03-1140Council File # LJ�� 1'�� Green Sheet# 3009095 Presentetl ey: RESOLUTION OFSAINTPAUL, MINNESOTA �5 �.. � . Refertetl To: Committee Oate: 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N 72 13 14 'IS 'I6 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 � 46 47 � 48 50 Page 1 of 5 WHEREAS, the 2ao3 Butlgetr of the Gene21 Funtl antl special funds are projectetl to be out of balance; antl WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 70.0].3, must recommentl atljushnents to bring the budgets into balance; antl WHERFAS, the departrnents antl offices of the Cily have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS,CF02-1124authorizetlthecitytoenterintoaleaseagreementwithRamseyCOUntyfortheGriffinBUiltling; antl WHEREAS, this lease agreement meets the criteria of a capital lease in accortlance with generally accepted accounting principles; antl WHEREAS, in ortler to properly account for the wpital lease agreement antl [he builtling the financing antl spentling plan needs ta be amendetl; and WHERFAS, the Mayor, in accordancewith Section �0.07.t, certifies that there are avaiiable for appropriation St4,828,063 in General Funtl monies and $3,028,944 in special fund monies in ezcess of those estimated in the 2003 butlget; and, in accortlance with Section t0.07.t and t0.0�.4 of the City Charter, recommentls the following changes to the 2003 budget GENER4LFUND Funtl Activity Object Description FINANCING Change use of funtl balance entry from Rountl I resolution to transfer from Special Fund 007 - 00000 - 9630 Use ofFUntl Balance Use of General Funtl resources and funtl balance to finance various spentling items oot - 00000 - 9630 Use of Fund Balance (foryear end resolution) Transfer back to the General Funtl unusetl tlollars fo� winter street mainlenance 00� - 00000 - 7305 7ransferfromSpetialRevenueFUnd Citizen Services Office Atltlitional funds forsummary nuisance abatement 00� - 00256 - 7306 Transferfrom CapiWlPrqects Funtl-Othet CiN AttorneYS Office City Attorney, Geneal Operetions 007 - 00200 - 4099 Fees -N.O.C. Police Oeoartment To recortl a capital lease for the Griffin euiltling 007 - OG3G5 • 6205 Capital Lease GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 6,365,393 (2,700,000) A265,393 4,265,383 507,563 4,772,956 960,166 2,100,000 3,060,968 300,000 115,500 475,500 33,000 360,000 393,000 0 '13,845,000 '13,845,000 74,828,063 Council File # O� ld Green Sheet# 3009095 Presentetl By: RESOLUTION CIN OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referted To: Committee Da[e: St 52 � � 55 56 57 58 59 60 6t 62 63 64 65 66 6� 68 69 70 7I 72 73 74 75 76 77 ]a �9 80 St 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 84 95 96 9� 98 99 100 m� �02 703 704 '105 106 707 108 109 �io ni t�2 iia ��a Fund Aetiviry Object Description SPEN�ING CiN Attomev's �ce City Attomey, General Operations ooi • 00200 - 0777 Salaries 007 • 00200 - 020t CriminalCOUrt 007 - 00200 - 0206 Civil Court 007 - 00200 • 020� Civil Litigation 007 - 00200 - 02�9 Professianal5enices oot - 00200 - 0225 Fax, E-mail, etc. 00� • 00200 • 0244 Microfilming 007 - 00200 - 0254 Tuition OOt - 00200 - 0255 Dues OOt - 00200 - 0256 Registration Fees OOt - 00200 • 0299 Other•Misc OOt • 00200 - 0362 PaperSupplies OOt - oa200 - 0368 OfficeSUpplies OOt - 00200 • 0369 OtherOfficeSupplies 001 - 00200 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Citizen Services Office Atltlitional funds for summary nuisance abatement oot - 00258 - �2t3 Grounds Mtce (Parks Tall grass antl weeds) 001 - 00258 - 0289 Other Profe55ional Srvcs (POlice Tows) Librzries Shortage in fringe benefits object cotle 007 - 03402 - 0439 001 - 03404 • 0371 007 • 03404 - 0373 007 • 03404 - 0374 007 - 03401 - 0280 Parks & Recreation 007 - 03t40 - 0373 Fringe Benefits Electricity Gas Including Bottle Chilletl Water Computer Hardware Maintenance Gas Inclutling Bottle Police Deoartment To record a capital lease forthe Gri�n Builtling 001 • 04345 - 0891 Builtling Shortage in fringe benefits objttt cotle 00'I • 04'100 - 0939 007 - 0400t - 0398 001 - 0400t - 082'1 Frin9e Benefits Opticom Equipment Cars & Motorcycles GENERALFUNDSPENDINGCHANGE Page 2 of 5 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGEf CHANGES BUDGEf 390,602 2t,000 2,500 723,040 13,226 0 0 0 2,200 6,000 3,780 3,800 13,000 660 9,008,'13] 60,000 6,000 �aazo 57,�t 25,000 t,200 2,400 845 9,600 2,500 '15,284 5,000 5,000 5,000 750,000 450,602 27,000 nzzo 180,45I 38.226 '1,200 2,400 895 It,800 8,500 78,46A 8,900 I8,000 5,660 t,158.'137 227,650 90,000 t,556,948 t97.886 56.128 34,000 86,900 52'1,294 0 7,t04.948 '109,000 '104,599 63,500 29'I,'15� 52,000 142,000 933,4]Y t.690,42'I 40,000 237,886 10,000 66,t26 20,000 54,000 (80,000) 6,900 t20,000 641,294 t3,80.5,000 '13,845,000 954,091 (90,000) ('100,000) '14,828,063 7,`�`9,040 79.000 6,599 Council File # O�� 1`�O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Page 3 of 5 Refertetl To: Committee Date: t�5 176 t17 718 It9 '120 127 122 t23 t24 t25 126 727 128 t29 730 13t 132 733 136 t35 736 737 138 139 740 14 142 143 144 745 746 '16] �� 149 t50 t5I 752 153 ISi t55 t56 '157 758 759 760 t6t 162 163 t64 t65 I66 787 168 t69 t70 77t CURRENT AMENDED Funtl Attivity Object Des<ription BUDGET LHANGES BUDGET. SPECIAL FUN0.5 CiN AttomeYs Office Spentling Authority for Office Managef position FINANCING 025 - t0200 - 6998 Othe�Misc.Revenue 0 76,000 �6,000 025 - 10200 - All Other Financing 696,399 0 696,348 FUNDFINANCINGTOTAL 696,349 76,000 772,349 SPENOING 025 - 10200 - o111 Salaries 025 - 70200 • 0439 Fringe5 025 - t02o0 - AllotherSpentling 4UA76 t45,629 533,361 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 719,468 55,8]0 20,030 0 76,000 96,446 165,659 533,367 795,466 Office of Financial5ervices Central Service Tansfer to Generol Fund FINANCING O50 - 307�7 - 4351 IndirectCostRecovery 2,785,870 O50 - 30717 - AIl OtherFinancing 20,000 O50 - 30t08 - AIIOtherFinancing t,685,600 FUNDFlNANqNGTOTAL 4,SOt,A70 SPENDING O50 • 30717 • 0557 TransfertoGeneralFUntl 2,7t7.376 a5o • 30N7 - AllotherSpentling 94,494 O50 - 30108 - OSqB CouncilCOntingency (140,000) O50 - 30108 - 0545 City Contributionto Outside Agency 7,623,t00 O50 • 3Ut08 - Allother5pentling 212,500 FUNDSPEN�INGTOTAL 4,SOt,470 GreenSheet# 3009095 759,290 0 0 759,290 ]59,290 0 740,000 �iao,aoo� 0 759,290 3,595,t60 20,000 7,695,600 5,260,760 3,470,666 94,994 0 t,ass,�oo 272,500 5,260,760 Mavor's �ce Amentl eutlget for Education Initiative FINANqNG O50 - 30794 • 9630 Use af Funtl Balance 0 26,607 26,607 050 - 30�74 - NlOtherFinancing 0 0 0 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 26,607 26,607 SPENDING O50 - 30t�4 - 0�12 Full-TimeNOtCertified U 78,002 t8,002 O50 - 30�74 - 0237 Parking Expense 0 95 85 O50 - 30t14 - 02A2 Pfinting•RiverPrint 0 1,500 1,500 O50 - 30174 - 0387 Books, Periotlitals,etc. 0 707 707 O50 - 301t4 - 0439 Fringes 0 6,�98 6,148 050 - 3011G - 0528 DeptHeatlReimbursement 0 755 'I55 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 26,607 26,607 Council File # a�� „� V GreenSheet# 3009095 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referted To: Committee Date: 772 773 'q4 »s 176 �n t78 779 180 181 782 183 184 185 t86 t87 788 788 '190 191 192 193 t96 795 796 187 198 199 200 zat 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 270 2N 272 213 214 215 2t6 2t7 278 279 220 221 272 Page 4 of 5 Fund Activity Object Description Technolow antl Manaoemen[ Services Flezible Spentlin9 �ount FINANCING cuaaerrr BUDGEf CHANGES AMEN�ED BUDGET t65 - 37160 • 9830 Use of FUntl BalanCe 25,000 2,000 27,000 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 25,000 2,000 27,000 SPENDING 765 • 31t60 - 02b8 P�ocessinglfiling 25,000 2,000 2T,040 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 25,000 2,000 27,000 Public Works Street Repair and Cleaning Fund FINANqNG 225 • 00000 - 9830 SPENDING 225 - 42330 • 0557 Street Repair and Cleaning Funtl FINANCING 225 - 42360 • 225 - 42361 - 225 • 42362 - 225 • 42363 - 225 - 42364 • 225 - 42365 - 225 - 42366 - SPENDING 225 - 225 - 225 • 225 - 225 - 225 • 225 - 42360 - 42361 - 42362 - 42363 - 42364 - 42365 - 42366 - Use of Fund Balance 0 2.�00,000 Y,700,000 FUNDFINANCINGTOTAL 0 2,'IOU,000 2,'100,000 TransfertoGenerolFUnd 0 2,tOQ000 2,100,000 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 2,t00,000 2,t00,000 9830 USe of Funtl Balante 0 9830 Use af Fund Baiance 0 9830 Use af Fund Balance 0 9830 UseoiFuntlBafance 0 9830 Use of Fu�d Balance 0 9830 Use of Funtl Balance 0 9830 Use of Funtl Balance 0 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 U29U CenUal Service CostS 52,280 0290 Central Service Costs q290 0290 CentralServiceCOStr t93,050 0290 Central5ervice Costs 768,480 0290 CentrolService Costs 38,220 0290 Central Service Costs 2,730 0290 Central Service Costs '1.950 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 460,980 5.723 7,259 (t],894) �8,352 (5,890) (7,389) (767) 0 5,723 1,259 (t],894) '18,352 (5,890) (1,389) (t61) 0 5,723 1,259 (77,894) t8,952 (5,890) (1,388) (167) 0 57,983 5,549 775,156 186,832 32,330 t,3d1 t,789 46Q980 CouncilFile# 0��1`�b GreenSheet# 3009095 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referretl To: Committee Oate: 223 224 �1S 226 227 228 229 230 23I 232 233 236 235 236 237 238 239 240 249 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 280 26I 262 263 264 Funtl Activity Object Description Trs�t Fund FINANCING Page 5 of 5 CURRENi AM1AENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 240 • t2007 - 9925 Use of Retainetl Eamigns 19.638 23,537 C3A75 FUNOFINANCINGTOTAL t9.638 23,537 93,1]5 SPENDING 290 - �2007 - 0777 Salaries 246,198 �6,366 262,542 290 • �2007 - 0167 Negotiatetllncrease 72,657 490 73,147 240 • 12007 - 0290 CentralService Costs 30,8t0 t,560 32,370 240 . 12007 - 0439 Frin9� 236.387 S,t93 24t.530 FUNDSPENOINGTOTAL 586,052 23,537 609,589 Public Works Atlministation FINANCING 255 - 72304 255 - '12306 SPENDING 255 255 255 255 72304 12304 12304 t2304 - 9925 Use of Retainetl Earnings 43,775 (800) 42,315 - 4307 NormalAC[ivityServices tt,'I10 47,870 52,920 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 54,285 41,0'10 95,295 - 011'I Sala�ie5 0 31,949 31,949 - Ot6� Negotiated Increase 0 958 858 - 0290 CentralService Costs 3,900 (1,950) t,850 - 0439 Fringes 0 70,053 10,053 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 3.900 4t,Ot0 44,970 SPECIAL FUND PINANqNG CHANGE SPECIAL PUND SPENDING CHANGE 3,028,444 3,028,9AM1 Be it RESOLVED, that lhe City Council approves the amentletl budgets as intlicatetl above, antl atlopts fhe revisions to the 2003 butlget. Requested by Department of: 6cecutive Atlministration - Financial Services By: MattSmith Approval Recor�entletl y Director of Fina cial Services: // %f � Atloptetl by Council: Date �� �� °� 5 � U U 5 BY. 1 � Atloption Certified � by C Fortn Approvetl CityAttorney: q /� e /1//✓/U.I��A/%.�SdA� BY� ��GL� � U_� /I�L Approvetl by Mayor: Dat e APF BY: / gY: �/ � "Prepared by the Submission Services 03-11�►b DEPARTbfEtJ'1'/OFFICFJCAUNCQ. DA'CEIMTIATED ExecufiveAdministration ivivos GREEN SHEET NO. 3009095 COMACf PERSON & PHO.�`E � DEPARTMENT DIItEC70R � CfIY COUNCII, Matt Smith 266-$]96 O2 (:CIY ATCORNEY �� OS (:1TY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGEIDA BY (DATE) 01 OFS DIRFCCOR �f/� � � 'I2/23/03 � .�(AYOR(ORASSISiA�Yn �6 OFS-ACCOUMING TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGAiATURE) ACC[ON REQUESTED Approval of the attached 2003 year�nd budget adjustrnent resolution. a[mtA.m+�nnoHanppo.�c(n�o�rsris«p PERSONALSERVICECO�'CRAC1'SMUSTAIVSWERTHEFOLLOWIlVGQUESTIONS: (Explaie aV ya answers on separah shret anG al�ch M greev shret) M.NNNINGWIM955ION _CIVLLSERVICEOJFPII$$ION LHastAispersoWfvmevaworkedmderawatrutforttisdepac�ent? CmmMIAITEE YES NO n_ST,�e _ 2.Nazthispeason/£umevvbeenacityempkyez? dSTRICICOURi YES NU suerox[s wwcx couNC¢os�cros+ 3. Dces tNS perso¢H"vm possess a slall mt nom�ally possessed by any cwrmt aty employeel YES NO I�ITL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUMIY (Who, Wbay Wheu, Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The 2003 budget for the City of Saint Paul wiff be balanced. DISADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: None DISAD�'ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The 2003 budget will not balance. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO General Fund $14,828,063 Special Funds $3,028,444 acnvi�x[rmsee Various Capital Projects Funds $0 TOTAL $17,856,507 FunnmcsouxcE Various vrew�aoymeorrwmvinanumsernces (�:vsxarzeo�auoaenrauusumKtrvu.su� o3-��yD City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Memorandum Ta Matt Smith From: Chito Jovella�����1'�`" —" {% Date: December 12, 2003 Subject: Capital Lease far Griffin Buiiiding The reporting of the capital lease is required based on the following: "General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require that a governmental fund report at the inception of a capital lease both an other financing source and an expenditure equal to the net present value of the minimum lease payments." (P75 GAAFR). National Council on Govemmental Accounting (NCGA) Statement No. 5- Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles for Lease Agreements of State and Local Governments "requires that governmental funds follow the accounting and reporting standards established by Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 13 (Accounting for Leases), as amended, with appropriate modifications to reflect the distinguishing characteristics of governmental accounting" (P20.02 2003 Miller Governmental GAAP Guide). A state or local government should record a capital lease at an amount equal to the present value of the minimum lease payxnents; however, the amount recorded cannot exceed the fair value of the lease property (P20.04 Miller GAAP Guide)". The budgeting far capital lease is based upon "the concept of fiscal accountabilitv requires a eovernment to justifv its actions in the context of budQetary restrictions on the use of resources. As a result, governments, unlike private-sector businesses, are required as part of their re�ular financial reportin� responsibilities to compare their actual results for each fiscal period a¢ainst both the original and the final amended bud�et• This reporting requirement necessitates the budgeting for the expected capital lease expenditures, just like any other expenditures that we budget for in the general fund or any other governmental fund.