255938 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 25�938 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �iears� eo�� COUNCIL ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October �! 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RE�50bYEDt That Applicat3on I,�12526 tar the trat�sfer af On Sale I,iqa�r yiceffige �0. 8021� eap3ririg January 3�# 197�� iss�aed to C. d� C. Bar, Tnc. at 574 Riee Str�aet, be asd the �aae is hereby trarisferr�d to �3.aa�a, Ine. at the saae addres�. On 5ale Ziqu�r Establ3ahment T�RAHSF'ER (Licensees) Info�ally approv�d by Couneil septeab�r 23: 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 0 CT 5 197�9_ Yeas Nays Butler 0 r�"� 5 �7� � �p��y ved 19— Levine _G�n Favor Meredith Sprafka � y� � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty P'UBLISHED ��T 9 �g7� :r �� . . ., CITY 0�SAIN'� PAUL �' � �"� , Capital of Minnesota � �„���'�� ,)(� ,r� aL.Je artrrcevct o u��'c �a et p � ADMINISTHATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PROTECTION roWCS DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseianer HEALTH RALPH C.MERRILI.,DsDaty Commieeimner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lteense Inspector Septer�ber 2�, 1971 ��onorable r�:�ayor and City Council S4>int �-au1� h:innesoi;« Gentlenen and tiadam: Ricor�., Incorpor�^tec3 i� joined by C and C �ar, Inc. in ma.�in� a�plication for the tr�n�fer of �n i�.le Liciuor License i�o. �Q21, ea:�sirin� Junuary 31, 1972, �rom C znd C L'�x, �nc. at 574 Rice atreet to �icofn, Incorpor�Yted �at tiae s�me address. Ricom, Incor�orated aiso r�a�.e:; a��piication for Cl«.,s Cl-Fest- aur�.nt, Off Sale T:alt lGevera�c �nc� Cigarette 3�ic�nses for the s�.me location, as 1�rcl� ati the transfer of Sunday On 5�1e Lfq_uoi �icense hio. 9853, exniring January 31, 1972. This 2ocation h�s Ueen operated as an On Sale :�ic�uor establishment since 1934. �he present licensee, C and C �ar� Inc. has held such licenses since 1966. The officers of Rico�:3, Incorporated are :ienry R. Troje, Jr. Pre��ic�ent anci Tre�uurer, �nd Irvin P�9i:: Vice-r re�ident anc� aecret�ry. �he sole stoc'_:holc�er of tFii,� corporation i� ?�enry R. Troje� Jr. �'he ciose�t On Sa:.e Liruor ��lace is one^�i loc�. a��•ay �nd �he closest Off Sale Lic�uor piwcc i� t.ro blocks a�tiay. `i�'he ne�.rest cIlurch and �choo� are both -three k�locI�;, a6�;�y. �Ienry R. Troje, Jr. is an a,��rentice toolra�.Iwer, and has be�n a conutruction Ia�orer as r��e31 us b�rtender. Irvin i�iix tias been em�loy�cl �s a b�,rtenc�er. Very truly yours, _ ��c . Licen�e Ins��ector r �` ,' ' � � I �, � 7 � . � 1 �u�ust Z9� 1971 St. Paul City Council St. Paul City Hs.11 St. �auZ, I�iinnesota Re: On-Sale Liquor License 574 Rice Street St. Paul, IYLinnesata - Gentlemen: The undexsigned, being a11 of the officers of C & C Bar, Inc., a PrLinnes�ta corpor�.tian, do hereby request t?7at the On-Sale Liq.uor License a.t tne above address b� transferred from the C � C Bar, Ine. , to Henry Troje or to a corporation to be or�anized by P�i:c. Troje in which he or hi� wife oem all of tne ou-tstanding stock. C & C Bax, Inc, ��� � �� ��� U� tonio S. Gxea, its President • ,,\ �`� ' V ���;:�. ` n a �.�.� Patric�L` J. C��,, its uecretary- Treasurer . . , ' • 224-4345 a10HN E. DAUBNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 73B MINNE50TA BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNE50TA 55101 September 21, 1971 The Honorable City Council City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor McCarty, Gentlemen and Madam: Please be advised that Antonio S. Crea and Patrick J. Crea, as share- holders, officers and directors of C & C Bar, Inc. and Crea Enterprises, Inc., as owners of the property, are selling the real estate and on-sale liquor business at the southeast corner of Rice & Como in the City of St. Paul known as Crea's Horseshoe Bar, to a newly formed Minnesota corporation known as Ricom, Inc. The off:.cers and directors in Ricom, Inc. are Henry R. Troje, Jr. and Irvin Mix, and tY,e shareholder is Henry R. Troje, Jr. Both Mr. Troje and Mr. Mix have had previous experience in the on-sale liquor business, having been employed at the Capitol Bar on Rice and University, St. Paul, which is to be torn down shortly as a part of the Capitol approach development program. Of course, the sale is subject to the approval of Your Honorable Body of the transfer of the license. � V ry tru ^ yo , , . s , � �. , , ? � 3 (�' � - " � � JOHN E. DAUBNEY Attorney for Ricom, Inc. Heriry R. Troje, Jr. and Irvi Mix JED:pr . - . • r � CITY OF SAINT P�UL DEPARTb�ENT OF FUBLIC S�FETY LICENSE AN�SIUNN Date Septe�ber 11 �,g 71 -_....,... 1. $ppliaa�iori for on-sale li uor I,3cense 2. Nams of applicant He R. Tro e Jr. 3, Business addre$$ 57�+ Rice 3t. Residence 3310 N. Dunlap St., St. Paul, Minn. 4, Trsde name, if any Horseahoe Bar 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp R$tail Liqu�r �ederal Tax Stamp x�i11 be used., 6. Oii what floor loeated ground Number of rooms used l 7. Between wha�. arosa streeta Como & Edmund q�ieh �3de of stree� east 8. Are premises now ocaupied x 'Wha� business on-sale liquor g� �,o�� 10 years 9. Are premise� now unocscupiad�I3cr�v long vacant Previ,oua Uae 10. Are jrou a n�w o�ner . r�es, Have you been in a aimilar buainess before no Where 9Phen 11, Are you going to operate this buainess personally yes, by corparate ofPicers , If not, �o will uperate it 12. Are yDU in any o�her business at the present tiaee employed at Capital Bar �� 13, Have there been any comp].e.in�L-s againat your operation pf thia �ype oP place no 4Phen 1Rhere 14. Itave you ever had any license revoked no What reason and date 15. Are you a ci�izen of the United States YeS Native X Naturmli.�ed __.�__...__.. 16. �Yhere w�re you born St• ��, M��• Dste of birth March 20, 1948 17. I am ��t m�rried. My (wi�a 's) (huaband's) name and addresa i,s 18. (If ma rr ie d £ema le) my xr�►i.den name i a _ 19. Haw long have you lived in St. Paul lifelong 20. HQve you ever been arrested Ye8 Vialation of what orimfi.nal la�r or ordinanae ��. trsf�ic offensea 21, Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. ��Y Yea X N p. ($n,s�rer full ax�d com letel . Theae a lications are thorou h7. cheoked a�.d e►n, lsifiaation will be oause for eni.a . ��'�y�'R) � � - . 22, Number qf 3.2 places wi�hin two blocka nvne 23. Closest intoxicating liquor placse. On Sale l block �f Sa1e 2 blocke 24. Nea re s t Chnrch 3 blocks Nea res t School, _ � blocks - - . � ,�.,-,..,.. _..._.�,. 25. I�Tumber o� booths Tables Ch�irs� 3toola 26. What oceup�,tion have you followed for the past five years, (Give namas o� amployers and date a s o emplos''ed•� rentice toolmaker Co st ction labore Bartender - Ca itol Bar 27. Give names and addresses of two persons, residents of St, paul, Minn., �aPho va�. give infor�tion con.cerning you. Name Clerence Williams Address 1601 E. Iowa, $t. Paul, Minn. hame_ Frank Tro,je Address 650 Oakdsle. St. Paul. Minn. � -.,-.._..�.... - ��/� - , / i�na u o App 3.ean enry R. Tro,je, Jr. Sta te of Minne s�ta� ss County of Rarnsey ) Henr o e . being first duly sworn, deposes and $ays upfln oat that he has rea he foregoing statement i�earing his signa�uxe and Ifla.aws the eontents thereof, and that the same is true of' h.is ov,m l�.owledge except ae to th�se matters �herein stated upon infor�tion and belief and as to thosa matters he believes tham to be �ru�, � � Si�nature AppliQant . Tro�e, Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me �his� ��tn day of eptember `19 71 . o ry Pub ic, ey Co' ty, Mixlnes ota My Commission ex� s us. 9, 1975 (Note a These sta�eme forms are in dupli ate. Both. copiea must be fu11y fillad out, r�.otarized, and returned �to the Licensa Divisicm.�� AFFIAAV�T BY APPLICAATT . FOR RETAIL BEER 08 LI�UOR LIGENSE Rea �Sals �iauox� �,icen�e Name of applicant Heru� R. Tro�ey Jr. Bus 3ne s s addres s �71� R{ce �,�,�..g,,�.�„�g���.n�, A,re you the sols ov�mer of this bu�iness?��. If not, is it a partnership3 corporation? x , other? �thers interested in business, include those by loan of mone�r, property or otherw�.sea g�a� Henry R. Tro,je, Sr. pddress 331n N. Dunlap St. g� by loan of money St. Paul, Minn. If a corporation, give its riame. Ricom, Inc. Are you interested in any �ray in any other retail beer or liquor business? no �s sole o�n,er? Partner? Stockholder4 C�therwise? (Through loan of money, stc. Expl.ain� Address of such business and na,ture of interest in same � S gnatur app icant en . Tro�e, Jr. State of Minne s ota� }9S COL1Ti'�� Of' RATriSB� � Her� R. ,�o.ie, Jr• being firs� c3uly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath . �Rthat he has read the fore�;oin�a�fidavit bearing hzs signa�ure and la�.ows the contenta thereof; that the same is �rue of his a�rn l�ovrledge, except as to those ma�ters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he laelieves them to be true. a igna ure a pplicant . Tro�e, Jr. Subsari.bed and sworn to before me this llth day of tember 19 71 No-ary u lic, e Cuunty, innesota My canunisaion ex r Au8• 9 19 75 . - r STATE OF MINNESOTA SS C4UNTY OF RAMSEY ____ Henry R. Tro�e, Jr. being P�rst duly aworri, do�h depose and say that he makea thia afPidavit in connaatiop.w ith appli`�ation Por " on Sa1e" liquor lioanee (" ;��e" ms�.t baverage li.oex�se� �n the C�.ty ____...... of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiani� is a residen� of �he S�ate of Minne sota and has resided therein for �� 2.� � years, � months, �.� _. and is naw anct has been for the tiu� abrnre mentia�.ed a baz�a fide reaident of said State and that he naw re��.ae8 at 3310 N. Dunla � rass St. Psul , M3.�nasota. Cit y or ovm ` � / Henry R. o,�e, Jr. $ubscsribed and sworn to before m+� this llth day of September lg 71 �..._.. Jo otary b c, ey County, �inneaot� l�y cs o�unis si e pires Au6• 9, 1975 ' CITY OF SATNT PAUL DEPARTB�NT !OF PUBLIC SAF'ETY LICENSE DNrSION Da'te 4��:. � �9,..,,:T�,�, 1. Bpplica�ian f or On-Sale Liquor Licenae 2. Name o� applieant Irvin Mix 3. Busine�s address �,7�iC� gt. Residence��q ��.�-�g„JI E'- T''-- !3t_ pai� - M�TJ11. 4. Trade r�am�e, if any 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax St�mp RQtail Liquor Federal Tax Stamg�� will be u�d� 6. �ki �rhat floor located ground Number of roama uaed 1 ?. Between what aroas straeta Con� & Edmund Which aide of atreet eaat 8. Ara premises now oaaupied X 'I�hat business on-�asle l�,q�,or H� ��g �.0 vears 9, Are premises nov�r unoacupied�p Iiaw long vaeant Previ,oua Uee 10. Are you a nevr ovnra.ex YeS Have you been in a aimilar buainess befo�re �o Where When 11. Are you going to oparate thia business personally ��� by �orroora�,� QPf�g�rg„�„ ` If npt, rodio w�1J, operate it 12. Are ynu in any-other business at the preser�.t tima e � d a �u�v�,.� s�.��at.�iz. 13. Have there been any aompl.aints against your operation of th�.s type of plaae��o� 4Yhea '�Phere 14. Iiave you ever had any licanse revoked no �Nhat reason and dats 15. Are you a citizen of the United Statea yes Native x N'aturalized 16. Where ware you born _ Jackson, Minn. D�te of birth July 18, 1922 . .. . M / wl�P 1��ARw 17. I am �rried. My (wifs 's) (�) name and address is Roseann Mix, 1869 Cott e Ave. E. St. Paul Minn. 18. (If married Pern�►le� my mai.den name is Roseann Hoppes 19. Haw long have you lived i.n St. Faul Ma�, of 1953 20. Have ,pou ever been arreeted no �iolatiori of what oriminal 1aw or ordinanae ..�..,_.,,.-.. Z1. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. P�ul x Yes '�o. (An.s�rer fully and aompletely. These a lications are thorou h1 checked a�ad`e►:n Palsification will be oause for deni.a . (0��1FR) 22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks �� • 23, Closest intaxicating liquor p]aae. On Sale 1 block �'�' Sale _ 2 blocks -,. 24. Nea re s t Church_ 3 blocke Pdae res t Scho 01 3 block - - �� . .. 25, Number of baaths Tables �hair� Stools ---.__—. 26. "I�hat oceup�,tion have you followed for the p�st five �rears, (Give names of employers and dates sa employed•) 27. Gige names and addresses of �wc3 par$ons, residents of St. Paul, Mirizi,, who aan give infor�tion conaerning you. AT&me Michael Mtin�en Addi�ASs l��y3 Pri nr �s:a- iS 4,,,t�w 77ni�l 1�!i+�+n -� ,.�..�..+w.. George Name BID�. Munzenrieder Addre�s 1�+88 Berclay, St. Paul, Minn. r a Si ture of A,pp ican rvin Mix State of' B�Ia.nnssota� 5S County of Ramsey � Irvin Mix being" fi,rst duly sworn, deposes and says uprm oath that he has rea the foregoing state�nent bearing his signa�ure �►nd k�ri.crwa �he contents thereof, and that the sam� is true of his awn l�iowledge exQept as to those mstters therein sta�ced upox�. information and belief and as ta �hose m�tters he bel%eves them to be �rc:e, . `,�'� O J ��- - J Signature of Applioant Irvin Mix Subscribed and sworn t� before me �his llth day Sep ember 19 71 o b e � �I .�.L �, Notary Public, ey County, Minnescrta My Co�n.ission �expirss Aug. 9, 197� (Note s These sta�te ent fozzna are in duplicate. Bo�h eapies must be fully fillac3 out, notarized� and returned to the License Division.�� � � �,FFIDAU�T BY APPLICART _ FpR R�TAIL BE�B �R L��UOR LTCENSE Rss On Sale Liquor Licen�� Name of app�iaan� 7rvin Mix Bus�ness �ddress 52�+ Rice St., St. Paul, Minn. Are y�u the sole owner of this business? go. If not, is it a partnership? c orporat ion? X , other? �hers interested i.n business, include thflse by loan of money, property or otherwise$ ��� Henr_v R. Tro�e, Jr. Add�eas 3310 N. Dunlap How sole shareholder Henry R. Tro�e, Sr. St. Paul, Minn. 3310 N. Dunlap st. S�.-�'at�i,T-�is�. bT lo�z�-sS mc��— If a corporation, give its name. Ricom, Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor busineas? no As sole aw�ner2 Partner? Stoekholder� Utherwise? (Through ioan of money, etcs. Exp].ain) Address of sueh business and nature of S.nterest in same i4 4• gnature of app ican rvin Mix State of Minne s ota� �ss County of Ramsey Irvin Mix being first dul�r sworn, deposes and says upon ��th �"`that he has read t e foregoin� affidavit bearing his signature and ]rnows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his avan l�.rsvrledge9 except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thase ��ters he believes them to be true. 6 ' nature of app ieant Irvin Mix Subscribed and sworn to before .�ne this llth day' of eptember 19 7 f� o a z°y ubl , e C o y, inne s o�a My comnnissi expir s Au6• 9 19 75 . � . t N.�.i�LJy vi'' iv111y1�}�'S�iA, � . S� C L3UNTY �' RAMSEY Irvin Mix being Pirat duly aworn, do�h depose and say that he makes thia affidavit in oozzn�ation with appli`aation for " ;;n Sale" liquor license (" � ��,e" mslt beverage liaense� i,n the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your af�ian� is a resident of the: State of MirLnesota and has resided tharein fo� lkcZ years, mouths, � , ... and zs nawr and has been for th� time abave mentiamed a bana fide reaident of aaid Sta�e and that he no�w re�idea at 186 Cotta e Ave. E. resa St. Paul , I�3.�anesuta. C it y or ov�n. � �, � d �_-ti`--�. � in Mix Subscribed and sworn to before � �his llth daY � September �9 71 , ._..._,...... ,_..._ I - %'�..,. a ary c ey ounty, inneaota My ao�nia�i n exp' ee Aug. 9, 1975 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota �eart�nertt o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION roi.tcs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILI.,DeDaty Commissio�er DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lteenss Iaspector Septenzber 2�, 19?1 Iionor�ble h�«yor uncl City Councii Saint i aui, t�innesota Gentle��n �ncd It'.ad�m: Thiu letter is in reference to the ar�plication a� C and C i ar, Inc. ��nd �icor., Incorpor«tec: for the trt.nsfer o:� On aa3e ��ir._:uor License rlo. 8+�2.1, ex}�irin� J�.�nu�ry ��1, I97?, fro:�i C and C �3ar, Inc. to �ico�:�, Incor�orated �t 57� Fice Street. I ���Ave accc�teE� 'the ��rrii�en reports �rora i,P:e �ureaus of ilc��ltdi� �'ire �nd .=�o3icc and hkve interviea<�ee� �Pye: �_p�licants. I reconmend t�z2�t �I.iu transfer be �ranted. Very truly your�, ��� p�` ' �aniel P. ilc��u���Ii� Licen�e �nspector 0 �� �s X� �. �eaa IN��@titeh, C�m�a.'. o� l�alie 8a�rrtY, 1t311 �. ?�t. 8�., St. P�qW.�, ki�m►. Atta�s l�c. Drmi�e�. �� l�Lw�+ .i�at �e�qr SiTa T�e C1ty t3c�i�. tod�' gr�tect iu�t. a�ra'rat �` �rie �i��'.ie�t �id' 8i.�.�t71wi�, I�I�'�tt4!tl� ,�+�CIArd b� t! �d G 8�", �D.! �r t�ir t,r� a!' �!n SaLit Lie� I�i�rs�se ]k+. �?3., a�iri� Ja�l �� 197�a t��t C �d � 81�'� �t.� �et '3� � ��, t� �i�pt, Y�+poe'�+ae►w�ad� � t� �r �es. A2�ra► t'!� �i�i� «�!!' �, ��r�ed �r t�l,rs� q.- AaNSt�'�, t�"l Ba.0 �.� �� � t��in�#�e �i.ermns � �t a�e 3aa�tf�„ �s t�t,l.t as t�pe �anem�l�ar► e�d` �' d� 8al�e � � �• ��! ��� J�#�' �.j ��a �� � ���� � '� �*� �����Y v� ��+�i �f �� � � ��5 `� 3� -���� -�,�,'�' �-� �- 7� #- �'o �r�- CITY OF ST. PAUL "�-�- APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � Application No ..._...._....___ Name of Applican�._......Ricom�_Inc._ _ � co oration ........._............................_..............---.._........_..... --.�....._...__......... e...._.......?�,?............_....._.._..� Residence Addresa......3310..N�...Dunlap�...St�Paul�Minn..................................... Teiephone No...--.--...._....---.._...___......_....__.__ Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_._ cor_porate_.entity_...._...._....__..._...._. _. .._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar naturel ---_.........................�-�--......................................__-?3°.--_......_____...._...___._......_. ........_......-•-----...._.........._..._...._---._.........._...._..._..._.._.._____....._.. .._._..._ Whenand where�..----...-�-�----�-�-�--.....-----_.._...---._.__...._..-----------------_...._....................................._................-•-------•----._....__.__...._. . If corporation� give name and general purpose of corporation....._..�n�ral._business.,,pur,�oses.,,,., Whenincorporated?................._......._Se tember 101._1.�Z?:__......................__.....---•------....__._-----------....�...._._..._....._......_..__..__.__.._............._ Ifclub, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._...._....._..............._._._...__.._..___..........___..._ Howmany members?......................_....._.:..-•--•--.._._.._..__.._w___.._.._..._ Names and addresses of all officera of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . .. . . .. ..................................................�Te?�s:Y....R...Tro�le�...Jr..1.....��1Q.._N...._Du?z]-..�P..St...z.__St.�Paulz.._Minn:_Pres..�_..&....�eas.�...._� .................................................Iryin.�Mixz .186� Cotta�e Ave. �E.., .St. Pau:l� _Minn., Sec. and Vice-Pres. N�,ines and addresses of Stockl�olders: ....................................................Henzy..._.R.r....z`r'��.ez..Jr,.z....�.�1�._.N�._Dunla�?..St..�....St.t...Paul Minn. . . -- - -z.................._---._._....__._---•---.._------..__._._.._ ........................................._--•----�-----_...._._._._...--- ��---..............-----........--��---•-•--•------�---...._.......-�---•--------.........•-.•---............._.._............__� Give name of suret com an which will write bond, if known... ...�.r�.rri..� ..1.�...s.........��ccl �S�r���� � Y P Y ,� -� -- G�:._...Y....__. ---_�._...........j......._ , Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 57�+ ` Rice St. • east • Como � Edmund � ' How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?.....none How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?-........3...b1o.Gl��......................:..---=-,--_.._._......._._..�......_....._.._._.._...___.. How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.._....3._blocks..__ Nameof closest school._..._-------------fi�.�f��.ar....---._..._..._..........._....._...--��--�-��-�--�---..........----..._...........................--•---..._...._...._...-----._..._.....__..,�.__.._�,...._ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?..............c.ommer�i��.__............--.----........_....__._...__....__�.._.::..;..._....._................_�. On w hat floor located?.......................��i.�....�15?.os------....... .. ..._.-._...................-- -� bu in on cori�rac����'or���aeecI' � ' � � � ��� .....-�---..._.........._...._..............�-----.......- Are remises owned b � owned g • p Y You or leased..--�------_._..--•-�-•-•-------- leased g�ve name of owner...._.......................w._._............_.._----......_.__....... If a restaurant give seating capacity?....._....100.......................�--........-�-----.........................---------......------�-------_...._...._.---------_..:...:::.-�--•--�----...................._ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._............--�-��......................_._.......------�--.........._.........._.----�--_....................._.._.__:......:.:___.:__...._. -•--- Give trade name________________.__._ _...___...Horseshoe Bax -•• ------------- ------------------------------------------------�----•------------------------•------------------------- �-------------•-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ._._...._. main bar room onlv __---•------_..._._._----_...._.__.._.------�--_.............................. ..................................................._................_....._.......--•-----...........----............._............._._._.._....---�--�-------�---.._...---�-�----..__.--•-------��-•----....---......_...........--•--......._.....---................------�----•----...---�-• ............. ................ ........................................•-----.............._.._......._........----......._........_..._--..................................._.............---._............._........_--•------.._.._.__.........--�--......--�--._............_ (The i�ormatioa above muat be givea for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor salesa. Aowmany guest rooms in hotel?...._...........---._.....----�----._....._........_................-�------------------....---:..._.._..............__......_...._..................---_...._...M......._ . Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)....._.._......__........_..._..._..._..._.......__._.._.._._.,..._...__.__......__,........_......_.. Give names and addresses of three business references:..........__...._..._.._............._....._..__...._........._..__._....__..._..._...........................___...__ 1,..._.__.. __Clarence Williamsr _1601 E. Iowal�St._Paul� .Minn«�_ ...___.....- ---�--_._____...._. ..._..__-__- ----- •---�----....._.........._...._.........._.__.........._..............._....._ 2._....__....--.-----Frank Tro j e�...6�0..Oakdale� St.. Paul,�--Minn..........................._. ._ ... ._. .___........._..._._.__.._.__..___......._---......._...................... 3.._.._.._........Stephen..Tr..°j.e�._�� Oakdale� St._Paulz...Minn�._...._.__.____....._.. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATTON, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORP08ATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACIiED: � SEE OTHER SIDE sTA� oF�n�rxESar�,, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, ge• ..........._.._._._...._......_.. bein8 li�at dulY e�►orn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and lmows the contenta thereof,and that the same is true to the beat of his knowledge,information and belief. � V Subscribed and sworn to before me this...__...._...._ �.day of_.._. . _..19 ........___....._.�_. _..._...__._...._..._....__._...�._. No Public, Ramsey County� Minn. � My commission expirea...._...._.....__.__...._.....---------....__ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, $s' ��Henr�...R. Tro je,_Jr.._,_._..:._. � .._.being Srat duly aworn, ---`--•r•. .. --•-•-- . . w _ �°. . _ .. ...... _...._"' .._. ,_�. . _ deposes and says tha�.........he is ,T,�� President af....._...._._...._...._.._...._......Ra.cs��oa.,....1�.c......_......__...---------- ..----...._...._..__.._..._._ ....______—. , a corporation; that................._.............._he................._..__...__._...has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the same is true to the best of....._...._...his. _.. .. ..........irnowledge, information and belief; e f ' n; that said application was,signed, saa�e�and eze- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora, and said application and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. j�� / ` ��/ � 1 � �NO CORPORATE SEAL� �Iienry�R. ��� je;�-�;7�r:���� Subscribed and sworn to before me thia........11th_....._---.day o -- -..._�e ember ._.19 1 �� E No�ry ic, amsey County, Minn. M��. • A�• 9, 1975 �dy commiasion u�ea. .__. ..._._..___._..._...._ .._ _ _ ;