256681 �� Oridnal to City Clerk r ORDINANCE ��4��6�� �� �,.,� , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDIA�AAiCE SE�"I'LINQ THE CLAIM OF LE�LIE R. JOHNSON AGA=NST THE CI�Y OF SAIN� PAUL THE COUNCIL 4F �HE CI3'� OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINs Section 1. Th�.t the proper City offieers are hereb� author3zed and directed to pag out of the Tort Liability Fund 0435-�+21, to Leslie R. Johnson, the swn of $163.32, in f�.11 settlement of' lhi� elaim of damages su�t�,ined on or about August 6, 1971 as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on August 2�+, 1971. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effec� and be in force thirty days af'ter its passage, app�oval and publication. OEC �8 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler .�f eark�ea Conway � � Levine ,1 Tn Favor Meredith V v Sprafka A gainat Tedesco � . President c A ) Appro � ��� Clerk ,^ . , ,� Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By �'� pUBLISHED DEC 31 1971 � �-�- . , . ,�°M.\��•..5 �'r\�.,�}� 1,... _. , •�'.�<�ti�'�n DaD�ab te Pd�t�r ' � � RDINANCE 25�68� - COUNClL FILE NO-- PRESENTED BY ORDINANC� NO� : �;�� � 4S�1R�C3 ��'!i!�L'�a '!�l'S �[ iJ� � �E. l�f L�'! SI� !�1'!Z E�► l�t�' l�#�L '!!tH @�IL i'� ''� �"t'!'i t� S�IM"1' !�. D� �A►�t �e�tioa 1. '1'!►a� tht �par �lt� otli��rs ar�� �ers'�� art�a�risa►d aesd etttrected � �y out o! t�e ibr� ,�,i,abilit� ln�d t1035�-�7., �o �eslie B. Jobnson, the ,� af �i6g.�, i� full sattls�nt o! hir alaia of �t• s�t�►i�ed oes o� abo�t ln�a�t 6, 19�'1 s� aoa�e partionlarlT set ont in a co��.cst3o� to th�r I�it1 �eil �e ��tst �#, 19�'ll. �+te�tian �. ?�st said s�me s�►11 'bir pa�td tt� the ss3d al�u�t apan �.i.s �seee�t�ion and deliverf af s rtlea+� ir� 2'�11 � tha I�.t�', l� a !a►r�n to be ap�r�r�d bT t�e �o�ratic� �.b+�se�., !br all d�i� swstained Sa t1� araa�er aforesaid. Se�a�i4t► 3. i'�a� this ordiasa�e s'� tai�e �tl+set aad be in laree tbirL7 Qqs aftsr its �assage, app�O� ,�rd �tb2laation. oEC a s tu� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pae�ed by t�e Counc-�� BuB�a Go�► Levine - sn Favor Meredith � ro��� sp� Tedeeco ' �. ��a�,t c��c�►) OEC $�9 t97�1 Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor : �� - Form s�prov� CorporaL3on �oungel By _ /.� / /,� I st � 2nd Laid over +o � � f� 3rd and app _�4dopted,� � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �utler Carlson ������ ���-,�,►.� �. Levine �'Levine Meredith �`Meredith Sprafka 'Sprafka � Tedesco ` �edesco � � Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarfy O