255930 ORIGI�IAL TO CITY CL6RK 25�930 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU ES ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. Conway October 1 1971 COMMISSIONE ATE � WHEREAS, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, a duly constituted public utility company under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota has filed application with the Cortxnissioner of Public Works for the installation and maintenance of a public outdoor coin telephone booth in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legisiative Code as amended by Ordinance No. 12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said Commissioner of Public Works has duly investigated said application and made his report recortunending the granting of said request, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that said Council hereby finds that the subject installation will serve public convenience and necessity and will not constitute a substantial hindrance or hazard to public traffic; and said Council hereby grants said application and authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to issue to the applicant company a City of St. Paul permit; subject to and in compliance with the terms and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as so amended, such installation to be at the following specified location: (1) On the northeast� corner of Cleveland and St. Clair. �ORM A(� R VED Asst C �r t� n G� ,;� � �,.,r,° OCT 5197t1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler 0 CT 51971 �. ��n� �.-,� Prove 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka J or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty Pvarss� 0 CT 9 i 97i �� o����,T6,��� 25593a CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO , OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAt. FORM c�MiTUED,o EQ �� M• �Y Oatobsr 1, 1971 �A� iAl[REAB� No�tt�st�rn �11 T�i�pha�s Co�ury. a �ty �onst Ituted pubt ie att l ity �ny under sr►d purswnt to the lar+s of ths �t�t� of Mt�n��ot� IMS filsd �p�l ieation with tAe Coo�tssia�r� of Pubi te Morks for tl+� tnstai latton a�d ripta�anc� of a �ubl ic outdaar eotn t�l�phon� bo�th in ac.ca►�d�ne.� Mith th� provistons of W�apt�� 51 of ttN 5t. Pow1 i.�istatiw Cod� �s aia�nd�d by Ordfnaaw No. li1't4. aPP�d M�r �9. 19bki and said Cow�lsslon�r of Pubi le lforks bas duly inv�sti�t�d �atd appi ication and rde h 1 s np�t r+eo�nd ing tM 9nnt 1nq of sa i d hqusst. iN�M. TNE1lEF'OItE, BE IT RE�OLVEa� by th� Couna I 1 of t!N C i ty ef St. !�w i tlwit �a i d Counc i l h�nby f 1 n�s that th� sub�irct tnsta 11�t ton wt i l s�rw pubi ic conwnf� a�d n�sslty and wil) �ot ca�stttute a wbstantial hindra� or h�s�rd to publ ic tnftic; �nd satd Co�a�cii lar�by 9raAts wid appl ication �d autho�tzes tM Caiwisslon�r of Publ ic Ib�ks to Issw to ths applicant con�pany • Ctty of St. 'aul per�it; �bJect to ��d In co�pllan�s with the ter�as and conditTo�s of satd tiwipt�r 51 of ths st. hal L�Isiativ� Code as 'so �d�d. sueh lastaitation to b� at th� follavitg s�ifi�d lout ton: (i) On tta northMSte�nN� ot Cteveland a�td St. Ciafr. ocT 5 �91� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»*�e�i 19—. Yeas Naye But�er 0 CT 5197� ,�,g, Approv� 19�. Levine - Favor Meredith �y� Sprafka C� AgafriBt Tedesco . Mr. President, McCarty �