256700 ORIbINAL TO CITY CL6RK ������� ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� " OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. � . � C UN R LUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED sY � � � COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, �'h� Committee on Lands, co�posed o�' th� P�s.yor� the Purchasing Agent, the Comanissioner of Finance' and the Commission�r of Paxks and Reareation and Public Buildings af the City o� Saint Pau7., has secur�d an a�r�ement for the purchase o� that c�rrtain property described as follc�urs: T'ha� p�rt of Lot T�ro (2), Johnson•s Garden Lots� describ�d. as follows; Be- gi.nning at Northwest corner o� sa.id Lot Two (2)� theace rurining East on the North line of said Lot Two (2), Three Hundred and Forty (3�+0) feet; thenee running in a South�resterly direction to a point on the Sou�h 13.ne of said Lot Twro (2), S�.xty (60} feet East from the Southcrest corner of said Lot TTNrro (2); -�henc� running West on South line of said Lot 7't�ro (2), Sixty (60) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot �;ro (2); thence running North on the West line of said Lot 2'wo (2) to p1�ce of be�innin�, except that portion of said I,ot �.'wo (2) eo�d.emned by City of St. Paul for park pur�poses and described as follows: B�ginning at a point on the South line of I,ot Two (2)� S3.xty (60) feet East from the Southwest corner thereof� th�nee West to said corner� thence Idorth �+1° 05' East� Six Hundx�d. Fifty-two (652) �eet, thene� North 80° 31' West� One Hundred Si.xty (160) feet' thenc� North 25° gl' West� On� Hundred Ninety-s� (196) feet, thence North 19° 04' East� �ro H`undred Sixty- one and nine-tenths (261.9) feet to a point on the l�orth line of said 7�ot Four (4)� Three Hundred. Fifty and Three One-hundred.ths (350.03) feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot Four (4)� thence East to said 1'9'or�heast corner, thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of said I,ot Two �))� thence West along the Norther].y 13.n� of said Lot Thro (2) to a poirit Three Hundred. forty feet (340) from the 1Vorthwest corner of said Lot 2'wo (2)� thenee South- westerly to beginning� WI�REAS, The property described thexein is necessary for th� ex�ansion of Battle Creek Pa.rk� and the price at which the property may be purchased is �t the total amoun� of $11,000.00, a fair and reasona.blepric� accordi.ng to the appraisal obtained by the Committee on Lands; and �REAS� Said Com¢nittee has reeommended the purchase of said property at the price stated above, as evidenced by the letter of said Co�anittee �ubmitted herewith; now, therefore� be it RESOLVED� That pursuant to Section 303 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty FORM AP�2� � t Asst. Cor � C in el "�'0 � , ORIG�NAL TO CITY CLBRK ;����i��f . CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DATF -2- and Ordinanee PTo. 1�+905, Council File No. 25g�+6, approved September 9� 1971� the Council of �h� City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the purch,ase of the above described. land.; and be it RESOLVED F'UR�I�R� That the proper City officials a;re hereby a�tthorized. and directed to pay to �I.na M. Metca.lf� record fee awner' the stun of $11�000.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendor f`ram PIR Fund Cod� 6000-502 (L-7�7)� to be r�imbursed f`rom Fund 9771-460-013, upon her furnishing evidenee of good maxketable title in the aforesaid vendor� and the total payment to be mad.e upon tender by said party of appropriate deed.s conveying title to said property to the City of Saint Pa.ul. OEC101� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xays oEC 15197i Butler � � App --_19— Levine _jn Favor Meredith Sprafka ayor � Against Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty Yu��,is�D DEC 18197� � , J.,WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 `Valuation Engineer ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ♦� 286 City Hall '�t '' ����' Seint Peul, Minnssota 55102 � City Council City of Saint Pa.ul Gentlemen and Madam: The City of Saint Paul� actin� through its Val�aation En�ineer, has negotiated to purchase certain property described as follows: Tha.t part of Lot Two (2), Johnsonts Garden Lots, described as follows: Beginning at Northwest corner of said Lot Two (2), thence running East on the North line of said Lot Two (2), Three Hundred and Forty (3�+0) feet; thence running in a Southwesterly direction to a point on the South line of said Lot Two (2), Sixty (60) feet East from the Southwest corner of said Lot Two (2); thence running West on South line of said Lot Tw'o (2), Sixty (60) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Two (2); thence running North on the West line of said Lot Ttiro (2) to place of be�inning, except that portion of said Lot Two (2) condemned by City of St. Paul for park purposes and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot Two (2), Sixty (60) feet Fast from the Southwest corner thereof, thence West to said corner� thence North �+l° 05' East, Six Hundred Fifty-two (652) feet, thence North 80° 31' West, One Hundred Six�ty (160) feet, thence North 25° 51' West, One Hundred Ninety-six (196) feet, thence PTorth 19° 00' East, Two Hundred SiXty-one and nine-tenths (261.9) feet to a point on the North line of said Lot Four (4), Three Hundred Fifty and Three One- hundredths (350.03) feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot Four (4), thence East to said Northeast corner, thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of said Lot Two (2), thence West along the ATortherly line of said Lot Two (2) to a point Three Hundred forty feet (3�+0) from the Northwest corner of said Lot Two (2), thence Southwesterly to beginnin�, The awner of the above described land, Elna M. Metcalf, has accepted ar� offer tendered her by the City in the amount of �11,000.00 as compensation for the sale of the land to the City. This property is needed by the City of Sa.int Pau1 for the expansion of Ba.ttle Creek Park. In view of the reasonable price for which it can be purchased, said price being the appraised fair and reasonable market value therefore, we, the Committee on Lands, do recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul that it authorize the purchase of said land in lieu of condemnation proceedings at the price of $11,000.00, as ne�otiated with the owner. Y . � Mayor� Commissioner Paxks� Re eation - � �� � Public Bu ding t c si ent Commissioner of F nance File No. 17591