255966 ,
�.- � 2�596s
Res�olution Appmoving Assessment �y—
and Fixing Time af Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the asaessment of benefits, cost sad expenses for ccastruction or recon-
struction of aidewalks snd work incidental thereto: Contract 90-�-�500, Distriat 'L�o. 1,
LeT��- o�. 4, `�t
,.,, `�---` _ - ------ _.__, . — -- -
� __ r _ _ _ — ..
�liS8ABLB• �
�=F.O, 247275 - O�cford St., �rast side from Qharles Aw. to Th�aas Ave, and on the
' . e+tst sii� �t Oxts�d St. tr�ar�Sherburae Ave. to Thomas Ave.
F.!0. #2�4421 - W, �tMrrtrti it., both sides fra� Winsla� Aara, to Strpker Ave.
l.8. �#ZbSl - 61. Stevet�: 3t., both aidea froa Bellaws St. tq$idwell Ave.
F,O. �244426`- Hall Ave., both sides from Cuttice St. to page St.
F,Oe #244575 - W. Sidney St., both sid�s from Ohio Ave, to Charltoa Ave.
F.O. �'L48424 -� Livingston Ave., weat side fram E. 3idney 3t. to B. Page St.
F.O. �248453 - E, Sidney St., both sides fram Livingaton Ave. to So. Robert St.
F,O. #249022 - B. Belvidere St., both sides from Livingston Ave. to So, gobert S�.
F.O. #248419 � E. Wqoming St., both sides from Livingston Ave, to Robert St.
1�0�-�l4�388S�ikE°�.SL .. _ . .. _ . . .
F,O. �247275 - Oxford St. , west side faom Charles Ave. to Thomas Ave. and on the
east af:cte of �c€ord �t. from Sherbc�me Ave. to Thoe�as� Ave.
F.O. �244426 • Hall Ave., both sidea fram Curtice St. to Page St.
F.O. #244575`- �1. Sidt�eq St., baCh sidas �rvs Ohie Ave. to Charlton Ava:
F.O. �248453 - B. Sidney St., both sides fro�m Linin�on Ave. to So. Robert St.
F.O. #249622 - �. Belvidere 9t.� both sidea from Livingaton'Aneo to So. �ob2rt St.
F.O. �248419 - $. Wyaming 3t., both aides from Livingaton Ave. to Robert St.
� KE�OLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
R,ESOLVED FURTHER., That a public heaxing be had. on said assessment on the 3rd
day of 1�Ely�+�hery 1971 , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Aall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed. �
Yeas B UTL�-. Nays
C O(�'v'' , Adopted by the Council
MERLU9 ;",�� OC� � �91�
' In Favor
� A gainst �"�LISHED 0 CT 9
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8a�