255937 O�IOINAL TO CITY CLHRK 2����'� Y ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '`� � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�E NO. Llc�tsE cc�T�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �et�'�?Yl+ �� ]��71 COMMISSIONE /�TE W�FASs The CanWa.y Booste:r �1�b are holders cF Licenrae �1a. 1893.�, oxpirin� �atober 21= 1971� perm3ttixi� them ta conduct Bin�o Gamea ��sh l�onday Af't�rnoon� b�tw�en the hours of I.s� aad Ss�Q p.a. at S�9 �abash� street, a$d WI�Ss Applicatioa is made Yor the agenrii� of th� d�,y� axid hours for the remaining af the liQense per3od�s� and eredi� for three periods they did not conduat sueh ga�es, therefore, be it RES4L'PE�: That lieen�e held by them b� and the sam� is hereby a�snded to resd "5u�day Evenings� between the ho�rs 0f 8t�� axtd 1�t00 p.a." sad amer�d �he expiration da�e for three period�a her�ae or �ovember 11� 1971. . _ Amend.seat to License Info�ally approved by �ounail September 30� 1971 Appn. L-11959 0 CT 5181�ii COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays O�T 5 �gl� Butler 1��C ��p'WAY , oved 19— Levine �Z_In Favor Meredith Sprafka J aqor Tedeeea...- A gainst Mr. President, McCarty 0 CT 91971 PUBLISHED ._ � CITY�O� SAI1�T PAUL �" � ` ` Capital of Minnesota � �``,'r-��3� aUe artmevtt o ub�'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRE PROTECTION ro�.[cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH BALPH G.MBRRILL,DeDO�Y Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lleense Inspector Septeaber 30i 1971 Honorable I�ayor and City Couxiail Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentle�en and Madam: �he Conway Booster Club hold license �o. 1891� expiring Octob�r 21, 1971� pe�aitting them to conduct bingo gamea e�,ch Monday Afternoone, between the hours og 1:00 and 5s00 p.a. Application is made For the amending of the day fro� Monday to 5unday, a�d the hours f'ron 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. to 8s00 to 12:00 p.m., for the semainder of the lieense year. Request i� also mad.e to ex�end the erpiration of the license to three keeka later ina,smuch as they did not condttct sueh ga�es for three periods. . Attaahed is a copy of their letter of application. Pe�y truly yours� , �� � _ Lieense Inspeetor � � � � � r V � � � . . . ' , . . . " . , . � . � . R ,a � - ; . � . -� � .` . . _ . . �� . � . � t� .. . .. . . � . . . ' . � �. . ... . . ) . � � � . . � . � �- .. .. .. 3�0 W. Morton Street . � � - ' St. Paul� M3.nn. ' _ . sept. 27, �9n - , . . Mr. Daniel Mc Laughl3n � License Inspector , St. Pau7.� Minn. . : - • ' ' � DB$li' Sir= � ,�/ �� This is a request for a cha�e of time and day t '��*� for t�he Conway Booster Club Bingo Game. ;Beginning October °Y� 3rd I would li'ae to hold� games on Sunday e�neningg from ! '��,� _ 8s00pnn to 12:00 pmo instead of the present Monday afternoon. . Please be informed that I did not hold a ga�ne on September 21st. . � �.: ��2627Za���,� S3ncerelY, . /�3 � �� (� �"i Zl� 1> ' . .. .� . . .. r� �4�1 (v E� � _ ;.�J � � � .=l y _ ,, . _ �� e � ;n Herbert Axte11� - �� �� DI� p --�. /.� o � ! ��! �aff,ry �� � � ��j I11a31�g1' k -- �����'!Z14���°4:= ��_ � � - ` i " � _..__� �-�--��-�:�L:= : �/ � � � � t � , _c`�,^A ��.� �`;, �I 7� �� ��/�( � -'--G 'r d f� i ��►�-�.- r ✓ � ` / � , � (� . , i „r �., , f/ J �ai.�.'�- ,� �I ./...;G. i4.! 'L+� %� tiC-L-F;-C'Li.1 . .. ` / � �a /',� !���--�-=��.:, ���`�'� - � a . St�t. �J'� 1�7]. $�oa. Deat Het+sdith, G�r. c�d' Fw]�lic 8�t�ty„ ]�1. �. lAth. St., �t. Pat�l, Min�i. A�tx�s l�r. D�aaisl�. P. M�Lwghlin Dear Sir: TI�s Cit�I �l tad�r intca�ally► e�rprr�neQ t� �pli�atioa �,f th� Caoa�y Hoaater Aub, la�o].d�rs o�P Lie� �io. 1$9l, e�� O�tob�r 21, 19?ls ?�r�eitting tY�t 't�s ace�ut Biz�o �a e�c:h �qr �►!'f.trnac�t! b� � �o�s e�d' 1 s QO and �s 4G1 p. n., !'tr� � ee�e�szt�tt ot t�re �r` !"ra�t �nda�y to Sm�de�Y� �d t,� 8o�a�et lY�t 1.s 0� tt� '�t C14 p. �. te+ 8:04 tt� ].2s fJ0 p. nt., t'tt�r tb1� �g c�S' t.� lis�tso ys�. rAISG t�e rrrq��t tt.r� s�tts�d t�e w�ir�tias vt �e ].iiae�ns� �o �Se �e l.ater, iaa�ch as t2�sy' d1.e1 ac�t c�at s� �ars tor t'4�c� pe�ciods. Wl11 yn�n pl�sae prapare th� c�xatc�sary rasal�rtie�Y '�s� $rt��ll �� G'it�► � �