256698 ORI�NAL TO CITY CL6RK A���-" C,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMNIISSIONE ATF �SOLVBD � �� Tbat the aorthern States Pc�er Ca�par�y be o,�. P,.1�►'►^ giv�en pexmi.ssio� to place, conatract and �. thereatter main�ain agprcximately 420' o= six hale chict and t�no manholes alo�0g or across We�t Sxc2�ange Street �'ra� 3t. Peter Street to �t. Jo�ephe Hospital ia accorcLe�ace �ith �h� eketch attached hereto. �Iork to start an or af'ter Decenber l, 1971 and to be canpleted caa or before dune l, 1972. �O�M ,. N E� � �� p �ati n Couns�l DEC 101l71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butier D E C 15 1971 App 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith /"'� Sprafka ayor v A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty , PUBLISHED O E C 18 19 71 O o�.�,�,���R.� 2�5�9� CITY OF ST. PAUL ry uN�� N� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMf�t�l�NE� �A*� �I�iD � Z'i�f �!1'A S�b�! �l' QOl� �f g1� psisiaaica #ro g1�►�!, oo�r�ru� a�d tL�s��a!'��r adin�sia app�odaat�3� �40' o! aSx bol� �t an�i tvo maahaLs �].mg os acra�s �1sst �cabeu�e e�rsirC i�t� 8�. lt�te�r �r�s� to �. JoNpiss Hor�i�al ia a�saa�drudce viith � slcrtch a�hed hfrrlo, Mo�it iso a'�rt aa o�c ai'6er D�cembsr 1, 19q'1 a�d to b. aa.�ir�ea op► or b�toare � l, 197a. �E� 10 .�9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Connr.it 19._ Yeaa Naya Butler �l � Appro� 19_ Levine n Favor Meredith � Msyor Sp� rodAil'lAt T@(�@SCO Mr. Preaidexit, McCarty �pe