255903 OR16'MAL TO CITY CL6RK ����v c ,�r . CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� .. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti�E NO � COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE �'C� � A*F In the Matter of haaardo�ts bnildisgs being that single story conuaercial b�ilding with part basement (brick veaar,ea� over frane construction) knowa and described a� 914 -18 Selby aveac�e ia the City of Saint panl aad situateal mpc�a these pre�aises legallyr descri.bed as Lot 7, Block 3, Browrs's First Addition to Sai�t Pa�l, aceording to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of �eeds in aad for the �o�tp of �amsey, State of l�inaesota. WHEBEaS, Pnrst��t to resolntion, C. �'. Ho. 2553�4, approved l�iugast 13, 1971, a p�blic hearing was daly l�eld 0a T�esday, Angust 24, 1971, before the Co�ncil of the Citg of Saint Panl, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the :trnctnre located at 914-18 Selby Aven�e, Saint Panl, Mianesota; aad WHSItEAS; t�pon the facts presented at t�e said heariag consistiag of photograpl��, inspectioa repc�rts and the recv�aer�da- , tiona of the Cit�r Architect, it is fo�nd and deter�iaed by the City eosacil that accordimg to the reeerds and files in the ffice of the Register of Deeds, the last record oNaers of the i0 •ve-described property are: f , lu �?� � � �ir. aad �irs. Berr�ard Modelezsky �� i� 2078 �atricia �`' `' i o �est Saint Panl, Minsesota c,. �° o � '`' Mr. and i�s. �rris Mesnik � � 1715 Lilac Lane C.L� N � ¢ Saint Paul, MinA�sota COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � _ ..• . ,������� � wHEREAS, It is further determined that tlze above-deseribed 914-18 l�elbp Aiceaue constitute hazardons buildings within the definition of I�Iinnesota Statntes Section 463.15 for the following reasons: a. T'l�e buildi�g was damaged severely in � fire o� August 10, 1971. Rubble from the fire has been pushed onto private property. The condition of the premises is now an attractine nui�ance, a harboracqe for rodenta, a blighting iaflueACe on the neigh�aorbood and has a great potential for being the victun of another fire. b. The bntilding in the above condition is bepond reasonable repair; c. The b�ilding is anfit for human habit�ation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in complia�ce with the Bnilding Code and the Honsing Code of the City of Saint paul in order to make the same habitable; d. ?he buildi�g constitutes a nnisance ar�d a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its p�ysical daia�ge, dilapidation aind i�adeqnate maiatenancej now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tl�at in accordanee with Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoing findin�s of the Citp Conncil, the Conncil of the City of S�ir�t Psul does hereby make the followir�g Orders ORI6INAL TO CITY CLtRK � �'��9�� . , , � . CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO. - , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATE ��E� 1. The o�risers of the above-describ+�d bmilding shall make the same safe aad �ot detrimental tc� tl�e pnblic peace, health, safety aad welfare by havimg the said bnildiag t►azed aad the materials therefr� removed from the pree�anises within thirty (30) days frmm the date of the service of t�is Order; 2. �aless s�ch corrective action is taken i:e� cc�n►ply with this prder or an answer served apos the City of Saint Pa�l aad filed is the Office of the Clerk of the District Conrt of Rants�y Count�, l�iu�sesota, withia toventy (20) dags from the date of the service of this Order, a Motioa for ��rp Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove tl�e said b�tilding will be m�de to the Ramseg Cotu�tp �9istrict Court f 3. In the evest that the b�ildinq is tc> be razed by tl�e Citg of Saint pat�l pnrsaaat to jndg�aest cf the �istrict Conrt, all peraoaal property mr fixtnres which nay �n=easonablY iaterfere with the raziny and =�val of this bnilding shall be removed withia tem (10) days frc� the entry of jndgments aad if �ot s� re�ved, the City of Saiat Panl s�iall remove asd dispose of �uch personal property and fixtnrea as provided by law; 4. If the City of Saint Panl is compelled to take aay corr�etive actioa herein, all necessary costs exper�ded bg the City �ill be assessed agaiast the above-described seal estate aad collected as other taxes f arid be it FIIRTHE� RSS4b9ED, �at a certified copy of this reaolntion and incorperated Order hereia be served upc�n the last record owaers of the above-described property in the ma�aaer provided bp law. OCT 1 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya � 0 CT 1 19.7� C-a�serr ����� �'-R-� , ve 19— Levine S Tn Favor r dith Sprafka O � Tedesco A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty 9 �97� �vB�,is�� OCT ��