �we to 1� c�s 1 ditrar i��► tl+e Mstt�opolttaa 3awr da�N a�wi an �ij�sd�a! wN� at seswa tt�: thtrefo��, bs 1L �r AgtOtlltEe, That th� abaw t at�t i me► i►� w t i{t x�d R+� de t�r+�1 ns tMc vo i�ws ���alr1� to tl+e tity of St. p+wi lA tt+� totiowin� wMn�r: #t. 1'aal': �t�e�� flvw !vr 19�t Rhrywgt� Av�u:t su�trutl� 'wf1Y��1 r��1�*Yt�011� • ♦ • • • r • • r • • • • • • • • • • • 6���� �fl COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays Butler ` Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine _.jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, McCarty �� QUADRUPkICAT6 TO D6lARTMlNT 2559'73 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED bY COMMISSIONER �AT� ��►!�* '� • lwbtract th�r l�filt�atioa allowrnc.� prevto�slr ussd to ari��si tl+� Gitr's vol� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-1.65 hc� iti�trut ths tla�rti+atsr f la+ v�ich �ri 11 ba rawo�r�d froa� clN ssat e�r�r sysc�s �.►fors 1l72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•�r.00 N6t! _�..__._...�,,.....,.,_...,. tls� the total of th�e �bovs as St. fu�t's i$72 volu�a . . . . . . .63•53 M�D ar� !is 1 t l�+rther REi4LME0* That tiue �rWnt df �eblit 1�to�ks supplr anY data r�q�ir�d to s+�Lstantiats ths a0�rvt ttq��ss d�+ th�t r�qarsst of Rh� M�tt�poitta� Sa�art bwrd or tts staft; apd bs it fiaatiy R[i�ll.if�6, Tl�rt thi s �solrttoA b� ssr�t to tiw Mstrop!o1 t tar� S�v+�� �wrd wltb �e►t�s fo► �a+�be�s issl�i+d to �spres��t st. Paul� O CT 71971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19_ Yeas Naya Butler 0 CT , ? 19� � Approv� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��