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03-1147Councii �le # ('i3 � �y ' GreenSheet# �6L�6 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refeaed To Co�ittee Date I RESOLUTION HONORIlVG COUNCILMEMBER JERRY BLAKEY FOR ffiS YEARS OF SERVICE AS THE COUNCII.MEMBER 2 REPRESENTING WARD ONE 3 WHEREAS, Jerzy Blakey has served the citizens of the City of Saint Paul and Ward One with distinction as a dedicated and responsive Councilmember, 4 since being first elected to public office in 1994, and 5 WHEREAS,CouncilmemberJeiryBlakeyhasbeenapassionateadvocateforresidents,communityorganizarions,andbusinessesinWardOne,especially 6 for those new residents, organizarions, and businesses who face the challenges of adjusting to life in the United States after itncnigraring from their narive 7 county, and 8 WHEREAS, Councilmember Blakey has played a special role and carried special responsibiliries for the City Council and the Ciry of Saint Paul as the 9 lone minoriry elected o�cial for the past 10 yeazs, and 10 WHEREAS, Jerry has eamed the respect of his peers, City officials, employees, and the public at luge by his abiliry to deal in a calm and persuasive way 11 with the tension filled issues of govemance, including the issues of race, class and gender that aze part of the regulaz day-to-day interacrions for a Ciry 12 whose population is increasing in diversity every day, and 13 WHEREAS, Jeiry's accomplishments include the revitalization of the Selby Avenue commercial azea and the long neglected intersection of Selby and 14 Dale, plus housing developments on Cathedral Hill, Capitol Heights, Liberiy Plaza, the Model Cities Families housing development in Frogtow[i, and 15 the new Lexington Library/Housing Development at Dale and University, and 16 WHEREAS the City Council sincerely appreciates Jeiry's cooperative spirit, his commihnent to fiscal conservatism, his unending vision for the future, 17 and his concem for others, even including the liberal democrats on the City Council, of which he is more alike sometimes than he is willing to adrrut, 18 now, therefore be it 19 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby recognize and commend Councilmember Jerry Blakey for his many yeazs of leadership and 20 service to the residents of Wazd One and the City of Saint Paul, and be it 21 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul thanks Jerry Blakey for his contributions to the City Council, the City of Saint Paul, 22 and the State of Minnesota as an exemplary elected official for the past ten years. Yeas 23 Benanav 24 Blakey 25 Bostrom 26 Coleman 27 Harris 28 Helgen 29 Lantrv ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3o Adopted by Council: Date L 3t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: 32 33 34 Form Approved by City Attorney � a3,aoo3 03 - ►�y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEfCOUNCIL DATE 1Nff1ATED cr�courrcu, December23 2003 GREEN SHEET No 200820 COMACT PQ2SON & PHONE InNa11Dri NMIa1lDefe Councilmember Dan Boshnm 6-8660 ����� �,� MUST BE ON CIXJNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ASSIGN NUM6ERFOR fJIYATiOR1EY fJlYCLFMK ROIITIt1Cs �� wuwJRLfERNtuort. RYMCULaFlwl�ttYa ❑ YYWI(qtP{9Sf�llf) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTFD A resolution honoring Councilmember Jerry Blakey for his yeazs of service as the Councilmember representing Wazd 1. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING QUESTtONS: 1. Has this P��n/firtn ever vrorked uMu a cantrect for th� tlePeNneM7 PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has mis peisoNfrm ever be�m a ciry empbyee7 CIVIISERVtCECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces Mis persoNfirm poeaese a sldll not rwrmallypossessetl by a�ry CuRerR City empbY�1 VES NO a. IB thie persoMfimi a tarpeted vendot? VES NO 5ylain all yea answeis on sepaiate sheet and attach to Oreen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACi1VRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATON (EXPW M