255962 ORIGINML TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Np �5�9 2 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . CO CI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WS�RSAS, �he Bmard of Cotlnty eo�issioners of Ba�sey Couaty by resolgtion dated Anc,�st 30, 1971, classified as noncoaservation land, certain land lying withia the li.mits of the City of Saint Paal= a�d WBER�iS, � �ertified copy mf the classification resoln- � tios together with a list of the laad classified has ]�een . sabmitted for approval of the classification aad sale of the land classified in accordaace with I�.SA, �ection 282.�1, St�bd. l; aow, therefore, be it RESOL�, That the classificatios of the land shawn oa said list as moscanservation lamd aad the sale thereof be and hereby i� approved; a�d BE IT FttRTHBB �ESOLVED, That t�ie City Clerk be and hereby is antY�orized to file a certified ccp� of this resolntion in tY�e Office mf the Laad Com�aiasioa�r. FORM PR VED As . r8't Counsei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �CT 619�_ Yeas xays ' 0 CT 7 1971 Butler �a.ds�m eo�t�vay vp� 19— Levine ��n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco �gainat Mr. President, McCarty P��S�D ��T 9197, � o��"�„T�.��.� 2�5�� . cmr oF sr. Pau� �,N«� No � � oFr�cE oF rHE cmr c�E�c COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�r�c nr COMMISSION�R DA� 1�1H8Rt�18, T'he Board of County Conaniasioners oi! Ramsey Connty by reaalution datee� Anguet 30, 1971, elae�igied as nonconservation l�d, oartain laad lying within tbe limits of the Ci�y of Sai.nt Bault and WSSR8A3, A certified copy o# the classification reaoln- tion toqether with a list of the land clasaified has bean submittsd for npproval of the clusiiication u�d sale of the land classifi�d i�a accaordaac� with �t81�, Ssetion 282.01. Subd. lt now, therefore, be it R�SOLV�D, That the claasification of the land shovn on eaid list as nonconeervation land a�r�d tha �ale thereof be and hereby i� agproved= and HE IT FUATHTsR RESOLVBD+ That the City Clerk be and hereby ie authorized to file a certiffad copy of thi.r� � resolution ia the Office of the Land Co�nissionet. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Conn�� �CT 6197�9_ Y� xa� ��T ? 1971 Butler , �anu Conaay Appro� �9_ �� Favor Meredith Sprafka �� t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarl,y �� � • r. . �Coutttp �uD►��.�r'� �ffice � _ vNTY BOARD � � _� 2�J5�f • y 2093 • S� Paul, Minn., �71e No.--------- Resolution 9-823 . No. .__ August 3019 71 1'hr.. oucntian of Land Commissioner; Anthony J. Reiter, Assit. ; . i� r�•Mp��ctluliy cnlle�l to the following Reaolatioa of the Bosrd of County Cornmiseionerd ot Rameey (:�►unty, Min�i��nutu, adopted at the meedag held on August 30, 1971 Ity G►mmieHiuner De CourCy WF�S, b1.SA Section 282 provides that forfeited lands be classified as conservation or nonconservation and that the classiFication be submitted to the governing boc�y of the governmental subdivision in which the parcels lie Por approva.l of the classification and sale thereof; and W'�EAS, The Land Commissioner has prepared a list, dated August 30, 1971, of parcels xhich forf`eited for nonpayment of taxes and recommends that �said parcels be classified as nonconservation la,nds; l�OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE�SOLt7ED That the parcels of forfeited land as shown on said list be and hereby are classif5.ed as nonconservation la.nds; and SE IT FURTHER �SOLVED That the classification be submitted to the governing bac�y of the subdivision in which the parcels lie for approval of the classification and sale of the lands involved. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR ) ) SS 1tAMSEY COUNTY, MINN$SOTA ) w -�: I, J. Do Swan, duly appointed and qualified Deputy County Auditor ia and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hereby certifq that the foregoing copy is a true�,and corre„st trans- cript of a resolution sdopted by the Board of Ramsey Countq Comanission�rston Au�t 30�1 1971. �" C��z !�'1 { L � N n t� ._`.: � Dated at SC. Paul, Mianesota this 30th day of Au ust 1971. � �';�= R1 / �%'�,� � r � � ; � � ;: � puty �nty auair��;� N o z" • • (Seal) z ° . LO�U McKENNA , co�r a�r . !'urw Aud. .00 ' $Y ��U�y. � � 25�962 ♦Q!{ADRUrLICAT6 TO DeARTM�NT CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. I ` • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DAT� ��i�� � ��"� O�i r��� ��"r 0� � Corar►ty h� ra�olutr.ioA da�sd �uqwlr 3A, 197�, �laeai.l�►*d a� n�canMrvatiaa land, asrtai.� labd lyi� rrithi� th�a iim3.ta +�i tht Ci ty A! 3aittt Piul t �taei �Rt.�►s, a certf�ied e�y o� ��� cia�sifieation resolu- tioA tr�g�t�er with a liat of t�r land clas�ifiid has be� sub�it�e1 tor approva►,i, o� ths clusi�icatio� ar�d aal.� ot th� land clsasi�isd iA acverdaAe� with 1�t8�►, S�a�ion ��2.A2, sub+d. 1� ua�r� t�os�!'Q�. b�► it �'aI�V�D,, �a►t f� alas�ilieati�e ot t�e laAd al�cr�t oa uid list aa a�+Mrrvati+� la�! aad �� sale t���o� bs au� h�cs'b�r ir a�gtav�dt ar�d Si 1�' lU�A Fide'�L�t?, 'lt�t tb� CitY �l�slc bt �!1 hor� �r aal�a�ris�d te til� a ea�s�iti�►d oopr ot i�►!4r �r+�aol�ti� in ttse O�ti� ot' th�r Lasd Coris�ie�r: 6197�1 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci CT Yeas Nays ��'� Butler �� ��y ApprovA� 19_ � �� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty ��� ' �/ rl � � t . +� .• F � � � � J � - . OFFICE OF THE LAND COMMISSIONER � COUNTY OF RAMSEY � 286 Court House, 55102 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA LOU McKENNA, Commissioner 223-5317 ANTHONY J. REITER, Ass't Commissioner September 3, 1971 Mr. I�arry E. I�arshall, Clerk City of Saint Paul Rvom 386, City Hal3 St. Paul, Minnesota g5102 Deax Sir: Attached hereto is a list of lands which for�'eited to the State of Mixuiesota on 3uly 28, 1971, for nonpayment of taxe�. The statute covering the sale of ta�c-forfeited lands requires approval of the sale and. classiPicatimn of these lands by loeal �over�ment 'before they can be offered For �ale. We also attach a certified copy of the classification by the County Bo�rd and a suggested form of reaolution for submission to qour City Council. When action has been taken, please return a certified copy of the resolution to the undersigned. Yours very truly, IAU Mci�tA T,and Commissioner � �;... - ._ ��- j'\-4%%�i�Y . Anthony J. I�eiter Ass't. La.nd Cc�nissioner : ��8ee Attaeh. ��� �,,- , � � . • , ,' . � . . OFFICE OF THE LAND COMMISSIONER � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ' 286 Court House, 55102 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA LOU McKENNA, Commissioner 223-5317 ANTHONY J. REITER, Ass't Commissioner 8eptember 3, 1971 To the I�Layor and Council of the City of Sai�rt Paul Gentlem�n a.nd Madam: The Soard o� County Cc�misaioners, by resolution dated August 30, 1971, classified forfeited lard sho�n on the att�ched list as non-conservation lands. Approva.l, oP the classification and sale of these ].az�ds i� required by statute before they may be appraised and of'�ered at public sale by this of'fice. FIe h�ve also enclosed a certified copy of the Gounty Board resol�tion. Youxs very truly, I,OU 1�cI�NNA I,and Commaissioner BY `���%�C�ti� Ant oaq J. �cr Ass't. I,and Comm�issioner AJR�gee Attach. �� _. �. _. . _ ,s�.. , , , �GLatit��� �6�r7��'��•�� �L4��� ��Rdi31 � 6.iv2-�i�� , � St. Paul, la1'inn.� Fi1c t3o.__2093.--- ,_ . ' ' Resolution 9-823 . ' No. .__ .� August 30 19 71 7'�►c „ttcntic►n o€Land Com�nissioner; �. J. Reiter, Asst. Land Comm. in r�•hj��+ctFul)y called to the folloK•ing Resoluiion of the Baard of County Cornmieaioaerei of Rameey f:uunty, 11liRii�.nc�tu, at}opted at the rilceting held oat August 30� 1971 I;y (a>n�mier+iuner De Courcy �ifF�S� MSA Section 282 provides that forfeited l�.nda be classified as conservation or nonconserva�ion and that the classification be submitted to thQ governin� body of the governmental subdivision in which the parcels lie for approval of the classification and salz thereof; and • WF�REAS, The Land Com�.i.ssioner has prepared a list, date� August 30, 1971, of parcels xhich forfeited for nonpayTaent of taxes and recorarsends that said parcels be classified as nonconservation la,nds; N�d� T�REFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED ThAt the parcels of forfeited land as shown on said list be and hereby �.re classified as nonconserv�.tien lands; �.nd BE IT FUnTFiER F.�SOLVr.D That the classification be submitted to the �overnin� body of the subdivisi.on in which the parcels lje for approva2 of the classific�tion and sale of the lands involved. , .� � � � c �_ � � � - rn f� ' �r n • �� - ~ i�l � Q r' � '� 3 • � �'1 j • ��p' N � . Z x� . . � z o . .,, . L 0 U 1�1 c K E N N A , c�u�y �;.,.�:oT , e•��r��� �„a. zoo BY - ____I3�puiy. J' - , q : •. . '� : A � ' . : ' � _ - WHEItiEAS, The Board of County Corunissioners of Ramsey County by resolution dated , classified as - nonconservation land, certain land lying within the limits of the Vi].laCe of � a� - WHEREAS, A certified copy of the classification resolu- � tion together with a list of the land classified has been sub- ; mitted for approval of the classification and sale of the land elassified in accordance with NSA, Section 282.01, sub. l; - NO1J, THER�'ORE9 BL IT RESOLV�D That the classification � of the land shown on said lis� as noneonservation land and � the sale thereof be and hereby is approved; and - BE IT F'URTHER RFSOLVED That the Village Clerk b� �znd � hereby is authorized to file a certified copy of this r�- solution in the Office of the Land Commissionero STATE OF r1I;�TNx'SOTA) ) ss - ,COUNTY OF RANySEY ) • I, � Clerk � oi tne Village of , do hereby cer�ify tha-t the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed �y th� Council of the V�.11age of - `at its meetang he1.d on the day of � 19-- .- Village Clerk . , . . Sept���° 3: �-°�7�. Mr. Dan A. I�.l.as, Corporation Cous���3.. Dear �ir: �"h� Ccs���.3 x�e�'er�x�d �� �rc�u. f°c�x� �r���.x�,tio�x o.�` tk�� necess�.r� �^�so1�.a.��.c�a f��a� ��t�Y�ea.� � i��°tx�s� :�'rc��r� �yn� La�n�. �t��.���.arse�, t;���,��^-��,tt�.n� � 1,3.�ti s� �.�d� £o���i��c� t� �ht St�;t� x��s�:; �z�:��.������,�.:��t;, �� �y���u. V�x�• t�.y �►ouz'8: AO/hp City G'].erk Septembex' 3� �.�73- Hon. �irs�. �osalie L. �z�tler, Ccaar�.�sxioner o� �'3nanc�e. 7?ea.r Maclaffi: :��tt�c�.ec� tor yo�aaar in��rmatirrr� is s� c�py of a, let'ter of '��p Larid C����.or��r ��anaz�.�tt�n� �'�r C3.�ty ��nua�il a�s��°cxva�'. a l��t 01' .�.,8IIC� �'8�'�L'�.'tEC� '�t,� "��iC' S'��Lt3 9�t�x° Xltg�l;-]� ' Il'� L1a' '�.�X@P d �.`hf' mat°�er � �:i.�ca ���� xef�rred �a �;�� Ce��or�ti�n Cotu���l �'��° prepar�at5.om �� �.tx� �.e��a�ar�r !�e�ol.ut3.csn. �1ex� °tr�xl�r' y'oux�„ �ity Cl��k Aa�hp oct. 7� 1971 Hr�n. I.�u �ReKenn� Couaty Auc�i`��r Ce�urt I•tou�� 1?�ut' Sir i �� C3.ty tX�ua�ci�. dir�ct�d me to file with you the attached c�rtified cop�r a�' Council �`I.le No. 25596�, adopted Oct. �i� 1971, with r�f`�r�nce to clasgificatio� o�' �ertain l�aac� as r�o�cons�rvst3on land, a,e more �.il.]�y ��� nut in tl�e r�soluti�. i�ery truly your�, City ��.��� n� ♦ " • • CI�SSIFICATION LIST August 30, 197�. Pa�e 1 oP 6 NOTICE ( TowNSm► wnNa� NO. SUBOIVISIOiV I OR � OR I . LOT �LOCK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' W� John Swainson's Division of Lots l, 2, 3, & 4, of 4Im. A. Van Slyke's Re-arraagement oF Lots 19, 20, 21, & 22, Block 9, Warren 8a Winslow's Addition to St. Paul 3 f WARD TWO � Lyman Daytons Addition to the City of Saint Pau1 Sub3ect to Highway, Lots 2 and 3 4�+ Lorena Park, St. Paul, Minn. STorr� ens.) 6 1 w�n � � �uc�ou�g Rear�r gement of Moore's Addition o ne ity o 3�. Paul 13 1 Thomas Daly's Subdivision of Bloclss No. 18 & 31 � Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Add. to Saint Paul 9 18 Metcalf a,nd Wilder's Subdivision of 7,ots 24 & 25 oP Block 68 of Dayton & Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul in Ramsey County 6 Norwood Addition to St. Pa�l, Minn. � g Rice and Irvine's addition to Saint Paul Southeasterly 2$ feet of Lot 1 27 WARD SIX 3'he West St. Paul Real Estate ar�d � Improvement Syndiqate Addition Plo. 2 13 27 . � Yanish & Martin's Subdivision of the South Half of Block 50 Brown & J�.cksoxs's Addition to Wes� Saint Paul ` i Part �.djoining Lot 4 of Lot A . , . � � , � i . . I , L ` .. . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � • . _ i ` - . ' ` CLAS3IFICATION LIST . � auguat 30, 197i �,g,� a �f � NOTICE Irow�Mi�l ow� I NO. BUBDIVISION �T ��aK " W�tn s�x Edwin Dean's Subdivision of Fart of Smith and Lott's Out lots to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota � 6 2 RoAers• Addition to St. Paul . - 13 1 �1ARD EIGgT - Lewis Second Addition East 1/4 of I�ots 1, 2, and 3 10 , Matz Subdivision oP Lot 11, Wilkin and Heyward's Outlots to St. Paul, Minn. 9 2 wa�n rrn� ________ Drake's 2nd Addition to the Citv of St. Pau1 ,- East �+7 24�100 feet of following: Lots �F, 5, and 6 1 I�ytons Addition to St. Pau1, Minn. South 50 85�100 feet of Lot 5 and (except the Atorth 8 feet of the West 15 feet), the South 50 85�140 feet of Lot 6 and the South �+2 85�14� feet of Lot 7 2 WARD TEN �� College Place Taylor's Division , • Sub�ect to Highway, the North � �+0 feet of Lot 16 2 WARD TWELVE I Mercer and M�:�raw's Addi�io� �._._... �4 34 VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS Auditor's Subdivisiori No. 80, R�nsey Co. Minn. ' Subject to I,ake Johanna Boulevard and (except past West of a line parallel • with and 33 7�10 feet West of the , North a.nd $auth 1�� Section Line), �the North i6 5�10 feet of the South 7�+ 5�10 feet of 5 �. � :: _ � • ,� , . CLASSIFICATION LIST . August 30� 1971 Page 3 of 6 NOTICE 7oWr�sM1► w�H6s No. � SUBDIVISION ae oR wr ��ocK I �ILLAGE OF FALCON HEIGHTS I,indig Second Addition 1. 3 VILt�AGE OF LITTLE CANADA _ l�orth Heights I,ots 18 and 19 5 VILI,AGE OF MAPLEWOOD U�latted Lsnds - Township 29, Ran e�22 � Sub3ect to Street, a formerly traYeled road�now abandoned� between.tract conveyed in Documents 925958 and 15�4372, - being in the East 2 99�100 acres of Government Lot 2, Sectioa 16 Clif"ton Addition Ramsey Co. Minn. No part of vacated alley ad�oining and followin�, (except the West 30 feet), Lot 28 and all of 29 7 Gladstone, Ramsey Co. Minn. _ 16 5 St Aubin and Dion's Rice Street Addition to the Ci,t�of St Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn. 5 4 VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW Unplatted Lands - Township �0, Range 23 � Sub3ect to Eastwood Road, the North 101 5�10 feet of the South 1�+17 5�10 feet of the East 528 feet of the West 2112 feet of the Northeast 1��+ � of Section 6 Knollwood Park, Ramsey Co. Minn. 34 � Paxk View Terrace 19 2 . , � ' CLA,SSIFICATION LIST � Au�ust 30, 1971 Pa.ae 4 of 6 NOTICE ( rowr�s��� w�NO� ^ Np� SUBDIVISION I oe I oR I LOT tLOCK VILI,AGE OF NEW BRIGHTON Second Addition to New Brighton 3ub�ect to Highway, Lots 10 through 13 12 � Pike Lake Terrace Park area being 24 3 VILLAGE OF NORTH ST. PAUL Anditor's Subdivision Na. 86, Ramsey Co. Minn. (Torrens) 17 VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE IInplatted I,ands - Township 29, Ran�e 23 . East 132 feet of the North 3 feet � of the South 366 feet of the West 1�2 of the Southeast 1��+ of the Aorthwest 1��+ of Section 12 �Sidway Hills Re-arran�ement of Como Garden Lots � Lots 26 ' and 27 1 Owa.ssodale • 1 1 VILLAGE OF ST. ANTHONY Mounds View acres Second Addition (Torrens) . 10 •-�+ . VILI,AGE OF SHOR'EVIEW Arner Addition 12 2 , 13 2 l� 2 Hafner Park Plat 2 East,l� feet of Lot �+ 2 . "Owasso" 15 � . ; . � 7 . i � � � ' � CI,ASSIFICATION I,IST . August 30, 1971 Page 5 of 6 NOTICE I TowNSM�� w�NOs No. SUBDIVISION I ae I ow ( LOT �LOCK VII,I,AGE OF VADNAIS HEIGATS Unplatted Lands - Township 30, Ran�e 22 North 328 78�100 feet oP the 3outh � �+93 56/100 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1l�+ (Sub�ect to highway and road), in Section 21 _ � Sub�ect to Labore Road and Aigh�,ray and (except the l�orth 20 acres and except the South 100 feet of the Aorth �+59 �+�10 Feet o�' paxt of the South 1�2 of the Southwest 1�4), . East of the West 1907 feet, part oP the Southwest 1��+, Westerly oP the center line of said road in Section 33 CITY OF WHITE BEA�t LAKE Unplatted Lsnds - Tawnship 30, Range 22 North 190 feet oF the East 122 feet of the Southeast 1��+ of Section 15 Ramaley's Park, White Be_ar I�ake, Minn. 18 23 Registered Land Survey 67 Sub�ect to Central Avenue and private easements, Tract III Sub�ect to Gx-�,nd Avenue, the West 1�2 of Tract JJJ Snb�ect to public easement, Tract GGG Sub�ect to public and private easements, Tract HHH TOWN OF WHITE BEAR Ea.gle Park (Except the North 1�2 oP the South 1�2), �.3 � l White Beas Beach � Lots 3, 4, and 5 1 . � . , . ; . . . , , ' . " • CI�ASSIFICATION I,IST August 30, 1g71 Paae 6 of 6 NOTICE rowNaM�� w�Nac NO. SUBG{VISION I OR � OR I LOT �LOCK TQWN OF WHITE $EAR (Cont.) �.�__.��___ Registered Land Survey 67 _�. 8ub3ect to Northern Pacific Railway � right-of-wa.y, part of the South 1�2 of Section 12, Township 30, Range 22 South of.boulevard in plat of' White Bear Beach and Northerly of a.nd ' between extended Easterly and Westerly lines of following Tra.ct, (except the East 36 9�10 feet), Tract YY s.nd in said Registered I�and Survey� (except the Fast 36 _ ' 9/10 Peet), Tract YY Sub3ect to Grand Avenue, the East 1�2 of Tract JJJ Sub�eet to public easement, Tract I�C , � ; ' . ( . I ' ` , . • • CLASSIFICATION I,IST • August 30, 1971 Pa�e 1 of 2 NOTICE I TowNSHi� •w�Nas No. susoiv�sioN I '" '" ( CODE MJMSER wr s�.ocK CITY OF SAIloT PAUL WA�D ONE John Swainson's Division oP Lots 1, 2, 3, & �F, of Wm. A. Van Slyke's Re-arrangement of Lots 19, 20, 21, & 22, Block 9, Warren & Winslaw's Addition to St. Paul 3�781 3 ol-74cx�-o3o-00 WARD TWO Lyman Daytons Additian to the City oP Saint Paul 3�+785 Sub�ect to Highway, Lots 2 and 3 44 02-2300-031-44 Lorena Park, St. Psul, Mirin. (Torrens.) 3�+789 6 i o2-4740-060-01 WARD FIYE Buckhouts Rearrangement of Moore's Addition to the Cit�r oP St, Pau1 3�+799 13 1 05-166(3-130-01 Tham�as Daly'� Subdivision of Blocks No, 18 & 31 in Stinaon, Brown & Ramsey'� Add. to Saint Paul 3�800 9 18 05-218o-og0-18 Metcalf and Wilder�s Subdivision of Lots 24 & 25 of Block 68 of Dayton & Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul in Ramse�r Courit� 3�7 6 05-�+990-060-00 NorWOOd Addition to St. Paul., �i.nn. ��9 1 9 o5-5S7o-oio-og Rice and Irvine'a addition to Saint Paul 34810 Sotxtheaeterly 2$ feet of Lot 1 27 05-6444-013-27 WARD SIX The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Additicn No. 2 3�+821 �3 27 06-8151-130-27 Yanish 8a Martin's S�bdivision of the So�uth Ha1f of Block 50 Brown & Jackson's Addition to West Saint Paul 3t1�824 Part ad�oin3�g I,ot 4 of Lot A 06-8710-134-00 . • • CLASSIFICATION I,TS� • . August 30, 19'Tl Pr�,ge 2 of 2 NOTICE I rownsH�� �uNOs No. susoivis�oN I oR � oR CODE N�R �oT s�ocic IW� sa�� Edwin Dean's Subdivision oP Part of Smith and Lott's Out lota to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minriesota ._..� 3�25 6 �2 07-2200-060-02 Rogers' Addition to St. Patil. . _ � 34828 13 1 07-6550-130-�1 w�xn gi�gr Lewis Second Addition 3�+829 East 1/4 of Lots 1, 2, and 3 l0 08-4�+20-430-10 Matz Subdivieion oP Lot 11, Wilkin and Heyward's Outlots to �t. Paul, Minn. I I � r� 3�30 9 2 08-4940-090-02 WARD NINE Drake's 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul - 3�3$ East 47 2�/100 Peet of followings LotB 4, 5, ana 6 i o9-2�4o-o6i-oi Lytona Addition to St. Pa.ul, Minn. 3�39 South 50 85/100 feet of Lot 5 and (except the I�orth 8 Peet of the West 15 feet), the South 50 85/100 fe�t of Lot 6 and the Sc�uth 42 85/1v0 f eet �l iAJ 4 1 G �9��1/�w!07�'rOG Wl�iW iJ.111 Colle�e Ple►ce Taylor's Di�visio+n 3484�1 S�b�ect to Highway, the I�orth � �+0 feet of I,ot 16 2 10-2000-162-02 W.ARD TWELYE Mercer an�x's Addition 3�851 14 34 12-4920-140�34 � � - -_ �- _ OFFICE OF LAND COMMISSIONER L86 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL 2. MINN. ��a Mr. H�xry E. Marshall, Clerk City of Saint Paul • xoam 386, City Hall st. Paul, Minne�o�a 55102