255907 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � •)�Y1��• / CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� N0. ;� � I ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLUID, that the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, is hereby authorized and directed to make applicati.on to the United States Department of Labor for the sum of $443,700, pursuant to Section VI of the Emergency �nployment Act of 1971, a copy of said application being attached hereto and incorporated ,herei.n by reference. FORM A V D � ,...,�p_:,.�.�.�-��.�. :r-�.-: -, �_� , , Asst. t' CQUn I -`.�� „ _�__. 0 CT 519:1j COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �'`;: '� �;: �� �P�� �t ,�= Butler rov 0 C T 5197,� 19_ �.N� L. Levine � Tn Favor '� Meredith Sprafka J yor Against Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty OCT 9197� � �vsi..tsx�n - � , ' �J.f. CE►ARTM6NT OF LADOR • MAliIOW�R ADtAiflISTRATION � `�� G/ O � J / APPL�CATIO:'�,! �"G� FUNDING U�tDER SECTION 6(a) ` � EM6ERGEN�Y FI4tfALOYMENT ACT OF 1971 ' � (See InatrucHonr on Reuera) Appli,cation is hereby made for funds all�aY� under Section 6(a) of the Emergency �mployment Act of 2971, PubGc Law 92-54, to the area for which the Applicant has besn previoutly desiqnated Proqram Agent. 'The Program Agent aqrees that the funds requesYed herein will be used to conduct a program within the area ar areas of a,:��an4ial unemplovment as prescribed bv Secrion 6(c)fl) of the Act wt►�ch are under its iurisdiction. The proqram A et�n: further aqrees tha�its �roaram will be conducted in oxder to provide uneanployed and underemployed persons unth trans- itional employment in jobs providinq needed public services to enable such persons to mrnre into amployment and/or training nnt suUported under the Act. ln scidition, the Praqram Agent agrees to: , . 1. Plan und conduct itg program in accordance with the requlations gromulqated by the Secreta�rry of Labor (29 CFR 55} for the Emergency Employment programs under PL 92-54. Inpa rticular, the Program Agent hereby wazrants that the progra� desc-ibed in the attached document will be conducted as ret�uired by section 55.6 of the regul�tions, as appii- eab;e. Sf the Program Ac,�m is a State, such caarrant and a commitment to abide by tY,.e qrant conditions has been oib- tairFC-�i &om any e�igit�le applicaat selected to c�eceive.a qrant directty from the Progra�n Ar�nt, and is part of this spplication . 2. Uae funds in and tor the areeas covered bY this application. ' 3. Adm€nistar or supemime,and ascume full responsibility for all activitaes and services provided under this qrant.If the Proqrarn Agent is the State qovernment,there is attached to the applicarion the agreemsnt of any eligibla appiicants reseiving directly from the State to assume fnll responsibility for all activities and servic�s providsd under th�grant to it. 4. Use not more thatt 3.2 percent of the funds gr�ted for ptogram administration,and all other funds for wages and fringe bene 5ts for unemployed and underemployed participants.Where the Progranz Agent ia a State,it will retain no mora than half _ (1.6 percent)of the tt�nda alloted for program adminisiration to cover its own admini�.trarive costs,azd will c�istribute the remainder to its subagenta for these purposes. 'I'he Program P.4ent certifies: . . 1. He has autharity to receive, e�xpend, distribute and grant fuads for the purposes conta�ned in the attachsd pragrarn svmraasy. 2. He h�s the aathority by sta4ute, or will have authority by aqreement; to require the subageats and employinq agencies rece�ving fa-�ds, to adhere to conditions aad requirements established far the use of the iunds qranted under PL 92-54. 3. F'unds reqveseed hersin do not exceed ninety (90) percent of the cost of carrying out the program proposQd in ttis appli,cation, and the rennair.inq ten (10j gerotttt:will be provided by elicpible applieants in accardance with section 55.16 hf the regulations. ' - ARERS COVEHED BY PROGRfiM AGENT Corporate I,imits of the City of Saint Paul ' FOR MA USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED DATE APPI30VED GRANT NUMBER SIG TURE OF TH ICtAI. TIT�E OATE SIGNED - Ma.yor, City of Saint Pau1 October 5, 1971 MA 6-49A Stp. 1971 , ' U.f.O[�ARTM[NT Or L/AOOR � M1A.NPOWC�t ROktlNli{YRATION 1. CiRANY NUMBER ` ' GRI�NT AGREEMF�{7 SECi'I�N 6(e) � EFFECTIVE DATE • EMERGENCY EMPLOY�1AEhiT ACT OF 1971 SNDING DATE 2. GRAAI7�E NAME ' City of Saint Paul � ADDRESS . - - � / Office of the Mayor � Room 347 City Ha11 St. Pau1, Minnesota 55.102 � LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE FOR GRANTEE AREA CODE ANO TEI..EPHONE NUMBER Earle D. Ada.mson • . 612-223-4906 3. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR MA LIAISON REPRESHNTATIVE � AREA CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER Carole Schloss - 312-353-1575 4. AUTHORITY FOR GRANT, UND�ER P.L.92-54 - TOTAL COST GRANTEE'5 OBLIC'aAFED CONTRiBUTION F�DERAL COST Sectlon 6(s) Public La.w 92-5�+ $�+°3,5� $49,848 $�+43,740 � � 'T07AL s �+93,548 a 49,8� s�+�+3,700 . OD OF PAYMENT (C ec eppropriate box) � The Graatee aqreea to oonform to the principies and itandarda and the invoidng and reporting requirements preacribed in the handbook, "Finar►ctal Management Requirementt for PEP Grantee:." In acoordance with the handbook, advance financiriq under this Grant shall be acaonipll�hed as followr. � Treawry Chedc ❑ Letter of Credit � n��'Y Check until the Letter of Credit pro- cedure is operable and from that time fonaard by Letter of Credit. 6. Z'FIIS GRANT AGREEMENT CONSISTS OF: Applicatbn tor Fundiny Albeated Under Section 6(a) of the Emergency Employment Act of 1971, Form MA 6-49A;Proqram Summary Form MA 6-47;Program Deacription for Funding lJnder Section 5(a) of the Emerqency Employment Act of 1971, Form MA 6•47C; Occupsdonal Summary, Form MA 6-48;Occupational Deeaiptiona tor Full Funding, Form MA 6-48B; Budget Estimate,Form MA 6-50 � and 650A;Supplement to Application re Equal Opportunity Emeryencq Employment Act of 1971, Form MA 6-428;Conditions Govemiag ; (iraata Und�r Saction 6(a), Public Law 92•54; Part 55 of Title 29 oi the Code of Federal Requlations, copies of which are attarhed hereto. 7. GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE TVPE d�^�ZE-ANO TITLE DATE ' Mayor Charles P. MeCarty 10�5�71 8.'CiRANTOR�OVAL SIONqTURE OF GRANT OFFICER TVPE NAM�EAND TITLf DATE MA 6�2C � Sep• 1971 U.S.DEPARTMENT OF LA60R - Manpow�� Administrotion 1. TYPE OF APPIICATION PROGRAM SUMMARY O ���r�a� �] Full Fundinq . Emerpency Employm�nt Act of 19T1 � Modificatioo 2 PROGRAM AGENT 3. APPLICATION A 4. TYPE OF UNIT ; City of Saint Paul October 5, 1971 0 F�d�fo1 O Stat• 5. NAME OF HIGHEST ELECTED OFFICIAI. aDw.�Qass• O Counfy Charles P. McCarty L] City . -"Room 347 CJ T�Ibol Couneil So. r�tl• C ity Hali �O otMr(sp�citr) Mayor St. Pau1, Minnesota �c. T�Ispl+on• 55102 6 EMPl.OYER 1.0.N0. ' 612-223-4323 4�.-6005521 7. STATE I.�. Nq. 8.ADMINISTERING AGENCY 9. LIAISOW OFFICIAL Office of Manpower Plan�ni.ng Earle D. Adamson 10. TOTAL PROGRAM IOo. FeCerol Allocation ►Ob.Local Shars 90.Titla FY 1972 Director of Manpower Planning 493,548 443,700. 49�'�4?-:. 9e. Addnss �om 918 City H.all II. INITIAL FUNOING Ila. F�dsral Shar� IIb.Lacat Shar• St. Paul, Minnesota NA NA � 55102 12. ADVANCE REOUESTEO 9b.Telephone 41,129 612-223-4906 . DISTRIBUTION OF JOBS AND fUNOS 13. Proprcm Ap�nt/Sub-Aa�nt 14. Typ� of Unit 15. Ar�a S�rv�d 16.No.of JoD• 17. Fund� City of St. Paul _ City Govt. Corporate Limits of the City of St. Paul 49 325,660 Sub Agent Ind. School Dist, ��625 School Dist. Corporate Limits of the City of St. Paul 20 118,040 � (For odditional •pace w� confinunfion ah��t) �e. T07A1. 69 443,700 19. Perlod Cowr�d by Ptoprom 19a. Plann�d Jan 69 Fi6 69 �� 69 dpf 69 �aY 69 �� 69 Summcry Awrap• hlonthly 7 7 EmployT�M Jul 69 Au0 69 �P 69 (5ct 69 Noy 35 o�e 55 20: BUOOET ESTIM9ITE SIiMMARY Co�t Cof�qory Totol Local Shar� F�d�ral Shars ParticiDant Waq�s 383,800 -0- 383,800 Parficlpant 9�n�fits , 59,800 -0- 59,900 . TroiMnp -0- -0- �NA` -Employm�nt Serviee� -Q_ -0- � Adminlstrotion 49y 848 .� 49,848 -0- TOTAI � 493,54'8 49,848 443,700 MA 6-4T Auq.19T I ` PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOR FUPdDING UNDER SECTION 6(a) A. The Population and the Labor Force The City �f Saint Paul is the capital city of Minnesota and is located in Ramsey County. The population of Saint Pa.ul, accordir.g to the preliminary 1970 Census is 309,980. The unemployment rate as of August 31, 1971 was 6,$�. In the month of July 1977., the number employed in Saint Paul was 185,�+21 . Unemployment for the same month numbered. 11,600, whic.h compares tc, 9,500 being unemployed in July 1970. Unfortunately, the figures available from the State Departmen� of Manpower Services do not provide for a breakdown smaller than the total city. Therefore, in order to find tho�se sub-areas of the city with a rate af unemployment higher than the city as a whole, - it was necessary to use other indices. The primary source used was the local OEO Community Action AgEncy (Ramsey Action Programsl . This agency has had an opportunity, based upon the preliminary 1g70 Census figures, and from their own programs operating in the target areas of the city, to obtain information, by sub-areas, as to the extent of unemployment. These figur�s, while not official in the sense of the Pactors considered by State Manpower �ervices, are the most accurate and official which are available under the circumstances and the severe time limitations imposed upon us. The figures cited below apply to the officia.11y designated target areas of the city, known as Target Areas A, B, C and D. These areas are shown in red on the atta.ched map. Following is the information available for each of these sub-areas: Population Current Unemployment Rate of Unemp. Target Area A: 33,756 5,�01 16� Taxget Area B: � 17,205 2,753 16� Target Area. C: �7,983 7�677 � 16,6 Target Area D: 10,225 1,636 16� Traditionally unemployment in the Target Areas has been double the city wide rate in Saint Paul. B. Characteris�jcs of the Unemployed In the Cit� of Saint Paul, the Universe of Need is as follows : ._ . a. . Poor 8,�+25 � b. Non Poor 33,283 Pflor: a. Disadvantaged 7, 547 b. Other 878 `��-Poz�r z' ' a. Non-Poor 8,650 . : ;.:,::;� ,,,. ..b, . Other 2�,633 . :..-,. . ��`'This is �arrived at by using the Federal Formula for the Universe of Need (or those in need of some manpower services, _ unemployed or underemployed). The following is a breakdown of the number of welfare recip.i.�n�s in Saint Paul : - Old Age Assistance 1,826 -'AFDC families ) 6,765 AFDC �individuals ) 16,910 Aid to the Blind 131 Aid to the Disabled 2,381 The percentage of people in Saint Paul receiving some type of public assistance is 8,3,�. • � The breakdown of residents on public assistance by target areas is as follows: , Target Area A: 3,378 families are on some kind of public assistance. This is 22. 53� of the people in the target area. �.':..�: Target Area B: 716 families are on some kind of public assistance. � This is 10.6� of the people living in Target Area B. Target Area C: - 3,084 families are receiving some sort of public _ a.esistance. This is 16� of the residents in the target area. -�:�.-,'�a�� w�rea n: � � � �� - ` ''T72 families are receiving some sort of public assistance. �This is 15.7� of the people living in the axea. � � (The above stated figures do not include those people wh� �.re receiving Old Age Assistance� . � B. -2- � • � Characteristics of the Unemployed The sources for the previous figures were the Minnesota Depaxtment of Manpower Services, Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. , and the Ramsey County Welfare Department. The other information requested in B is not available, C. Descr3ption of Public Service Needs: Unmet public service needs of the city, particularly in the inner city areas, may be described as follows: 1. Improvement in the delivery of governmental services in general, particularly in the area of public works and related environmental factors, 2, Particular emphasis upon improved educational, health, recreational and employment opportunities in these areas. Specific emphasis is being g3.ven in this application � to the factors mentioned in this section. D. Justification of Recommendations of Areas for Funding: The entire �urisdiction of the Program Agent (City of Saint Paul� has an unemployment rate of 6,6�. The areas selected for Punding in this application are those areas of the city which have long been identified as having particular problems; i.e, , high welfare caseload, high crime and delinquency rate, high school drop-out rate, as well as high unemployment, As stated previously in this narrative, no� official breakdown of unemployment is available for these areas from the Department of Manpower Services. However, because of the other indice� available, and from first hand knowledge of the communities involved, it was decided that the most reasonable and sound manner to distribute the funds available was to use the existing target areas, for which we have a sub- stantial body of data available, indicating serious need, we feel that the areas we are recommending for funding include all areas of substantial unemployment within the city. � F, Cleaxances 1. Copies of this applicat:Lon for f unding under Section 6 have been sent to the follo�ring: . Governor Wendell Anderson, State of Minnesota City. Comptroller, City of St. Paul City Clerk, City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City of St. Paul Board of Education, C3ty of St. Pau1 Ramsey County Welfare Department 2. Copies have been sent to the following union organization�: St, Paul Trades and Labor As�embly, AFL-CIO The Building and Construction Trades Council Nicholas Schneider, Local 8, City and County �nployees � � � � . .. � id �A c� lY "��"� I � {I . Q ' 8o14M '� _.... ,Q . .� ,W �5 I g . � LL, . ' 1.... c � �eJ N �8 � ri/a4c'� __ .., y �'� is S � i e i i I--� Q sCa'i a; i �� Y� � e . � �a W :.ig �a d�. a v,!i "� �,} ..� {.-F li�.�- 1 �°+ .o ie ��i i ! i i E Ly� I� � •a a� , s. , r_..-- ie W t- , - -t � /,e / < � ' �_, 3 �.. Q a I t I I � � I I � I QP Id P '"t"' / -ti '`I .:t ,� isi x �z z g i � � o��+iH"af i°I ! I �� ; , i t�y�Hf is uo�7 i '� j�� �. E 2� ry... -�-+�-1--r�..� 1 �.��J�. � � i I�� ��eo 3, .�- � �, � { � . l I,I,[�Oivu�N"' <J :I15 4 V BN i' I �i � � VI �C � TaI ���W � '� �-. � ��' U '14 "'i � V w,",�I?r.u�°n^ $E � e i9Ql i .cf1Sj �L�;.. r� ��.n.L� r:�"��� i�� y3 �� /� ��►'' . 6 9 „ ....... }9 � �u 1 �} � I � � �J ±I , I �� OpV . �.,f � , ...LC� ,' <'...q 4 1E�.. 1�m��,.. 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W � W o Q � � �� � Z � a C � � a � va � � � V e � � Z � W � p „ � i � M a o � a � o : � a o � � �A o a 2 :� O �(1 .. �, .. « + f. < � N N w a � � � ° N V l0 � Y � o °a ea � « � — � � a •� u ° p c O J « ° ' '� < U g `� a a° � w� � Ai o O O � � � V N � ti � C1 D � $ o A z ` � r-I r,., � N N N . N � .-1 - � p � o + � O U 9 '� � � � � 1� N W W � d J � � � � � � � �- 2 � � x r N �"'� � Z � Q V1 � 2 O ' J a o o � � ., _ m � J � � f" �i ~ � O � F- 2 J a v � c � O O O O O O 2 a � z E n�. .�° a a+ > N N N N , N N O e ,r�-I w $ a S a � o � ~ � � < � n Q a p d n Q � � W � � � O � a�$ O � Z V W r-1 � g 5iL 1 �t'n � N N N N N ov O Q �.. a � d t� � � � � �I d c�i �, � ❑QD � ❑Q ,: � s � � � � �' � - . :,P9A�-�48B � Occupational °��ri�pti:ons for Full Funding . . .,;;<��,�; , A. Methods of Recruitment arnx 'S�lection When �obs are appro�ed for f311ing under the Act they will be sent to the City of fiaint Fau1 Civil Service Department. Job specifications for these �positions will be sent to the Minnesotia Department of Manpower Services where the specifications are run across the veterans fil�� �:to determine if any Vietnam or Vietnam era veterans would qualify. Then the specifications are sent to another department of �t�? .:Minns�ota Manpower Services where their files are checked for a:�;�:iti�nal qualified applicants for these �obs. In addition, the l�i��ru3es�,ta Department of Manpower Services has of�fices and employment counsellors in each of the Target Areas recommended for funding, ihis department will work very closely with various community organizations in the Target Areas in seek- ' � ing qualified applicants. Informational meetings have been held � with representatives of such community organizations as St. Paul ' American Indian Center, l�;�r7el . �ities, St. Paul American Indian Movement, St. Paul Urban League, St. Paul Urban Coalition and Ramsey Action Programs. ThQ�e representatives have pledged cooperation in helping to find applicants for the proposed �obs, Applicants approved by Minnesota Manpower Services will then be referred to the appropriate Department Managers of the City of Saint Paul. The applicants are double checked for qualifications and sent to the department requesting the �ob. Tf the applicant is hired, the Department of Manpower Services is notified. If the applicant is not hired, Reason for Refusal will be given by the hiring departmen�. - B. Training and Supportive Services All participants will be given on-the-,job training. The department employing a participant will be responsible for train- ing him in the duties of his position. Since the participants will have to meet certain mir��Sr�um qualifications for their �obs, it is not expected that, any oti��er type of training will be necessary. Direct supportive �services are not planned for, Participants will be eligible to participate in a group health insurance program, ' however. C. Career Development . - ' For those persons hir��l under -the �nergency gnployment Act , the usual Civil Service pr_rs�;�,dures "for employment have been waived. ' Authorization for waivi�,g�e requirements has been given by an �, Act of' the Minnesota S��'�gislature. A copy of this Act is ' attached. An additional �ae� ln eliminating artificial barriers ; was taken previously by t3�_,�ivil Service Commission which has . written a section into th� Civi1 Service Rules that makes it ; possible for medical requt�ements to be waived for physically � handicapped persons who would not ordinarily pass the medical exam �, iKA6-48B Occupational Descriptions for Full ' Funding - Page 2 required of all Civil Service Ilnployees but are considered able to perform the �ob they seek. In an effort to further eliminate artificial barriers, position classifications are continually being reviewed by the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Department to insure that the minimum qualifications required for positions are appropriate to the duties of the positions, Further, all of the occupations listed as non-professional will most likely be absorbed in city management through natural attrition and those ,�obs at the professional level and their contribution in saving tax dollars for the city should move into the annual city budgeting of positions. D. Compensation of Participants � _ The f�Ilowing positions have direct counterparts under the City Civil Service Bureau and are to be paid the beginning salary for their counterparts: 16 - Recreation Leader $�35.00 month - 1 - Research Analyst II 935.00 month � 5 - Custodial Workers �28.00 month 2 - Clerk I �09.00 month The remainin� positions are to be paid at the prevailing rates for similar positions in the departments to which they are assigned. • E. Maintenance of Effort � , The positions ineluded in this application have not been funded nor performed at local expense within the Zast 6 months. ......s�.:tJr:.:A2a:?.,;`.w.:.cx..�...e�ne.:�.��,,.x..c-- ...__... . . ._ . _..,_._.._ _ . _. .---- _..-- --- -- - -- --------... . . . � -------- � 1 I . . , rLnriz�i, �',��'IERGI;�'CY I::4SPLU'1'1IF�;'i' AC'1'— ' �111PLC►� ;FIi:N'F OT�` PF,ItSO�'S L'Y STA1'E - . � � ' � CI�APTER 25 � , , . . . . �H.F.No.212 . . .. . . [Coded] , � . � An Act.rellting to empioyment; authorizing the state, its yovernmental sub- � 4 div(sions and other �•ablic )nstrumentalities to empioy ce7tain persons � In accordance with a t:derai cmeryency,employment act. � 13C it c�tacted L� tlte I,egis2af�ca•e oj tlie Stafe of 3li�irtcsota: � SCCY)GIl 1. _ .� �: � � 1�.6( Unemployed and unde.rempioyed empioyment qy state and ottier gov- � ernrnental unifs ' � � '��:�'iii���:�'icimi ]. ')'ho. stat-c of 17innesot.i, it� dep:trt�ments,� aoencies and � , � ir;.?= r.�';t� :_.`��id �r.9 cou�it.��, city, �•illn�c, borou�l�, to��•n, �cliool dis- ,..� ,. '..�. ��c �,�y Ccrix.r:ztc and l�olitic, ma� eroplos unemplo�•ed anu uuder- empbR�cYl �a,i�ou� as defiued iu the federal L•'mergenc�- L•'mplo�•ment Act of • � I�J71 ;� °��'�ant to and in accordaucc ��ith the teruls of that nct i Sub<l. 2. Thc pro�•isions uf 9linnesotu. Statutes 1DG9,. Sections IJ7.��� to . i I97.4S and ]3.30 and ans otl�er la��• ur ordinauce relating to preferencc + in emplo}•iuei��„u�d promotion of per:ons ha�-iiig ser�-ed i�t Che arined ser��- �� � ices, t.he pro�isions oi any ci�•il ser�-ice la��-, rule or re��lation, tlie pro��i- ;• sions of an�• cit�- chnrter or anr ordinnnce or resulution, or the pro�-i�ions of ,' � flns oYl�cr la� or•staCute in conflict �itl� tlie pro��i�ions of ti�e fed�ral �mer- � geucy Lmplo�-me�it tict of 1�J71 1 sh:�ll not Ue aI�PlicaLle to the em��lo�-ment of �� - the �c ,oiis sl�ecified in suUcii�•isio�i 1. , Subd. 3. TLe l�T•o�•isio�i of aii�• law liuiitinb tl�e coinplement of nn� state , - c?^partuie�it or agcnc�- is not ai�p]icnUle to persons �m��lo�ecl pursuant to tl�is secticn 1nQ tl�e �u�ovisions of the federal L•'�nergenc� Lmplo�•mcut.Act of �-� 1971 ���hcn such c�nplo�•mcnt U� 1 stat.e dciilrtmei�t or agenc}� i�as been ap- � pro�•cd b�• the commis�ioncr of nclministratio�i. • • �P.L. 92-54. �ppro�•ed Augu�t 3, 1971. � 1a37 . � � . �: , ; � . � � � ;. i , i . e .::;. .• � ' � ' . • ! • . I . - � . • ,� � .. U S, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR*Maapvwer Admiaist�tion . t • � BUDGE'I' ESTIMATE Emergmcy Employmeat Act of 1971 ESTIMATED COSTS CoR Categay Total Cost Gaatee't Cantirib�ias� Federal Cat 1 2 3 A. Paiticipaat Wage� . 383,800 383,800 B. Participant Frtage Beaefi� 59,900 59,900 c. T��ms -0- -0- i � � ( . , D. FJnploy:nmt Services(Totals) List below: -0- -0- / / / 1• ( I ( ) ( ) 2• ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. t ) ( ) ( ) 4. � ( ) ( I ( ) Uu additimai�heet, if aeeded TOTALS 443,700 -0- 443,700 E. Admiais�ative CoRs � 1. Staff Salaries for Program A����� 43,920 43,920 -0- 2. sta�CFrmge Beaents 5,928 5,928 -0- 3. statf TY+av�el ExpenKS . -0- -0- -�0- 4. Fq�tipmmt aad Supplie� -0- -0- S. odies -0- -0- -0- '1'oTats 49,848 49,848 -0- F. G�nrrD ToT'�.s 493,548 49,8�8 443,700 (Sectioos A+B+C+D+E) . .. . MA 6-SO Aug. 1971 , . • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR* Manpowrr Admiaish�atioa • DETAILED COST BREAKDOWN FOft-ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF EXPENSE� Emergmry Er�t}�loqmem Act of 1971 1 Staff Salaries for m Adminisriation ` �� • Salary �;z+c�t �3usnber No. of otT �MCS. or Total Cost Grnatee's Federal Cost Paitians PaitioQS Tide ar to Pro. Haaa ���0� 1 Federal Coordinator 625 10 � 1,950 1,950 1 Federa,l Coordinator 10� 1Q 4 1 2� 1 2�F 1 Chief Accountant 321 20 8 3,170 3,170 1 supt, of �chools , 291 lo � 4 3,950 3,950 1 Asst.Su t. Personnel 5�8 �� �+ 3 �58 3�058 Asst, Su t, Instruetion 48 30 � 0 8 0 8 4 1 Su t, of Recreation 861 20 8 �+ 468 �+ �68 , 1 Su t, of Parks 810 20 8 � 340 � 3�0 1 Ex. nirector=HRA �00 20 8 6 000 6 000 � 1 Chief Acct. - HRA �16 �0 � 1 700 1 700 1 Dir, Administration �16 10 �4 1 700 1,700 Com troller 206 10 � 2 648 2 6�8 1 Asst.Su t, of Parks � �+ 20 8 � 6 � 6 TOTAL- statt sa��es 43�920 �3�920 -0- 2. Fringe Benefitc for Seaff FICA 4' x S 1 2$ 2$ -�- Workmm': Compe�atian °: x S ' _�- -Q- -Q- , other(Specify) -0- -0- -0- TOTAL- Emptoyer's cost of fringe beaefits for ctsH �j�928 �j�928 -�- 3. Staff 7'rnvel Ex e� milu per week(� pee mile x • weeks for iue of to ta+aaspost ataff inembas m pcoject bus3aess -�- -0- -Q- • da�n per diem x S per day, ia lieu of nctual casts whIIe ' artside the proiect area an official busfacss "'�- -�- -�- TOTAL- Staff Tr�vel Expeaoes -O- -O- -O- � /��- � GRAND TOTAL- Sectims�G 1}9�H�H �9�H�S -O- ' MA 6-SOA Aug. 1971 ;1 0 � � �q r�'� �e :-- � `�,�r� ��, ', � � �' �'`� % � � •1 F t �i .�� � �s� r� � � � � �; � � � . ��+ �� .z � � �.� ���^ � ��, . . ,K E^:� � 3�.� � � �3 � .� - . � �;� ...� � � .;V � � . -. ; ��� p ? p� _ � , . � . . . �1�.R/" � °� '����� � � � � . . -._-__-._.._..____.___..___-_-'-� . . . Hy no����ir;�,rr � � � ------ Stal'[\Vriter • � � oneer Press • St. Yaul D'tonday was • ��•'• ���§"9�2 i allotted a surprise $44�,700 . � I to emplo,y about 60 •more - . ����'�QO johless persons i�� public service. � . The money is part of a Hodgson said the �200 �Q� ��'��� � $200 million package allo- millio�l «�as a 11�c a t e d • cated by Labor Secretary among "pochets of high � Cou±inued tro�n page ll ' � Jaines I�odgson to areas unemplo���l�ent" on tl�e ba- � ! witl� six per cent unem- � sis of a formula that gives augments $600 million pre- � ployment of more than equal weight to both the viouslv apportioned Aug. s three months dt�ration. Re- number of jobless ai�d the 12. All ututs of local gov- : cruitment for`the jobs will severit)� of wlemnioyment. ernment shared that mEl-I ' be done in the highest wi- The ftmds will be adminis- ' on. The current allocation j K employment areas of •the tered through city hall. An was targeted for areas of; _ , city. additionai �50 million is high and persistent jobless- �F �' Although the w�•�3,700 is being held iu reserve to be ness. ' related to the Yublic Em, used for further alleviation St. Paul received a por- F� pl•oyment Program (PEP) �n 1�i g h unempioyment tion �f that allotment some currently being operated areas. weeks ago, and already has hired 2]. of its initial � by the city, its early ap- 117onc�ay's allofinent «�as quota of 39 persons. The proval can�e "as a com- part of a $1 billio�Eaner- full quota of 118 N=ili go into plete surprise" to Earie genc,y Employment Act effect in early October, Ad- I � Adamson, the citg s mazi- passed by Congress in Au- an:son said. In addition, I pewer director. Tlle city � gust to provide jobs and xecruitment�vill be intensi- previously had been �a�ork- : enable local governinent fied to fill the 60 new jobs. ing�i�ith an approximate�1 and school districts to i�n- While the jobs remaining '. million grant, of which ' prove public scrvice pro- unfilled fruin the first quo-1 about �w200,000 has been re- grams. Ti�e new allocatioi7 ' ta are most.ly professional� ceived. . .Tur�i to Page 29,Cot.G � level positions, there �vill; � The grant announced ' be man,y opening up in Oc- ' Monday swells t.hat lnoney ---- toUer which require little , to provide an additional � or no traiuing. approximately Ei0 j�bs in ' "The jobs we have left I , - city, county and school po- right now;" Adamson said, y sitions. "include ch•aftsmen, sur- vey instrument man; envi- Active recruitment is un- � ronmental enbineer with a der «�ay to fill the jobs in civil engineering Uack- the 1oca1 levels of govern- ground, a systexns analyst, ment. In addition,tt�e state - a research analyst �+�ith . is especting nearly a half- real estate background, million dollars to provide . and thinas like that." � state jobs in St. Paul.Both - However, ,t3ie jobs be- • job programs are t�eing co- � comin� availal�le iu Octo- , ordinated 1�y the state De- ber will �ncltide such non- partment of RZanpower . professional p��sitions as Services. , clerks and groundsmen, as Job hunters should call • well as some m.ore highl}� skilled classifications. 2'Z7-7301 -and ask for the Only one-third of the � . - ?ublic Elll])IUyment Pro= money can be used for pro- gram (PEP1. The jobs are fessional le.vel hiring, Ad- i ]imited to persons wh� are amson said. uaemployed or underem- A total of �2,872,800 was ployed. � allocated to Minneso�a '� ' communities in Monda�'s a:lotment. Dultrt.h received $27,10Q for its Model Cities � -� � area, and A4inneapolis got � $724,000. The balance of M i n n e s o t a received . $1,67fi,100. . '�� I)ISPA'I'CH - SEPTEP�I�ER ��,1971 . ��� P���r� ' , , ������Q��� � I�O�'VEVER, he said 21' � I � persons alxeady are on ! . ' board, including ei�ht mi- • ��;�.������ nority persons and 13 veter- [e ans. St. Pau] ti�il.l get �&i3,100 for 110 jobs iii ptib- ' E,y JOIIN K�LLY lic service areas with ', $443,700 for hard-core neigh- i Staff�Vriter borhoods «�ith high un�m- , T'�vin Cities area public ; I�?�Ylneiit. i Gleason Giover, executive , empluyment officials and + director for the A�Tinneapolis - members of minority agen- Urban League, espressed � � cies met today to discuss lo- j � concern that agencies and . . cal application of the Emer- individuals trying to deal gency Employinent Act of w�th high iuiemploym.ent � 1971 and wound up criticiz- ' had not been sufficienU �/ ing the crash nati.�re and Ui•uught into the planning �; other shortcomings of the process. legislation. It was explained that Min- . _ Crit.ics fror� the public neapolis will be gettiug ' � sector harped at the speedy $1,I1S,90U for 140 jobs in tl�e � applicatiod deadlines im= general grant and �724,000 ' 'posed by federal officials, for key needy neighbor- "" j and Lhose from the minority . hoods. Hennepin �ounty ' commanity rapped the lack w911 get �361,000 for 44 pub- of information ahout the lic job slots. Tlie 79 outstate federall,y sponsored jobs re- cuunties will get a total of sulting. The meetinU ��as �5.4 million under the feder- held in the St.Paul Arts and al program. Science Center. ------ - - T�iE EMERGEhTCY Em- ployment Act of .1971 is funded by Congress for $1 . � billioi� in 1972 and�1.25 bil- � lion in 1973. If.will provide . � IS0,00q public service jobs for returning veterans and • other unemployed. � Eugene Macatilay, deputy � ftamsey Countyadmiiustza- � #,or, criticized t:he httrry-up ' nature of the program and ' lamented that Ramsey ; County oufside the City of . . • St. Paul will get only�85,500 ' under the program — � ' enough for just 13 positions. , "This straps tis from really getting at the hard-core _ ' unenploynient problem,"he � ' said. Earle Adanlson, manpow- . � er supervisoi for St. Paul, noted the tightness of the : � , federal deadlines prevented proper advertising of the job openings. � ; � .. U. S. DEPARTI�:NT OF LABOR Manpower Administration aupplement co Application re Equal Employment Oppor�unity � Emergen�y Employment AcC of, 1971 ._ - , — NAME OF APPLICANT City of Saint Paul The applicant represents that it and the `employing agencies responsible to it, in addition to complying with ,provisions else- � where required, will act in conformance with� the pledges contained in th�s document in expending Federal funds pursuant to the Emer- gency Employment Act of 1971. (a) They will not diacriminate against any employee or appli- cant for employment because of race, creed, color, political affil- iation'or beliefs, sex, or national origin. They will take whatever action ia necessary to ensure that applicants are .employed, and thaC employees are treated duxing employment, wiChout regard to .their race, creed, color, national orip,in or sex, ,political affiliation or beliefa. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employ- ment, assignment, upgrading, demotion, or tranafer, �recruitment or recruiEment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including appren- ticeship. They agree "to post in conspicuous .places, available to Pm- ployeeg and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the ' provi��oris of this nondiscriminatian clause. '_ (b) They will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of' the applicant or the employing agencies, state � that all qualified applic�nts will receive consideration for employment without regard Co race, creed, color, national origin or aex, political affiliation or beliefs. ° (c) They will .eend to each labor union or representative of workers with•which it hae s collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice advising the labor union or workers' repreeentative of its connnitment under section 12(g) of the Emergency ' Employment Act of 1971, and will poat copies of the notice in conspi- cuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. twttw �axB • 3ep. 1971 (d) 1'hey will furnish all in�ormation and reports requixed by the Emer�ency Emplayment Act of 1971, and by the rules, regulations ; and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain co�pliance with � such rules, regulations, and orders. (e) In the event o€ noncompliance by the applicant or the employinR aRenta responsible to it with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, ar orders, the applicant understands the F�deral government may take legal enforcement action in the Federal District Courts or that the grant may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part. Purauant to the provisions of 29. CFR Section 55.26 or Title VI of the Civil Ri�hts Act of 1964, the applicant or the employing agencies, or both, may be d�clared ineiigible for further grants. , (f) The chief elected executive of the applicant will indicate his unqualified support of equal employment opportunity as aeC fort� in this representation in writing to all employees and officials oF the applicant and of the employing agencies and will designate a person in a high executive capacity to i�sure its implementation. (�) They will disseminate the equsl employment opportunity policy (1) to present employeea, including minority employees, and employees engaged in administering the EEA program, and will en- couraRe them to recruit and refer other minority group persons; and (2) to minority �roups and community organizations, including speci- fically the following: Mode 1 C it ie s St. Paul Human & Civil Rights Department A IM - American Indian Movement St. Paul American Indian Center Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. (O.E.O,) E1 Rio Vista Citizens Council Phalen Area Community Council St, Paul Opportunities Industrialization Center Thomas-Dale Community Organization � West Seventh Community Organization - West Midway Community Organization (use additional sheet, if necessary) I i i i . � • and (3) by solici;ting and advertising for employees via news media � specifically simed .at serving minority person�� including the following: S t. Pau.l Sun ' �win City Cc�?rier 8t. Paul R+��:order St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press - . ;�h� Grand-Selby Aigest i+ii��nesota Legi.onnaire � Union Advocate _ (n.se�addiCional sheet, if necess�ry.) � ;(#�} The ap�.iir�,�at wi11 aseign the re�ponsibility for assurinR equal �npicyment o��tunity to the followin� �erson: Earle D, Adamson . - _ , (i) The applicant will follow a non-dfscriminatory policy with . _�w.� its emp.loyees and tho�e of its employinR aRencies who are .. . ;�,1ay�d wi.n.a��mini.��erin� the pro�ram. A lfetin� af such employees - byr race, national origin and sex followa: (SEE ATTACHMENT) � (use additional sheet, if necessary) ' Date Received Date Approved • EEA-27-2-0084 Crant Number Mayor October 5 1971 Signa u of Author Title Official Datc Official William Patton - Federal Coordinator - White, Male, American George R, McMahom - Federal Coordinator - White, Male, American James Kuhl - Chief Accovntant - St. Paul Ramsey Hospital - White, Male, American Dr, George Young - Superintendent of Schools - White, Male, American R.J.A. Hallen - Director of Personnel - White, Male, American Kenneth A. .�erg - Asst. Superintendent of . Instruction - White, Male, American :Ba�d..Dn3.�a: • � - - Asst. Superintendent of ' Maintenance & Operations - White, Male, American - °"i�iilli� ���t - Superintendent of Recreation - White, Male, American Bernard Edmonds - Superintendent of Parks - White, Male, American Edward Helfeld - Executive Director - HRA - White, Male, American - A1fY•ed Dybiec - Chief Account - HRA - White, Male, American Marshall Anderson - Director of Administration -IiRA - White, Male, American Clemens Schleck - Comptroller - White, Male, American • ' 3.l�yd .Bur1c���Zder - - Assto Superintendent of Parks - White, Male, American � . � o���,�,n,��.� : �� 25590'� ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMLIISSIONE� �ATE � �SOIa1II►. tt�at the �L►�r. on behal! oi t1r Cit� o! 3aiat plaul, is h�reb� a�tl�orl,�+ad and diracted to aake •ppli�aatlon to tlr Qnite� Ststes Deparernt of I.s�or �r ths •u� ot �443,700, pusau�mt to S�ctioa YI ot tb� 3rr�enay �pio�ent Act of 1971, a eoplr of ui�d applia�tti�o bsio� aLtaahed l�ereto �ad ineorposat�d h�r�ia b� r��erea�e. - OCT 51871 COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��c;� 19— Yeas Nayre But�er O CT 5197� �_ ��� Appro°o� 19_ �°�e �n Favor Meredith Mayor �pl�� � A oOAITiAt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��