255935 , o�.t�citr ctark ` ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO. �5�g�5 � ` � �RESENTED QY - ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitle�: "An ordinance fi.xing the duties and responsibilities and the minimusn qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for Park Foreman, and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi.ng specifications: � � . � � � 0 t� `� w o ; - C� � �= o L. a . � � � � � r `_ '�n U `Z � -1- ' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor �� .,' Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ori�insl to City Clerk . ������ ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NOw��tJ�.�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting i.n its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Forestry Foreman -3- Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Caxlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Atteat: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By . , � o�.��ct�c��rt _ ' ORDINANCE �5����� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -5 OCT 201971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � � In Favor I,e�v�e_ Meredith b b Against Sprafka Tedesco ,,��� r. esident (M A C't a � Att s • Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��e�is��� CT $3 t�� . �p.�tk.a a r�.� � � � ORDINANCE 255�35 COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ✓ Aa ord3aaxice amending Ordiaaace No. 7607, e�titl�i: "An ordiasace fi�dag the daties aad responaibilitiea aad the mfafmam qaalificstions for the �rsrioos elsss�s af po�itio�: ia ti�e Clsssiifed Ses�►ice of the CitT. " sppro�ed Febrasry 1$, 1935, as ameaded. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN? PAUL DflES OjtDAIN: Sectioa� 1. That 4rdiaanca No. T607, approved Febrs�ezy 13, 1935, as smeaded. b�t sad th� ss��e is hereby ftrther ameaded b� s#sikisg oed ths spea�ffiestioas for Puk Foremaa, aad b� s�bs�it�iag ia liea thas�of th� foll�wisa speciScstions: _1_ Yeas Councilmen Naye Paeeed by the Counci� Butler ��0� � Tn Favor Levine � Meredith A ou;� Sprafka � Tede�sco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk ffiayor �� � Form approved Corporation (�ouasel By , - s ' Dql�b te Pr�br � . , O'RDYNANCE � COUNCIL FtLE NO ������ PRESENTED BY ORDlNANCE NO � ; � Sect�oa Z. Tbat asid ordiasace. a� amead�i, be snd the ss�ae is hereb� �rther sme�ded by iasertiag ia its praper alphsbet�ical orde= the fa►llawiag title, s�nd speci�icstio�e for � �'arestry Fore�aa ..3_ Yeaa Councilmen Naya Paseed Uy the Councii Butler ' ��OII Tn Favor Levine � . s� : A�•;nat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: Attsst: City Clerk Msyor �� ; �orm approv� Corporation �ounsel By . . s DyNaap ts Prlata � , r � � ORDINANCE 2��9�� COUNCIL FILE NO.—._ PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO / � Section 3. This ord3aasco sl�sll ts�e eff�ct aad be ia tosce thirt� ds�s sfter its pssssge, approvsl, and pnblicatioa. -�� OCT 2 0197i Yeas Councilmen Nays Pa�eed by the Council Bu� � y� Tr Favor Meredith 1� rooAinst sp� T��°° OCT 2 0197) �r. Preaident (McCarty) APProved: Att�t: City Clerk Maqor �� Form ap�roved Corporation �;ounael Bq s �itl� o� c I�i c s; �����tl� I'C7R�'STRY FQR�.VI1-1N � ru�.ii�s a�� ��F7�O11�1�.�].iZ�LC:Ja �� �.ine��r dirceti.c�n, t� l�c re.ponsiblc far st�.�ae�vi�in� cre�vs of inen in the, rnain�Fenznce, t?-im�-�ing an� cax•e oi �oul�v�.rd, l�ark and par�twa;r trec:s; anc] to �c�rf�rra� rc:la�.ec1 tvoxi. as assa;ned, Exar3�le s o3 �vor:� q",PfOl�me.�� '�o �u��x•vi se ;?..��1 c'ir.ect iox e nt�•y ca��v� ii� t5•iinrnin�, i�racie�g, cablin�, ��;:ra�in�, fertiii:�a.i�.g ��zd m�intaininn tree�: '�o estin:ate t��;ed:� �f e:�L�i;�r�ci1� �?nd �u�p�lie�o To ?:eep �in;� .•ecc�ze7� _ns ����n ax�cl L�rc�are for�stry �eports �� rez�uirc�l:. To suvervisr� ;_:n� circ.ct i:Y�c� x•i:moval o:c trc;e5.; '�'c� inspecr t.r;..�.i a3�ic� e�4�;�c:z•Yri.�� F<pi•ayinF; o� otianr techniqucu i1�CU 7Y? t�l.ti '='.�.Si-� �Y2Ci 7.I1w::C'� COI'1�1�1� Ta train c�_;��:7�rces in 1:�3;, use a�zd opc;r�lion of mr-.chanical e���ai��cx�ent ;�s�-��3 zn a m�d�r�! ior��tx•y c�eratir�n> '�a res}arr�d �to �rner�;ex�c.t,- cali� re��,.din� tre�� a: x��qu:r�d, I�-�inizs}um ��kalif.ir;:ii�ic;�ls: il��"'it�l—£�T'�lt�3(: -'L7Li+:.�tIC11 ilT�t� Y�1�TC `;T-C'elI S� i'.1>�CI.'1P21CC? 2t1 �:7']I2�TY11.I1� c'Li'?LI C��1'C'. Oi 'tY'('C-'S: _c�� . , ������ Ti.tle c�f el.ass: / � P.?^�,3�iki FOI�a���AI�1 /����J Du.tir-,� anci res�onsiL�ilitics: tTrrs�c..r clirec�ien, to be -resgor_siblc f�i• t�3� Y�.�aint�n�f7cc of C'i�l ��arlcs, �l�.�r�rnuiacls �n� pax�I:�v:ays; �.nd ta per�olim relatec� wor1: as assi"ne�?.: �:xai�-ir�l�::,, o# wc►r:c pc���`o�•rned� TO ��Lt�r;l`T1��_', 1i1:+ �Ik'CC�; l:F'Z:W�; t�;i Tl?l'I7 �:2?�F].t9',C:C� lri Cl:l'�'Giri� �Y'�.ES� ;�1a,ztir;g flc��vei�: an.:: shrLtb�� z�r�lyi��;� fea•tilizer t� ��a�s �7�ot�a o�• flo�vex �arGt_�n:�, xe�a.irin� �xid xr.ai�Zt�Linina Luilcing�, watcr- in�, �;1•as: ir_ �T•y s�asonsF �a•r:tciin� z�.�t;� pa:7•lr areas �x• r.oad�v�.ys, aricl keeping tL� �;ar.•�e� c.l��i�.� ,. �.O :^J.�3F;1'1°1:C'. �1t.5'Ci t]liF:C�; CxF:�i'_� ?I'i i��.�� ia::V<.�.Ei�i11t'I"i�C� "EZI'E:Y3=?x�1.t1flT1, :�iaintena�cr�, ;.n�tal.I�zti�;_ anc] r����ir of' recr�atio�� ��re�s, ee��.i���7�cnt, a�;�;,����tu�r ��t�:3 i�»i3.�in�;s. �'a i,e�� orcir�. ir.� �I��, �a�Pcc .�.nc o:s tt?.c �l�.�r;.-t�ou::cas. �� C;:t.l?X?���t; Tl.t?^E:I,: C�? c;CjL137i'1i':;i1'C �1t:C� �:t^�,,'?il°.:�: `Lt? �rC-�:',�3 f:lY.T?t� �'F,C+"1TC�S C�Z Y�l^li_ T✓�ttll_?�LL't7] L�j2�l�1.�].�&tii)I,S• �' 1��,'�?t�?.—�3.'c1G�C.' C:C'l'."c'1,11C.�11 �i1C? :1"vi: �it;1�.'�F C,-':xs;C3"I.C;YICE; ltl t?c1Y1� 02' ��L 1'}J'�;�'O U't1.''.; Y�,3�!.ii.�.<'i 3`:S1 C:::. � _�,„ � . Titic �i cl,�.^�: ������ �:��o��.7�r ai�T �c����..�����.� �utics anc� �e��o;i�i"�ilit;e�; /��/ o�� / ✓ 1'Jnc�cr direc�tic.x�r 1a l�e �e>�onsi'Aie foa° �u�e��vi�in� c�°��7✓� 01' men in tihc r:aii���r.ance, txir��niin; anc] caz•e o:i �oulLVat.�.-;x p��r�c wl.Y1C� 1?�i�:1,??�'�'' i:I'Et�:;;; 21i1Cs 'tQ �Ei'17Z"i7� �'<;�.�.'�.C:C� '�V�J:f'�: �^u �2^Sl�ill�f3, ��xaa�ipie� �` wor:: ��:x.forri�c��a: , `?� su2�:-�4•vis�: .�..i�.:-� c�ii��c,ct d'o:ccst--y � _-��v�� it� �rixnzrin�;, ���acitz�;: C�).�J�l Y"�f"� �'�r:�i?r 111�� �_:-,' 'f:1�2��'2a c� ct i1 C� :tZ7�,.Yl i��7 Y:7.I1� �T E,'<?:: �1O C..`:Z1.'Y'i?ct�'.n. `s' ......� �Jl :(L11�?i�:�i_'i1E�'. :?11C� .°iL:x��:'+�2.;:'„ ��O �CC;�i:1 ;1't�sC-, _'t',CCi'C�.:� t?+: 7.:ti'�i�. _:iY'CI �'_L'�:��c.`.'P :i.C?I''�51 ,i'� Y.'C;�:O"1'tS c r TC'Cjt;E1 •P,C�. �O SL2r�C:'_'Si15E: �.!'tl.il f�l�'C'Ci: Ci1C; 7'c�:`:i;1Vc�1. n:i �:i.P.i?"._�'., i0 Z11Sn�.��i- Z1 .._�:� �I.Y3Ci C,._l�3;'3..:i:,, ;?�_•�:t�ril2^" (73' �J1:�:c',T" f�'C:i1?:i1�LiC'd Li ti C:C? ?i2 -�:� ��_E:+i; �.i?i�; 7.T2: �;:C"l` t.�7I;.�:�'f_l;, ��C3 tl"i?iil C':.Yi}'i'�D���;�`: iIl 't.a�;. E!,,^,(� 'c!i�.� U�:��='?�IO1'? fJ`mr k73f;C�'l.i�i�lCc3i �:�LL1:�::Li,�i2'� ':l'':�.G' Ir' �3 :,2fiGt:;�'i� ,:���. �5t2•�.r C1^c;:L:wfiJUll, �Q Y't'^�''^1^_i; 'ir? C:LSi_,i !;Gi7.('�' l";i:11�`; ��'.��1'�1�:Y� ,�Y,�L'� �17 3'�`�U:iY't'.C�� 11,'51211z31LLi'Yl Cl;.'s•:';IS1�':1�'1.GT:P?:' .�'-1.roF1��A�-L??'<Y��'� .C.L�t�',ltJ.fl�l `?.13Li �1.�:`c' ,jC � :cip C sT�c :'1<.'Y'�.�'='. 2Y� iTi31�?Y]tYlg' � c1 i1 E� C<a 3'E: C7 i F 1"�.:''.f�:. _/-�� l �5��L� Titl� �� �t<��� /�l '9✓ �'.P�R�� �'U�EI:�:�a�.°�T Dutic;� and xea�onsi'�ilitic�: 'lin��:?• c,ix•ectian, to ��; ,•�.�potz��l�J.c� foi� thr niaintenanec o�' City pa�•ics, pia,T�z•c���:�.GS and �._���:�.va�r^; anc? to {�erforr.n felatecl worlc �,S ;15SiCTI1C',Gi. �"xi���ple;� af .v�j•�: �crzod:_r�c;� �U SLIT','::T'V1:� :�.11Ci �I3'C',i.t C7"�.'.�,V.� C:t: 22]C'f1 C11a�.°�;<.:� Lil Clli`L"%T:�'"� �Y'c1:a� T?I.�i?�IT14� ill?��r�I'S e1.,i2� ��"t:i'L��.�".3F� �I���.�.T11iy xt;"?'t212..C;I Ln �?Ccti.^+ ��.Qt:S� 04• ;LOti>>C.a �c11'C��'1?:.;� 1��..��2a121� �AI�� 371�111�'31111T3� �LL1�.filll�T.^-,. Wc`I,�C:Y'- 1`il� �T�1�S lYl �i'�T �°2CQ13u�, f�f3.'�1:�121� I1C3�V �53,T�: L!Z'Gc`l,:i tJI' road��ays� an�l kee�in� �h���- �����F�� cl���a. .�� su����•��ise at�.c? �iz�c,c� c,�-r���;s%.� ir,. �r.ize= cl��J:::lan�s�rr�t, ��:�x�,�<�r�.ci�n; , . r'a?:'lr.t<:I'_�X1CL� !Y1f��c?�.�.'.)j-7.C�Ll �1I3.t�!, i.'C,�:c�...ii." C3% kcCe:�:z:1.'CItJTl r�Y't�J..9� GCj�,;tli�:i?<;I7�, �,1.�";"i2'�?'L1;4ar �-lk"1:1 �':iLi1�.ti�lllt}S. T� Ir�;e� crt'����� in �h:, ����:•1:� a:1�"� c;yi ���c �1��y�ic����z�1;7. TO ���:t'ii�l."!'�� 22.:?eCJ'3 Cii !':�t17.��,:i;r'12C �!E:c"� ^tLt;���7.L�+.; `� C) i:C"-`':'�1 �i YYi.C 7'i•C!_9?'t:1� O'f ),-i�r;';,i�.: i✓�I.11.i]7LI1"Cl C�;�,_1�I�1Cc tl'3Y��., ���'i�??t.,.-�raae. ��1,..���1i.�i� azac:; ;'i,f�-: :,re�.:.-s" .,.�nL�ience i�i ;����k cr ,� :� �:�ayrc;i ouFz�' s:z�_?irztr;���ttic.:�., � _�,� 25���5 This ordinance changes the class specification for the title Park Foreman; and also creates class specifications for the title Fore stry Fo reman. /� / � i:t �� • ' 2�d � Laid over to « /�� 3rd and app. � �—Adopted ���7 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \'�Butler Carlson --�arben Levine ������ �L-erine— Meredith �Meredith �� Sprafka �$prafka � � Tedesco ��Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O