255947 Orisinai to Cit�Ctert , ORDINANCE �5��� � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � As�. ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Faul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1g14, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, appro�zed August 20, 1g14, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where they appear in Grade 24 under the heading Clerical Group, the titles Clerk IV (Civil Service) Clerk IV (Health) C1erk IV (Libraries) Clerk IV (Purchasing) Clerk IV (Schools� and by substituti�g in lieu thereof the title Clerk IV. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: G � \ � � fA ivil Servic �ommissioner � � c � 0 0 U � r_ 0 � i C� � C3,. l � � � � � � 7 Q �. O CT 2 01971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Counci� Butler / � on {O Tn Favor �-- Meredith � d Against Sprafka T���° T Z p �971 . President (MeCarty) A � A �r.�.— Ci erk ,, Mayor �� ; - Form approved Corporatio� Counsel By � ��� � : PUBLISHED QCT � �I�'��1- DaDilab ts Prlahr ` ♦ ORDiNAN' CE 255 � COUNCIL FILE NO ��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / `✓ Aa ordiaance ameadiag Ordivaace No. 3t50, eatitled: "An administrative ordinance relattng to the Civii Ses�rice B�s�ean of the C;tr of Saint Paul, appro�ring aad adop#ia= rales a�d regalatiana therefor," spproved A�s� Z0, 19I4. as amaaded. THE COUMCIL OF ?H� CITY OF SAIIfT PAIIL IIOES O�DA1N: Seetioa I. Thst Ordiasnc� No. 3250, sppror�d Aagrtat 2�. 1914, ss smanded. be and the asm� is herab� fnrther smended b� str�.king att of Sectios 6. where they sppesr in Grsde 24 aader the he�.d�ng Clerizsl Graup, the titles Cl�rk IV �Civil Service) Clerk Iv (H�alth} Clerk IY �Librariesj Clerk IY �Ftscbsslsg) Clerk IY (Sch,�ols} ssd b� stbstit�g in li�a thersof the titte Clerk IY. Sectioa 2. This vrdiasnce shs1l tske effeet and be ia forCe mt the Arst-ds� oi th+s-first parrall period fallowisg thisty days aftes its psssaa�, approrai, sad p�tblicsHoa. �ipprcnred; iP Q tt t� �! ocr a o �9� Yeas Councilxneu Naya Paseed by the Conn�+t But--Ca�slee�--- � �--. Yn Favor Meredith s��$ D Againat Mr. Presl'deut (McCarty) Approved: 0 CT 2 01971 Att�t: City Clerk Mayor �� ' _ Forn�ap�rnved Cvr�oration �ounsel S� ����h��__ � Oct. S� 1971 Mr. Johr1 Aaider l�.rectr�r o� Pera�onnel Civil Service Burea,u I3�ar Sir; The City Cc3u,neil t�ad.ay ,gave FF�..r�t xesding to the fol].owing 2 ordi.nan�ss which will. �arne up far Third R�ading on 4ctc�b�r 13th, 1q71s 2559�+7 - ��,d.ing 4rd. Na. 3250, by strlkit� ou� o�' S�e. 6� 3n G�. 2�+ under q.erf.cal Graup� °t�.h� t9.t�.�a G'�.�rk� IV Ci.v�.]. Servi.ce)s (Health)� (Librari�s�)��Ptirehaain6't �Sc ool.�1 artd subetituting the tit1.� C�.�sxk. �V. �5595� - emending Ord. No. '�6t}7� by st;rik,3�g out ��:tleg end apec�.f"ication� Por CZ�rke TV (Civ31 Serv�ice), (Heslth), (Librsri�s), �Pttireha�ing)� (Scht�ls)� and substitutin� the following t�tl� �anct speaification fbr Cl�rk IV. �ery �Gruly youuz°s� City Cl�rk �B This ordinance strikes out the titles of ������'"� A CLERK IV �CIVIL SERVICEj CLERK IV (HEALTH) CLERK IV (LIBRARIES) CLERK IV (PURCHASING} CLERK IV �SCHOOLSj and replaces them with the title of CLERK IV in the same grade. '$� � r � 2nd � �� Laid over to /� 3rd and app � � dopted �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butler . Carlson � Levine � vme Meredith �5���� `:Meredi+h Sprafka \S rafka P �� Tedesco Yedesco Mr. \ President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy .-zi 0