256675 . ���br7�..� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .__-__ ..----..-_ CO IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, Additions have been necessary to properly complete the work in the Improvement described as the Installation of Traffic Signals at Maryland Avenue and Prosperity Ave. , Hamline Ave. and Thomas Ave. ; Ariington Ave. and Rice St. , and at Fairview Ave. and Selby Ave. , Comptroller's Contract No. L-7269-1 , City Project No. T 1018 A, with the Commonwealth Electric Company, and WHEREAS, Specifically the value of the following additions is as follows: l . Maryland Ave. and Prosperity Ave. $2,166.00 2. Hamline Ave. and Thomas Ave. 415.00 TOTAL $2,581 ,00 WHEREAS, The total addition is $2,5$1 .00, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $2,581 .00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it further RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the • addition in the sum of $2,581 .00, said amount to be added to the lump sum � consideration named in the contract which amount is to be financed from County Aid Funds in the amount of $2,166.00 and Municipal State Aid Funds in the amount of $415.00. �ORM A P ED Asst. C tio Counsel ��- DEC 81�Tt COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler OEC 9197) ,��.,,�_�_�.�� Appr ve 19—. Levine �jn Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor Tedesco J ASainst Mr. President, McCarty D E C 11 19.7� PUBLISH�D � . ;�ss�� DYTLICATS TO lRIN'1�t � _ cmr oF sT. PAU� ��N��� Na OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRBEIiTED�lf COMMISSIONER �AT� WHEREAS, Addittons have been necessary to properly complete the work in the Improvement described as the Installation of Traffic Stqnals at Maryland Avenue and Prosperity Ave. , Hamltne Ave. and Thomas Ave. ; Arlington Ave. and Rice St. , and at Fairview Ave. and Selby Ave. , Compt�bller's Contract No. L-726g-1 , City Project No. T 1018 A, with the CarmomNeatth Electric Company, and WHEREAS� Specifically the value of the following additions is as follows: 1 . Maryland Ave. and Prosperity Ave. $2,166.00 2. Harnline Ave. and Thanas Ave. 4i5.00 � TOTAL $2,5$1 .00 WHEREAS, The total addition is $2,581 .00, s�d the Ccwnmissto�ar of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $2,581 .00 is the correct s�n to be added to ssid contrsct, therefore be lt further RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paut through its City Council approves the addition in the sum of $2,581 .00, said anau�t to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract which amount is to be financed from County Aid Funds in the �mount of $2,166.40 and Municfpal Stat� Atd Funds in the anaunt of 5415.00. OEC � ��71 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co��cil 19— Y� xa� DEC , 9 1� sutaer Carles�, �`'�-L.L�,�,� APPr°o� 19— Levine Favor � Meredith Sprafka � �� A aninat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��