255968 Orislnsl to City Clerk • � RDINANCE 2��g6� COUNCIL FILE NO l � PRESENTED 6 ORDINANCE NO � AN ORDINANCE SETTLIMG TNE CLAIM 4F l�h1ALIA & PAT PARISI A6AtNST TNE CITY Of SAINT PAt�. TNE COUNCIL Of THE CITY OE SAIkT PAt1L DOES QRDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City off�icers are �eby authortzed and dtrected to pay out of the Tort Ltabtl�ity Fund, OO:iS-421, to A�aalta and Pat �arisi, the sun of Z450.�, tn fu11 settleme�nt o� thetr claire of da�ages sustaiaed on or about the �onth of Auqust, 197Q, as pwre particularly aet oat tn a can�unication to tt� Ctty Council on Septea�ber 1, I9T0. Sectton 2. Thst said stan shali be paid to the satd clatmants upon thetr executton and del#very of a retease in full to the C1ty 4n a-form to �e approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all da�ges sustained tn the �anaer sforesatd. Sectton 3. That thls ordinance sha11 take effect and be ta force thtrty days after its paissage, approval and publicatton. 0 V Asst. Cor oration Cou OCT 21 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler e�rlee� Conr�►y Levine In Favor Mere�dith C� � Against � Sprafka T��� oc-r a 1 �9�' Mr. President (McCarty) A ve A t: Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By �UBLISHED OGT Z �1`9�1 � nylksb ts Pstat�e • �ORDIi�I' ANCE 2559�8 ����A�� PRESHVi'ED BY ORDiNANCE NO I _/�-� _ a1! tNtDIN#11C� SEMIit6 TNE q.AIM �f AMALU !� PAT lARISI 116AIIIS? TME CITY OF SAIMT PAt� TH£ COl�ICYC OF Tt1E CITY OF SAI�'T PAta. OQES ORi�IINs Sectloa l. Tb�t th� propar City o1�llta�rs ��e her�jr sMthorls+�d . a�d dtr�act�d to pay out of the Tort Liabiltty fand, OQ35�-4�1, to l�1ta and Pa! Parfsl, the sw of s450.00, 1� fu11 settte�ent of th�fr elaia of da�ges s�stai�d� oA or �oat t�e �aonth ot A�ast, 1970. as �or� partic�larly stt oat i� a co�r�futlo� to the City Conncll on Sept�er� 1, 19?0. Section 2. ThaL s�fd sus shall b� pi#d to the said clafwents �pon tbeir �cac�tion aad delt�ee�y of � releis� ip full to tl� C1ty ia a for� to be approvec! by the Cortpor�tion Cow�sel, for alt dass4ts sdstalAed in the �a�ar tf'or�sald. S�ction 3. That this ordinancce shall take etfeat and be 1a force thi�t�r days att.�r its paasage, appro�rat aAd pdbli�atioA. ' aCT �11971 Yeas Councilmen Naye Psaeed by the Counci� Butler � ��x Favor Levine �j s� !/ AanillSt �. T�a�t t��> A �o�a: OCT 21 197t Attegt: PP City Clerk Mayor �� ; . : Form approved �orpc�rat�on �ounsel B�► ._, I st � . 2nd / � . Laid over +o �� 3rd and app. ��Adopted r�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler Butler ___� Carlson .-1���6Q ,Ga�ken[°��z�,�,� • �i L7 Levine �..Levine Meredith � '�,,Meredi+h Sprafka Sprafka � Tedesco Tedesco � Mr. President McCarFy Mr, Presiden+ McCarty O