255934 , �,�•---- - , orism.l to c�t,cierk ORDINANCE 25,�� 34 COUNCIL FILE NO -��'� PRESENTED BY � ���� ORDINANCE NO �� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "A,n aa�mi.nistrative ordi.nance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amend�d. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is l�.ereby further amended by inserti.ng in Section 6, irx Grade 36 under the headi.ng Manual and Mai.ntenance Group, the title "Forestry Foreman". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. i Approved: C��G� J�i�(i� Civil Ser ' e Commissioner � 1 N C � O C� � c � o � � � 0 � a ;Q � � � � :� Q ] 1: O CT 2 0197� Yeas Councf lmen Nays Passed by the C�ci� � Butler �" Q Tn Favor �_-� Meredith (� Sp�� Againat T�a�� ocT 2 0 ,Q 7 y Mr. President (McCarty) Appro City Clerk Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � PUBLISH�" �CT iyl� Do�lina to rslaar . ORDINANCE 255934 • COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTf� BY ORDINANCE NO / 11a or8ta,aace amdudis� �r�aa�ce No. 3i50, aRilled: "J� �istrati�raE ord3aaace rrlst3as to ths Ci�r#1 S�r�riee Bsra�as +o� I�e Cii� oE Saiat Ps�, �pP� � �i rol�a aad rs�slat3oau therefor.p sp�sotnsd Ao�s�t 24, 1914, ss sa�did. Z'HE EOUNCIL OF g8E CI1'Y �F SAD�IT PAiTL DO�S Cy�D�tN: . 3ectf� l. �hsR Ordiaazee No. 3250� a�pro�+ad Aa,�aat t0, l9Y4, as sma�d�d, tis aad t�e ssm� i�s hereb= i�arthts sm�l+ad b� ins��ia� is SecNva 6, ia Grs�e 36 �eder ths hwdiag l►iiangal atd l�tai�etesa�ce Gro�p. th� titl. '*Fores�s� For+emaa". S�ctio� 2. This o�disince shsll tski �ffect amd b� fa foree tbisty is�s sftte� its pasaage, sppso�ral. amd p�estloa. . AP'Preved' . f�ril � s oatr QCT 2 0197�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Counc;� Butler � n Favor S�a� v ro�;� T�� OCT 2 0197t Mr. Presideat (Mc ) Approved: Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� Form appmv� Corporatiori +�ouasel By _ . This ordinance establishes the title of Forestry Foreman in Grade 36 of the Manual and Maintenance group. � f � � /c Ist `--� ' • 2nd � Laid over to / �' 3rd and app. dopted /� �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays .... Butler �`�$utler Carlson � Levine rL��J� j --L-o.;,;� oct. 5, 1971 Mr. John FIaider Director p�f Pex�sc►nnel Civ?�l Serv3c�e �ureau Dear �ir s �.fiie t�ity Cc>uric3.�. tc�dr�r �ave �'irst Rea�iug �to th� following �rdina,nce� which w311 com� up for Third Ttead� on Octvber a.3th; ��593�+� amend�,r�,r �rci. 1�c�. 325�, bY insert�n� �.n S�c. 6, �.n Grac�e 36 u�tc3er t.he he�8ing M�nu�,7, arid A9aint�risuac� Cx•ou�, °�he �itle "Fc>restry Fbrem�e,�". �55935, am��tdir� 4rd. No. ?�i07, re �spec3ficatian� �°crr F�.rk Far�man, and by insez�tin� in its proper �.lphabetic�]. c►rder �he ti�le �d speciPicgtions for Fbr��try Fnre- m�n. Very truly yours' City Clltrk n�